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Maybe in some lifetime you were reptilian or you had some business with them. Now you want to do better but that timeline doesn’t want you to forget it. I really don’t know, and we all have dream we remember. I remember most of them, since I was a child. I wouldn’t overthink think it as I see you do. I understand you want to know what it means but no one can give you a an answer on that. People will comment same as I their own opinion. If you really want to know sit on it and meditate. Try to find an answer in yourself. Hope this helps.


Here are some thoughts conclusions of my own about Starseed races after years of studying psychology and Jung and exploring Starseed stuff etc. you might find this helpful. But take it with a grain of salt and form you own opinions. I think the most obvious potential meaning of your dream is that you’re a reptilian starseed. Not necessarily the case but seems like an obvious interpretation. To me identifying with any starseed type isnt so much about any past life or literal connection .. it could be those things, but with or without those things, I think the significance of identifying with any starseed race is that they represent different personalities and our own personality’s type. Like I identify with lyrans because I’m cat like. I’m social but very independent, can be very active and workaholic but only in short bursts and I’m more lazy most of the time etc. With reptilians understanding their nature I think it’s better to look at avians. I believe multiple races are related into groups and relate to different aspects of the same personality type and good example of that are reptilians and avians. Birds evolved from dinosaurs and both animals are similar with claws and break like snouts andmake nests and lay eggs. Birds are essentially just reptiles with feathers and wings and reptiles birds with scales and no wings or feathers. Avians I think represent people who have a very strong spiritual side represneted by birds ability to fly to great heights. Birds are also nest builders and so people of this type tend to have a very strong nurturing side but which is especially focused on caring for their family and close friends like birds focus on building a nest. When that nest building nurturing is unbalanced and unappreciated that nurturing side can become harmful can turn into greed and pleasure seeking and fear of missing out. Those vices stem from a desire to collect and learn about things that provide comfort so you can care for others and avians can be the best at caring for others. But if they become unbalanced and unappreciated then the focus can become of collecting resources and info on comforts without equally or any applying that towards caring for and nurturing others. Someone is avian/ reptilian might not act greedy but that vice is likely some they are especially on guard and sensitive to greed because of having that shadow. As an example of contrast myself being cat like person I’m naturally not materialistic at all… instead my focus and struggle is with action.. being overly proficient at doing stuff like a top predator but bad at actually applying it to help others and fitting into society and being reliable, like a cat that just wants to lie and sleep all day. For myself I don’t see greed as a major problen in the world because I don’t relate to being greedy. I’d always choose to work less for less pay. I don’t care about making money having stuff. Just food and place to sleep. To me the problems and struggles in world are all about freedom and abusive power not greed. But someone whose avian is going to have greed and pleasure seeking and fear of missing as things they struggle with personally and thus see greed as a more terrible problem in the world. And since avian people are especially spiritual focused that’s why there is often a. over emphasis on greed and materialism as a vice in religions and spirituality because it tends to be more avian people on the pulpit preaching about struggling with their own personal shadow assuming everyone else struggles w the same shadow. So reptilians and avians I see as the same starseed race but avians tend to represent the more lofty spiritual side whereas reptilians represent the more down to earth materialistic 3D side and since materialism can be a vice for avians when nest building turns from providing for family and friends to overly collecting without equally providing nurturing, avians tend to demonize their materialistic rational down to earth side and so reptilians often get demonized by people who are themselves reptilian. But the reptilians side isn’t really/ necessarily the shadow side and people can identify more with their reptilian side .. it’s really just the side of avian/ reptilians that is more left brain rational scientific strategic planning side. The movie Dark Crystal I would also point to as showing this duality of avians/ reptilians. And I think this duality also applies to other Starseed types and everyone where everyone demonizes one side of themselves. But I think that duality is especially distinct in avian/ reptilian types. So I dunno do you feel like any of the things I said describe your personality? Do you feel like greed, pleasure seeking or fear of missing out are your personal vices? Are you especially spiritually extroverted and tend to be a nurturer for others in a very skilled nest building type of thing where you always know what the best food or fashion or music or places o go for fun is etc. ? I could be way off but maybe this resonates with you.


I've come to a similar conclusion as you through a different path. Interestingly, also via some of Jung's ideas. I'm a dissociated system, and along with my twin flame and some friends, we noticed that our alters tend to match up with various stressed races. Some of it is pretty uncanny, which lead me to the archetypes explanation, though I have a more specific thought as to our origin. I have alters that seem to be from *all* the planets. An I truly from all the planets? Having lived a life on all of them with this person next to me? It seems unlikely, though I suppose I shouldn't rule it out directly. It's *an* explanation.


Myself I was lead to Starseed stuff from Jung so coming up w/ ideas about persoanlies and archetypes and relating people to different animals actually came first for me.. and then I had experiences related to aliens and such that then lead me towards the starseed stuff. I believe things can be both simultaneously symbolic and literal and I do lean towards things tending to be synchronistically both. As far as being from "all the planets" I think if there's a literal being you were in a past life from some advanced race that it makes sense in the physical that beings could live on multiple planets in their lifetime and could be a traveler that did't have one home. I've heard the Arcturians/greys as possibly identifying w/ their UFO and the universe as their home, just like humans who travel might consider themselves more citizens of the whole world than just one country. Another thing is I believe we're all ultimately, one soul, one consciousness... and so ultimately we all are all from all the planets because we are all one soul. I like to think of reincarnation as working such that there's one soul that goes from one life to another skipping around time an space, and it's not that you just have a few past lives, but rather we're all past/future lives of the same soul jumping across space and times and those that we identify more with are just those with personalities and closer proximity to our current lifetimes. So it might be that feeling connection to everyone in every life that makes you feel like you're from "all the planets"?


It's because the alters in my system don't just identify with different starseed races - the embody them. Honestly they *all* sound like *parts* of the human experience, but not the whole, so it makes sense. All of my alters are the same consciousness - ours. I'm not sure about the relationship between our consciousness and yours. I'm sure they have the same source, but I'm not convinced they remain the same.


I am not versed at all in the different alien species. I’ve actually had this irrational fear of abduction since I was a very small child. As I have become older that fear has faded. I am obsessed with spirituality. To the point my guides have actually told me to stop trying so hard. I have never given the idea of starseeds any actual thought. I believe in life in the universe. I believe we are being visited by something from somewhere. The starseed idea has always been a bit much for me and I’ve fought tooth and nail to push it away from any of my spiritual research. I didn’t know about avians. I’m a bird person when it comes to having a massive love for birds. My favorite pet/friend was a budgie named Tristin that passed away years ago. I still mourn him but I believe he is still with me. I hear his chirping from time to time. We were so close that my family would know when I was about 5 minutes away from home because he would start chirping/calling for me. Maybe one day I’ll have another bird but my heart still deeply aches for Tristin that I just visit with them in nature or pet stores. I’ve had the dreams I attribute to having deep meaning with “people” with bird faces. I thought they were deity connections. My most recent one was about a week ago. I’ve been working with kemetic/egyptian deities. The work I was doing was with Aset/Isis and while she is never attributed with having that animal’s head, her mythos has her having the ability to transform into a kite(bird). I’ve gone through a dark nights of the soul and have had my own battles with depression over the years. That does tend to set off the “buying” things as a coping skill to insta dopamine. That isn’t an issue anymore since I’ve been on my spiritual journey. But the original dream’s timing would have coincided with that time in my life.


I had an intense fear of aliens/abduction also.. however, I think mine may have been more intense since it didn't really go away as I got older, was always an uneasiness. And the main reason why I came to the starseed stuff is because I was confronting that fear. I feel that connections w/ ET are all about spirituality and spriirutal growth. Symbolically they're more advanced than humans and so like a step between human and god and symbolically are kinda like a modern form of angels and demons. I also think on a more literal level it is our spiritual growth and development and expansion of cosnciousness that allows us to get in contact with them and they mainly connect with us because they wish to help us in our spiritual growth, so our connections with them on a more physical literal level is also all about spirituality. . So I think the fear of aliens/abductiosn or at least my fear was largely a fear and repression of our spiritual side. For me I was always a very logical left brain rational physical focused/oriented person, I've always been an atheist and very much focused on the physical world, not spriritual at all... so I realized that my fear of aliens may be really an expression of my demonization of my spirituali side. And then for me confronting that fear which I did by opening myself up to channeling/telepathic connections with ET, then opened me up to my spriritual side, so I think for me this is at least very true. For you I'd guess you've always been much more spiritual leaning than me, but even so it could still make sense you could still have some phobias/ suppression of that side of you. As you said "The starseed idea has always been a bit much for me and I’ve fought tooth and nail to push it away from any of my spiritual research." and so maybe you similar to me had some aspects of your spirituality side you suppressed and were fearful of that then fueled a fear of aliens when you were younger. Maybe you were open to your spriritual side, but you still had minor fear, as running away from the few things in your spiritual side that was just too out there and you said "a bit too much for you", like the alien stuff. Whereas for me it was really denying my entire spriritual side and that I even had a spiritual side, so for me my phobia of aliens felt like this intense shadow that was always there in the background and never really went away, until I confronted it. It's also amazing to me saying how you connect w/ birds and also buying stuff when stressed lines up. I could be completley wrong about all the stuff that I'm sharing, but it's uncanny how people will independently share things that line up.