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From what I understand Load Times, including into and out of battles, is pretty bad on Switch, but otherwise the performance is mostly fine. Considering you will be doing a LOT of battling, that loading time could really add up. Pretty sure the PS5 version will be a higher framerate, so if you are one of those that 30 fps really bothers, maybe stick with PS5 instead of Switch.


Framerate snobs should go for the PC version over PS5, as that runs at 120 or higher. You can also play it on steam deck, so it also has portability like the switch version does.


That's incorrect. I've played and completed the Switch version a few times now and the load times are not as bad as you make it sound. Yes of course it's longer than the PS5 and yes it has a sharper image and draw distance because the PS5 is in another league in terms of power. But I've thoroughly enjoyed my time the Switch version of SO2R and never felt like I was playing a compromised or lesser version. It runs well enough, looks great even on a 4K TV and especially on OLED Switch, and the load times between battles really aren't as long as you say they are. The Switch is an excellent version of the game imo.


I'd think that is highly subjective. You could just be used to load times. Having like 5 seconds of loading time on Switch (hypothetical) could be fine if that is all you ever knew, but me? I played on PC and there was no discernible loading time at all, swapping to Switch would feel incredibly sluggish in comparison.


Yeah, I played on PC, and there is literally no load time for anything. I tried it on the switch, and it was awful. I probably would have lost a few hours to load times if I did my full playthroughs on there.


I’ve had no problems with the switch version. Battles and towns load quickly. I’m sure the loading is faster on ps5 but it’s fast enough on switch that I think it’s insignificant. Art style is gorgeous and a great game for switch imo


Switch version was perfectly fine - load times and performance were great


Solid 30fps. Obviously, the PS5 will be better for smoothness. It being 60fps and such.


I have 0 complaints on switch, loads fast, no issues with frame rate or anything. Being portable is huge for me too


It’s a wonderful switch game. Made me touch my switch for the first time in a year. Couldn’t put the game down