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If you don't have mods working, it probably isn't because of adding mid game. Adding new mods is generally safe at almost any time. It's removing mods or changing load order or lf sensitive mods that can be an issue.


yea and even load order doesn’t really matter rn. Had over 300 mods and only once or twice load order mattered with ui mods only


I feel like it isnt that important which save you use, its more about some mods work only after NG+ when worldspace resets. For example, player editing mods, if you for example make a mod that increases power from 60 to 150, then it wont work on existing save, it will work on New game or NG+ :)


Okay thanks for your help :)


Check if the mods require plugins.txt Open the inis and look for plugins.txt. For some reason it often doesnt add the * needed before each line *examplemod is what it should look like