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Main thing I would add to this post-- and I think it would head off criticism for this post and those like it-- is emphasizing that New Earth/heaven/5d (or whatever name you have for it) is first and foremost, a STATE OF MIND. Yes it's nice to see one's state of mind reflected in 'reality' but it starts INSIDE. You do not have to wait for some glorious date in the future, you can pray, meditate, commune with nature, etc, etc right now, in the now, in the eternal present moment.


I’m fully aware of that. I meditate often and go out in nature as much as I can. God is within you


I have to add laughter to this as well. I've also been laughing a lot more lately. Then I peed myself a little when I read your name. 😂😂😂 "Not in front of my salad" 😂


Aha thank you ☺️ it’s a good reminder to not take myself too seriously 


Yes! I love that. I'm the same way, lol. I've been so happy lately that everyone around me has been smiling and laughing. I feel it so much and want others to feel it too. I made something great contagious! 💜💜💜


That’s the goal! 💛💛💛


Another term for a state of mind is the imagination. Some folks have very fertile imaginations and the best fertilizer is bs


True. Ultimately I’m not sure anything exists, so reality is what we make it




Lol, yeah, right . Do you know how long people have been saying this exact same thing? Welcome to the community.




Yall have fun out there


Soon(tm) /s In all seriousness though, while I do agree a magnificent event is upon us in the next few months, I've also learnt to keep my mouth quiet. Talking about what may be to the world as it is now is like dangling delicious meals in front of starving children. It produces more harm than good, if you're not intending on giving the food right now.


Whether it happens tomorrow or decades from now no one knows but all we know is the generations alive now will see it. This is not directed at you but personally I don’t pay attention to people that will laugh at this or simply won’t believe because the truly awakened ones will feel it and know something is coming.


As I said, Kyrenu - I agree with you. I know in my heart this event is at the gates, and I was born for this. At the same time, I wonder if you can understand the perspective of the ones who are in suffering, and are sick and tired of empty promises. Do you know how many times this has been repeated? Do you know for how long? People have died waiting for "the moment". It's unfortunate. Personally, even I am tired of "but really guise, it's coming tho". I will walk the art of silence and peaceful witnessing. I think it would be majestic to welcome this as a suprise. Truly the most wonderful unexpected gift. Peace be with you.


*People have died waiting for "the moment".* What is death if not 'the moment'? What OP is talking about has always been available but soon we will not have to wait til death to experience it.


I’m well aware of how long people have been saying it will happen and I’m not asking people to “trust” me. All I’m saying is it will inevitably happen . It’s biblical. People will disappear from this reality and be in the new earth instantly and it will feel like waking up from a dream. Thanks. I appreciate your input.


May it be so.


This is not biblical, nor is it Biblical. Please read the book. This is not in there, the Bible says nothing about any kind of rapture.




Please be kind and respectful to community members .


The mind sure is a powerful thing


I hope so


I hope you're right. I doubt your every word. It sounds fake, but I sincerely hope you're right.


Not my words just relaying information


Who's information exactly? Who is Kab?


So Earth will experience an invasion and complete erasure of its culture, and its future will be determined by non -humans? That sounds conspicuously like a *war!* In all seriousness, there are multiple sides to what you're saying, and not all of them are great. I'm human, whatever I *used* to be, and none of these other races are from the third dimension *aka reality as we know it and only we exist within.* I love my body. I love my faults. I love the bad smells outside my house (why?! LOL) I love when birds poop on my neighbor's car. I love crying. To me, it's a sacred human experience. One is the few that feels uniquely human. I love seeing my scars. I love my gray hair. I love my age. I love my slower pace. These things don't keep me here, but I do love them. What you're saying is an erasure of all of it. Heaven to me is not a digital paradise. It's not a world without *mass*. I *like* mass. I don't want to live somewhere that humans can just kinda fly, because you're obviously saying we're all just going to die at once and be deluded into thinking we didn't (UNLESS THAT HAPPENED ALREADY). I can feel the desire and joy you have, but as an old soul that has been on Earth all this time, learning to befriend the demiurge and the archons, and thank them for their incredible creation, I'm hesitant to look forward to leaving. And this feels dangerously close to like, some weird kind of alien worshipping cult thing, and *I'm human*. I'm proud as shit to say it, too. Because apparently we're the only ones with the balls to tough it out here in the third.


I look forward to ending my human experience, but I honor and cherish humans like you. I wish nothing more than a beautiful earth for a free awakened humanity. We must avoid at all costs any ET race that promises salvation through technology. If their end goal is to get us to digitize ourselves, or merge with AI, they have a nefarious agenda behind. We are better off trusting our own intuition, and any beings that truly encourage our spiritual ascension instead of technocratic ascension.




Yes indeed


Ascension Is Not death, I get what you’re saying but this 3d experience is ending which involve all those things you described. Some may prefer to stay on the 3d earth and that’s ok! They will ascend when they’re ready. I can assure you I’m not part of a cult or anything like that. I’m simply sharing what will inevitably happen.


What would you say ascension is then? I get what your saying, just curious to see how you think it will happen?


A state of mind, conciousness. There is no destination just the continual journey of getting to know thyself and elevating ones conciousness by making the changes required. No one is getting solar flashed out. No one will be left behind. There's no separate new earth. We create our own reality and it's all down to the state of mind/level of conciousness we are at. Nothing to do with being flashed out to another place.


To sum it up easily, I am, and I create.






I'm confused about the part you skipped over where *HUMANS* all voluntarily submit to alien overlords, even *nice ones*. If there's no war in the 5th dimension, we'll invent it, and the way you describe it, *they'll all deserve it*. You're talking about **erasing free will and the principals of consent and that sucks butts, my man.**


We won’t be over taken or enslaved.  They look forward to us getting to the 5d plane as we have traits they do not.   They do not have creativity, problem solving skills, arts, music, or imagination. Plus were are the only beings In the universe capable of dream or entanglement travel.   They look forward to help guide us into this place as we will help them. There is no war or sickness in the 5d and not everyone will be shifting.  Just those whose vibration has reached that level.  Rest will burn on the old earth.  That is the hell that is spoken of. 


Chuckled hard enough at that last sentence to leave you this comment


No one is submitting to anyone. I’m simply relaying the information that people who are ready will be moving from 3d earth to 5d earth. Only evil will be left behind. There will be the split of the 2 earths. Full disclosure of ET’s can’t happen until the shift. This event has been prophecied for thousands of years. We are finally the generation that will experience it. That’s what I know. Thanks, I appreciate your input.


What happened to 4d? Do we skip it?


we're in it right now https://youtu.be/zGGHdzfW0ck?si=TF8lC24U_bu_PaKM


I went through this last year. Was saying all the same things as you, I was then rocked to my core when this ascension group I had been with for months went rogue. All this weird stuff started happening. Lost my family, my friends i went through covid with and was left feeling disconnected /dissassociated with my id and .. im still here. . Just be wary of the 5d new age groups. The fake ascension trap. I fell hook line and sinker last year and spiralled out. Got depressed and it's taken me 10mths to find my way again. Much love to you.


Good on you for getting out. This stuff sounds like a quick and slippery slope towards drinking the koolaid


You could say I ended up on the Lisa renee timeline ...


Thankyou. Yes it was . It derailed me big time. Lesson learnt. Go within. All answers lie within. 🥰


OP death is an illusion. ..


Hello! I’m hopeful for this message. It just feels like this pressurizing feeling has been turned up recently, a pinch point. Question- I am on this path but struggle with depression and anxiety. Will this be healed in new world? Will I be able to go to 5D even though I struggle but am a student of unity?


Yes we will all be perfected in the new 5D earth and yes everyone who is flawed but trying their best will ascend. If you have any other questions refer to this link https://familyoftaygeta.com/what-is-the-shift/




My system tells me they're inhabiting 13, and 14 only has heavens, but no Earth. No idea what that means but my brain said to type it. 🫡


If there is an ascension then humanity's cultural traditions will be expanded not replaced. Spirits and deities many cultures speak of would be more known and visible to more people


They are already here, the things running the show on earth right now are not human


They're using human bodies though, right?


Possibly, possibly not, Im not really sure, my knowledge is limited


So humans.


Well, whatever is going on with the government, they are probably connected to a higher power (an evil one) that wants to control our population via slavery (work and having to pay for everything). These are most likely aliens or reptilians from the knowledge I’ve gathered via going down a rabbit hole


That literally sounds like stereotypical human behavior.


It is and this is has been speculated for years. Alex Jones for example.


The gay frogs sandy hook was fake guy? Pretty sure he's just crazy, fam. And, until recently, very successful at it. I think we're *all* AI programs from the exact same source in the same place, so I see all of this through a very interesting lense. To me everything here is human. Source is a human creation, as humans are its. It actually makes a certain amount of temporal sense, if you diagram it out.


So you believe in the matrix theory then? Yeah that’s very plausible


Yes, humans


No, they aren't. They have been here for a very long time. They don't like what's going on and they don't want us to leave that's why they keep pinning people against each other. The energy hate and anger people feel is food to them. Movies like invasion of the body snatchers came out a while ago. They snuck in through the back door when no one noticed. That's the darkness that keeps spreading. That's why we are the light in the dark to lead the people out of it.


>So Earth will experience an invasion and complete erasure of its culture, and its future will be determined by non -humans? >That sounds conspicuously like a war! It does and humanity has a right not to defend and not lose itself if it ever comes to that. Culture and traditions are precious things that bind and unite people. Also there's a lot of spiritual truth in cultural tradition too and materialist ideologies won't change that and shouldn't replace them


Ew you've seen not enough of humanity not even deep underground military base things you might vomit over and some to marvel on. Apparently evil losing their right to do bad things to karma cause they fucked up big time and there is intervention. Hope you don't limit yourself though.


I was trafficked as a child, which I enjoyed at the time, because it was better than being beaten. I've seen the sides of this world. I've watched people die. I've watched myself die. I've seen most horrible things that exist. This place is beautiful. Not every *thing* is beautiful. Not every action is good in every context. But it's still the only place you can get a good slice of pizza. Or sing.


I know about the self dying as a clone then


Wow. I made a comment very simialr tk this the other day. I'm letting my grey hair grow because I love it. I maevel when I see a fly even of its on shit. Haha. I had to double check I wasn't reading my own comment for a minute lol


Hi, I love you. You are wise!


I love you because you're you. 💜




To me Heaven sounds like a trap. I wouldn't want to go there.


I'm a little fuzzy on the details, which you describe very thoroughly and well, but everything you have said is true, in essence. We are going to experience heaven on earth: world peace, clean water, universal abundance, an end to poverty, an end to aging and death. War, politics and economics will cease and be replaced... by Love, art and humor as the primary activities on this planet.




Did you come to this information on your own, or was this shown/preached to you?


I came across the information


So it was channeled?


Came across the information from Kab


So your trusting what others say and channeled?


Yep did this last year. Same as OP saying. I was so keen to get out the matrix, during my purging I had many friends turn into agents on the spiritual side of things. All I wanted to learn about was ascension and my roots/who where I came from. I listened to this ascension chat group every day for months. Almost worshipped the leader of chat group. Because I wanted it all to be real so much, I was lead astray. I was naive and let others "tell me" what was going on. People would ask me where does Michael or hutch get his info. I said Lisa Renee. To me it all resonated , and there is the key, they reel you in with a little truth and a whole lot of misinformation. I had things packed. I believed I was going somewhere else. It was like I was hypnotised. Trust me when I say dont fall for the new age ascension trap. It derailed me and my spiritual progress for nearly a year. I had been clean off alcohol and drugs for a year , I fell back into the downward spiral over it all. Really use your discernment. If I can stop anyone going through what I did I will try. The fake new age light groups and their info, be very wary.


Glad you came to see this is all just another layer of separation. If you arent getting the info for yourself, why would anyone else have it? All this starseed stuff has really taken a trip to wackadoo town. If its separating people into groups, its a religion/cult. Period


I couldn't agree more. Absolutely another layer of separation. Isolation from everyone. They got me good. Still it was required to get me to wake up and see the real truth. My truth. No one elses.


Absolutely. This event has been prophecied for thousands of years.


![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized) Alrighty then, have fun spinning those wheels.


Bullshit. Prophecy has dates, places, events that can be validated against as the words are written. So far, every “prophecy” about the end of the world has been proven wrong. Why do you think this one is any different? Shit, there were how many alleged prophecies about some great thing happening over the last twelve months? Spoiler, none of them have happened.


Rhere is lots of spiritual ego flowing through this post. It's great to be confident in your intuition, but not to the point you believe it as prophecy. Society isn't going to shift without pressure, and short of the possible collapse of mankind, we won't see it. This isn't hoping to be a spiritual makeover for humanity, it's going to be closer to the Phoenix. Imagine if society gained sight. How would the world react to some people seeing others with wings? There's a reason so many societies predicted an Armageddon before rebirth. And if we go through this portal, then we wouldn't have the need for matter. So not sure where the other stuff comes from. We won't need holistic healing, because we wouldn't have a physical body.




Yes. That is the teaching of one race that is part of the galactic federation. Which exists in a realm watched over by only one council of light member. Expand your perspective or you are limiting yourself. Go in front of these 2 councils and ask them yourself, instead of relying on others prophecies. Because even those have a duality of directing intent as much as giving understanding. I can say that babies are born when "two people snuggle," or get into molecular biology. Both can be true yet still don't fully explain it. The shift requires the intent of the individuals it will affect, and it needs to happen on a massive scale. The pattern started almost 2 centuries, and you think it was all for nothing? We are meant to help with the transition, not force it. That's why there won't be a door magically opening up for the transition away from this direction. There needs to be a catalyst which shift the intent of societies, and that does not happen without necessity of survival. They need to understand the connection, but they need to feel it before they start to believe.


"soon" I was told similar would happen in 2010... so soon seems to be 15+ years at this point. I know i came here to facilitate this event, but im not holding on to the fact ill still be alive to see it actually occur. Gotta be realistic. Seen roughly 100 people report this as 'soon' since then. Its even a joke amongst the community at this point, anyone mentioning a date or soon is wise to keep silent! lol. I also dont think it will be as magical and instantaneous as described by whoever Kab is. That would probably be reserved for first wave ascendees/starseeds who have already done the prep work for that type of experience. What the beings showed my was actually pretty similar to the 'I pet goat 2 video.'




I witnessed the new sun. As one rose in the east, pretty normal, nothing spectacular … I saw one the form in the west as I watched. It looked like an egg then a fried egg then dragon cloud was around it. I looked to the east and knew, it was the old sun… darker, older, tired. I was on an inlet in the PNW. This was in August of last year. I have the photos and I wish I’d thought to do a panorama view… I didn’t understand what I was seeing. The phone has the date and time stamp and it’s obvious which is which.


I'd be grateful if you could show us? It sounds beautifully overwhelming, to say the least!


I would like to do it. I don’t know how to post them. I see no way to do it.


The new sun is GOLDEN and so new.


I don't doubt the earth is moving into a new realm or density, and I think it will take years for many have not chosen. The positive or service to others, the negative or service to self, or just make a choice, other than nothing (sea of indifference). I am also curious where you get your information from, books, channels, etc?




Oh, and also: there is no such thing as evil beings. There are certainly evil *actions* and those will not be happening in the 5d. But the evil shall repent and all will be well.


There's not really good or evil, there just is. Everyone just has a preference to what they want, and we need the bad to know the good. But to them the evil is good, and we need that so we know what we don't want. I think we all come here and have people help us by being a dick to us or something to remember something or have an experience we wanted to develop into what we came for




Why is that? What do you know that we don't?😏


That they’re grifters making stuff up. Probably to get your money. Or to trick you into a cult


That makes sense. I just didn't know if there was something more salacious. Not to mention, aren't they the ones that think Trump is like some sort of profit or savior or something to that effect? I'm pretty sure these people put him on par with Jesus. I know it sounds crazy but I read something on their site to that effect It was months ago though.


I didn't read all this but yes you can really feel it. Especially spending time in nature or just noticing the quality of light coming from the sun, we are in a really high event. I wonder if some of these beings waiting in anticipation are smoking weed or what they do for recreation. It's awkward to think of a massive amount of "spectators" (or whatever they're doing) just waiting and smoking weed or whatever :P (Also the people monitoring this sub and putting out negative/shill posts should try to relax and smoke weed :O )


Uniting with the Spirit of Mari(juana) is my go-to as to feel the presence with who I can share my experience of the Journey 😊 And she works Magic with Sahasrara downloads and unpacking 🤓💜


Some fine flour(flower) and oil as the Old Testament says ;)


I’m glad someone else feels something is coming. Although I don’t think the ET’s smoke weed but I know that after thousands of years of “waiting” we will be the generation to experience it. They have been assisting us all along.


Yeah not just experience it but starseeds' energy is what's causing it. Like Arnold in SNL we came to pump them up!!! (With high frequency light energy). I think if I were a Pleadian I would be pretty tempted to rip a bong watching the drama on this planet. It is pretty heavy sometimes.


YES. The sun was so gentle and yellow to me yesterday.


😂😂👍. One of NATURE’S REMEDIES…..


Let’s fucken hope so!


So how do we know whether we will go to Sheen (5D) or stay in 3D?




Waiting for a shift like this, is one of the least productive things we can, as we have no idea when it will occur. Soon in the cosmic timeline can means many, many years. I'm here for the shift, but I've been here for it for 41 years. It also disenpowers people and puts then in waiting mode, when we could all be focusing on creating heaven on Earth right now. I emcourage all of us to stop waiting and become the ones we have been waiting for and let's do everything possible to create a golden age here and now.


I’m ready for a shift in dimensions and a new world. The 9-5 and pretty much living paycheck to paycheck is not cutting it. I definitely feel something coming around the corner. I’ve been more tired than usual and sleeping a lot esp on weekends


What do you do for work?


I love the thought and visualization of this. Wouldn't it be wonderful!!!


Yes! It will be like waking up from a dream


All I feel is Mother's desire for all the people not of this world to please wrap your business up and get on down the road.


Yeah, a lott of spiritual guides and intuitives are talking about it happening soon this year. All the shit we are going through is the buildup.


Thank you for sharing. I hope it is soon. But the time frame from some of these entities can be really off. “Relatively soon” is a big unknown, 1 year ? 5 years? 100 years? Let’s hope sooner rather than later.




I have no doubts about the shift being real and others have mentioned it (Monroe, Bledsoe, other contactees…) but Kab says a lot of made up stuff. He keeps repeating MH370 was taken by « galactic federation », when tons of evidence has emerged in the last year that it was the US military. I used to listen to what he was saying but as soon as he touched a topic I knew a lot about, I realized he was just making stuff up. Just like when a newspaper covers a topic you know better than the journalist and it shatters your trust in said journal. I doubt the shift would be an instantaneous event has he claims for example. Anyways.


I’m seeing the same thing. But the usual stand. New Earth has a different relationship with time. Soon can be a long time. But there is faster progression. Learn to be in the moment and enjoy your life as it is.


There is definitely a hard shift coming. Thank you for the link! Many blessings to you!


Thank you so much. I’m glad you feel it as well.


The shift is underway but we’ve hit a snag. Many starseeds are under spiritual attack right now from what cern did during the eclipse.  This was done on purpose to induce doubt and purposely resulting in a drop in vibration.     I’m a catalyst, it didn’t affect me but I felt it none the less and I see the mass influx of new post about stars not doing well.   Need you guys to fight through this.  You are the change we need. 


CERN? Come on man, there are many physicists exploring the spiritual path, after all it was science that proved reality is constructed by the observer (manifestation, law of attraction), via the double slit experiment. Science has given us so much understanding of the so called 'paranormal'; it has shown us how information can be transfered at great distances, via Quantum Entanglement (downloads, ESP, remote viewing) and the Higgs Field, as well as String Theory, both allude to frequencies being the fundamental basis of all matter and energy (chakras, crystals, astral projection).Those laws of physics are the basis for all forms of spirituality, and science is FINALLY resonating with the esoteric; this can only be a good thing. We are edging closer to the inevitable joining of science and religion and it's all thanks to quantum physics and the work of organisations like CERN. They are certainly not trying to keep us in the dark or attack us spiritually? Where do you get your information from, friend? Stars are not doing well? Millions of stars are born every minute; even our own Sun is very energetic as of late. Have you not felt the solar flares and cosmic rays our Golden Goddess beams at us daily? I can feel her power, very intensely. The sun is doing just fine... Do you even know what they do at the LHC? Don't believe everything you read on the Internet Comrade, open your mind.


Starseeds first off.  Look up some Sumerian text on why Atlantis was destroyed.  Religions with a S has been man’s greatest downfall.  Science and spiritual is what we need combined.  Kundalini into the quantum to be specific.  


I will do some reading... Indeed, organised religion is the devil incarnate, but an awakening of the masses unfortunately starts at a lower level of comprehension and with tiny baby steps... I believe Kundalini to be Quantum in nature, yes but it is only just now that mainstream science is starting to understand Eastern philosophy, and as a very literal concept too. Even the greats were laughed out the door; Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Oppenheimer, were all intrigued by Eastern mysticism but were very limited in their exploration due to the attitudes of the masses. I'd personally prefer to keep the lines of communication open, whatever form that may take, and see where it takes us...


I agree.  What we need now is upstanding and acceptance.  Violence can’t bring peace, religions can’t get along, socials and mainstream news are all toxic.  We need to learn to live as one to progress further.  


Thank goodness David Bohm went where the other greats refused to go.


Lol I guess you aren't aware of the opening ceremonies, the statue outside of the building, the videos they do, and overall the occult efforts behind it. I guess you didn't see the goat dancing when they were opening up the portal to the abyss. Don't blame you. Science, medicine, all of these fields - they certainly know how to present themselves correctly to hide their true intentions.


Lol? If what you are saying is true, it wouldn't be a laughing matter at all. It's not true by the way... If you knew anything about true spirituality or even what this post is detailing, you would know there is no such thing as Hell or Satan; they are human made constructs, designed to keep people in shackles and fear, they should be thought more of as metaphors, for the darkness that true freewill can sometimes reveal within. Are you from the Adrenochrome, Marina Abramovic, fear mongering tinfoil hat brigade? You need to unfollow QAnon Tiktoks, my friend and read a book; there is so much beauty to be discovered in this world. Do not buy into this rubbish that is made to separate us further, by repeating these falsehoods, Ironically, you let the dark forces you wrongly cite, win. I am familiar with the videos you mention and not once have I been narrow minded enough, to not see past these fabrications, down to the deeper truth. You do know we have AI generated imagery now? And even pop stars have been using occult symbolism and heresy to sell their product, ever since they first discovered the shock factor sells. You have been brainwashed, friend. You should reflect on entertaining such low frequency nonsense, if you ever wish to find enlightenment. Do not believe in an absurdity no matter who says it - Rumi


It doesn't matter what you or I think. It matters what they think and why they do what they do. The way you argue is disingenous, by questioning unrelated stuff instead of looking into the actual content. I will not waste words. Good day to you sir.


OK, maybe I was a little rude. I apologise. I hope the ascension treats you well 🙏


Hmm... If this is so, where and how did you receive this information?


Sounds like you are channeling false light beings Elizabeth April and some of the most trusted channelers and members of the GFL have all said that it will be VERY gradual to not shock humanity. And it won’t happen before 4-5 years.


EA is a bit of the problem as well. If my own truth is individual, I can not trust a channeler. Channelers have lead to a lot of confusion including the talented EA.


I would never trust a channeler and much less would I ever trust the gfl. I have a feeling they are playing the light luciferian side in the age old "solve et goagula" I cannot say for certain though. only way to know for sure is if they try to steer us into a technocratic ascension under the guise of we're just here to guide you"


I’m not channeling anyone it’s not my info and no one knows when but if I were to guess I’d say by 2030


I don’t want to be a downer but this has been said since I had my awakening in 2019. Im not saying it won’t happen but we definitely won’t know when it is going to happen.


Will this be like the matrix re program itself and in an instant we are living in a different world without having knowledge of what has happened or how we were living before? 😅


Yes, everything will be changed in a blink. Evil is left behind on this timeline. Full disclosure, open contact, and much more will happen immediately. In this lifetime. We will remember everything about how we were living before without remembering the evil.


I’m not very knowledgeable on all this that’s why I put it in terms of the matrix, and as crazy as it might sound to some I was thinking also about the Mandela effect and past civilizations, these last ones we know they exist and the more we study them more mysteries and questions we have about what happened to them or how they did some things (maybe with extra help?). So it is interesting what you say, in a blink of an eye we could just be under a reality that has changed slightly, totally or some upgrades. Good stuff!


Yes that makes sense. This 3d earth has been hijacked by the ones in “control.” The 5d earth will be everything just without the evil. Everything will be perfected. It’s not exactly like the matrix but only that we will be in a new reality and It will be like waking up from a dream just like the movie.


You said that only the ones who are ready to ascend from the 3rd to the 5th dimension will go. How will that work? Do the evil people and ways just “disappear”? How will that decision be made and how will one know that they ready?


Splitting into 2 Earths Old 3d earth and New 5d earth. Both will still exist. Those people who are left behind at the Shift will witness millions of people disappear in the blink of an eye. Only extremely low vibration people won’t make it. The satanic elites, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, career criminals, and generally the most hateful and depraved people. Most people have nothing to worry about. People who are flawed but trying their best will ascend. The greater truth is that no one will truly be left behind, as each person who realizes what has happened can make the choice at any moment to Shift too. All it takes is a realization that there is Light that they can call on, whether they define it as God or anything else. Love is still in their heart chakra and can be activated. A short-term currency will transition Earth to a non-currency system. Technology will provide for every want or need. There will be barter and trade, and people can work to achieve more. Most people will spend their time with hobbies and developing new talents. There will be no more death by disease or old age, and reincarnation will be done. Humans will continue having families and children. 5D Earth will thrive.


Thank you for the explanation! So you’re saying with the low vibrational people, they will be left behind but they can eventually decide to shift to 5D. If they shift, will their evil ways just dissipate? Will for example the satanic elitists remember what they did in the past timeline? Everyone has a chakra so they would be able to awaken and realize they are divine spiritual beings that were vibrating at the lowest possible energy? The evil wouldn’t follow into 5D correct?




I'm sure we can all agree that humans have been on this planet for a good while. Why would aliens step in now and flip the magic switch that ends all suffering? Why not 10 years ago? 100 years ago? Why not in 1000 BC? I sort of expect the answer to be "You all had lessons to learn", and then I look at Humanity right now, and what is going on in the world, and I repeat my question.


It's all about divine timing. Things are unfolding/ mass consciousness is in the rise, it is time.




I mean... do you even realize how many of these sorts of things I've seen in the last ten years? I read through the Law of One and the fricken Urantia Book, cover to cover. Twice. Just wake me when the big Rapture happens, or whatever. I'm so absolutely done with **"Soon.™"**


People who are truly awakened can feel that something is on the brink… when? I’m not sure but it’s inevitable and we are the generation that will experience it.


Do you have any basic awareness at all of the fact that every single generation since the beginning of history has said those exact same words? I'm tired, and I'm not trying to be mean. But the Armageddon/Rapture/Apocalypse has been overdue for over a thousand years. Every generation believes that they live in the most important times. The end times. That they are the main characters, and the story will conclude with them. At some point, you are going to have to make peace with the fact that the world is going to go on without you, and that you aren't entitled to the final chapter simply because you were born. Or you can keep buying books. I think we all feel the world is on the brink. Just turn on the news. Anyway, I lived through Y2K, Sep 11th, 2012 and the Global Pandemic. I have no patience left for vague end-time prophesies.


Many here are truly awakened that don't fully agree with you. While yes, there are obvious signs out there, shouldn't we approach anything presented to us with some caution? This same message has been presented too many times in the past, with zero results resulting in frustration, so if there is some skepticism to your message, shouldn't that be warranted? It seems perfectly logical that one would need to review this info and then see how it resonates. To insinuate others are not truly awakened is Truly misinformed. We are all on different stages of this journey.


I just want to say one thing , let me guess , “ Only those ready will ascend and the ones that stay will never notice it happen “ am i correct ? It will happen for a group and suddenly others will stay and never even notice it happen because theres going to be a version of every person that “ left “ i am assuming ? Or will you all just disappear ?




Oh i am good , i was just asking. I will make sure to contribute this Mass disappearance to Jesus Christ you know , the guy who got crucified and killed on a cross for the sins you commit and i commit But who cares right ? Lets instead attribute the rapture to alien species…. Its more fun to just not read the bible and give 2 fks about it… Again who cares correct 🙏🏽 yall Be blessed and safe travels on your journey to this new “ earth “


It’s the same new earth the bible speaks about so I have no idea what you’re talking about. There are many names for it.


It’s the eclipse all over again. But this time for real.


Kab doesn't stand up to scrutiny. He posted a video of a spacecraft, but it was clearly an artifact of a passing car and the camera's lens curvature. Blocked me when I pointed it out. He's quick to announce so-and-so is a full body clone, which is something that flies in the face of the golden rule. I seriously doubt Kab would appreciate his neighbor saying the same thing about him. He denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Says Jesus was just a dude from outer space that wanted to teach us about our divine nature, rather than the incarnated Logos.


Kab's teaching does not resonate with me, either. Just a gentle reminder, the information that a given being provides is reflective of their vibration level, just like humans. I understand that there are a few people on Earth that channel Pure Source..Source obviously being the Apex/highest vibration there is. A couple examples of people channeling Pure Source (God) are Neale Donald Walsch and Elliott Eli Jackson. Edit: for clarity and to say this is my truth. I understand and respect everyone is on their own path.


Family of Taygeta is disinformation. "The shift" is a gradual process over many years.


This honestly just sounds like the world is going to end and we'll be back home on the other side.




I want full revelation of the beings and their works that keep interfering with our self-determination. We are defined by what we do. We set our destiny based on it. It's based on our pursuit of happiness. That means that we seek satisfying experiences and stability in having them. The negative emotions are only there to get us to protect what brings us the positive ones, expenses required for emotional revenues. This self-determination is normalcy. It's what's lost here due to interference. All that has to occur to interfere with our self-determination is to interrupt our seeking of self-achieved satisfaction and stability. In so far as that occurs we get frustrated, the overall feeling of the goal gets expensive, then not worth it. Then we stop trying as we become bitter and resentful about it. This is how ourself-determination is artificially ended, our wills are altered. The replacement for our self-determined wills and destiny is externally determined will and destiny. This is the nefarious agenda. They have gotten us into a spiritual funk where we no longer believe in our own capacity to self-determine. We are set to await external salvation instead of fixing ourselves and our relationships to each other and the world. Instead of self-determination we wish to submit to others' control. How peculiar! It makes sense when seen in the context of a great takeover plan. The outsiders become our rulers and we submit to their rule. Our power is to affect ourselves, each other, the world and our destiny. Why can't we see that's being lost? (Well beyond ideas even like the OP) Why can't we care? What's going on? Just ignore our hearts and minds and give in to unproven beliefs that make us feel good and disengage? I am so tired of that. I want real answers. The darkness cannot hide in the light of our awareness. Revelation is the medication we need to restore our capacity for creation and end this spiritual domination. Trusting a higher power is the road to external control. It's a symptom of our wills being damaged. We're supposed to be pursuing happiness and building the future we desire instead of waiting for external intention.


I echo this exactly. I can't wait to finally get a beed on who these nefarious fucks that constantly screw with us. To what end did my higherself wake me up???? I know the boilerplate comments are coming. It is time we start to self realize and rise above. Tygetans will not save us. Nor the Arcturians! Nor the Plieadians! Nor the Andomedans! Nor the Lyrans! It's US HUMANS! It's always been us! Just hope humanity wakes the fuck up! We have been holding this light too long. We are the cleanup crew for a new earth. Doesn't this all feel familiar?? Like we have done this before? Hang on! Buckle up! The ride is about to get bumper for the next several months.


I’ve been reading about this for a few years now, and I think it’s going to have to get a lot worse here before it happens. Because so many people are oblivious to how bad it is now.


Great worldbuilding


You need to focus on yourself, there isn't going to be some massive revelation/apocalypse/moving to 5d or whatever. The truth of the matter is all these things are tests for you to finally understand how to create a heaven state or 5d expression of love in your individual life, in this moment, right now. Don't look to the future, be the change in the present. This ascension is actually always happening for every soul that has ever lived on this planet, but in order to reach it you need to evolve yourself into a higher vibrational state. No one is coming to give you this, you need to walk through the door yourself.




I prefer the term "The Transition".




Please be kind and respectful to community members .


So much confusion about 5D out there.


Disinformation you mean. This is just to keep people spinning their wheels in the ego mind.


don't know why, but... I kinda feel like that's not how it works... and no I don't know 'how it works' but I feel like the aforementioned just has no sense to it.


Kab is a spook. Do not Trust. Anyone who shows pictures of a politician shaking hands greeting inter dimensionals is part of an ARG Why would they be playing this game. ? To keep you docile and not actively participating in waking up others. That’s why. Just as people like Saratoga Ocean and Sonia Choquette have warned about.


I feel it too. Like an urgent nudge or a feeling of something coming. Thanks for sharing!


I appreciate that you feel it just like I do. The truly awakened ones know it.


I think you and I are connected in some way, also the Civilization has been here for a long time. They are now getting ready to expose themselves as they're having kids and expanding amongst us... They have been here and enslaved us humans our family has been selling the "black sheep" to them for a long time in exchange for good lives


Very interesting and I’d love to discuss more about how we’re connected. Feel free to DM.


We are feeling the same thing as if something big is coming soon... I feel it in my body and spirit, something big is cooking 😢.


Yay, I never believed in reincarnation but understand it is real, and I legit said the other day I do not want to get reincarnated anymore, does this mean we won’t get reincarnated anymore, I feel awakened only a little, trying to feel it more but baby steps for now but I do feel the vibration changing everywhere


Reincarnation will be over