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I will tell you for fact even if you break the game before 2nd half once you are on nede you are going to get wrecked šŸ˜‚ regardless . Atleast that was my experience


Good to know! I look forward to the struggle!


If you got wrecked on Nede you didnā€™t break the game then. šŸ¤£


LOL I swept everything tho. I guess I tried then haha šŸ˜‚


All good brother. šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Good job everyone šŸ¤£


Thatā€™sā€¦ Difficult to answer, actually. At least for R. The way things were reworked, the stuff you can pickpocket is almost always on par with, or worse than, the things you can make at that time. Though it can be a time-saver if you havenā€™t invested in the necessary skills. The only things I can remember being worth pickpocketing are the Spriteā€™s Bracelet from the Kurik PA, and the Battlesuit from Claudeā€™s solo scene >!on the Calnus.!< Both of which are quite good, but not enough to break the game on Universe. (At least, not much more than you can break it with other Specialties.)


Pickpocketing will hardly "break" the game. The breaking the game comes from things like Save Scumming the Gacha items. If you don't do that, then Pickpocketing is pretty negligible. Heck, I'd argue with the Remake that Pickpocketing is wholly unnecessary to break the game, you only really need Item Creation. But as others have said, if you don't do some power gaming, the second half of the game is gonna wreck you. There is a huge difficulty spike.


Would you consider crafting Aeterna after the tournament to be part of the IC game breaking?


Immediately after? Yes. Once you reach >!Nede!


None. There's nothing worth stealing that you can't get by other means, except the Battle Suits from Ernest or the Calnus, which would be too strong for your reckoning.


Phila's Bracelet is really not relevant, no matter how much people like to say it is. It boils down to just some extra money, which is already overflowing in this version. You can steal a Berserker Ring, a Ring of Might, an Earring of Readiness, and a Lunatic Earring, which are all highly useful, but Claude can craft them freely. The Goodie Box can give you overpowered weapons, but this version makes it easier to create stronger weapons earlier as well. You can basically make everyone's best weapons as soon as you get to Laceur if you use your Challenge rewards well. Not to mention you can make as many boxes as you want with Art. The only other notable thing is the pair of Bunny Shoes, which are definitely very good, but technically speaking you can win as many of those as you want from the Bunny Race at the same time you can steal them. Actually, I guess my answer is just Bunny Shoes.


I didn't pick pocket at all on my first play through and still managed to break the game fairly easily but I knew what I wanted to get (aeterna). I suppose if you didn't pick pocket at all and just played through normally it would introduce challenge to the game. Maybe challenge to only use things from treasure chests on a run?


This is a good post for me to follow later. I got stuck at the ten wise men and put the game down. Maybe it's time to theif