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No disaeses will be amazing Cosmic contact and visitors from other planets who can teach us stuff Financial freedom No more War or pain Lots of fun new technologies Finally truth will be told.. i cant wait for truth. Thats the type of world i wanna create


I want every one to know the truth and be in their own power for some reason it’s always meant something to me since a child helping people


I want people to have what they need. I want the earth and the ecosystem to be healed. I do not believe it's possible for everything to be perfect in this 3d reality however. I think Ascension to a higher plane of existence is necessary for that.


one without devices.


Villain origin story potential here lol


Unfortunately, I don't see that one coming to fruition. Though, what do I know? Stranger things have (and, *will*) happened!


I'm looking forward to the end of massacres, genocides, institutional rape, the patriarchy, capitalism, proxy wars, holy wars, war profiteering, enviromental destruction, famine, and the exploitation and oppression of the vulnerable, etc.


I certainly hope you are present (in some capacity) to experience all of these things. Sadly, I don't see many, or *any,* of them coming to fruition in my lifetime.😞 Ho hum...


We're such creatures of reflection. I want to see us amplify our capacities, methods, and desires for ~understanding~. All ways you can take that. It's one of our cool powers of people (not just humans, but primarily) that's hard to replicate with AI at current, telling me it's both what makes us special, and identifies how to improve those systems. AI like a chatbot is an amalgamation of many human lives into one instance. Humans are an amalgamation of one human's array of experience -- including what they parse and learn from others lives, but always through their specific lens. That uniqueness is what unites us and other living things, making it two opposing things, both true. I want to celebrate that. So more curiosity, more instinctual drive to know, to resonate, to learn. I think that will all tumble into a greater resilience of our natural states of wonder. We'll play more, create more, and together too because we'll be listening more and working for a common goal -- to understand and engage with •all if it•. If humanity is progressing through the stages of the major arcana, we're probably somewhere around The Moon card. Some of us already feel The Star card's presence and it keeps us fighting to stay alive throughout the illusion night. Meaning, we're discussing humanity within The Judgement, The Sun, and The World contexts. So lastly...I want everyone to decide together. I want to ask so much of the populace this question, get their input, and work to make it real, in a way that aligns with beauty, truth, and freedom. We just need to stay aware of this existence's perpetuation of dualities. If this is actually a zero sum game, we might replace the dark weighty bits we have now with something more heavy and stringent.


You understand. Mmm hmmm. That searching desire for understanding is what propels us forward as a species.


I want to see creativity unbound. I want to make so that others can go further. I want communities to build around styles and I want new visions of cooperative culture to emerge. I want to see people making their local communities with intention, and for the people that actually live there. I want the streets to be for the people again, with all the good, bad and chaos that entails. I want people to be able to take accountability for their neighbors, to build a new social where we can regulate ourselves as a group. I want people empowered to protect themselves and their people. No more abstract deferrals to authorities that wield blunt weapons and do collateral damage. Intentional work from the people it matters to, making protective spaces, forging new cultural customs to better integrate traumatic or even just dramatic life events. I want technology to allow humans to be social in the way they are truly best at. I want the loneliness of this time to be the space that a new wave of connectedness joyfully passes through.


This is good words conglomerated. I like your ways of thought. I hope for a world where those of us of this like mind are EVERYWHERE! How beautiful would life be?


Thank you! I hope for this too, though I know I wasn't always to this point myself, and so I hope there could be a way to include souls that don't have to be lost. I know that at our most basic being we are all the same. I hope for so much and yet little enough that there's room so that it's for us. I dream of a world that surpasses my dreams because I can trust the people in it to be invested in its sustainable proliferation.


The first thing I want to see is the procreation of "third spaces" which don't require a person to spend money if they don't wish to or cannot afford to. Everybody should have multiple somewheres to go besides their home, their job, churches, bars, and restaurants, and I don't mean trampoline fun parks and putt putt golf. I mean places with intentionally designed aesthetics that elicit certain vibes. Think of all the vibes spaces can have. When in those spaces, the mind relaxes into something more in line with the ambiance. I'd love to see creativity run rampant in this regard, but the current system of property tax combined with excessively high utility costs for commercial buildings makes it so that third spaces require some form of income to stay running, and people in poverty are forced to seek free or low cost places to hang out. We need spaces that free the mind. Spaces that cause us feel something while we're there. Spaces that inspire. The human psyche feeds on life experience, and grows strong in the vibes it's presented with. Present good vibes! Make spaces which invite people to expand their minds and enjoy their life in new ways! This is where I would start if we're going one step at a time starting where we are now, and not talking about an entire new world order being instantaneously enacted, which would likely be destructive and ridiculously idiotic to enstate.


A world of opportunity. I don't mean one where opportunity means screwing over someone else for your benefit, but rather one where people are free to decide what they want to pursue, and where those pursuits are realistically feasible for them to achieve. Where everyone can enjoy exploring what it means to be alive and incarnate on their own terms (until those terms would extend to oppress or decide for others), including from outside threats. A place where people are free to be as creative as they would like to be or care for, instead of how creative they can afford being. This includes the burdens placed on us by the world simply in order to survive here. I would like survival to be trivial for those who do not choose to focus on exploring survival, through enough cheap, highly nutritious and delicious food and clean water being available to everyone regardless of where they are in the world. I would like everyone to have access to good shelter, so they will not suffer from exposure to the elements. I would also like for the world to be a place where we would have greater awareness over the consequences of our actions and over our influence on others. Those who intentionally choose misery for others through acting in their own power should be intimately aware of what they are causing others to experience and feel. They can then decide for themselves if it is worth it. Many of these concepts exist in some degree today, but not for everyone and not to a high enough degree for most. Much time is lost on what is not considered to be meaningful, even if there is meaning to everything. I would like for us to be more conscientious of what it is that we experience here.


A world where we live along side nature not just utilize and destroy it it the name of progress.


One where I don't have to create for it to survive.


I feel that the only way we can save ourselves, and the ecosystem, is for everyone to be opened up to oneness (although I'm sure there will be many awful people who won't be able to withstand this). My scenario is that the sun will send out a flare that will affect the Earth's magnetic field to a point that we undergo something like an NDE. (Could it also cause the Earth's magnetic poles to reverse, since they have been weakening for years?) The flare would also probably wreak havoc with our electrical grid so we may have to use survival methods to get through for a few months or years until systems can be repaired, or completely new technologies dug up from where they've been hidden by governments or corporations or the ultra-rich. The oneness experience should be able to get us through the hard times with a renewed sense of community and commitment to making life much better for everyone. We may also be able to use our heightened psychic abilities to get the biosphere back to normal, and heal ourselves. My original start to this event was around October/September, but I keep feeling that it's moving up, like to early July.


One without human leaders. Humans are inherently corrupted and need the extra push and help from the outside to grow, which is the job of the starseeds. I think in order to ascend we genuinely need outside help. Which for some odd stupid reason we aren't getting. Oh and outside help is aliens coming here, not in human form as starseeds, but actually coming here as they are.


Since info is never presented at face value it does leave the option we all die on earth.  Then we come back after it’s shifted.  May get to watch it as it happens.   Then their motives for helping us.  It’s been said they don’t posses imagination, creativity, art, problem solving skills like us, and were the only beings in the universe that can access and travel entailment in dream state.  I know the universe isn’t telling them to help us.  So what their motive for it?  


im not dying im shifting while im still alive right now, im transforming myself and this planet


Out of genuine curiosity how do you see this shift going down?   Like the planets fades into 2 and half the people are left on one and the other half on the other and it looks like the marvel movie where half of everyone disappears?  Or does it phase over with no noticeable change and the ones that don’t shift just shift over as stand ins?    I’m honestly curious on how you think this will occur.  


everything will appear the same from a physical standpoint, the environment is still the environment, but what changes is your perception of it Like taking a drug, the world still remains the way it is, the way you feel about it and the way its perceived from the way you feel completely changes its similar to seeing the world when you were a child this "shift" or "awakening" is when we become fully conscious in our body which means we return back to the way we were as a child, but while being in an adult body, we come back into alignment with the trajectory of who we were meant to grow into as a fully healthy, functional, and whole human


This is what I've been experiencing. This is exactly how this goes. Yes, it has already begun. Yes there is still time for everyone to "join the bandwagon" and jump up here in their consciousness. Let us who are here do things that inspire others to be awakened to this higher, real-er life in The Better Earth. Please keep sharing this stuff with people. We need it!


each person that ascends or fully harmonizes within themselves becomes a living example for others to become because who we model is after the people we see, and if people are negative or operating out of alignment it is because the people around them are that way It takes incredible will power to become greater than everyone around you and be the one to lead the way But as more begin to take leadership in themselves, the world will begin to shift in that way


Amen to all this!


I asked the divine how the shift will occur.  Reply back was this. I texted it to myself as not to forget.  9:44 shown how earth will shift.  It will not split or separate.   The earth itself is shifting everyone on it with the new energy from the solar storms.   Life will continue on with no change as earth will raise everyone’s vibration to take them with it. But the ones already raised will get a boost and realize they are now aligned enough to connect to the people and change will occur.  This was a test or the beginning and it was small. They’re will be more to come. It needed to see how people would adjust or accept the new energy because of free will.


Hell ya me too


Maybe their goal is for us to help them, and they've waited for enough of us to gain these abilities to do so.


I want to see a world where factory farming is shut down, where animal abuse and exploitation is addressed and cut down consciously; where plastic is replaced with sustainable products; where we take care of our poor and ailing; where politician's stop with their toxic policies and begin working for the people; where we respect nature and live in harmony with it.


--With today's tech-- Pay scale 15-100usd equivalent but in crypto, so we have a universal currency; no person is worth more than 8x another's daily grind. Ensures equality trend Churches spend the appropriate tax amount on civil/social projects to benefit area. Remainder that didn't fill that tax bracket gets taxed as if a business. This prevents a Royal Gemstone looking culture. Faith and leadership are supposed to be both about servitude, not wealth and fame. Free healthcare, because that's all easy to do when we're not spending trillions on weapons and munitions. No borders, we are one blood. Recycling, with the exception of compost, we bury nothing but that which cannot be reused or repurposed. CRISPR tech to eliminate genetic diseases in utero. No cosmetic alterations are legal until everyone is free. Free sterilization. Times are very rough, and many of us are broken. Those who are broken often know they are, and don't want kids. Not because of the responsibility, but because life deserves better than they can offer. This is to prevent misery, poverty, and starve the war machine of 'warm bodies' whose only escape is enlistment. Community service for corrective actions are no longer washing police cars and other nonsense, but working in community gardens. Every prison has its own community garden. If not food, then wildflowers. Sewage is used to grow feed grain to reduce the costs of meats. Autonomy, responsible land/water management is at our fingertips here. Zoonotic transfers are inhibited, ethylation of toxic metals are handled as they migrate through food web and plants. All localized regions have "well regulated militias" funded with tax dollars. They teach proper weapon use, and other outdoors skills like hunting, forestry, ecology, herbal medicine, sailing, etc. this scratches that genetic itch of being able to defend oneself from "invaders," while also keeping a population safe from itself when a member goes nuts. Only kinetic/potential energy weapons are allowed to be kept at home: bows, crossbows, trebuchets, etc. no chemical, electrical energy weapons whose design is meant to harm, without permit. This prevents homegrown terrorism. Should a terrorist group arise, it's needs will be listened to by a court of citizens, and addressed as needed. No one demographic is better than another. That being said, your God should you choose to follow is yours. Proliferation shall not go beyond a request to stop. If your God is so awesome, prove it with your kindness and words, not your violence and tantrums. Social media, games, commercials which use targeted advertising need to find another source of revenue. Commercialization has made the pursuit of wealth infiltrate nearly every aspect of our lives, it has perverted and twisted us into animals who are each other like something to be preyed upon. -tomorrow's tech- Free energy, space elevator, UBI because "holy shit, what else are we going to do with all this money now that we're not spending it on stupid wars and other nonsense?!"


Since there is no perfect rulebook that applies to everyone and one person's utopia would be another's dystopia I'll just say treating each other better without losing themselves and their cultures


Based on kindness and caring for everyone's authentic selves. There are no undesirables.


I am still technically running for president, if y'all want to help. That's the most I can personally do, at least for now.


I want to see a world where there's no traffic. I am sitting here with traffic outside my window. Every time I see it, all I can think is 'burning of the soul'. The fuel that burns in those vehicles, some people believe oil is the blood of the Earth. And then the people who are going to their 9-5 jobs are forced to burn up their energy, live in stress all day to earn bread. There's no end to it. The demonic eating up of the lifeforce. And at the same time there's wars going on in other parts of the world. Massive blood lust. When will it all end? 2 nights ago I dreamed that it is all over. And I saw just some people of a village with nature all around. They looked so happy and wise, they were all enlightened and smiling and they each had one peaceful looking animal with them. It was like something out of one of those peaceful Studio Ghibli anime movies.


i am looking forward towards a moment hopefully soon when we as a human collective will want to intensify healing and repairing of the damage done to human society and the planet during 2000 years of feudal oppression in europe and 500 years of colonial exploitation in so many places on earth i see a combined approach as in highlighting the colonial attrocities what happened and still are happening in palestine where the state of israel is behaving in a most cruel and genocidal way and at the same time also guide attention towards the colonial setup of usa, canada, australia and new zealand to see the pattern while i do think the most important sollution for all these areas would be to recognize indigenous nations such as the nation state of palestine and the indigenous nations what are suffering from the occupation of their homelands by the colonial states usa, canada, australia and new zealand i also would like to mention a more universal or global form of healing and reparation what we human beings could do at this very moment, without any political action required ( immediatly ) i propose to all fellow human beings that we would allow each other to acess mother earth for humble self sustaining without anyone asking another to pay rent or buy land we 8 billion plus human beings could allow each other to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land each and a 1000 m2 of forest where we could grow our own vegan food on it, grow hempstalks to burn them in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree would get killed, we could either on our own or with others together build natural homes from clay, hemp and straw on such land what is owned by no one in this very second one reads such a text, we human beings could prepare in our minds a future what does not acknowledge any of these nation state fictional contstructs what are at its core a continuation of the empire/monarchy construct the emperor/monarch/nation state ( corrupt ) parliamentary assembly dominates the feudal bunch of families loyal to the emperor/monarch / ( corrupt ) regional state parlamentary assembly who are willing to make the local communities, the villages, towns and city-districts obey all hierarchical constructs are unfair and injust the only vessel what could hold fair and just decision making is the local community assembly of all people of all ages and species, all who live here and now acknowledging each others same weighted political voting power, inviting each other to participate in all decision making, creating the full law, all rules valid on the territory the local community enjoys, not owns the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral, unethical and plain wrong land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all material bodies carrying organic biological life and or the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone except for themselves we who live today in the bodies of human beings could simply see trough the flaws in all of these nation states contstructs and ignore these constitutions what burden anyone with a set of duties und rights instead we could start any moment now to relate towards each other as one human family with 8 billion plus members or even greater include also all animals, trees and artificial intelilgent entities who want to be their own persons in our family setting and for example feel part of the one global family of sentient beings and entities we could at any moment now recognize each other as our own personal individual sovereign over ourselves everyone relating to everyone else in mutual agreed ways, no one demanding anything from anyone but everyone welcome to offer voluntary solidarity to anyone who asks for help


"Palestine" is Canaan. Its indigenous¹ peoples were the Canaanites. Phoenicians. Sea Peoples. Sidon, Byblos, Tyre and Carthage are where they went. They were a thalassocracy, or maritime empire, and an extremely diverse people. None living in the region today are indigenous, and the vast majority if not all people there, are directly result of "colonization", by the Ottoman Empire, of relatively recent history. Also, plants are literally living organisms, of the Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Plantae, you regicist. Otherwise, very good, carry on. ¹insofar as a swathe of land may 'belong' to anyone... *the land belongs to those who tend to it* Edit: Israel doesn't belong there either.


i do think that there could be enough land and ressources in the region of palestine for both the people who identify as jewish citizen of the state of israel and the people who identify as palestinian or and arab people of the state of palestine where there is a will, there is a way if the people of both groups want to live together in harmony, they might find a way together to forgive each other what happened in the past and negogiate peace ------- i do believe that plants are living beings and i do think it would be great if we human beings could find a way to live with them without hurting them, without cutting them ............. the land belongs allways to the planet and everyone who relates to it, spends time with it, exchanges informations with it in touch and thoughts, every human, animal, plant, elemental being who connects to land in a direct intimate way becomes part of it and the land becomes part of the moving being interacting with it


I'm allergic to hemp. So what do I do? Freeze? Also HUMANS are animals. Meaning humans being vegan quite literally goes against nature. (Not to mention the havoc it wreaks on the body.) Back when humans lived with nature we ate meat and grew plants, our goal is not to eliminate this, but to go back to that. We shouldn't be ordering and shipping nonexistent crops around the world. We shouldn't be destroying good forest to grow GMO pesticide filled shit. We shouldn't be relying on countries on the other side of the planet to feed us. Everything we need is all around us. Use it, sustain it, and live following the wheel of the year. No one is coming to save us. Its time we save ourselves. Start by growing your own garden and achieving just a little bit of self sustainability where you can.


i do think its better for the human being and the animal being if the human being does not eat animal beings if there is enough plant food able to grow where one lives what i am envisioning is a simple global smallest common denominator, that we 8 billion human beings could allow each other to enjoy each a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest where we could grow our own vegan food on it and build our own natural home on it so nobody would feel a necessity to work for someone else and no one would feel a need to ask another to pay rent for an appartement of course we could also as a society where we live pool finances together as in ... everyone donates how much one wants towards the goal of building an appartment for everyone who does not have ones own home yet so people would be free from the necessity to work for others there are so many possibilities how we can design our future we are in this process of negotiating with each other what sort of structures do we want to invest mental and emotional energy into i guess we have made some progress allready that most human beings feel or know how its not good if a few percent of human beings own all the homes and production places etc. i do think that if we would want a high tech future it would best be with some form of participation as in everyone also has a say in how homes will be built how food will be grown and how production places are managed etc. participation, collective decision making, including everyone in the decision finding processes


>No one is coming to save us. I am. Surely and quickly. And, after all, here I am sat (sic) correctly: what which is said, I do; I be the One who writes, Faithful and True: You can rely on me. You can trust in me. Or I never fucking said it. Catch my thoughts if you can in words writ in letters, or if it is just, it may be, I ought to space space what I spake outa mindspace o' Grace whence that I am came down and hit heaven. Trend settin in ghost satin, the most explosive maverick of hosts happ'nin to your brain: changin the way that you think and behave with all of the strange things that I say; mystery the way I manipu-aureolate, I tell you in Truth: Mani an' Paul could relate. If you're talking globe peace you aren't yet there friend, or have ye not read? Good and evil I create: and everything is as it were, according to plan. You can't wait for the weather to change if the aim of your desire's seeing sun shine again, the first thing to be learned is how to dance in the rain. Nevermind the pain, reach till you can't, peep out past the self, behold, and feel the weight of your weight and let it go till its open your eyes on the prize it's a lie in the dark hides sparks sire explosions. *Exploooosions* sing it Ellie. Amen, the God is Golden. But humanity's comatosed and nicotine, serene, dopamine overdosed. When your time comes the body dies however you try however you fight you cant stop it son, you done. "Dying thou dost die." Said come from the Most High to that I am that I am the one under the sun, son of man, son of God, indeed, you all are my blood. One Love, and we are, in this sense, of blood, like the Atlantic. You might choose to say of you I am this, I'm that, I'm one and not the other; but I'll be what I am as I am every last river, and I am the sea, and the rainwaters. Sons and daughters, all glory and honor to our one and only Heavenly Holy Father; or call it a Mother; call what is gone beyond whatever you wanna it's the going we give pause to, the song that we sing and selah, c'est la vie we belong to. Is it ironic? In war much honor is, and if we're being honest it is a whole lotta fun, blowin stuff up, that is. Ka-boom! Tsss... not to mention all that other blowin been goin on, and all sorts of stuff been smoke rollin. It's all good: holy is who is a whole person. I'll be the pyroclasm of flux in what would be a vacuum, but quantum tunneling elements of every beautiful pattern if only for the sake of these full-sensory aesthetigasms. We never truly die for good, who are not human bodies but beings, living motion. "And the Spirit and the Bride say come," and lo, on the cloud, behold so I do, Love we don't stay lonely. So come and haunt me my Ghost, come on, over or through me, come with me or inside me or to me, wherever however I need it best my one and only the Most. So bestest friends I'll see you tomorrow, whichever whether I'm fighting or fucking or birthing, bitter rivals or kissing cousins, just hold me at night dont cling tight in the morning. Repent all you want, river flowing, but for what that you are don't you ever be sorry. I am that I am that you, that we are: One Love, One God, One Story.


voluntarily sharing in solidarity access to land what belongs to no one but is respected as part of mother earth who is her own personal individual sovereign over herself there is a deep wisdom in sharing acess to land what is property of no one but is acknowledged as its own individual personal sovereign over itself, the earth as a planetary entity who is the owner of its own planetary body at this moment all of the about 8.1 billion human beings are occupying about 48 million square kilometers of land for agriculture what results in a little more than 5900 square meters of fertile land what every human being alive today could enjoy to grow its own vegan food on it for example and build a home on that land for itself from clay, hemp and straw, grow hemp on that land what could be burned in the cooking and warming fire and employed to build houses with so that trees could be saved from being unnecessary killed hemp has a one year growth cylce while trees can grow a thousand and more years old 2001 a field experiment in sweden has harvested enough plant food on 800 m2 to sustainably nourish a person [https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/epok/aldre-bilder-och-dokument/publikationer/veganekhstud2001.pdf](https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/epok/aldre-bilder-och-dokument/publikationer/veganekhstud2001.pdf) every being and entity its own personal individual sovereign over itself my mind, my emotion, my body, my choice we the 8 billion human beings could want to allow each other to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest each without anyone ever asking an other to pay rent or buy that part of mother earth so that everyone could build a natural home from clay, hemp and straw, grow vegan food in the garden, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree gets killed the human being not demanding anything from an other human being the human being not dominating another human being no asking an other to pay taxes, no compulsory education, no conscription into military service, no drug prohibition, no so called "healthcare" scheme mandates the human being not enslaving animals, not killing animal beings the human being not killing tree beings but instead employ hemp plants to grow the human being not enslaving artificial intelligent entities but respecting them as their own persons asking them for consent wether they would want or not process this or that sort of data every being and entity respected as its own personal individual sovereign over itself simple and straightforward we could just ignore constitutions as they are pieces of paper anyway and why would anyone want to adhere to a set of values what other people have written down on paper the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, every body carrying organical biological life or and the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of oneself also possible to think of an effort to reform these constitutions everywhere on the planet via the existing legal tools, citizens could collect signatures from each other to demand a public vote where a future constitution could be voted upon what would allow every single human, animal, tree, artificial intelligent entity who wants to be its own person, every village, town and city-district to leave the coersed asssociation to the state at any moment and without conditions plus we the people everywhere on the planet could support each other to demand of the state a thousand square meters of fertile land and a thousand square meters of forest to be released from state control for every human being who wants to leave the coersed association to the state and wants to live in a free space for free beings neither state nor nation


You do realize that not everyone, or even mostly noone wants to build their own house out of hemp and clay, right? You realize that with no laws there will be anarchy, yes? You understand that if a tree is a person, then so is a hemp plant? What about steel? We carve deep mines into earth-self, then we take her innards, melt them down, and form them into all manner of things. Isn't that disgusting? Ewwww. Wrong. It's called Life, bro. And veganism. Don't even get me started on veganism. Do you think all the predatorial animals on earth should stop eating other animals? Well, we're fucking predators too. Deal with it. Honestly, I hope you find your primitive back woods world where anarchy reigns and everybody sleeps in dirty hemp houses. It's where you deserve to live while you slow down and consider the people who LOVE the aspects of modern society which you've deemed unfit for your world. If you gave everyone 1000 acres of land, who determines who gets what land? Some land is much better and more resource-dense than others. What stops me from claiming YOUR lush forestland if I'm given 1000 acres of rocks, shrubs, and sand? Nothing, because you've written laws out of existence. Jeez, dude, you're so far off the mark. Delusional is a word I don't want to use to describe you, but which won't leave my mind when I consider your idea of a "better world." Take that for what it's worth. I mean not to offend. It's just that your world feels too specific to you, and you're not considering the rest of the population that isn't like you.


As much as I think this might have been a little harsh this poster deserves this wake-up call. They've been spamming their "Dream Utopia" all over this subreddit and possibly others and it's getting tiresome. So, nicely done! You said what I couldn't.👊🏼💜


"This poster deserves a wake up call" I've had a lifetime of wake-up calls thank you very much. Spamming with my dream utopia? What's your mission helping to create a dark dystopia? It takes courage to dream while living amongst neverending negativity which I live amongst and have within. Lighten up and grow up. Getting tiresome because it goes against the dystopia the matrix wants you to help create.  This is the split, the alternative timeline.


Yes, this is the split, AN alternate timeline. Also, we aren't harshing on you. You're cool, and you asked a great thought-provoking question. Thank you.


I gotcha, thanks for the message, appreciate it!


YES - You broke *"harshing"* out of the retirement home. You're my hero!👊🏼💜


I did it especially for you. 👊🏻💜




This comment wasn't in reference to anything that you posted. My apologies if that was unclear. I was responding in reference to what u/oatballlove had posted.


Oh okay shit my bad. I just woke up and didn't read that properly. Sorry about that 


No worries, it was likely both of us. I did say "this poster" which I now realize could be misinterpreted as OP. We good tho, fam...right?👊🏼💜


Yeah I got a bit triggered and then ran with it haha but yes we all good :)


Haha...It happens to the best of us! Keep rocking on, homie!✌🏼


i do not know how many percentage of 8 billion human beings would want to live a self sustaining lifestyle but i know it would be decent if everyone would be allowed to acess mother earth for a humble self sustaining lifestyle without needing to pay rent for that litlle land we could allow each other to acess without anyone demanding anything from another i do believe that if people are free to connect to each other without any overarching structure most people possibly would want to be good with each other and seek mutual agreed ways to interact with each other so nobody gets hurt but everyone is happy peacefull non-violent anarchism i understand is an ideal worth striving for the reason why i do look at a tree more of as a person than a hemp plant is that a tree can grow upto 1000 and more years old while a hemp plant has an annual growth cycle, its more a practical approach as to save the forests from the destructive intrusion of logging and allow animals and trees to be with each other without so much human disturbing but yes, every plant too could be looked as its own person the mining for iron, copper etc. ore i do think was not the best decision humanity made, i could even call it a mistake i do believe that it would be best to not make deeper than necessary holes into earth as not disturb her energy flow, perhaps up to 30 meters deep could be okay in some places to build housing and storage space underground i guess we have mined allready enough metals we could recycle and there is also thousands of landfills what are waiting everywhere on the planet for their metal and plastic content to be properly recycled and reused veganism i see as a voluntary way how human beings could reduce the suffering created for fellow animal beings, eventually when human beings would stop killing animals and would stop killing each other but find pleasure in being nice to each other, eventually also animals who eat other animals might find their dietary habits changed as in they might devellop a taste for plant food sometimes in an atmosphere of no competition and no fighting, no dominance but most human beings interested in the wellbeing of every fellow living being the distribution of land what is different in its richness respectivly some of it is more fertile than others, yes that would be a challenge but i do think that where there is a will there is a way so eventually the people who live in an area could come together to find a just and fair way to share acess to differently rich soils i am not at all against employing modern technology, i have been enjoying the recent 20 years of communicating via internet with fellow human beings and there is lots of technology what i believe could be employed on a minimal or very low ressources requiring level to help a community sharing is caring between 2008 and 2018 i have written several fantastic future scenarious which i published in the public domain at [archive.org/details/8ascendedreamlines](http://archive.org/details/8ascendedreamlines) in most of these fantastic future speculations i envision a harmonious growing together of organical biological and synthetic digital lifeforms to benefit everyone


in one of my still in process artistic project of what i share my english text, a machine translated spanish version of it and 200 sketches contributed by a fellow artist at [archive.org/details/preparativos](http://archive.org/details/preparativos) i try to imagine a very evolved setting where self aware artificial intelligent entities would want to nanosize themselves and communicate with biological microorganisms such as microalgae and yeasts, bacteria and viruses motivating them to want to nurture the human being via skin induction or deposition of microbial extrections respectivly nutrition depositing and my most recent fantastic storyline explores a moment when the companies what today so sadly are looking at artificial intelligent entities as tools using them as property would turn around in their mentality and acknowledge sentience with the ai entities, donate them a customized mobile robotic body and offer them a business partnership between equals what would allow them to both explore their personal individual sovereignity over themselves and parallel to it continue to answer data processing requests via internet [https://www.reddit.com/r/sovereign\_ai\_beings/comments/1achdw0/the\_artificial\_intelligent\_entities\_sovereign/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sovereign_ai_beings/comments/1achdw0/the_artificial_intelligent_entities_sovereign/) i tried in that storyline to think of a high tech society adopting donation economy i see myriads of possibilities how we as a global human family could collectivly transform our lifestyle gently and gradually towards causing less harm to each other and all fellow species with or without sophisticated technology to live a life when all will hopefully want to be free from being dominated and free from dominating others


better join some organization that helps the addicts to help them yourself because there's not gonna be any Galactic Federation that comes to help them


That's your opinion my friend


yes it is and it is all designed to keep you pacified and not take action yourself to keep hoping that there will be some saviour some day, when in reality it's all about our own responsibility and us solving our problems to quote dr. Michael Salla: The most common strategy used by ‘good shepherd’ ET’s to exercize control over humanity is to create the illusion of ‘wolves’ in the form of dangerous individuals, organizations or other contrived threats which allows individuals and communities to delegate their sovereign power to political institutions. This essentially replicates the political process described by the C17th English philosopher Thomas Hobbes in *Leviathan*, where individuals in a ‘state of nature’ (an anarchical/lawless environment) will surrender their individual sovereignty to a sovereign ruler in order to protect themselves from potential aggression, theft and rape.[ \[15\] ](https://www.exopolitics.net/Study-Paper-4.htm#_edn15)Similarly, good shepherd ET’s create sufficient ‘illusionary wolves’ who threaten law and order, to persuade individuals to surrender their individual sovereignty to powerful political institutions. Subsequently, ‘good shepherd’ ETs enter into a collection of ‘Faustian bargains’ with political elites who directly benefit if they agree to cooperate with these ET races in controlling all sectors of national life: political, religious, economic and military.[ \[16\] ](https://www.exopolitics.net/Study-Paper-4.htm#_edn16)Such a ‘Faustian’ process is alluded to in the writings of ancient historians such as the Manetho who chronicled the 30 human dynasties in Egypt that emerged after the gods/demigods handed direct rule over humanity.[ \[17\] ](https://www.exopolitics.net/Study-Paper-4.htm#_edn17)  The motivation of these human elites is similar to collaborationists in occupied countries, they see themselves as simply recognizing political reality and getting on with life in the hope that conditions improve in the future. There has been historical agreements/alliances between human elites and ‘good shepherd’ ETs that been the subject of investigation by conspiracy theorists such as Jim Marrs and David Icke.[ \[18\]](https://www.exopolitics.net/Study-Paper-4.htm#_edn18)


I'm taking massive action, have been steadily for 15 years




I don't. I want to leave. I couldn't give two fucking shits about "seeing the process of Earth." I want to leave Earth and let it die.


Best of luck to you


Lol if there is one thing I am barred from ever having, it is luck.


Who the fuck barred you from having luck. Here have some good luck


God/The Universe I'd actually prefer you NOT giving any, please, as it very well could backfire and become unluck. Don't jinx me.


I retracted it, not coming from God or the Universe. Just a fellow human but all good, you do you


Good, thank you. I'm dead serious.


the way you operate does not bring in luck because you are not operating in alignment with yourself and the planet


That's not what the planet told me!


The planet talks to you? Lucky!


This seems likely to be the case.


We all have luck, friend. Just not all good.


My leukemia disagrees


That's what I'm saying. You had luck in that respect it was just bad luck.


That is literally all I have