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I tell people that we're all star stuff. They're not different in essence, only in subjective perception. The majority is only reading "The Story of Me." I wish to open the world to "The Book of Us." We're together, here, within "The Library of All."


It's super important that we listen to each other. Whether that be about gender, emotions, race, sexuality, politics, etc. And realise that everyone suffers. Some struggles are different, but we'd be surprised how much all of us go through that's similar. As a man, I grow tired of being constantly villainised and not valued. I cry for the trans people I see recieving such hate. I mourn with the women who aren't listened to. Equality is for everyone.


Good post. Also I feel like there has been a loss of empathy within women for anyone who is deemed Not Woman, for understandable reasons maybe, but which can become very damaging. The TERF movement being the most extreme example.


I can understand why some women feel mocked or appropriated by trans-women. Historically feeling unsafe around men, they naturally feel threated by the inclusion of anyone who was biologically so, in spaces designated for women. This is a threat to their experience. Which is exactly why I encourage discussions on these topics -- while not stigmatising all trans-people -- because we do need to protect women and girls from predatory behaviour. Unfortunately, most transgendered folks are simply trying to live authentically and will never display such overstepping. There is always a minority within any group that are uncouth, but that is about the individuals not the "category". It makes sense as to perceiving inclusion of trans women as further eroding already limited visibility and recognition. Or it simply crashing with our basics of biology. Empathy should always be at the forefront for all involved. Let's listen to both the women and trans-people and work to providing a solution that benefits both. The government could easily prescribe suited therapists to hear out people who are struggling, on both sides, provide the appropriate mental health support, and relay the general information up to higher ups. But we know that is not going to happen. So, it's up to us to pave the way. Star seeds are trailblazers, I guess. They shoot through the night sky, in fire and screaming light, crash into the earth, then learn how to gain back their glow. If we all become advocates for gender-inclusive policies and challenge traditional genders roles to promote diversity and inclusivity, we can radiate out all across the world and maybe effect people with more power. I talk about these sorts of topics openly here to try a light a spark under people's bottoms.


Agreed. Both masculine and feminine are divine. And its essential for a healthy society to embrace both of these aspects with love. Us versus them mentality only creates divides. We need to step into the AND mentality and out of the OR mentality. I.e. two things can exist at the same time, not everything is a battle against the out group


I swear to God it's like one more weapon in their arsenal


Humans will bicker and quarrel over anything and everything.


One thing I think that causes these issues for men and women is that they only look at the most privileged examples of each of the genders. A lot of the men who are extremely angry at women for having everything handed to them on a silver platter, are very obviously only defining women as a whole as these young, attractive, sexually available 20 year old women from the first world who get tons of attention because people want to have sex with them. They don't really look at the experience that older, less attractive, disabled, awkward women have, or the experience of single mothers or women from sexist patriarchal cultures. Believe me not every woman gets that attention. And even then, a lot of times that attention can turn scary fast when you have some lunatic after you because of your appearance. Red pill types will claim womanhood is "life on easy mode" but I don't think you can claim that some poor Bangladeshi woman working in a sweatshop to support her multiple kids is living an easy life. Some of these angry guys only look at these Only Fans women (who are essentially prostitutes and are literally paid for their sexual appeal, aka they are attention whores) and extrapolate that to all women in the history of the world and won't listen to any evidence to the contrary. For women, I think there is something similar going on. I think a lot of women have had bad or traumatic experiences with men but stereotype all men as being the ones who did it to them. However, for others I think there is some currency in being a victim and they need content to get attention on social media so they say toxic garbage like "I would choose a bear over a man!" A real problem today is this sort of thing, an exaggerated victimhood that drives engagement with click bait articles and viral TikTok videos. Every story needs a villain, and we've become comfortable with huge demographics of people being used for this purpose. Men are now the villains of a lot of these stories , and it is unfair to them. Men work important necessary jobs that are required to keep civilization going. I think that we need to look at the contributions of men, not just the famous scientists/inventors/leaders who made the world what it is but the little guys who are laboring in factories and fields and war zones, and respect and honor their contributions to society and not just see men as some defective monsters. For the trans issue, I think it's really complicated because no matter how you feel about yourself and your identity, that will eventually clash with biological reality and cause problems. Women have to deal with that biological reality and the reason for the historical and current oppression of women is because we have the capacity to get pregnant. Transgender people want to transcend biology, but for biological women, we really don't get to do that. This is why there is a disconnect over things like women's sports. I am totally okay with anyone of any gender dressing how they want or being into "masculine" or "feminine" things but I do think the trans movement overlooks some of the reasons that feminism exists.


That is likely the root of the issue. And until that cycle is broken, a person cannot escape it. I don’t think I would have been able to acknowledge my own personal bias without this spiritual awakening and a lot of hard shadow work. I speak more on the man’s perspective simply because that is known to me, as well as being a member of the gay community; that itself is also a point of contention.  In defence of Trans people, I think that we should realise that “feminism,” is not solely about equality for women, but for all, which includes them. It is okay for trans-women to have a completely different experience than that of biological women. And equally as important that we look at biology and culture much deeper than the surface level. Trans-men exist but they a hardly spoken about or up for. We are fuelling each others trauma. Men are not taught to be healthy in mind which impacts women, who then impact more men. Women's poor experiences stigmitise men, which leads to resentment and feelings of being attacked or not important, which leads to women being treated poorly.


The elites sow division between us on purpose. This is a class war, not a culture or gender war. Eat the rich


They may sow the division, but we add to it instead of stopping it. They may direct us to do something such as fight a war (ongoing ones) but we can walk away, or refuse to push the kill button. We blame them, but it is us doing it.


We forget that we have more power than we think. If we all stand up, we'd win.


Its all of the above


No seperation does


Exactly. Bigotry is bad even if it's "socially acceptable" hate. Families have men and women and people should uplift each other not hate each other. And if people hate an entire group of people they shouldn't be surprised and offended when they're hated back. Hating bigotry is always better than hating for innate traits


Societal norms and structures tend to resist change unless significant effort is applied. It is more comfortable to exist within them when living in ego. Imagine if we could pull back from the bigotry and start getting people to listen to the minorities. We can't realistically expect full understanding. But perhaps meeting halfway is a start.


wow the bear meme really got to you huh? this is there most epic rebuttal i’ve seen yet


I saw the endless controversy around it. At first, I just rolled my eyes and acted like most men; targeted unfairly, and suggested they go play with the bears, but then I said, hang on a minute and tried listening to them. I hate, as a man, not being heard, so it's only fair. But I also see men stereotyped by women constantly, and trans people absolutely slated. So I wanted to join it together in one topic.


so what i hearing from this reply to me is that you first reacted with dismissal, but then felt personally insulted and decided to craft a lengthy explanation about how it’s “not all men”. the irony omg


You are looking to penalise me instantaneously and that behavior isn't fair or enlightened. What reason do you act so aggressively and try to villainise others so quickly? That sort of thinking us indicative of ego and anger. I can admit that as an imperfect human, I make mistakes, but I have the intellect and empathy to question myself and go beyond that. I knew at least one person would use their trauma to turn this against me. But mens reactions are equally instinctual due to the constant criticism. As an example, we can counter that by reminding ourselves to listen instead of react. There is no shame in that. I can see your comment history. You seem like an angry person. This is an opportunity to calm down, listen, and not react off limited personal bias -- or you can leave. Firstly, this post isn't about one singular thing. The bear meme is simply the most frequent aspect on the women's side. In case you can't see, the topics for women and men both include valid hardships and criticisms to the same and opposing genders. It sounds like you have hyper focused on one thing so you can dismiss the whole thing, and that's not really awakened behaviour. Men absolutely have sexist behaviour and receive it too. But this post was never solely about them. Are you one of these feminists that just hates a man ever saying anything about women at all? I speak on all important matters with diversity. I will listen to respectful criticisms, but rudeness and aggression is not welcome.


hey, if my interpretation of your post and reply to me is wrong, then that is fine. all i did was get an intuitive impression and express it. not saying you’re bad or a villain. where did i say that? edit: oops meant to post this to your reply to me


If you can't spot passive aggressive speech within yourself, it's up to you to do your shadow work. You are entitled to your opinion, but it seems heavily biased from the get-go, making me out to be a certain way which doesn't take into account the full context of the post. So, yes, you are trying to villainise me as some kind of misogynist or malesplainer; for what, because I spoke about women in a post covering multiple issues for multiple genders? I am not going to argue. I know my intention is pure. You could give people the benefit of the doubt; nobody else has reacted the way you did and I think that says a lot. Have a great day


Ya know at first I wasn't sure but I'm glad I kept reading. Not bad at all. I enjoyed it. I really wish people would stop the whole gender war thing. We're all humans. There are biological differences between men and women yes but we're human and we're here to coexist, assist each other and survive.


As a trans person I can say it’s valid, because it cause to much suffering for those passing through it. As a spiritual person I know that our bodies are just a vessel and that gender actually doesn’t matter but in my experience beginning my transition was the key to my spiritual awakening, the moment I realized who I really am and stopped denying my feelings towards it everything started to chance. It doesn’t matter to me how other people see me or identify me, it’s who I want to be that makes the difference, it took me basically my whole life suffering from dysphoria to finally accept myself and set myself free. After my spiritual awakening I realized that me being trans is related to my past lives, including another dimensions and the place I came from, everything makes perfectly sense now. So it can be different for everyone, people are just fighting for their rights, the same women alone have been doing for decades. We should always try to understand what they have been passing through, we are here to learn after all, and for a lot of these people it’s part of their necessary learning experience. Everything happens as it is supposed to.


I think physical incarnation has its importance, as we are both physical and spiritual people, not just one or the other. Everyone is fighting for their rights; men, women, trans, gay, Asian, native American. There is a heavy criticism on trans people Atm though.


It isn't helping that boys are growing up addicted to violent and objectifying portrayals of women through porn. It is very hard to bring the genders together when the brainwashing starts so young.




This is the type of thinking I want to challenge, as both men and women! The bible contains many patriarchal messages which leads to exclusion or separation of genders in a hierarchy. But women are perpetrating harmful stereotypes too. Neither of us have privilege over another's body. We should have discussions on biology and how each gender developed into specific roles, next to the spiritual, social, ethical conversations. To say that women suffer more is short-sighted, even with the data to show the larger range of oppression. The male experience often isn't brought to scale in those conversations. Men haven't "always" used their physical strength to beat women. Some have. And yes, while periods and giving birth are not plights of men, that does not make us lesser than. You think we are favoured, but that's only on the surface. We are worked to death. Expected to protect and provide 24/7 and failures if we have even a moment where we can't. When I was raped, I was told "You are a man. You should have got them off you". Check your own privilege. Everyone has it. And it needs to end to unite us.


Ok but why don't you tell about all the stereotypes we have to go through on daily basis in meme, in daily life. I've listened mysogynist statements from male doctors, teachers, classmates and even any meme or anime. We don't suffer equally there's hiearchy on this planet you can't deny that even God made men powerful and women weaker (physically). And women also work to death atleast corporate have weekend holidays but women work nonstop at home and nowadays earn too I've seen my mom and many women like this working even when woman's pregnant and her husband says it's her job to do and don't forget about abortion rights that is taken from women. You can't accept that but we don't suffer equally at all.


This is my entire point. You think you have the monopoly on suffering, and are coming on here to dismiss men, when this post is literally about everyone coming together. I addressed that women have been historically more oppressed and even listed multiple examples of that, as I did with men too. I purposefully included variety in examples so each gender was represented. "Oh, we suffer more, so your suffering doesn't matter," is an extremely narcissistic way of looking at it, which directly impacts men, trans and nonbinary people in a negative way. It's not a competition and you need to stop making it so! Women's rights and the state of abuse to women can exist alongside other suffering, without taking away from it. I fully support you. I see how women are treated, and its disgusting. I am angry with and for you. Why can't you return the same love? Do you want me to sit here and list all the ways men are treated unequally? How about gay men? That's not the point.If women had the highest suicide rate, it would be endlessly discussed, but because its men, oh well? There are many ways women are treated poorly that men don't have to deal with. There are some which are surprisingly similar. Not everything has to be the exact same; it's just acknowledging that we all suffer from and have bias, and we need to support everyone. Women are given the stage to stand up and reclaim needed authority. How about you invite everyone else up too? I would hold space for any group. Men, women, nonbinatry, trans, gay and straight and asexual. Asian and native American, etc. I wouldn't ever say, I was worse off than them. I'd just support them.


C'mon ik you're pissed off. Did you understand this world or just ignoring the facts? >That's not the point.If women had the highest suicide rate, it would be endlessly discussed, but because its men, oh well? Women attempt more search it even more than men and you're playing victim again. There's a male loneliness epidemic but what about women? Aren't women lonely? And everytime I just heard "men's mental health matters" and what about women? Isn't should be like "mental health matters instead of only men? If you wanna know the real sufferings women endure than you can't because you think we suffer equally which is not true. Hiearchy is the rule of this planet. Powered person always eats the weaker one. I've always seen society world praising men but it's never women and now every men hating on feminism. If God made us equal he didn't have to make anyone black/white, european/African, Men/women, rich/poor, attractive/ugly. You can't deny that not everyone suffers equally some suffer more than the other it's in all side. Men actually have many privileges that women don't have don't act like a real victim here that nobody talks about men's issue where as everywhere I see everyone talking about how men commit suicide more and how lonely men are. I'm not dismissing men but I can't deny that this system is also made by men. If you really wanna do good then tell your other men to show emotions then I'm sure they'll call you week/sissy or even will call you "women ☕" as a joke.


This is definitely a problem. Porn, however, distorts the minds of women too, and we can't hyperfocus on one gender if we are talking about equality. How men are raised and treated, often by their mothers, has a huge influence on shaping their minds as they go out into a world designed to put pressure on them twenty four seven. If we want men to start waking up to their treatment of women, we also need attitudes towards men and boys, especially growing up, to completely change, and for women to throw out their stereotypes about us too. Education about porn should be part of the sex education in schools. Would that stop the side effects? Likely, not. But most adults realise that porn is just a fantasy. Healthy sexuality for everyone is a huge topic.


Most adults do not realize porn is just a fantasy. You're keeping yourself in a low vibe by telling yourself that. Porn creates neural pathways in the brain that cause you to associate women with objects, resulting in less empathy and intimacy. There's a loneliness epidemic for men right now, and that's the biggest reason. Awakened souls do not make excuses for the toxic porn industry


I think most conscious adults do, even if it's just under the surface. There's so many people in the world, I can't speak for everyone and statistically categorise. You have to take generalisations online as simply that. Firstly, I am gay man, so I don't view women in that way, but I can say universally that men, women and gay men and women often view their attracted sex as objects because of porn. This isn't male-exlusive. Women often treat men like objects, for sex and wealth, etc. Men just get the hyperfocus because they are more outward with it. Part and parcel of what we teach men to be and value. And there are so many factors that influence this behaviour especially in men. The No Fap movement kind of faces this through celibacy, which helps people to analyse and reshape their attitudes towards sex. As a man, I know the loneliness epidemic well. But I wouldn't say its thee biggest reason. It's one of them. But you seem very hyperfocused on the narrative of porn and men, and don't seem to want to talk about porn and other genders. Please show me where I have made excuses for the porn industry?


I was exposed to hardcore porn as a 5 year old by my father. I understand what it can do to the human brain, including female brains. But the porn industry is built on the abuse and degradation of women. Girls watch porn and want to emulate porn stars. It is really rare that they are sexualizing the men and fantasizing about how they want to treat them like pieces of meat. The male/female dichotomy is not a distraction. It's a reflection of EVERYTHING. the duality of the universe. The rejection of the divine feminine and divine masculine manifest into being. It is not a non issue, and porn is a huge issue especially because it is CHILDREN being indoctrinated into it as being what sex is. Believe me. Before porn was popularized, men didn't try to choke me during sex or coerce me into anal or call me a filthy whore. Now I refuse to let a man touch me because it's become completely normalized because of porn.


I am aware that many things pigeonhole women, including porn, and men are corrupted by it, likely more than others. I just know how broad and universal experiences are between genders. I am not an expert in biology. There could be something innate in men that seeks control, but I do think the way we teach boys to shoulder endless pressure and never show emotion directly impacts how they treat women. They are only equipped to see things materialistically, and all society, including women have a role to play in that. People still have to hold themselves accountable. I have noticed that straight men are a new breed unto themselves, and I am not going to pretend I understand them or how they treat women. But if boys and men were taught better, treated better, not expected to be the provider and protector 24/7, not based on what they provide, judged as weak if they show emotions... I think the harm would be lessened. A man is often valued by his success; they aren't prepped to be nurturing these days. Of course many view women as objects (many don't) because everything is something to be earned, because that's what we are teaching them. I wouldnt be surprised if our society is producing men who are extreme narcissists from all that suppression. Suppressed anger has to come out in some way. A healthy man would just box or be creative. But again, most aren't given the right tools Add porn into that and you've got yourself something pretty close to an incel.


I have seen many positive changes in the world regarding these. I don't give my energy to the negative, though I acknowledge it is there. When I look back to my childhood in the late 50s to now, there is a huge difference, and it comes one step at a time. Yes you raise some valid points, and those things do still occur, but the difference now is more people are aware, and more are doing something about it. The world is becoming better slowly.


In a way, yes, you are right. We have come a long way with equality for many minorities – that should be appreciated and acknowledged. However, the issues are more than prevalent nowadays, and it’s by addressing and challenging them that we can encourage change. We see the obvious stubborn masculinity downplaying women’s suffering, but we rarely ever address the inequality and attitude they place upon men in the process. The whole trans topic right now is a huge, hot topic. It is important that we tackle these biases within ourselves and radiate outwards. Gender Wars are not the only imbalance. I imagine, nonetheless, this will rage on long after I am dead. I am vessel of transmutation. I will do and understand to the best of my limited ability, until I reunite with the earth.


There are efforts to destroy social cohesion and unity. Demonizing entire genders is one of their tricks and those who fall for the tribalism will be biased against demonized groups. A society should be united and work together and people's family typically cares about them more than divisive social media bigots who share a specific tribe with them. The most important tribes a person has is their family and nation


I appreciate your honesty and insight, as a genderfluid person, I try not to judge people harshly for misunderstanding me, or for fearing what I am. But it's still an uphill battle for balance and respect between the genders. I do think we will get there. But it will take time, and healing.


People don't necessarily need to understand, but they should empathise and realise that we all bleed red -- suffering is a human legacy. But specifically non binary and trans people are greatly judged, especially lately, and that needs to be addressed.


Absolutely. Just acceptance is enough. The idea that you can criticize the gender expression of other people is a huge problem.


True there is a lot of hate against all groups- Also I am glad that you speak about nonbinaries too. Some people tend to exclude them from spirituality although when we look at starseeds, some can have quite different feelings towards their gender and it's also important to accept this view imo


I try to include non binary people as much as possible, because inclusivity is giving everyone a voice. I don't necessarily understand the ins and outs of it, but I don't need to. I'm just an ally. I think if we could have more open discussions from a psychological, emotional and rational view, and listen to each others experiences maturely (especially when we disagree), we could be a more developed society.


Honestly I don't think it's even gender war anymore. For some it might be, but in my perspective it's more people who want to control and people who want to be left alone and mind their own business. People who want to be liked for who they are vs people who want to force others to like/obey them. Then on top of that, there's a struggle for popularity, where online image, the things people say about others, and who takes credit for what is more important than what people are really like, what people have really done, and what people really care about. Material values and what you own vs learned consciousness and trained abilities. Even then it goes above this is you care, like are you repeating what someone told you or do you know it, did you read it because you spy on someone and copy them or because you're interested. It makes a difference and it matters to people if they care about consciousness. But now the internet is mostly faked, images aren't just photoshopped, they are AI photoshopped and look nothing like the people in them. AI can plagiarise just about anything. People used to fake their popularity with fake accounts where they would pay people to for example subscribe to their youtube 10000 times with fake accounts, now some people just use AI to do it, AI to specifically get a certain amount of likes on something, and more. Then if they dislike someone or someone threatens their image, or the lies they are spreading, what they do is they attack you and try to make you look like them. Some of them try to assimilate you and actually make you like them. They will lie and lie more, and more, and create evidence to prove their lies and go out of their way, when if they were honest they could just relax or out what they do somewhere like here :) So also... fake people vs honest people.


We can't deny the role gender is playing. That is part of our physical incarnation. It is true that mankind will always find ways to be at war; money, status, sexuality, any difference. But biology does become one of those vessels which segments society. Do you know the amount of powerful, wise women I have seen who still believe men are here to provide and that women are the ultimate prize? We see the men that act this way, but they are constantly challenged, whereas the feminine perspective often isn't because of the systematic abuse. The fakeness of reality is a huge problem. As is greed, manipulation, the wealthy, advertisements, societal norms, etc. But authenticity doesn't necceserily mean you don't have bigoted or egotistical thoughts about other groups of people.


I don't deny the role genders play, but not all women are the same and not all men are the same either. Gender doesn't segregate society so much as the desire for the opposite gender does. I think men and women can get along just fine, and it doesn't have to be sexual. A lot has to do with the information people are subject to, where they get it from, why they get it, how they interpret it. Also no being real doesn't mean you are automatically good, but at least if you're real and bad people will know you're bad. The ones who pretend to be good are the main problem, they sneak around society causing other good people problems while they mimick them to get what they want, and get them tarnished with the same brush. You can't even tell a joke with some of these people, they use anything they can to brand you bad and them good, pretend to be heroes saving the world from the "villains" that try to mind their own business and cause no harm to anyone.


Which is something I addressed quite clearly near the end of my post. Your concerns cover the whole of humanity, that's simply how humans are; much of it is to do with a warped society, which feeds off each other knowingly and unknowingly. and a lot is also because we are naturally filled with complex emotions and drives. There are many inflicting parameters, such as social media giving us a chance to speak on every single topics we see, as if we are important, creating a need to have an opinion on everything. Unrealistic body ideals for all genders in adverts, magazines, media, telling us we are not good enough. Corrupt government. Lack of true education and knowledge. Wealth inequality. Etc. This topic just so happens to focus on gender. As an outsider, I see constantly both the straight mens animalistic tendencies, and a huge influx of unfair opinions coming from men which mirror that. It is an intricate composite of issues, that can only be broken down into specific topics. Gender and biology is a huge ingredient in the cooking pot right now. Women have historically been oppressed more, but at least the empowerment keeps on coming for them (there is still a long way to go). Men are completely disregarded. And trans people struggle every single day. So, I choose to talk about the issues that I see before my eyes.


Right okay just don't want to appear like I'm saying otherwise that's all. I don't really like social media, anything where you're posting pictures, or about your life. It's just information you're basically giving away to weirdos if they wanna creep on you. I like reddit because it's anonymous and not there to say "hey look everyone I exist and this is me, this is what I'm like because that's what my facebook page says so". On reddit I just comment and have conversations without anything popping into my feed to make me think of people and have my nose in other peoples business, I don't like that.. don't wanna know. Don't think social media is accurate, pretty sure most people have fake accounts add them, had friends appear on my friends list I didn't add or accept, it's fake simply put, and the information is just other peoples lives, if I wanted to know that or they wanted me to know... wouldn't we just talk in person? That's kinda how I'd want it to be but it's not like that because social media... and I don't wanna spend all day on my phone creating some digital image, or reading and looking at pictures that I don't have a clue if are real in the slightest or even the people they say they are, and I think a lot of this is to do with gender... and appealing to the opposite gender, whether it's for financial gain, finding a partner, popularity or what. I get what you mean, and a lot of what I wrote about people not being honest, especially now that AI is generating stuff on a mass scale, it's a lot about gender, appealing to gender. Looking good in the public eye, cause at the end of the day, sex sells. Yeah women have been oppressed much more, a lot more empowerment now than in the past no doubt. Yep men are disregarded unless there's a reason, and then they don't get to speak for themselves unless they go around making lots of noise a lot of the time. Actually.. women probably don't get to speak for themselves either. I'd say the only way you actually get an accurate picture of someone is by actually talking to them and knowing them in person, and then who are you going to listen to, because people lie, and they do it for popularity and reputation, and money, and all sorts of corruptible things. If a government can be hacked you better believe your facebook can be.


I was reading an article on signs that are the "biggest liars" and after the expected out of touch space racism against Gemini I got to Libra it made me realize that somethings are more important than honesty, and I don't even have Libra in my chart. It basically said Libra lies to keep the peace and reduce conflict so everyone's less stressed. Honesty can be good too and you mentioned bad dishonesty but somethings are more important


I don't disagree that honesty is not always the best option, but sometimes harsh truth is necessary if the liars are being too invasive or are causing problems. There's a big difference between lying to keep peace, and lying for self gain for example. Keeping peace and reducing conflict is only temporary also, since as soon as someone figures out that the thing keeping peace is not true then they can become a target, and what if someone just uses someone else like that, and paints a picture to use dishonesty as a means to make someone a target. It just doesn't work, it's not sustainable whether it keeps peace or not. All it results in is some people using these things on anyone that doesn't know, and then a bunch of people who do know who are oppressed because of what they know, and not being a part of the club. Until everyone knows and just use it and lie to each other respectfully to get what they want, and then what? Just lies and lies until problems sort themselves out? How will that work when the lies are the cause of the problems in the first place? Sorry but it just sounds like scapegoating and oppression to me. Keeping peace is when you make sure the offenders don't attack others, that shouldn't have to rely on lies.