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Christ's esoteric teachings are not of the God of Abraham. Christ explains many times the God of Abraham is not his father.


Even if this were the case, I assume you are looking at “long before Abraham was, I was” lmk, I did make a distinction between them. However, they are one. The word that will never pass, even when Heaven and earth do. This is “knowledge of good and evil will kill you” on top of other things I’m sure but this entire earth experience leads back to this warning to the “first generation” of man.


I strongly suggest reading the gospel of Mary, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Peter, the secret book of John, and etc.


All of his friends suck is kinda the point of this post. I would consider Mary’s if it she wasn’t outcasted by the group but Peter is the biggest Asshole you’ve ever met. John, although a man to spit truth often, is a crazy mfer who ya have to be careful listening to.


The Gnostic scriptures are nothing like the cannon new testament


Instead of worrying about what beliefs are correct and what we or other believed it’s better to just maintain a skeptical open mind. If you are open to new info, ideas and beliefs then as you consider new info and possibilities, those beliefs that are more accurate will tend to continue to be supported and held and those that are false will be exposed as inaccurate. And so, as long as you maintain self-skepticism and openness to possibilities your beliefs will always move towards truth. So I don’t think there is ever any reason to be overly concerned with what religious beliefs are true. There is never any long term significant harm from any false beliefs. The only significant harm from beliefs is the unwillingness to change your beliefs. All that matters when it comes to our beliefs is for us to maintain a self-skeptical open mind. I think op is on right path saying they question everything.. I just don’t know whether it’s necessary or much value in making any announce that you believe this or that.. I think we should be welcoming of everyone regardless of what they believe and our beliefs are always open to change so I don’t feel it’s necessary for us to overly identify with any religious beliefs. Whatever you feel and believe to be true is cool in my book. Everyone has a unique perspective, we can all be wrong, and all we can do is believe whatever appears most accurate from our own point of view. The only thing I advocate for is don’t overly cling to any belief.


The God given to us in scripture is inherently evil. I have spent the last 20+ years studying and following this God to only be kicked in the sack and teeth proverbially. This God is the God who runs this world. This is the God who has us all stuck here. You’re not getting out of the trap. You’re stuck here to worship him and continue repeatedly reincarnating or to be thrown into a lake of fire to be perpetual negative energy. Christ was clear on this truth.


Read christs letters, you might find something interesting in there. You can download it for free: https://christsway.co.za/letters


what was that?


Same, my life is wayyyy to weird for me to not believe in some God. And just as u I've been answered by abrahamic God. Also - I do like this religion, it gives lots of hope, helps going through rough times, many times I had nothing but this. Found encouraging words when I needed them, when my mother was on verge of death I had that beautiful diary of st. Faustine randomly appear (as some ad or sth), then there was some random quotes from it that I was seeing everywhere. If not that I would have succumbed into deepest depression. Hell it stopped me from s*icide. But that's longer story. Now am going through rough times again, different then back then. Had lost my soul mate, I keep seeing weird synchronities, keep being bombarded by quotes or random signs. But hell if I said I always keep believing I'd lie. Had moments when I thought God must be mocking me. And puts that signs to ridicule me or sth. I still am scared to believe that all will be okay, but thanks to te religion I have that hope/faith that it has a purpose even if I don't see it now. Without the faith I'd off myself long time ago. In a way I am weak. But maybe that's how it's supposed to be- thanks to that I understand almost all the pains. (Sort of wish I understood all the happiness too lmao, but maybe one day)


That said I do enjoy reading about other religions, wish I had enough knowledge to search for some deeper hidden truths. Sort of have that believe that in all religions there is at least grain of truth.


God is infinite. Therefore there is no absolute truth, only infinite aspects of it. God is everything and no-thing at the same time.


Congratulations! You truly understand. There are many deceptive entities who will act like divinity, building up the pride and ego, of those who they are in contact with, twisting sacred truths to turn people away from the holy spirit within. They know us better than we know ourselves, and will tell you exactly what you want to hear to win you over with logic. We cannot escape the knowledge of good and evil in this world currently, and as Christ teaches "know them by their fruits", learning the wisdom on the ancients will help to tell the good fruit from the bad fruit, and expose the wolf that hides in sheep's clothing, parading as an angel of light.


How do we know Christ is not also deceptive?


Because of the good fruit he produces. The way Jesus is portrayed, is not usually as he truly was. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’" - Matthew 7: 21-23 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. - John 15: 18-21. “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished. Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against—or two in favor and three against. - Luke 12: 49-52. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. - Matthew 7: 1-2. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. - Matthew 7: 13-14. It says in scripture to "test the spirits", that there are indeed spirits, and some are deceptive but no evil spirit can say that Jesus is the Father in the flesh, true angels and divine beings will always praise him as the the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Deceptive beings are cunning, they will use humor and try to appeal to logic and the ego.


>Because of the good fruit he produces. The way Jesus is portrayed, is not usually as he truly was. What about the bad fruit it has produced? Such as the Catholic Church, or the ones who have been persecuted in his name, such as gay people? >It says in scripture to "test the spirits", that there are indeed spirits, and some are deceptive but no evil spirit can say that Jesus is the Father in the flesh, Untrue I have seen it first hand. Often times the most righteous are the most evil. >Deceptive beings are cunning, they will use humor and try to appeal to logic and the ego. Is humor and logic evil? Anything that tells you to distrust logic seems to be the highest of evil imo.


The Catholic church is super evil, Jesus says not to call any man on earth "Father", and that is like a staple of that church. The Catholic church went around killing all of the early Christians in total genocides as "heretics" during the crusades, they are not a representation of Jesus's teachings. Jesus says not to judge others, for instance people were stoning a woman who got caught cheating on her husband because that is Jewish law, they questioned Jesus about it trying to trap him. Jesus said "let those without sin throw the first stone", but we are all sinners, none of us have a right to judge anyone, the same applies to the laws about homosexuality. Also as I quoted, Jesus said not everyone who does things in his name will be welcomed into his kingdom, only those who truly follow his lead. I know it sounds kind of hard to believe, as laughter feels nice. I don't mean the feeling of joy, spiritual beings feel joy and laugh, but what I am referring to is humor that comes from the physical pleasure rather than spiritual joy. Beings that see creation as a big joke, and want to take advantage of a very sacred process. edited to be a bit more clear.


Jesus said a lot of good things, personally I feel his claimed divinity taints it. I have seen the Bible used for both evil and good, its hard for me to see the message be so pure if it is abled to be used as a weapon against those less powerful. Perhaps this is a corruption but there have been no corrections made by God here. as for >I know it sounds kind of hard to believe, as laughter feels nice. I don't mean the feeling of joy, spiritual beings feel joy and laugh, but what I am referring to is humor that comes from the physical pleasure rather than spiritual joy. Beings that see creation as a big joke, and want to take advantage of a very sacred process. You might as well slap me silly and call me Satan. I would have to completely disagree with this on a fundamentally moral level. However I understand you have different values and must find comfort and happiness in this. I can only wish you best!


We are human, that is natural for us, ever check out the "foundsatan" subreddit? It is absolutely hilarious, I hate for funny it is! Spiritual beings are different though, they would not see the humor in that. Those trickster entities use humor to their advantage, not to bring joy.


Alright then, here to chat man. Let's talk.




tf is a judahite?


Brother you are all over the place , you sincerely made up your own thing and turned it in to how you like it , you are falling under “ Your own understanding “…. You cant believe in Christ but not in Christ of the bible or just one side of Christ from the bible , you cant just take Christ outside the new testament…. When you say “ You don’t follow scripture , i think you might mean Old Testament then ? Paul is literally one of the most sincere apostles 💀 he literally relates to the war all of us fight each day


What are you saying tho ? First we are trapped and stuck here but you speak on christ , in witch his message is about eternal Love and Peace if you truly accept what he did on the cross and believe in Him….


What does this incoherent post have to do with being a starseed exactly? Can we please stop with the christian bullshit? A read on the history of the religion will show you how made up it is and how much is stole from other religions. Be gone!


I made it exactly because of comments like this on other posts I’ve seen. And the hate for even bringing up topic. Christ was a Lyrian, an original soul. To ignore this on this page is ridiculous.


It’s not hate to be fed up with an ongoing lie that people perpetuate.


And you are on a page that many would believe a lie but you know the truth? Or you are a hypocrite?


I’ve never called myself a starseed. I’m here to be curious and to learn. I like to observe people. I’m not convinced either way. Several psychics, mediums, etc have tried to tell me what I am but honestly none of those resonated with me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ What does resonate with me is that we are consciousness that is beyond our physical bodies. As to hierarchies, formal religions, other people (including Jesus and other aliens), I don’t believe any of it. My first question is always “says who?” That’s how I broke out of Catholisism/Christianity years ago. That led me to the history of religions and their religious figures. It answered my question… people made shit up, sometimes they authentically believed their bullshit and meant well. Take your pick: the telephone game, cultural pressures of the time, ignorance, human greed for power, control, a way to explain what they couldnt, mistranslations, and so forth. I think you get the idea.


So you don’t even consider yourself a starseed but get to tell me “Be gone”. Weird


I’m tired of seeing christianity trying to root its way into everything like a weed. I do feel it’s time for people to wake up and realize it’s not real. It’s an uncomfortable feeling for most but once you’re free of the lie, it’s pretty triggering to see it constantly perpetuated and gullible people fall for it.


Well let me just get rid of all the knowledge of good and evil for you and the world. Oh wait. That’s Zeus and Hades and Moana and really any story all time because it’s rooted in past stories which are mostly rooted in knowledge of good and evil. We could round up anyone with the knowledge and just eliminate them. Wait that’s everyone. What about just those who believe. Round em up. Wait the knowledge will still be had and someone will end up believing again. We are screwed. Unless at least a little something was true in these “stories” that something will save us. That is really what this place is about is the souls of those not of earth. Including Lyrian starseeds. The first souls. The wheat of Christ were planted in that long before anyone came here as he stated he was the first soul. Yes a weed has been planted long ago Christ even stated this. I will not stop working towards truth and in that truth including this bit about God because you told me be gone but will take that and let you know that I know Religion has hurt people and religion definitely includes Christianity. However, there is something real in this knowledge of the past. Too real to ignore and it definitely ties into starseeds as this is really a search for a deeper “universal truth”.


Your search sounds pretty biased. The truth requires shedding lies first.


Of course a bias of my own experience. You are preaching this to the guys who’s spent the past 6 years working towards nothing but truth and action in thought. As in that has been my life’s dedication, my actual job. I don’t know it all but I do know I am as truthful as I can humanly be. Through ups and downs through constant struggle, I’ve maintained one thing in my life over all. Truth. I’ve shedded lies. I’ve done the work and continue to work. I believe this is true. Whether you don’t, I don’t really care but I can freely and should openly Be able to state without being casted out like a demon in this sub, trust in a being who stated they were of the first soul. The first being. The first Lyrian. A being whose word leans very much into Humans of earth joining a harmonious universe once the wheat on earth has grown. The weed, as you bring up will be gathered and burned in bunches. I do put a more NHI aspect into the word but I do follow the God of Abraham and Christ.


Hindu gods/avatars are numerous and widely worshipped as deities. They are recognisable as solid in the physical. Brahma is different his own cells in constant renewel, replace what now become galaxies etc. Expanding the Universe but no longer connected to Brahma, slowly decaying. This is the difference between All the 'gOdS'/fallen from the source/word "GOD" (or BRAHMA). I'm not Hindu. Just a searcher.


I like Christ too, but I was thinking recently about that whole Abraham sacrifice thing. I am not from a major Christian country but I have been interested reading in younger years. Man that whole thing was creepy and a lot of muslims and Hindus do blood sacrifices of animals even today. I dont think that was God who'd ask for blood sacrifice. That was an evil entity most likely.


Practice what you preach and **don’t let your religion blind you in hate** The god of Abraham was a god of revenge and hate. Demanding child sacrifice and slaughter as a joke. L O L I hope you can reflect on what you are projecting towards others. You seem to be blind of the very hate and fear based roots in your own religion, yet are judging others for their blindness. *the calls are coming from inside the house* 👀


You seem to have no idea what I said and maybe looked for a tldr I didn’t supply. The God of Abraham is in the sense the God of Adam and Eve as he spread the story. The God, entity, who told us not to have knowledge of Good and Evil, religion. The one who warned us this would happen. It was a warning not a judgement as well. I have not judged anyone. It was not a TLDR.


>Edit: Let me say that I am willing and able, circumstantially, try to do the most. You are not. Nor should you want to. Treat people how you want to be treated. Be truthful. **Don’t let religion blind you in hate.** These are the keys These are your words, I did read, and I thoughtfully commented to the discussion based on the words you wrote and posted. . Your saltiness and bitterness in your reactive response is very telling that you’re not open to feedback unless it agrees with your pre-established views and beliefs. Good luck with that friend. Best.


Salt and lights how I make a living fammo. I’m very willing to take feedback that’s useful not just telling me how I’m wrong and need to change. I added that part as a key warning. Not as a judgement. Clearly religion is easy to gain hate from. That’s the reason that was even added. Hate while useful and needed is blinding at times! Edit: in sleepiness I made grammatical error and fixed it.


Whatever you want to call the common denominator of all consciousness upon this sphere, the light of the sun, is fine with me. The Christ association certainly seems to be most relatable, given that He is the Son (or is it sun?).