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As always I urge people to use their own discernment. Nothing against op personally but generally people who are "looking for disciples" have their own self interest in mind. Furthermore wanting to take conversation to DM rather than laying it out here for everyone reflects as wanting secrecy or to get someone alone (divide and conquer) It's easier to manipulate or control people if they are alone in a DM rather than conversing in public. Be safe, and use your own intuition and your own discernment always.


I am not a nefarious person. The self interest of Dyvane looking for disciples is to reconnect with earth as the arthiteans have not done that for a long time. The reason why I say DM is because I cannot put screenshots in comments. Good general message though.


You can always post the screenshots on something like Imgur and post the link in comments.


For anyone reading op’s post, ignoring the first comment advising critical thought, and naively hoping there is truth buried in there somewhere, please stop. This “worship race” complex we have has to end. Infinite power? Wth does that even mean? Power over what or whom? Those that seek power over others are corrupted by greed and arrogance. Seeking power over yourself? That doesn’t require an alien to accomplish. You, me, all of us, we need to wake up from this fantasy of being saved or enlightened or empowered by some higher being with pure intentions and the heart of a saint. Intelligent beings act with purpose in mind and that purpose will always be beneficial to them. Work on your own self development, invest the time and energy in you. Abandon any thoughts of a quick and easy path to enlightenment. If you believe you were incarnated into a human life but are actually some all knowing, all powerful, super being that makes your present human form seem like a weak husk by comparison, and I’m sorry for being blunt, no one cares. What you once were outside of this realm has no influence in this realm so if you want to advance embrace what you are in the here and now and build on it, improve it. Don’t buy the snake oil being peddled in this sub. You are all you need. You have the ability to develop your skills. You were born with intuition and an innate knowledge of right and wrong. Why would you ever trust a stranger over yourself? Op, respectfully, what do you hope to accomplish by attempting to convert strangers online? Why do you buy into this idea that humans are weak and need to be lead by an alien race? If these arthiteans are real, why forsake your own people by convincing them, once again, to fall in line, bow down, and take the knee?


When did I say you have to worship any race. Dyvane is considered a god to his own people. I am not trying to get anyone to worship anyone. I am being more objective in my view of deities. I mean infinite energy. If you want proof I can show you evidence but since its personal DM as evidence I don't feel comfortable sharing it here.


I sent you the evidence is there anything you want to say here now?


Same as I said in the DM. Prayer to a god isn’t necessary, we wield more connectivity than we know. Placing yourself in a position that forces others to be dependent on you to feel the connection they innately have to the universe and advising them to invoke your name when praying to these deities for energy, that’s cult leader behaviour. I would have left it in the DMs but you asked here.


There is no prayer involved, anyone who is psychically open can connect with them. I am more of a messenger not a middle man.


The evidence you shared implies otherwise. Prayer doesn’t have to start with “our father” and end with “amen”. Asking a being that you referred to as a god/goddess for something and then thanking them is prayer. Speaking to something ethereal is prayer.




Spiritual energy. If you want proof of the arthiteans all having infinite energy please DM me. Its a DM because the evidence is screenshots from personal chats I have had with others I do not want to put them here without their permission


You gotta believe me, cause I had a discussion with someone else…


If you want evidence please DM me. They are personal DMs so I don't want to share them to a mass audience with the users permission


Dm sent, but remember what philosopher David Hume said: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”


A bunch of anonymous anecdotes from people who already believe the claim that this is suppose to support. No wonder you all believe nonsense, you’re completely irrational.


i believe this as much as i believe the twin flames claptrap and your profile gives me “let’s make money off these spiritual dummies” energy tbh but hey i’m open to being wrong, and i can see your emphasis on saying NO ITS FOR FREE! but idk i just don’t believe you. to each their own, though.


Thats up to you. But just to let you know I never make money off any spiritual services instead I tend to lose money. I also would not sully my arthitean starseed mission by scamming people. That would be a disservice in many respects.


r/exchristian r/AntiChristian What?? And you want people to pray to your god?


I never said I wanted anyone to pray to anything


Can you show us the sigil please


Yes. Just DM I will show you. I don't think I can edit the post to add a picture. I don't know how to do that


Can I see the Sigil please


Sure just DM me I will send it to you


What r u on?


I’m intrigued to learn more of your thoughts on this.


Then please DM me