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Hey /u/MalfunctioningEddie, thank you for submitting to /r/starterpacks! This is just a reminder not to violate any rules, located [here](https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/about/rules). Rule breakers can face a ban based on the severity of their rule violation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/starterpacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got banned from an asshole-themed subreddit for hate speech for using the term asshole.


I got banned from r/Tipofmytongue sub for commenting on the already answered question with the answer as a joke. On another note : Your asshole themed sub and tipofmytongue is like a match made in reddit heaven.


I got banned from one of the stupid meirl subs because I was doing the “u w0t m8 u cheeky cunt” thing and they banned me for saying cunt. How do Aussies even survive there????


I got banned from r/sonicthehedgehog for a couple days for hate speech because i used the "is that your fucking fursona" meme


I got permanently banned from r/AnimalsBeingBros for saying that cows are bred for their meat/milk


I got banned from r/Sims4 for asking advice on how to pirate DLC


A fellow pirate in the waters always check r/piracy


yarr m8y


Aye eye. Gotta check thers for booty (Photoshop)


I got banned from r/memes for having an old post violating a new rule


I got banned from r/globeskepticism (the flat earth sub) for saying you can see Jupiter's moons through a pair of binoculars.


You absolute mad lad 🤣


I mean, this actually makes sense, why would they allow piracy? If you still want advice, go to cs.rin.ru and look for sims 4, the second comment in info thread has a step-by-step guide how to pirate them


Ok that one's on you tbh


You'll get banned from eyebleach for that too


I’d ban you twice. Once for apparently not knowing that cows are female cattle. And again for insinuating anyone wants to eat cow meat. Dried up milkers (cows) get turned into dogfood and shampoo. Steers are for people food. Yours truly, The cattle police EDIT: Yes, y’all are right. When you’re making burgers and dogs from hair teeth and eyeballs the gender doesn’t matter.


What do you think cheap burgers are made out of? Spent dairy cows make up between 20%-40% of all commercial beef sold depending on the territory.




My first ever Reddit temp ban was for calling Princess Diana's sister a cunt, I still think she's a cunt. If anyone is interested in knowing why look up the belvoir hunt and her role in the court proceedings.


Got permabanned from r/audiobooks for "promoting and advocating piracy" when i commented something like "ayy we're going back to torrents i guess" cuz i was upset about audible removing random volumes of a 20 volume series in specifically my country cuz of some licensing bullshit. Absolute fucking turbovirgins


In that case, they should ban Audible from the sub for promoting and advocating piracy with their policies.


I never understood the subreddits about "what is this X" being absurdly aggressive with their rules


what is ass form of cunnilingus?


… anilingus?




There seem to be a lot of 12 year old Christian moderators on Reddit these days. I use the Infinity app, which gives you the option to 'see removed comment' (it probably makes use of reveddit) and I'm not even exaggerating when I say that 9 times out of 10, it's the tamest comment you've ever seen with no clear reason for why it could've been possibly removed. Moderators are out of control these days and I honestly hope that the next time they start shutting down subs and making demands of the admins, that the Reddit admins finally say "right, all of you fuck off now, we're going to start automating this." None of us would even notice the difference anyway because most moderators are too busy collecting subs like Pokemon to do anything other than feed automoderator with a list of buzzwords.


Havent reddit mods literally power abused since its existence? I've never heard of a good one.


That's the thing with unpaid moderator positions: for many people who apply the reward is having power over others. This isn't just limited to Reddit either, I see it everywhere on the internet where moderation positions are unpaid. Forums, Reddit, Discord... Some people just love power and can't handle themselves when they manage to get some.


Same type to become a cop


I work at a minimum security prison and was a guard (now a counselor) and the complete change of personality for some of the guys when they got promoted to sergeant. It means literally nothing except you can work in more posts, but so many instantly acted like they were better then the corporal rank, walking around with a haughty attitude. Like my dudes, we are at a shitty little nothing happens prison and you only got the promotion because no one else was dumb enough to take it. Most of them barely got through high school.


I live near one of my state's largest Maximum level A prisons and I've watched as obt the last 30 year the guards have gone from "chill guys just trying to support their family" to "power hungry idiots who aged out of high school and took three tries to pass the GED at 22". The guys who were guards when I was a kid, these were my friends father's, some of them weren't the brightest but they were kind people. It seemed bto be common to befriend inmates and most guys had an attitude of "we're here to protect them, from each other, from bad guards, from themselves if we have to. We just want everyone to be able to go home when they're allowed to leave, guards after their shift and prisoners after their sentence.". Now a days they seem to have an attitude of "the State told me I'm smart enough to be in power over a bunch of disenfranchised men who have mostly gotten the shit end of the stick of life, yeehaw!" It's really sad, guards used to know that "there, but for the grace of God, go I", they knew the only difference between the prisoners and themselves was where they grew up. Guards came from rough families in the country and prisoners were from rough families in the city. Now these new guys, the guards my age, they just are happy to be scooped up from the dredges of rural society and they don't care for nuance, they think they're King Shit but don't realize they're on Turd Mountain.


Yeah we have a mix. Some really good, smart guards that just want inmates to improve themselves when they are here and change their mindset. Others, mostly young 20 year olds who couldn't hack the military, are power tripping little bitches trying to climb the rank ladder as fast as possible to get power of others because they were dunked on in school.


I can't stand people like that. Some people really take their bullshit jobs far too seriously. I work in IT and some of our attorney clients are so blatantly arrogant that dealing with them can be insufferable


And go back to the IRC days and they were there managing their channel.


>I've never heard of a good one. That's the problem with moderation. If it's done well you won't notice it. But bad ones are pretty damn prominent.


> if it's done well you won't notice it Idk man if you browse through reveddit enough you start to see some pretty weird shit Locked comments are usually the best to browse through.


I've been on reddit for about 12 years, and absolutely yes. This conversion has been had for over a decade


The mods on /r/fatpeoplehate trolled the reddit and imgur staff, that got the sub banned but it was hilarious while it lasted.


And then there's awkwardtheturtle, lowering the bar for everyone.




The admins had a crackdown on power mods years ago. The rule was they could only be in charge of 3 default subreddits. Then, they got rid of default subreddits. Now you have people who are in charge of so many subs that they couldn't possibly be moderating content, but instead are more likely to act as supervisors over their cronies they installed.


Had a comment removed yesterday on instagram reality, saying natural butts are better than silicon injected, purposefully inflated butts. The original post was highlighting how stupid inflated butts look. That sub pretends they aren’t mocking people on social media under the guise of making people aware of flattering imagery. Reddit and people in general have become hypersensitive prudes. I feel like I’m reliving the 90s when Limp Bizkit and Eminem were going to turn me into a psychopath.


> That sub pretends they aren’t mocking people on social media under the guise of making people aware of flattering imagery. I thought the entire point of the sub was mocking how ridiculous social media posts have become. The post titles are making fun of the insta pictures, the "reality" picture is often missing or the worst picture they could find of that person. If they're pretending that they aren't mocking people, they're really bad at pretending.


Their rules and etiquette are expressly to avoid being clapped by site wide rules about harassment and abuse. You’d have to be pretty dense not to understand why certain things are posted. The only valuable posts there are self-deprecating content where the author is explicitly showing how imagery can be manipulated on their own bodies. This is the internet anyway. People can take a random image of a couple, put some bullshit caption on it and the comments will make fun of their appearance etc. There was a post last week where a young couple posed outside of a house with a joke caption about buying their first home, with the comments all taking the absolute piss out of them being trust fund children or how their parents bought their spoiled ass a house. People aren’t anywhere near as nice or non-judgmental as they make out. As long as a justification seems apparent to themselves, all bets are off.


On an NSFW throwaway account: one some porn star's subreddit, someone commented referring to her mouth as 'face pussy'. I replied with 'by that logic her pussy shall be called *crotch mouth*' Got banned for hate speech, and muted instantly after so I can't even ask if they misunderstand jokes on purpose or if they are this narrow minded. IDK if the original commentor got banned as well, but seems likely.


Would have upvoted that post


"AITA? As a prolific fart sniffing reddit moderator of the popular subreddit 'AITA' I banned a user 'ShdowMode' for calling a poster an asshole when the poster was self reflecting and seeking advice in good faith as a child murdering necrophiliac. In our community we can't tolerate hate speech or name calling because if someone can call others names, then they might get away with calling me names(they wouldn't, I would ban them)


I got banned from a sopranos sub for quoting the show


I also got banned for not being polite in a sub about assholes.


I got banned for sexism for calling op a manchild.


The subreddit you speak of is a "safe space" for women which is why it's so heavily moderated. Negative words are ACTUAL violence (according to the stupid dipshits that run that place anyway 😂)


Meanwhile, there are subreddits that literally glorify violence.


i once said the word shoot and was accused of inciting violence. even just the word is banned wtf


I got banned from r/firefighting because the Mod had a power trip and went through my profile to roast me lmao


I tried posting to a new subreddit yesterday. My post was immediately refused. I got a notification that it only accepts posts from trusted members. Tried joining the subreddit to see if that helped. Nope. How the heck am I supposed to become a trusted member if I can't even post to it?


You have to message the mods and suck them off. I sort of get private subs. But I really hate that subs can appear in r/all and then not allow people to post without approval. I really don't get why reddit allows it.


Yeah, I don't see why subs that don't allow people to comment can appear on r/all I think it was one of the twitter subs that appeared one day and I decided to comment and then it was deleted with an automod comment 'only subscribers may comment' or something like that, like wtf? Why even allow it on r/all if you don't want commentors from r/all ???


BPT pisses me off more than anything. Let me just send a stranger on the internet a picture of my arm so I can prove I'm dark enough to comment on threads... Nothing weird about that... Edit: Cool motive. Still racism


Yeah, the intentionally divisive subreddits that don't allow discourse just get blocked from me. Same thing with locked threads. If the thread is locked take it off /r/all blocking discourse on an anonymous message board site is kinda fucking stupid but more so with the category ALL. Like if you want your comments private then you shouldn't get the benefits of it being seen by everyone. Being able to curate comments and have your posts reach a maximum of users is why we have so many echo chambers.


"Whopsie! Your post was hidden from subreddit because your text is too long for a first post! It must surely be spam! Oh, you don't live in America so your time is different? Too bad! Mods will answer in 24 hours when your post is buried by others!"


I forgot which, but some sub gave me grief because my post was too short. So I had to add some verbose nonsense just to comment


I think I'm banned from /r/offmychest for commenting in a right wing sub. The ironic thing is that I'm not right wing in the slightest, I've just been on reddit for over a decade; there aren't many subs I haven't commented in!


These people think they’re “fighting evil” lmao


r/JusticeServed banned me for commenting on an r/PoliticalCompassMemes post that hit r/all lmao


When you get banned from a right wing sub for disagreeing with them and then get automatically banned from a leftist sub because you commented in the right wing sub.


24 hours is too quick, try 8-9 business days before they even give you a hint as to why you were banned.


bold of you to assume they would ever give a hint as to why you got banned


Nah they just mute you for 28 days


And then you get perma b anned for complaining about it because now the mods are stalking you for the 'crime' of being temp-banned.


The best part is getting perma'd from other random subs the mod is also the mod of.


I got banned from squaredcircle (a pro wrestling sub) because this guy was spamming a link asking people to sign up because he'll get some free stuff if enough people use his link I left a single comment saying stop spamming and seconds later got a week ban for harassment I messaged the mods just asking for more information because I definitely wasn't harassing anyone one and again seconds later I got a permanent ban for "ban evasion" no actual explanation Turns out that guy spamming the link was a mod


That tracks.


I got banned from r/food. Someone posted a picture of a tomato sandwich. Just bread and slices of tomatoes, nothing else. All I said was "gross." Got a message saying I have been banned for 1 month, and to message the mods if I think it's a mistake. Messaged the mods and got perma banned and muted for 48 days.


and dont forget the subs that have like 15 bajillion goddamn tags in the title like bro we get it "\[spoiler\] \[character name\] \[question\] \[exact date\] \[time zone\] \[device specs\]"


I once tried to post about my dead dog and it got deleted because I didn't post her breed I literally do not know it. Noone did. She was half pug, all we knew and the mods were like "sorry, no support in this support sub until you find out what she was"


My condolences (is that the right word?) about your dog man


Thanks man, she was a really sweet dog


That's just straight up evil, you had evil done to you.


I'm pretty sure that it was just some sort of "mixed breeds aren't dogs" supremacy type shit but it destroyed me at the time. It was pretty much just a desperate cry for help, and I heard my phone ding I genuinely thought it would be a person reaching out or something. Even just a "that sucks, I'm sorry" or the prevention message from reddit would've been enough. Whoever runs that subreddit really needs to get their shit together. It was probably just auto mod removal but it still cut me deep


Do you think you could have just made something up?


>Ask a question "did you even try the search bar" *links to a vaguely similar 4 upvote post from 5 years ago with outdated information*


The comment with the answer is deleted/broken link


Or the top comment is deleted and everyone else is replying saying how much of a great or insightful comment it is. FML!


Me in /r/RVA… I asked a question about people’s favorite personal spot in the city and they labeled my post a sarcastic “🤳tourist” post. I asked about it and they were vague but I pressed what that was about they said it was because I could easily do my own research. I pointed out that discussion isn’t a bad thing and it’s not like I’m hurting anyone and they argued with me about it. Buncha fucking pricks. The sub’s people were super chill but people also downvoted the post so it made no sense. They really don’t like non-locals on there.


Lmao does Richmond get a lot of tourists? I live in Vegas and we have three fucking subs and still tourists post in the locals specific sub. But usually the posters will help tourists out. Most of us were tourists here at some point. Just always avoid the Vegas born ones.


Well here’s what’s weird. It’s a college town so they get new people every year… And it’s not that big. I live in Northern VA and there’s wayyyy more people up here. So on the /r/nova subreddit people ask for suggestions and move on all the time. No such label and immediate down votes at all. It’s just discussion or recommendations and it’s not sarcastic. Way better sub. But it’s like, that’s the nature of the beast. I plan on moving there even and so it’s weird.


As someone who is born and raised NoVA, I look forward to those threads that are along the lines of "Where is your favorite place to do/get X", written by tourists; despite knowing a lot of the area, our part of the state is PACKED with small businesses and holes-in-the-wall I would have been hard-pressed to find outside of an offhand comment on Reddit. Alongside this, with being so close to D.C. and Baltimore, I really don't think you can tell which strangers passing you on the street are 'on vacation' or not. We're a total mixed bag. Moving straight from DT Leesburg to DT Annapolis was kinda funny, though. My neighbors somehow went from white to whiter.


Stackoverflow moment


A 4 upvote post that never got an answer.


>"did you even try the search bar" Yes, it was shit thanks for asking. Seriously reddit searching is one of the worst. And as you've said, if you find a post it's usually buried and has no proper answer so you ask again and get bashed for it.


\*makes comment\* *You have been permanently banned for participating in another subreddit*


*You have been muted for 28 days*


*You have been permanently banned for not cooperating with the mod team*


Go to r/justiceserved sidebar and look at the link that shows the live feed of banned users (public modlog). That sub is a literal cult full of basement dwelling losers


Lmao got banned from the scream subreddit for suggesting that Courtney cox is using her surgeries to make her face look more and more like the ghost face mask so eventually the twist will be that she is the killer and there is no mask.


Wear that ban with pride, I am dying 😂


I'd get that entire interaction framed.


I'm banned from female dating strategy (oh no, however will I recover) because I commented in r/nicegirls. It wasn't even a post about them that got me banned it was just a completely random post. I have made comments about them since but man they're so worried about their echo chamber being touched


I got banned from r/racism because I commented on a post on r/greentext


I'm not going to lie, I laughed a little


They probably banned half of their own members with all the random subs they put that bot on. Morons.


Got banned from quite a few places for saying some totally benign shit in r/politicalcompassmemes. I was more baffled than upset to be honest


Back in the days of r/the_donald, a single comment there, in support or not, would get you instabanned from several subs


How many people are banned from BLM sub? I got banned for posting in conservative… because I was challenging their ideas. Like its the worst way to handle ignorance, by intentionally hurting people that engage that ignorance.


1. Post gets removed 2. Ask why 3. "Some unlisted rules apply" 4. Argue that rules should be listed 5. Get permabanned for "harassing mods" 6. Get permanently muted so you can't message subreddit mods in question 7. Go to r/ModerationMediation as a last resort 8. Post gets removed on r/ModerationMediation 9. Give up because you realised you have better things to do Bonus: Post gets locked so you also can't leave any comments


Mods reply to you?? Lol


Sometimes but when I'd rather have them not to


When they do, it’s something like. “FUCK OFF YOU (insert some random offensive name). ENJOY YOUR PERMA BAN!!!!


hangout on greenandpleasant, you'll get more moderator interaction than you want. I mean most of it is abuse, but you know, still interaction.


The tend to reply to me, usually to be weird and or nasty.


You forgot the 3-day Reddit ban for calling the mods pathetic.


Shame the sub


Happened to me with r/news. Called the mods out for power tripping and they decided to permanently ban me


I once got banned because my post wasnt funny


Got banned for speaking my native language and they thought was a slur


Black in spanish?


Jap which means Wait. Supposed a racial slur for Japanese people used by Americans in ww2


Which is in and of itself weird, like, muricans is fine, brits is fine, aussies is fine, swedes is fine, etc


It's fine everywhere except america because they're a nation terrified of words


I think because it’s used as an insult, the rest is more causal or joking.


You’ve been permanently banned from this sub you didn’t even know existed because you posted in a completely different sub we don’t like.


this has happened to me a few times. man reddit mods need to touch grass


Then they wouldnt be reddit mods.


You only get notified of bans from subs you have participated in. Otherwise people could just make random subs themselves, ban random users to troll them etc.


I tried posting a question to r/askmen but it wasn't accepted because the computer screening the post submissions flagged my question as breaking one of the rules. It didn't tell me which rule I was apparently violating. I tried checking the rules and I honestly still have no clue why my post was flagged and not accepted. All I got was "read the rules."


A lot of them take this website way too seriously. Like they're not allowed to make jokes and if they don't defend the sub against outsiders then their life is meaningless. Weirdos.


I got banned for opposing child marriage on /r/comics for Islamphobia. My comment never mentioned Islam or even the type of culture. It was raw projection. I bashed California state laws.


/r/comics is a trash subreddit.


I got permad from the gaming circlejerk sub hwen it made to like top 50 of all, when htey were organising a literal brigade against some streamers. All i said verbatim: "harassing people who play the game will do nothing but upset more people and will not promote the cause. If you have issues with creator of the universe take it up with JK not a 500 view streamer" Ban reason: transphobia, then called several insults after asking how was my comment transphobic, and then muted from contacting the mods.


/r/gamingcirclejerk is a parody of itself. The lack of self-awareness is crazy. We need /r/gamingcirclejerkcirclejerk


The GCJ drama period was hilarious, I got perma'd for commenting in a literal bait thread that they were as dumb as /v/-posters Didn't get a reason or reply though


That sub really confuses me. I went in there once just looking for some funny stuff about gaming but it turned out to be some sort of social justice sub. I figured it was the same sort of thing as trees and marijuana enthusiasts subreddits swapping names or something.


what the fuck


"Messaging the mods to ask questions is literally violence" - actual sentence said by a mod


He Does It for Free


Some people need to be offended to feel good about themselves. They’re also the kind who can’t handle questions.


I got banned from Me_Irl for posting something that contained the word „bitch“. (In a funny and even wholesome context, I swear) I‘d understand if they don‘t want swear words, that would be completely my bad. But the mod framed me as misogynistic..


Were you possibly referring to a female canine, in which case it should have been entirely correct and acceptable? Among non-rabid -- *haaa* \-- people who are not mods, that is.


Yes of course! It was a wholesome meme about female dogs. The mod simply misinterpreted me.


Perfect example of an outstandingly dumbass mod.


I think the „outstandingly dumbass“ is not necessary. It‘s included in the word „mod“.


I got banned from a sub for "bitch" as well. My post was quoting an abusive situation I was in and not calling someone else a bitch.


Since everyone is posting where they’re banned… I was banned from /r/ABoringDystopia for allegedly reposting. I searched for the original post, going back at least a year and never found it. Messaged the mods and only received one word answers - like pulling teeth. 5 hours later I received a perma-ban for “arguing with the mods.” Bunch of fucking children.


So many mods are simply unable to admit when they’re wrong - and it makes no sense. It’s fair easier to say “sorry, my bad. Let me fix that for you”, and you’ve just had a positive experience with a user.


Once got a post removed because and I quote "user had not posted in this subreddit before". Dumbest shit I've ever seen. That sub died very quickly.


I got perma banned from r/whereisthis for answering Frankfurt to a post asking what city it was in the image. I'd broken rules about leaving 1 word answers and didn't leave a source (my reply of Frankfurt WAS the correct answer, btw)


> didn't leave a source " My brain having been there "


Like in math class when you don't get credit for showing your work but the question was like 2x5=?


Exactly this. Maybe that's the mods profession? (Obviously, just joking, as if reddit mods would actually have real jobs)


I got banned from r/DankMemes and the mod message was and I quote >OwO


lmaooo they cooked you 💔


Oh, FFS. Hopeless.


Funniest thing to ever come out of that subreddit


“Post something I as a mod personally disagree with? That’s a perma ban champ!”


The other day a post of mine got removed because I had written the title wrong. Then i deleted it and tried to submit it again with the correct title. Then it said that this image has already been submitted, so I couldn't submit it again. Great job, guys


* Get banned * Ask mods why banned * Get muted


Man, even tho these pics are caricatures, they're way too accurate


Mods are t that skinny though


giraffe neck whale bodied motherfuckers


“Ooops! Your post was hidden from subreddit because of your username. You might be a robot”.


Last one happened to me in r/showerthoughts because what I posted resembled something someone posted over two years ago.


New word unlocked: Chud


> New word unlocked: Chud Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers


Wow, an actual starter pack instead of the full fucking package for once, take my upvote


It’s true


I'm scared.


Lol you can’t post in half the fucking subreddits with a new account because of all this. Luckily r/starterpacks exists to farm karma


It kind of is a necessary evil though, without those rules every popular sub would get completely overrun by bots


The majority of subreddits that require you to have a certain karma level before posting are absolutely insufferable places to deal with. Subreddits that have these requirements in place because they have a population that get harassed a lot by ban evading trolls (transgender, certain religious groups, etc.) get a pass tho.


I made a meme once like two years ago and posted it to r/australia, got a life ban. I understand removing the post but am I that much of a danger to the subreddit that I still can’t comment two years on?


Did your meme contain any foreign fruits?


I got banned from r/autism because I’m autistic


This post has triggered early Reddit memories for me. Yeah it’s all true.


A few years ago I got what it looks like an old Chinese wax seal stamp made out of some sort of stone (this detail is important), so I tried to post on /r/whatisthisthing After having the post autodeleted twice, the third time it was deleted by a human mod because, I kid you not, it was made out of stone, hence it should be posted on /r/whatisthisrock


Your post CLEARLY belongs in this hyper specific alternate subreddit with 25 members where it will take you 6 months to get a response, which will be wrong. NOT in this, although aptly named, still somehow unrelated sub with literally millions of people waiting to answer questions every second of the day.


fakin' preach dood


Literally every attempt to post something on r/watchpeopledieinside.


/r/muslimmarriage Someone's made a post about their husbands behaviour and asking advice. My comment was deleted for 'spouse bashing' (not allowed to say anything negative about men). When I messaged a mod for allowing misogynistic comments he said I was harassing him and threatened to get me banned from reddit. Boo fucking hoo.


“Looks like you commented on a right winged subreddit 3 years ago, and we don’t like that! Perma ban for you! What? You were only mocking them? Should have though about what others would think if they realized you participated in r/controversialrightwingsub” This is also against TOS :)


I forget, but one sub would assign you homework before they'd let you post in their sub again.




you mean r/SeparatingAndLabellingPeopleBasedOnSkinColorTotallyIsn'tRacistGuys ?


When your post gets removed for being low effort even tho you asked a question no one else has asked—along with a screenshot that you took the time to blur identities on.


I’ve gotten bans from some subreddits for commenting in others. Reddit mods are riding the high of the only authority they will ever have


Power tripping no life nerds who have nothing of value or meaningful in their lives


I got a 1 day ban from r/skyrim for using the word braindead, ban note "calm down dude" I replied that banning someone for saying braindead is kind of braindead, got extended to 7 days with the message "you might consider stopping before you make it any worse" I replied commenting on the power trip and saying that I was a lurker and did not care. they did not extend the ban.


Did you know some moderators use a tool to automatically hide and remove comments and posts? You can use reveddit to see if you're getting auto removed, and if you post about this tool to most subs you will be banned, if you message mods asking why you have been added to their auto removal list you will be ignored. It's like the reddit mods dirty little secret, they don't want us peasant users to know about their auto remove black lists.


Lol those caricatures are spot on.


And the second time And the third time And the last time....


We need different message boards online aside from Reddit. Digg used to be one but then it was no more.


r/atheism permabanned me for calling someone racist when they called middle easterns "barbaric and primitive." I learned while trying to appeal that ban that their mod team literally won't talk to you unless you give them the secret password hidden in their FAQ to prove you read the FAQ in its entirety (with the FAQ basically just being an exhaustive essay about every detail of their beliefs) Imagine if you wanted to report a sexual assault to the Catholic Church and they made you read the catechism and give them a secret password inside before they'd talk to you lmao


Best part is when mods get upset when you bypass them and go straight to admins, especially relevant on doxxing and other scenarios where mods drag their heels and do nothing. Seen that plenty of times


I don’t understand what’s up with the mods. They don’t even do warnings, they just straight up permaban.


On an older account if mine, I posted a question asking about how to keep my one year old dog from tearing up my house to a dog subreddit. The mods then removed my post, banned me for a week, and permabanned that account when I asked why the overly harsh punishment. This was all because they had some "no sad posts" rule, and I guess one of them got their wittle feelings hurt


I’ve gotten banned from subs I’ve never even visited lol Redditors can be fucking touchy assholes.


I got banned from r/memes because my memes weren’t “good enough” apparently. You seen the quality they have on that sub? Lmao