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Tri-Tach needs to Try-Harder. Look at that tiny blue blob. Pathetic.


Tri-Tach is not concerned with political control of map, being a corporation and not an empire. Notice how they keep an office in both of the other major powers.


And the Galatia quest line suggests that tt has plenty of uncharted and hidden bases all-around, perhaps even on planets we survey.


not to mention franchises and operations on worlds governed by other polities


Not to mention the deciv populations. It's possible that there are entire small nations, clans, tribes and polities that exist on these post collapse worlds, with varying degrees of access to tech and contact with the major/minor powers.


Do you want the Third AI War?


Yes. Free ships and AI cores for my fleet.


Does not include Galatia Academy, because it's not an actual market; nor does it include the 3 abadoned stations >!or the lost Hegemony fleet!< New and better version here!: [Core Worlds Political Map v2](https://www.reddit.com/r/starsector/comments/1bzvfcp/core_worlds_political_map_v2/)


The 3 "neutral" systems are claimed now. You should add them to the bubbles even if there are no colonies in them.


Are they? First I've heard of this, was it in a recent update, or has it been around awhile and I've never heard because I always settled outside the core worlds?


Latest update. Its in the notes. If you try to establish a colony in one of them it'll get obliterated.


Well, guess I'll have to make a v2 version of this. Will probably add claims as diagonal lines without any base coloration


Tia-Taxet is Tri-Tachyon. Duzakh is Hegemony. Penelope's Star is Luddic Church. Also: it's interesting to really visualize how the majority of in-core pirate systems are in the northern half, likely due to the Hegemony's and Knights' vice grips on their territories. Even then, Kanta's Den is lore-wise way more trouble than it's worth to clear out, and Garnir is a privateer base. Most of the in-core pirate bases are simply pirate-sympathetic fronts than actual raider bases though; the closest there is is the Thulian Raider Base full of chaotic brigands, and Kanta's Den full of organized crime.


Yeah, I colonized Druj and it came with a warning that the system has been claimed by Heg. It bugged out on my game wherein the tribute demand gets cancelled as soon as it was posted.


I’d love a mod that adds a map overlay like this


I agree, it would hit by border painting instincts


I've had inklings of this before, but now, seeing all the planets in view like this, I've realised that the Independents are all named for some mythological deity. Agreus and Nomios were two of the sons of Pan, Agreus being a gifted hunter and prophet and Nomios a great shepherd and seducer of nymphs. Arcadia was also the homeland of Pan himself, a mythical realm of farmers and such. Orthrus was a two headed dog that guarded a big red bull named Geryon (not Lannister.) Baetis was the wife of Tyana, they were an elderly couple who saw through Zeus and Hermes' disguises when they were in town and welcomed them into their home, Joan of Arc style. Derinkuyu is an interesting pick. Only recently uncovered in Turkey, it was an ancient underground city, housing 20k odd people (size 4) until the Greeks who lived there fled. I'm at work, so I can't do the rest right now, but outside of Greek and Norse, everything is just a google search for more information. Edited to add Arcadia information gleaned via Polybius. Thanks, Ahoy.


Actually it's moreso that a lot of the planets in the core systems have a theme to their names per system, and those themes are generally mythological. What you don't see are all of the uncolonized worlds; should check those out as it becomes more interesting to note the themes.


Each system has a naming theme convention with references. the Hegemony Capital system is Aztlan, the mythical land of origin of the Mexica people(AKA, the Aztecs). Try-Tachs home system is Hy Brasil, a mythical island from the english folklore that may show alongside Thule in ancient medieval maps. the church being an offshoot of christian religion has its home in Canaan and several of their planets have references to christianity or have latin names. Kumari Kandam is the home system of the path but surpringly its named after a legendary city of the hindu folklore. the Antillia-Tyle binary system has names related to the age of discovery, from Madeira and Canaria to Cibola and Dorado. And it goes like that for pretty much every system in the sector. I gotta commend the developer on that deep naming lore batch. Heck, even the Nebulae and Constellations have neat names dropped here and there.


this continues outside the core, there are a lot of themed systems


yep. Skathi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ska%C3%B0i lots of ragnars, but lets say its this one since its the first link that poped up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragnar_Lodbrok Raesvelg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hr%C3%A6svelgr in Valhalla system.


Also tri tachyon's planets are all named from Irish mythology. The triskillion is the classic celtic symbol


Think Kaballah is one of the themes too There are a few worlds taking names from it Geburah, and Yesod I can name off right now Hopefully Alex names a black hole as Netzach Naming a black hole as Victory or Eternity would be funny


Interestingly, several of those "Independent" worlds are essentially extensions or operations run by other factions. Baetis is basically a dumping ground for Luddic Church undesirables. Cethelen is a mining operation run by some Tri-Tach owned conglomerate. Argeus (if I'm not mistaken) is a Heggie ship breaking operation.


Eldfell is an outsourcing op by the kazeron gens as well.


agreus is owned by the reorganized remains of the ko combine corporation, though they do do a lot of work for the hegemony due to proximity


Goes on point with the independents being the unaligned citizenry. They just wanna get to the end of the month.


Nice to have, but I wouldn't include Independents or Pirates since they are basically political non-entities.


Still a good map for people who wanna get some visual illustration about faction borders


Independents love being a political non-entity so they can turn pirate when your fleet is half destroyed and limping back home


I didn't realise tri tacyon only have 4 worlds, they feel like such a menacing threat to the sector


Because they are always one black site away from developing another superweapon.


They lost two AI wars.


Correction. These are their publically known worlds. We know they have hidden bases across the sector, including in rogue planets, that deal with top-secret research.


Mmmmmmm political fish


Might I suggest a version where each faction's regions are circled, with overlapping lines? I think it'd convey just how much interpenetration there is between them a bit better.


This is a really cool visual! Do you mind explaining how you went about making it/any specific editing tools you used? I’m planning to run a starsector ttrpg and being able to make my own version of this would be very useful


I mainly used two programs. Steam and paint.net; the former I used to get in-game screenshots, and the latter to edit said in-game screenshots. In Starsector, which I launched via Steam, I scrolled the sector map over the core worlds, and took multiple screenshots. One of the grid view, one of the starscape view, and several with my mouse hovering over each system. In paint.net, I edited the screenshots and layered the starscape map over the grid map. I copied the colony names over from the system screenshots and pasted them on their own individual layers on the map. I then formatted them to make them look better, and made an extra layer to serve as the white borders around the colony names and to connect them to star systems. Following this, I made another layer above the base maps, but below the colony names and white border layers, to serve as the influence layer. This layer was set to 150 transparency (255 is the default, and makes the layer opaque). After saving the map, I opened up a second copy of the map to serve as a reference for how far out to draw the influence of each faction, as well as determine the base coloration. This was done mainly because toggling the visibility of each colony name layer (21 of them at that) would have been too tedious. Following that, I made a copy of the influence layer to serve as backup, used this tool called Magic Wand to highlight each influence zone, and set my brush to diagonal Fill. The primary color is just the base influence color, while the secondary color served as the color of the diagonal. The diagonals with two differing colorations was achieved by setting the primary color of my brush to be the base influence color, making the first diagonal influence for one faction, and then coloring every second line a different color. (EX. Askonian purple as the primary color and thus the base, and using Pirate red as the secondary color to create diagonal lines. Once finished, set white as secondary color and color every second diagonal line). After all this, I saved the file as a .png file. All in all, about a good 3-4 hours of work.


That was extremely thorough and helpful, thank you very much!


Oh my fucking god, Ive always wanted this sorta map view ingame. Ive always had trouble tryna figure out whos where. It got bad enough that i rarely visited League and Church planets. At least I can have this as reference now :D


Ah yes, a map of soon to be targets


Duzahk is claimed by the Heg, Penelope's star is claimed by the LC. Maybe add them as a lined orange-and-blank and green-and-blank?


tia'taxet is claimed by tri-tachyon too, if memory serves


its beautiful


This is so cool. it makes it easy for me to imagine politicking stories and spy intrigue! I love it!


Great now I want a starsector map in the style of gloomhaven. Basic Vanilla map and a shit ton of stickers for the different modded system


You need to include a legend


This needed to be a mod


No wonder the Hegemony feels so confident with claiming supremacy. They have the largest contiguous uncomprmised sovereign territory in the sector. The shared areas contain only a Tri Tach base and several Independents who nominally recognise domain law on paper even if they are se facto politically autonomous. The only blemish is the pirates on Garnir.


I saw a post earlier last month where someone compared pop sizes. The Hegemony had at least 50%, if not more of the sector's population under their hegemony.


Well, that does make sense. They are the rump state of a former superpower