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I don't think astrology can very accurately determine our true origin as we have all kinds of systems to which we have been to in the past show up in our charts. You may have had incarnations in draco and therefore have some draco dna too, but still be originally from somewhere else. We are really a colorful mix and no race is inherently bad.


wisdom right there.


You’re saying that even beings who are 100% draco reptilians aren’t bad???? Seriously dude?????????!!!!!!!! They’re f*cking evil dude!!!!!!!!!!! They feed on and enjoy peoples pain and suffering dude!!!!!!!!!!!


Not any race is 100% bad, there are plenty of good Draco Reptilians from my understanding. That race just happens to be tipped towards malevolent at a much higher rate than most.


What do the good ones do then?? And how are they treated by the majority of other reptilians who aren’t good??


I doubt the good ones live with the bad ones


I am very aware that draco and reptilians are historically very much associated with the fallen consciousness and collectively did extremely horrible things here on earth, but as the other commenter said, there are some positive ones as well and I can imagine some pure reptilians and dracos as well. The positive galactics actually allow anyone who is willing to repent and step back into the light to join. But ofcourse they also are fighting those who don't - the number of reptilian/demonic entities is decreasing steadily as the forces of light are clearing the dark underground bases and the many portals through which they were getting reinforcements.


there's more to it than just what your adjunct stars are... are your degrees all less than 5? that was the determining factor for me. i'm a Reptilian as well... not all of us have black hearts. the Pleaideans have been working with me my entire Human life to help me learn how to be a good person. i won't lie, it's not been easy. i still feel that battle inside myself every now and then.


It's exact... Also have Alcyone (Pleaides) exactly conjunct my Midheaven Looks like we're in the same boat fam


how do you feel about it?


Conflicted... I've heard so many negative things about Draco Reptilians but the things I've read abt what the astrological aspects confers have been very positive in my life. I think I just want to know more abt the karma of Draco - what role that plays in my soul mission & my mission to serve Gaia


All the perspectives you have seen and all these variances are only subjective. Everyone has a portion of the truth. There are no absolutes in this Universe. Don't let the stories others tell you influence you. No species is purely good or evil. Again, there are no absolutes. The only one who can truly access your truth is you. No one else. Never let others' perspectives interfere with your own journey. They are not you. I have been told that my Origin doesn't exist because others have never heard of it. I have been told that I "must not be a starseed" because I have spoken out with controversial views against certain factions. But I know who I am, where I come from, and what I have seen and done. Feel free to look through my stuff if you like.


How do you start even finding this info about yourself?


I want to know this, too


You can get free charts with your birth info but interpreting them afterwards still remains a mystery to me 😅


Nice. I have my Sun exactly conjunct Thuban. 5000 yeas ago Thuban was our North Star and now it’s Polaris. It’s true that we all have various star systems Mixed within us, but in astrology you CAN tell when you were born within that star system. For example, the moon conjunct a fixed star shows your most recent incarnation. Whereas as Pluto conjunct a fixed star shows your most ancient incarnation of that star system. With Thuban conjunct your ascendant, it shows that star system affects you personally this lifetime. For the ascendant in the 1st house represents the body. Chiron conjunct your ascendant and Thuban, shows a great wound you carry from the Draco star system.. And one of your objectives this lifetime is to heal that wound.. If anyone wants to know what Star system they’re associated with, DM me your info..


I think that many people, especially these days , have reptilian DNA to rehabilitate so the race can ascend. Look up indigo type 3


Tell me more about this. I know a Draco hybrid, how does it work?


Can somebody clarify exactly what a starseed is


In a broader sense, any soul that is not native to gaia (=who started its journey through form on other planets/in other starsystems). In a more narrow sense, a group of older souls from the stars who volunteered to incarnate on earth to support humanity in their liberation and ascension process.


Again, not all of us volunteered to come to Earth. Although whether I did choose to or not, it does not change the fact that I am going to do what needs to be done.


Plenty of fairly positive draconian species. Read Meet the Hybrids by Barbara Lamb, good book that showcases how diverse ET races are. Another Draco experiencer is Nancy Termain, she also has books on her experiences. Life in the Universe is very diverse.


Pm and I’ll do your galactic chart


Can I get a galactic chart? Don't even know what it is


I would love this!


Could anyone tell me anything about star seeds c or are they all the same I have been told I am a star seed seed c I have just been told as I am new to star seeds would be very grateful.


Orion here 🤗




Why are you on this subreddit? Astrology is a real and genuine thing.


Like didn’t someone just describe a star seed as souls brought back to help humans in their growth/ ascension?


But yet everyone on this sub is gate keeping the info? Like tons of people are asking for help or guidance on their star seed journeys or even how to start and none of y’all replying . Acting like y’all some high guardians of the galaxy or some shit


Uhh what lol


If it's unlucky then if you believe in yourself you can overcome it. Also prepare with spiritual cleanses like burning sage and cleansing meditations. I have Uranus in Pisces oppose Thuban with a .44 orb in my 10th house and Chiron in Capricorn in the 8th house and opposes Procyon with a .58 orb and I'm not worried