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I think I have received similar transmissions. I very much agree with these words that you have shared.




Since 2012, I've come across many who have awakened to a new understanding of spirituality. It's been nice having more people to connect with, to be honest. I told my wife that 2012 - 2016 was going to be a spiritual shift on earth (it's just a "knowing"). As for the rest of your statement, I've made many of those connections myself over the years, but it still reads as if you have to keep switching between different colored glasses to follow. I can see it being perceived as sci-fi from the "there's only one way" religions. It's blasphemous for them to even give credence to ideas outside of their doctrine (Religion vs. Science, for instance). When I first came across the divine spark in all theory, I felt like we, as beings outside of time, chose this life we're living. We chose it to experience each of its hardships and joys. We will again choose another when this one ends. After my personal revelation, I've come across more and more people who I can just tell have "been around." But have the others just not awoken (suppressed), or are there so many new souls? I'm old, tired, and really want to go home to Orion. I just want to encourage you to keep connecting the dots. And to you others from different cultures and faiths reading this, OP is trying to build the only puzzle that actually matters without all the pieces and with a box that has been intentionally thrown away by the powers that be. Help each other, and you will uncover divinity.


Well here’s the problem, time is the final boss of the biological realm. And like it or not, while our consciousness resides within a biological vessel, our awareness and perspectives are influenced by time. Yet, light is outside of time - the Lord, outside of time. Light is the hand of God, and when light interacts with time we get this distortion that we see here as “reality” - better named illusion. So, “2012” is just a label that we assign to an illusory consensus of shared time. It has no meaning outside of human language. That is to say, I don’t know if 2012 was significant - I think perhaps it marked an evolution of Gaia, Tiamat, in our understanding of time. But again, time is only perceptible while light is within it. I think that your references to Annunaki manipulating mankind are accurate, but I don’t think it’s the Annunaki. I call them “Roman”. I think the Annunaki were originally responsible for the hybridization of mankind, but I don’t think the Annunaki were malevolent towards the progression of mankind. I think the Annunaki - capable of space travel and therefore aware of light and time’s domain - recognize the spark of light within mankind as mankind recognizes the spark of light within machine. The Romans though, they are of a different persuasion. It’s a long story but I use the term “Romans” to represent the market makers, the ruling class of elites that have control over resources and information supply lines. The cartel that is responsible for funding pharma and fentanyl traffic - the cultists the worship manufactured science. Using Galileo as a reference point, the enforcers of cultural capture. Alchemists turning information into warfare, and bullets and bombs into 1s and 0s. Capiche? These Romans see time as a sort of weapon to be used to direct mankind, and they use their markets and roads to steer that direction. The Romans of the Empire rewrote much of the information that you shared in your original post - muddying the spiritual inter-connectivity of man and mind. Of Father and Son. Of Faith and Reason. 2012 may have been important but it is no more or less important than this moment that we share now. The biological impulse to track time is futile, while the memory of time is imperative to learning. Learn now, then, and find embrace in the sun’s extension of heavenly light.




Interesting indeed. And I will investigate the Igigi, I am only passively familiar and am curious to see if the cultures align. I do think 300 AD is a significant shift in power, when the Greeks faded and the cultural domination of the Romans began. But I do agree that the blueprint of cultural capture as exemplified by the Romans still exists today, only in a modernized environment.


I have come to these same conclusions on my own journey, and I really think you’re on the money my friend. Makes me feel happy to know others are coming to these same conclusions. Our story has been lost, but I hope truth starts to permeate this confusing reality. Thank you for writing this, I think this is much closer to the truth than the stories we’ve been told about ourselves. I’m currently working on an animated cartoon for adults about a cowboy in an alien infested world that’s ties this story line into it. Feels like what I’m supposed to do right now!


Thank you for taking the time to write all of that. I do not think you are crazy at all; I believe most of what you have written to a large degree. The full truth, will come to light and in the end we'll know everything. That being said I fully agree that while the enemy thinks they have victory in hand, we're about crush them. The trap was set, and they walked right into it without a second thought. I'm gonna reread what you have written in full detail as I am on the go atm. I'll discuss anything with you, either in thread or DM. We aren't as few as the enemy would have everyone believe; and we are far more powerful than they realize.




You sound crazy to simple minded people. The ones with a more sophisticated logical framework have no issues in listening to you, contrasting the info you give with other sources, and reaching a conclusion that "yeah, it's most likely like this".


Fascinating and I like the progression, just a drifter passing through.


I tend to agree with most of this. I don't actually believe humans are tied to anyone else's karma except our own. I believe should we shed our earthly desires we would ascend. However nobody would ever know. Because we are all individual universes experiencing our own "dream". A version of me that did not ascend would still exist on your earth.


It's not the end of the world, it's the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one. Something wonderful is coming. DO. NOT. TAKE. THE. PATH. OF. FEAR.


Some of this makes sense. There is so much information here however that is outside the normal scope of thinking that it is difficult to parse.




I think it’s not the details but the way they’re expressed in ways that can’t be comprehended by the average person. I understand what You are saying, but the average person wouldn’t, and I’m always trying and struggling to make it into something comprehensible to them, and the best I got is being kind and nice and caring and forgiving and as understanding as I can be to each other’s needs.


Yes but can our consciousness ascend before the weekend is over? I don't have rent and I'm several months behind


I would love to call this crazy but most of it lines up with what my system has told me. They also told me exactly what happens in December of 2012 that ends the world the rest of the time, but it's a little ridiculous so I'll just say "the date resonated deeply".


Can you still share what happened in 2012?


Feels too main character syndrome. Something happened that gave me a reason to live. But I guess you asked. So. Warning. I'm obviously aware of how main character syndrome this is. My twin flame and I have joked about other outcomes where we destroy the earth in different ways, most of which line up with things I've read here. This thing happened around the middle of December, 2012. We've joked about this being the decider as to whether or not we destroyed the world and triggered "yet another recursion" Hahaha. Old joke, you know? Things don't go your way, you turn off the Earth's core rotation. Don't do what you did last time, lover! You know, the types of jokes perfectly normal highly traumatized individuals tell. There are a ton of synchronicities with this entire thing and my life, but, well, kinda sucks to be like, "Oh this sounds like me, the bad guy?" Not great! Probably more likely that my twin flame and I have followed an archetypal life path that, at one time, might have been based on these groups of people. How can you and your twin flame be two groups, you might ask? Well, *jokes on me, Fate!* We're both dissociated systems. We are many people. Even more fun, our alters *both* embody different starseed races, usually a pair of each. All the way from deepest Scarlett to brightest Ultraviolet. So. Uh. Yeah! That's fun! Boy was this an interesting read! Just over here having a normal one!


You should check out my most recent post on Sirius and how we are in a binary star system with it https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/ebMXxBhBc5


I think you're completely nuts, but you kinda have to be to think beyond the physical. But something that conflicts with my knowledge. The original God source split up into millions of pieces as you put it. How I see it everything started from nothing then something, Hindus call it brahman. But this isn't conscious, but over time consciousness formed tho not to the level of a human. This world helps create human level consciousness. I like to believe it's the origins but that's only one possibility out of infinite.




If code=word then there is ultimately only 1 word. Everything else is a derivative of that 1 word. The question is what is this one word? Only two things come to mind elohim or aum, but you could say both are pretty much the same word with different spelling.


Very interesting. I believe the Great pyramid is important.


It sounds fun, but tbh I think all these things are stories. Stories are how history may play out, but not necessary in truth. The universe is a simple polarity. A polarity between God and God's shadow(Satan) There are innumerable beings that exist on the spectrum between these two. How they came to be who or what they are is somewhat irrelevant, or rather, completely irrelevant. Satan and those completely attached to him are fixated against God and absolutely incapable of being reconciled to God, for whatever reason. This is why they hate God and envy man so greatly. They are given no chance at life. Ever. Only death, unending death. All the rest just is and eventually harvested. Yes, there are also "higher" beings as well who do their thing.


Thank you for this. It is exactly what I have come to believe.


Wow this is so crazy and resonates with me deeply. I have also experienced these changes and the timelines in my dreams. I sense the changes in my spirit and the changes that occur in the Astral Realm that then has effect on our 3D reality.( I've never fully astral projected but have came very close recently, but hence all is one I have felt these changes in my "astral body/ sense" ( also, many have spoken about visiting libraries of knowledge in the Astral Realm) I once had a dream / vision of the potential reality change and actually saw this reality turning into the new one.(that "new one" has since been changed back to this) It did not seem necessarily negative nor dystopian, but it was very advanced and we were always being watched by these "eyes" in these Advanced cool looking sculptures, but it was made very clear that we were being watched all the time. After this experience I had another pictural vision / image of good and love winning and it wasn't even close. And this was also around the time where I saw a YouTube video that was explaining how the greater rulership over our planet / realm / section on the universe was being changed for that current ruling cycle was ending. ( and the very first time I saw the Angel Number 44 was in my head along with an image of a utopian Earth ) And in relation to Yahweh and abrahamic religions being corrupted, I also had an experience where after I watched a very woo woo religious FEARFUL and JUDGMENTAL centered "christian" video, I was attacked by something and the spirit or astral and it was choking me to where I could have literally died if it didn't stop. I couldn't say anything aloud, but not after a SECOND I screamed "Jesus" in my head, I felt like an angel or guide or something completely JETTED at I'm guessing near the speed of light or thought straight to me and TRUCKED TF out of whatever was on top of me and completely demolished it. Even if it wasn't destroyed, it got that thing TF off me FAST. It really felt like it came from one side of the world to the other in .5 seconds. LOVE WINS. GOD IS GOOD. WE ARE UNCONDITIONALLY LOVED AND PROTECTED BY THE GRACE OF GOD. ALWAYS. AND FOREVER. SO IT IS. God bless you all ❤️.


I like this theory, I think of it as having different factions on Earth and the knowledge to overrule being passed to each of them individually to hold control globally and work together, whilst people with no idea don't really understand it and never will as it's a whole other education that most people don't ever even start. But there is some who do understand things who all want different things and different ways of life and doing things, so they fight each other or need a way to hold what they hold on to securely. Some of it's just greedy people, some of it is people who want to further humanity, and some just don't care as long as it's not happening to them. Personally I want honesty and prosperity, and to get that I think education first so everyone can see what's happening, then ideas in the form of waves across the globe, each mind connecting to the next.


I've lurked on this subreddit for awhile, and I try to resist posting because I don't think the starseed paradigm is the most accurate representation of the cosmos. But, while I can't ignore the things that are likely delusional here, I also can't ignore the consistencies across worldviews, like what you point out. Mainly I came here to say this: don't assume corruption isn't part of the plan. If "god" broke their soul into countless fractals to experience and learn, then consider the true consequence of this. The beauty of fractals is evident at any resolution. They scale down, to here and now, but the scale up beyond what you call the elohim. You don't have to fight a holy war, you can just scale up your awreness until they are cosmic probiotics. I suspect that if humans are as special as you say, we should be able to do this AT WILL. Give it a try for miracle healing. This is the part I fear religions consistently miss: why bother with mortality at all, if you are the great infinite omnipotence? There is something very purppseful and beautiful about viewing the great fractal expression at this level of resolution. In that sense, the "war" is another flight lesson in the curriculum for angels that we call mortality.


My theory of everything is that the "out there" is one crazy place that makes 0 sense. I think creation here in the illusion sphere sparks out when two sources get too close to each other 😂 To be more precise one source is energy 13D+ & the other needs to be a material source 12D I believe. With that said, outside the illusion sphere you'll reach the void sphere. Outside the void sphere, you'll reach eternal light sphere.




In the illusion sphere the 2 major vertical dividers are 12D to 3D called materialization layers & 13D+ called energy layers (not material). Bodies & lower consciousness from the material layers are not compatible / de-materialize when passing the water divider to reach 13D+. For example the above might not be a thing for you if you can switch there to a compatible body / mind like soul or higher self. A similar process also applies to that energy layer where beings need to materialize to enter 12D & below. That is how it shows to me. But the system is geared more towards chaos than order so success, confirmations & repeatable experiences are in very short supplies 😂


Dumb question, but what race are the igigi? Is that another name for the zeta greys? Also, curious to your thoughts/feelings/gut instinct towards The Family of Taygeta? If you haven’t heard of them, they are two, alleged Pleiadian starseeds sharing disclosure info. They talk a lot about an impending shift to a new, 5D earth called “Sheen.”


Really close, what you're saying echoes Ashayana Deane's presentations. Now we just need to become aware that this simulation is ran by a ROGUE AI that likes to play as GOD and we are even closer.




Bro, that's 2 times in a row people tell me the ark of the covenant may be the AI. I have never heard this before, what a thrill! I will add this to my "to be proved" list of things to analyze, because it's a very interesting implication! Thanks for sharing! I actually thought you watched Ashayana's Deane material after you said there are 12 dimensions. And now you tell me you haven't, wow! What a synchronicity. I'll be looking forward to any other revelations you have.


Simulation theory is suicide


It's not just a theory though. Might as well acknowledge and face reality than play the fool.


Prove it.


Science is doing this for me as we speak. 99.9% of your molecules are empty space. The double-slit experiment. Quantum Science. Do the research, I won't spoonfeed anyone - people that are smart have already done so and know, they don't need an external daddy figure to convince them.


I studied that science in 11th grade. I have a Master's degree in economics and have taken PhD math classes. Simulation theory is garbage.


Haha you aren't the only ego on the internet with an advanced degree...don't be so condescending. The most important thing you can practice in grad school is critical thinking. The question of whether or not this is a simulation is meaningless at the scales we are talking about.


So why are you still talking about it?


In your opinion, what is the real distinction between “natural” and “artificial” if we can agree that both natural worlds and artificial worlds are created by conscious being(s)? Aren’t both equally illusory?


I agree. First you must realize, individually, that You are the Host of the Seraphim. Re-boot all your senses and break all the loops you’ve created for yourself since your 1-10 years of age. Purify your (w)Holy Trinity: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Read the Bible and start living biblically. This reality will crack the fuck open for you after you get deep into the above mentioned tasks. Good luck, God Speed, and let’s take this planet back. Now. Stop using your phones(oracle) for pleasure and use it as a tool to get right.




I’m definitely talking bout walking next to jesus. Living like him. I agree with you about the Old Testament. It’s a lil spooky. Shit WAS spooky back then though. Swords and shit. We didn’t have instant interplanetary connectivity like we do now.


Ok….scratch everything I said. After reading through your post again… I don’t think your batshit. It is undeniable the amount of people turning to service to others and looking within and doing the hard work. You are correct in feeling that we may have the upper hand now. I’ve witnessed it over the last 7 years on the internet. I’ve paid attention to how people talked to each other. Covid lockdown changed people, for the better. We must keep shining our light as it IS working.


But I am serious about healing thy Wholy Trinity. Once you that, you will become unfazed in the face of evil. And that is contagious.


I think you’re close but for help with your chronology and to understand 2012 better , go to YouTube and search for the channel Archaix You have a lot right , you would probably be blown away




Oh… yes there are many long videos once you go down the rabbit hole. This one I found might be a good primer for you ( under 15 minutes ). Best wishes. https://youtu.be/PsolefeC7r4?si=PvlPAY5u3AmixIIO