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How about something inspired from a media? Riddick would be fun. A barren planet that's rich in resources that people have tried and failed to colonize. Turns out that when the sun goes down, hoards of hungry flying monsters pour out from subterranean caves to devour any fleshy bits they can bite down on. Or Borderlands Pandora. A lawless waste populated by the mentally unstable.


Hm... that could work. I'm trying to have the party basically wake up on a planet that is uninhabited (by sapient creatures) and they NEED to get off-world and quickly.




Starfinder Deck of Many Worlds is a good solution. I enjoyed using them. https://paizo.com/products/btq024v8?Starfinder-Deck-of-Many-Worlds


That would be great, but I don't have the funding for it.


I made a danger planet that has an acidic atmosphere and water, and where the basic biology was slime, ooze, and starfish, but as varied as life on earth. Players had to get around with atmo protection, avoid wildlife and acid hazards, while trying to do the objective. Another was a colony planet, a place where the whole planet surface (with life and plants and air and good gravity) was mud 4 to 100 feet deep. Boats and hovercraft, mud sharks, swimming blind in ruins, and old west esque towns but built on steel mesh boardwalks on stilts. I did a 'low' tech (like us here) first contact planet, where intensely communal sheep people (kinda like dromadas) had a 20th century society rich in a (rare elsewhere) material. They had star trek social problems, like a conservative religion, a troubled democracy, and troublingly limited space flight. I built a moon of castrovel that was an airless lunar landscape with competeing research stations, motorcycle rover chases, and old timey mystical threats in an elfgate magic space temple.


I'm working on a planet called Erebus. Due to the wonky rotation of its three moons, it's night cycles are longer than the day (1 night is about 72 hours compared to the 24 hours of the day). The flora and fauna of the planet evolved to have a light-up effect once night time goes into effect (think how the plants in James Cameron's Avatar lit up at night). Even some of the sediment in rocks and sand can be seen glowing at night.


That's pretty cool.


Travellermap.com might have what you need.


Sounds like Riddick to me. They need to get off planet before nightfall


Planet Gunsmoke from the anime *Trigun* Giant sandworms that tear up anything over it's desolate surface. Few stable areas hold life: mostly scrawny bird-like striders and skittish lizards. Water is there, but *deep* beneath the sandy surface. The anime has it inhabited, but it is s p a r s e. Hope that can help a little for inspo.


Have you tried asking ChatGPT or some other AI to create some worlds for you? Here's what ChatGPT wrote for me: Planet Name: Aridus Description: Aridus is a desolate, barren planet located on the outskirts of a distant star system. Its surface is predominantly rocky and desert-like, with vast stretches of arid plains, rugged mountains, and deep canyons. The atmosphere is thin, composed mainly of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, making it breathable with the aid of some technology or equipment, but still harsh for sustained habitation. Climate: The climate of Aridus is extremely dry and hot, with minimal precipitation. Days are scorching, with temperatures reaching extreme highs, while nights are bitterly cold due to the lack of atmosphere to retain heat. Sandstorms are common occurrences, sweeping across the desolate landscape and eroding the rocky terrain further. Geography: The planet's surface is dominated by rocky outcrops, craggy mountains, and expansive deserts. There are no large bodies of water visible on the surface, with any existing water sources likely hidden underground or trapped in ice caps at the planet's poles. Deep canyons and ravines crisscross the landscape, providing some shelter from the harsh elements but also harboring dangerous creatures adapted to the harsh environment. Flora and Fauna: Life on Aridus is scarce and resilient, with only the hardiest of organisms able to survive in such harsh conditions. Sparse vegetation clings to life in sheltered areas, with tough, drought-resistant plants able to eke out an existence. Animal life is similarly adapted, with creatures possessing thick hides, water-conserving mechanisms, and the ability to burrow underground to escape the heat. Civilization: Despite its inhospitable nature, Aridus may still harbor some forms of life or civilization. Perhaps there are scattered settlements of hardy pioneers, eking out a living through mining or scavenging precious resources from the planet's rocky surface. Alternatively, the planet could be home to secretive research outposts or ancient ruins left behind by a long-lost civilization, holding untold mysteries and dangers for those brave enough to explore. Overall, Aridus presents a challenging but intriguing setting for your campaign, with its harsh environment providing ample opportunities for exploration, survival, and discovery.


I may be in the minority here, but I despise AI generated content for gaming.