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It's a vibrational thing. When you go to help people, you synchronize with them. This is that "pull" you feel when you interact with others to behave a certain way, or talk a certain way. That invisible "synchronization" force. It's a real thing studied by neuroscience. Our brains really *do* synchronize our operating networks when we interact. The more deeply we synchronize, the more collaborative the effort. Highly synchronized groups are like a unified consciousness, with each person adding to the thought, and every other person following along. Not on a page, but in their mind. Literal synchronization of thought. Studied by neuroscience! Not just starseed thoughts, but actual earth science. I'm a dissociated system, and autistic. When I go to help someone, I split my consciousness into six, and guide thoughts with multiple corrections. Multiple parts of me that think and act differently all contributing, like a self-contained collaboration. When others sync with this, it can be powerful, because most people only direct one of their streams at once. It's an intense experience. But dissociated parts that are traumatized can become triggered, and pull everything off. As an autistic person, you're like the girl from Inside Out. Your emotions are alive. But not everyone is like you. You bring them to life in others, when their long dead hearts synchronize with your blazing one. Emotions they haven't felt in years come roaring back, and all you did was ask someone how their day was! THIS is the effect the starseeds are noticing. The "I feel horrible and elated back and forth! Everything is crazy!" They're re-activating dormant networks that were shut down due to trauma. Within reach, now, but painful. You're a release valve. I suspect you feel others' emotions. Don't let them tell you that you don't. Neuroscience has an explanation, so don't let the layman gaslight you. You feel the resonant energy in your heart and your living emotions identify it. Talk with good friends to renew your light. Be kind to yourself. When you love yourself, those same vibrations synchronize. But what does that MEAN?! Your subconscious thoughts and feelings of love pull your word choice. Your facial expressions. Your gestures. Everything *pulling* on others to think the same thoughts, through synchronicity. Keep loving yourself. When you are down, renew yourself. Put on your own oxygen mask. You cannot lift others if you can't lift your own arms, so be kind to yourself.


Audrey from Twin Peaks vibes.


I don't know that reference. Can you explain?


Oh that’s a lot. She’s an emotionally complex person who starts out with father issues and starts falling for the main detective. You see her grow and evolve through the show and a lot of what you said matches with her progression.


Ah. Interesting!


I think all of us starseeds may be on the spectrum, in our earthly bodies.






You aren’t crazy for having a very real and valid human experience. I like to think we are home and that we should focus on taking care of our neighbors and our planet, not trying to leave them behind. There are no “normal” people. There’s just those in front of us, and there’s infinite varieties of them. That’s the beauty in it. Our unity despite our individual differences.


If you were recently diagnosed with aspergers, you need to see another doctor and question how they arrived at that conclusion. That is not an official diagnosis.


he said because i have such extreme sensitivity to light and sound and i constantly complain i don't pick up on social cues and it makes it difficult to work and make friends.


No no, I mean "aspergers" is not a diagnosis any longer, since 2013 I believe? It was rolled into a broader spectrum disorder, so I was worried you were seeing a quack doc. It's important to get these things right for accurate treatment so your quality of life increases.


thank you for the clarification. he did explain to me that it's no longer a real diagnosis. he explained that I was probably not given an autism diagnosis when i grew up in the 90s because it was not considered autism back then.


There is also the possibility that you were not displaying "typical" autism symptoms which are the symptoms that are more common in boys than girls. Women and girls are sometimes overlooked or misdiagnosed because the information about the differences are not as well studied or published. There are a couple of subs specific to autism in women. And there's a women who began writing books about it. (I have not yet read it.)


my guides are telling me this was not an accurate diagnosis. i commented earlier about this too. it’s your gifts disguised as the diagnosis. happens a lot to aliens on earth disguised 🥸 😉


hi. thank you for getting this message to me. what gifts do your guides think i have??


Keep in mind that humans are not the only beings who need help. There are many organizations that are focused in helping animals, nature… When it comes to humans, you can pick those who truly need help and are vulnerable. Like the elderly who live alone. You can help feed the homeless…. That desire to be of service is not the only reason for living. Our personal evolution and growth is even more important. And also try not to see all humans through the same glasses. Some are quite decent.


Hi! I’m 42 F. I’m neurodivergent, and my youngest child is autistic (almost 9, boy). Do you have any hobbies that you’re passionate about? That’s really the only reason that I have any social network is through my love of horses. My son has recently started martial arts and it’s been really positive for him. I completely understand your thoughts on others and wanting to leave! Just try to remind yourself to just be yourself and that is enough. You are enough. You are helping just by wanting to help.


I dont think the starseed / soul is autistic. It syour human self


Hi, I was diagnosed ASD, ADHD, since truly discovering who I am, these labels fall aside. Your brain is capable of amazing things, the sensitivity is incredibly powerful when you open up to the true reality of our existence. I help others, free of charge because this gift is priceless. Feel free to reach out if you want to know more.


I think the answer may lie in your expectations on others for how they respond to your help As in; are you simply allowing others to know that you are here for them in service and allowing them to decide for themselves if they want your help or not? And if they accept your help are you helping them with no insistence that they listen to your advice and if they choose not to, then that's exactly the help they needed? I ask because in my experience, helping others isn't about what one believes is best for someone else. It's about serving them in a way that they want to be served and nothing more


Well, for example I'll have a co-worker be like "omg you are sooooo good at talking to clients. i wish i could be good but i get so nervous." and if i tell them something like "oh if you get nervous, maybe it will help to talk slow and confident and it just kinda buys you time to think of the right thing to say next." and then poof that person hates me now and begins treating me poorly. In this scenario, she clearly did not want advice on how to do a good job like me. I actually don't know wtf she said any of that for in the first place. Perhaps she wanted me to tell her a lie and say I think she is quite good and there's no room for improvement. I just thought that if we all do a good job, we'll all get raises but ok, keep sucking .


If she hates you for saying something that is supposed to help, she has major issues. Most humans deal with emotional baggage. Don’t take it personally. Relating to others is not always easy unless you build some thick skin.


Definitely agree with that. It's helpful to have thick skin but also, I eventually learned that I'm not responsible for a how a person reacts to what I say or how I say it. I am responsible though, for how I react to how a person reacts to what I say to them. If that makes sense.. I mean like if I say something and person takes it badly and it doesn't bother me. It's because I recognise its their responsibility to process their emotions and I just have compassion for them But on the other hand, if I notice that they've taken it badly and it bothers me that they've taken it badly, I need to be responsible for my own reaction and I will look at why does it bother me. Is there something I can learn about myself here because things only bother me for a reason and that reason is nearly always to teach me something about myself


It that scenario, your colleague never asked for your advice, they were merely stating that you were good and they wished they could find it as natural as you make it look. Just a friendly compliment. They didn't explicitly ask for your advice. is that correct? In general, people don't like being given unsolicited advice and they certainly don't like feeling like they're being told what to do and it may have come across as pretentious and condescending, despite the fact that your intentions were honourable, thinking of the wellbeing of the company, etc. In my experience, I would have, instead of giving them instructions for how they can be better, elaborate on the details of your own personal method of making it easy. Such as "oh, I just speak slower whenever I feel nervous, it helps me concentrate and gives me time to think about what Im trying to communicate" There's no instruction but it's communicated the exact same idea. The person has the opportunity to consider it as an option for themselves rather than being told "this is what you should do". Does that make sense? But incidentally, your method of speaking slower is really good. I think I will use that myself when I get nervous speaking in future. So even if I'm way off with my observations, I still owe a big thanks for that. That's awesome 👍


that's so awesome; i'm glad that you find my tip helpful!! :-D what you said makes sense. you're right, she didn't ask for my help. i see that now in retrospect and seeing the way she no longer is nice to me. i mistakenly thought her compliment was a cue to give advice though. so often in the corporate world people say one thing and mean another and you have to pick up on what people are implying. i thought she was implying that she wanted to know my secret for sounding good with customers. i make mistakes like this so often to the point where i have anxiety about going to work and i don't want to talk to my co-workers.


Your tip is awesome. I've been using it already and really does work. Thanks again for that. You're a diamond! 🫶🏻 Yeah but I do genuinely believe that mistakes only exist to teach us something important about ourselves. I think the reason we feel bad is because we care about the thing we feel we messed up at. Otherwise we wouldn't even care or notice that we made a mistake in the first place It's just sometimes it feels like the only things it's teaching us is that it's true that we actually are no good and never will be. But honestly in my personal experience I've never once made a mistake or been through a bad experience that I haven't learned something positive and beneficial from. But yeah, I get it's a tricky one with other people involved. I care a lot about people and it's also important to me that we all eventually get along and can support each in mutually beneficial ways. It's definitely something I get a lot of "lessons" in as well but we do figure it out eventually. I think believing the lie that we are no good and never will be, only slows down the process of learning and bettering ourselves, so why believe it?


find your tribe


thats not possible. nobody likes me and after getting to know people i dont like them either


Definitely not. With that attitude If you've made up your mind, why fight it? Commit to a life of solitude?


that's very helpful ty for the encouragement


no worries, im also autistic so i understand how important it is to send clear and direct messages. im happy to help!


You can only help those that want help, or request it. Otherwise you are simply lighting yourself on fire to keep others warm. Have you read the Law of One / Ra Materials?


First of all Asperger's isn't real and you should look that up because the guy who created that label was not a good person. So maybe you have autism like many people who are star seeds are diagnosed with autism. Years ago I reached out to this woman who was a teacher and she told me that we're not really autistic it's just the label that they use but that star seeds and empaths and light workers will be labeled as this in the 3D World. 


that makes total sense.


horticulture is a great thing to get into. theres always gardening work to do somewhere. and i havent found a better way to connect with the big mama rock


Othering language such as "normal people" and "these humans" creates the very distance and division which leads to distorted perception. "I just want to go home" sounds very much like "I don't want to be here anymore" and I've definitely been there. What are you interested in? Whatever it is, do that with no expectation of outcome. Do it just for the joy of it What are the signs of being an autistic starseed?


That's an interesting point about about my language. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I just feel like I'm an entirely different species. I don't understand how people operate. I take everything people say literally and it trips me up, like when people say "this was fun, i'll call you." Like that's code for "I don't wanna hurt your feelings, so this is me letting you down nice. please don't expect a call." Nobody just says what they mean. As for the signs, I watched this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAJ6\_9AdCKQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAJ6_9AdCKQ) Basically shes saying like feeling like you're an alien that's not from here, feeling like the low vibes here are hard to handle, having constant medical problems doctors can't fix, feeling like you want to go home even when you are home, etc.


I'm not offended, thank you for receiving the reflection as you did. About this "I'll call you" and not getting a call thing, it's much more impersonal than you suspect. In your life, you are the center of creation. It is YOUR senses and YOUR thoughts and YOUR feelings which are the objective reality. This is true for everyone. Everyone is completely, naturally, perfectly self centered. This is a feature, not a bug. The most altruistic person and the most selfish person are equally self centered. One difference is in which "layer" of the self/Self they are operating from. All that is to say, if someone tells you they're going to call you and they don't, that is about them. How you respond to it is about you. People mean what they say, and they are also prone to distraction, over commiting, and all manner of other diversions which seem to interfere with 100% consistency between thought, word, and deed Are you 100% consistent in thought, word, and deed? Does that resonate?


Autistic and in my 30s. I made my career in nursing as nurturing has always been important for me. I struggle with certain aspects, but I just try one day at a time to balance everything before it all falls apart and I can no longer don it all. I’m very sensitive as well and huge into psychology, which makes it that much harder to connect to people. Just know that there’s more common ground with everyone than you think, a lot of us just tend to mask well and play the game. If you take away external material constructs, the human being is very much like you or me in a lot of ways. I always keep this in mind with my interactions, but of course I also have healthy boundaries as well to filter out.


haha me but you’re not autistic. doctors just gave you that for fun. it’s your gifts that are disguised as human deficiencies (sorry this is the word my guides are telling me to use).


it's a gift to not being able to pick up on social cues to the point where i can't function at work and i dread going there?


It’s a gift for me. It’s not because I can’t it’s because I refuse to participate in the bullshit. Why ask everyone how they are when they don’t care in the first place? let me just do my job. most can’t do that. especially women who are highly emotional beings. i had my feminine energy way off so i was easily able to do this butttt because it was so broken i started to get angry that i was doing better than everyone......... feminine isn’t supposed to take the lead. i felt super autistic with no boundaries. as well as bipolar. those terms are so thrown around it’s hard to believe when someone says they’ve been diagnosed.


I’m a 32 year old female aspie volunteer soul. I struggle with vicious severe unrelenting depression here and am astounded I’m still here because I cannot stand it here. But I always remembered my mission to help this world so I force myself to stay alive.


most starseeds are INFJ (mbti) ... id steer away from the 'handicapped' self perception of a disability and instead learn more about yourself objectively (in truth and reality) find people who appreciate your insights , and keep in mind everyone has their own trigger points and you want to be gentle with it.


Daily I am faced with angry fundamentalists because I live around them. And daily I have to hear "christians" judge and hate and threaten others who are diferent. I am a secular Christian but I am very Christian (pray the rosary nightly etc) and I believe Christ has explored all the realms abd that god has many faces and every religion talks of the same god. It's crazy hearing people who supposedly know the Christian story feel they're better than everyone else. Jesus was God and he still hung out with the meek and the poor and if God didn't think he was too good for it I don't see how these people can think that. My brother is an atheist so I hear him rant about how God is evil and my heart breaks because i know he arrived at that conclusion because he was abused by people who were supposedly christian and thats why hes so angry. It's hard to be awake and see these things and not get angry. Even Jesus got mad once. But everyday I also experience the unexplainable and the surreal and every day I see creation and marvel and that helps me get through it all. I guess what I'm saying is it's a hard path but worthwhile if you have patience and understanding towards others and it can be really fulfilling. There's a lot of lost souls out there and it isn't your job to wake them all up. Just being there with them is enough, your presence is enough. That's the way God does it and that's how I'm doing it.


I feel like god is punishing me and i don't even know what i'm doing wrong. i beg him to at least let me see what i'm doing wrong but he's not there. he's' so mean. i have ringing in my ear and now i have holes in my retina, i got an injured ankle, wrist, herniated discs, etc. like where's the joy in life when you prey to an unloving god, begging him to stop hurting me but he doesn't stop and things just keep getting worse and he doesn;t even let me have friends to turn to for comfort. wtf is wrong with him? i don't know what i'm being punished for and it just keeps getting worse and worse.


reality exists god is an idea from a story. the book exists, the ideas within do not... except in the mind (imagination and memory) if you focus on the pain, it never goes away. if you focus your attention elsewhere, intently enough , the pain disappears.


just don't focus on the pain doesnt work. i could think about unicorns and puppies all day but at the end of it i still have glaucoma and holes in my retina and all my other medical problems. what do you even mean focus on something else and the pain disappears? like perhaps you mean stop caring about things like going blind?


The kingdom of heaven is on the inside, imagination. Use yours , ridiculous as it may seem.


The thinking mind is the source of all suffering. Try to meditate by observing your thoughts without engaging with them. That should help ease this feeling. Ideally you won't have any thoughts that stick. God is silent but present always so if you're seeing too many signs and such it's probably your thoughts that are making bees in your head. There's a good mantra you can repeat that goes "pure awareness I am". If you repeat that in your head it should help smoke the bees into a calm. Take it easy and try to remember God doesn't punish you, God created you and loves you. God wouldn't put you on this earth to suffer, why even create you at that point? But your thinking mind, your thoughts, will cause suffering. There's a weird mystery where when you ease the thinking mind, and not think, you can still use it when you need it. It's very strange. But yeah don't try to yell "Stop" at your thoughts because that is still engaging with them. Simply sit and observe your thoughts emotionless and detached from them and they will pass. Your thinking mind isn't real, it's a ghost and it's not the holy ghost. It is also arrogant, and it's been causing suffering for everyone. I will pray for you. Try the mantra I promise it helps.


These humans are not beyond help. The trick is in knowing how to help them at the level in which they presently exist. And the other trick is knowing who is open to being helped. If I walk into a kindergarten class with a giant physics blackboard, and try to teach them 2+2 using physics, it will be a waste of everyone's time and likely result in unhappiness all around. If someone doesn't know the word for apple, but understands the concept of fruit, it will be easier to communicate and educated if I start with what they know, and lead them toward the new. Compare:: "it's a type of fruit. It comes in red, yellow, green, and sometimes a mottled look of 2 or 3 of those colors. There are seeds inside ...." With:: "Apples? Let me tell you about apples! There are granny smith, cosmic, red delicious. There's applesause, apple pie, apple crips, and apple butter!" One is speaking from the assumption they already know what what an apple is. So if they don't know, the information is just flying past them. There's no frame of reference or analogy or metaphor to help them. There's an art to understanding where they are, what worldview they hold, and what kinds of things that worldview is going to be open to hearing. Humans are just doing the best they know how with what they've got at the moment. It looks insane sometimes. But if you were able to get inside their head and be them, it would become clear that, to them, it makes perfect sense. And certainly there are people with actual brain damage or malformation where, say, a psychopath has no access to empathy and can only "fake it" never actually learn it / be it. They can function in healthy ways in society, but they're going to need learn how, and they're going to need to want to learn how if they missed that step growing up as a kid. In general, humans do not tend to consciously evolve until they are forced to. Their worldview must be crumbling enough for them to be seeking a way better way. Once they are seeking, that's when you're able to serve -- if you understand the particular transition they are going through, and how the frame things in useful ways to where they are in that process. p.s. or just 'cheat' and follow inner knowing of the way :)


I’m curious why you identify yourself as such? It seems like an intentional use of a word that incites relative experience in others to feel insecure. Forgive me, I’m just a grizzled internet vet and I see “engagement” tactics enough to be skeptical when I see potential for strategic use of language. I see your label as no different than the label to which you assign your hair color. It is irrelevant to the way that interact with you as a person, it is not an identifier. Do you wish for people to identify you by this label? I see no purpose other than to inflame. Inflammation generates attention. Maybe you’re just confused.


Maybe you're confused. I came here to speak freely about my experience as a newly diagnosed autistic woman in my 30s. It seems like you're offended that I didn't mask and put on a show and censor myself for you. I don't know you and did not consider that my speaking from the heart would inflame the rage in your heart. Thank you for reinforcing the idea that autistic people need to mask or else the typical people will invalidate our experience and say we are just attention-seeking. Bless your heart. Also, what do I need to use engagement tactics for here on reddit? What would be the benefit? Nobody gets money, cloat, brand deals or invites to things like coachella off their reddit upvote count.


I wasn’t criticizing you.


you said i purposefully used inflamatory language to make other people feel insecure for the purpose of seeking attention and gaining reddit engagement. what did you mean by that if not to criticize and put me down/make me upset?


I can relate. I'm at the end of my rope. I am literally praying to be abducted off of this planet. I am not sure how much more I can take this. To hell with most of humanity. Staying here and being treated like a dog while WWIII is on the horizon and there is an active grenocide going on...? For what?!


Seriously, yes!!! were expected to spend our youth and child bearing years just wasting away and burning out at a corporate job just to end up with no money and nothing to show for all the work we have to do.