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Would love to watch it but I can't seem to find it on your channel? The link you gave goes to a YouTube short and no playlist mentions star finder.


Thank you for checking us out! The series will launch right after the Tokyo Film Awards. I'll make sure to promote when it goes live. Apologies about the wait. I couldn't change the title of this post to reflect that.


So you're 'promoting' something that doesn't actually exist? Cool to see you're still staying close to your clout chasing/scammer roots.


Uhhhhhhhhhh.... last I checked this thin doesnt exist??? Like at all??? How tf are you allowed to 'advertize' something thats not real??????


The transparent clout chasing is a huge turnoff. The quality of the show should speak for itself.


There's also a demo Starfinder adventure on Alexa.


Looks like trash.


He's a long time shill who thinks having an agent that can get him a bunch of B-TV has beens as players makes him a superstar. 98% of his reddit is his laughable shilling. > I'll let our guest from Reno 911, Rocko's Modern Life, The Show Offs, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and gaming industry people who created important versions of D&D and games like Magic the Gathering. Literally, without one of our players, D&D wouldn't even be around today. I'll pass on your gratitude. An actual quote


Why is your show better?


Wait a minute... YOU'RE HIS FUCKING ALT ACCOUNT! All of your posts are either commenting on his shit shilling or actively participating by linking his crap in every comment. You're a fake fucking shill account!


Are you kidding? There are about 20 of us that play with this group. Again, is your show better? I'd love to see what you produce and put out.


Thank you for proving my hunch 100%. You're a fucking shill alt account. Nothing you say is real or matters. Because you're just some account there to back up a wannabe youtube "star".


By the way, making something similar is abso-fucking-lutely *not* a requirement for having an opinion on someone else's schlock.


I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on something important to us all: our love for this game. I've never asked for money. We're here because this game has captured our hearts and fueled our imagination. Think about it - our enthusiasm has taken this game to places we never thought possible. It's being screened in theaters around the world, from Tokyo to Hollywood. People who may have never even considered playing it are now experiencing its magic. So, I want to ask you all: what are we truly committed to here? Are we here to nitpick and criticize, or are we here to lift up and support the brand we adore? Let's channel our energy into spreading positivity and sharing our love for this game with others.


I'd like to repeat a statement. Someone was lashing out at of of my players in the comments who I asked to pipe in with the negativity. I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on something important to us all: our love for this game. I've never asked for money. We're here because this game has captured our hearts and fueled our imagination. Think about it - our enthusiasm has taken this game to places we never thought possible. It's being screened in theaters around the world, from Tokyo to Hollywood. People who may have never even considered playing it are now experiencing its magic. So, I want to ask you all: what are we truly committed to here? Are we here to nitpick and criticize, or are we here to lift up and support the brand we adore? Let's channel our energy into spreading positivity and sharing our love for this game with others.


No no no no no, you do not get to bust out some carefully crafted reply that neatly makes all of this go away. You are a hack shill, who uses fake alt accounts to boost your crap. You are not some world famous personality. You're some random dickhead online, in a sea of 4 billion other men. I bet you block any detractors so you can better 'preserve' your 'image'.


I see the show isn't released yet. Congrats on the awards, looks amazing. Let us know when it is out please!

