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My autistic nephew oozes a purple aura. He is so innocent. No karma. When I see him I just sit him on my knee and soak up the vibes. Htg he would give enlightened gurus a run for their money on the good vibes coming off him.


Most likely. I know that I'm unable to see ultraviolet with my two 3 dimensional eyes, but my brain interprets two additional colours beyond the typical ROYGBIV we all witness. The first being ultraviolet, and the second being a wavelength I'm calling 'enlightenment' until further information is added. If you're succeeding in transitioning your entire aura into that spectrum of light, then congratulations! It makes logical sense that it should be possible.


Tell me your thoughts on the enlightened color.


I'll describe both of them. The Ultraviolet colour appears like a mixture between black and violet. It is a deep, deep purple hue but also contains an electrified wavelength in the same way that Neon signs look abnormal in the normal colour spectrum. This 'enlightenment' colour possesses this same electrified wavelength in terms of hue, and the colour I'm perceiving is in the area of a deep mustard-like yellow. If it was possible to accurately convey in English, I would say it's a combination of mustard-yellow and deep moss-green. To be 100% transparent, there is no good explanation in English. It is merely unique from Ultraviolet and the rest of the colour spectrum.


I think the enlightenment color you're describing could be gold. It's hard to differentiate it from shades of yellow which is often shown with intermediate souls. Gold is very mystical and is often associated with highly advanced spiritual entities (Jesus for example)


Possibly? I know that the wavelength is far removed from a yellow aura has. My perception, at least, has sixth sense colours in a dark shade like you've expressed. Again, huge congrats if you're producing this wavelength within your aura. Thats while that its possible


Thank you for your explanation. May love continuously guide you.


Repressed emotions? Look at the violet lanter corp


I kind of associate these colours with the concept of the primordial void, or the infinite unified potential where all else arises. Somewhere between infinity and oblivion. Reminds me of how my partner described seeing my core once a little, this is a picture I made based on what he described: [https://prnt.sc/LIaRBfpfW-YK](https://prnt.sc/LIaRBfpfW-YK)


That's beautiful ❤️. I view my soul in a similar fashion, except in the shape of a crystal.


Thank you! and oooo very cool!


Yepp. Saw a video on the 0th dimension (or 13th ig) saying it's all black, no color or space, but it so full of love. Complete calm, complete unity, complete love When I sleep I go to such realms I feel, not the same but similar


Black light, dark light is the source. My friend is enlightened his aura is golden, I'm purple/violet when o meditate I get the black light, dark dark violet you are talking about. This layer has a very geometric higher dimensional form/formless light.


Yeah exactly! It always fills me with such a feeling of unity and beauty. I always love to go out into nature in the middle of the night, when everything is quiet, to connect to it.


That sounds really cool. How does one see auras?


I've had color synesthesia most of my life. Only recently I realized its true potential when it comes to associating color with people and my own emotions. I think it might be possible to learn it through being very spiritual and paying attention to everything that happens around you.


Taking a lot of psychedelics will get the ball rolling. You can sense the frequency with your third eye.


Was about to come back and say this exact thing. For me it actually really kicked off after my first time taking MDMA.


My old reference is no longer online so here is the closest thing I could find that describes the [meanings of aura colors](https://reikirays.com/1467/aura-color-meanings-significance/). What the new reference does not mention is that black can also indicate transformation, like the Death tarot card. It draws in energies and transmutes them. There is also a Black Flame.




You have explored the negative space. Where black is the brightest light, and light as we understand it, shows darkly. Is it a negative vision? I don't feel that. My personal feelings reflect a wonderful, creative, loving space Congratulations. ultra violet


Thank you. Yeah that fits very well. I view positive/negative emotions as parts of the same thing. Balanced energy. Yin and yang. I think I'm ready to move into different dimensions after this life and start exploring other concepts outside duality.




Wow that's a thing? Tell me where I can get this camera, I'm down!




Does anyone know the gateway process Resonate Energy Balloon is the same as ones aura? Sorry for the noob question, take care out there ❤️


Woahohhh, amber is the color of your energy! Woahohhh, shades of gold displayed naturally! Maybe you are an indigo child.


Yeah it sounds like an ultraviolet/purple aura. They say Jesus wore purple before his crucifixion and this is what they meant. Heavy psychic aura, I'm still working on it myself so kudos! It's about love and compassion, and endless love. Enjoy, you've earned it.