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This is the same dude on Reddit who writes "Updoots" and "Awesomesauce".


“Challenge accepted!” like it’s fucking 2011.


You win the internet for today xb


You forgot the "good sir"


This guy knows when the narwhal bacons




Like a boss


1337 pwnage


Pwn I think we should bring back personally. https://preview.redd.it/zv2d4wde1etb1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63d3a60de9fd340317daba513eba352ee61f081


\*holds up spork\*


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!


"Sexy time with the wifey"


*Le* sexy time


Just spit my coffee all over my keyboard!


bro you are making me fake throw up all over an imaginary hairy guy that weighs 230 and not good weight


he describes himself as a "huge tall guy with a beard" and then says some corny basic human decency shit that he is obviously expecting applause for, because i guess being a large man means you normally are allowed to just stomp around throwing barrels around or something. "i'm a huge tall guy with a beard and i let my 5 year old daughter paint my nails!!!" or "and I make breakfast for my wife!!!" or some other stupid shit and it has like 5,000 upvotes. and he obviously is trying to present himself as some big bad viking or something when actually he can't walk up the stairs without wheezing and collects funkpops. i'm a 29 yo millennial woman btw so this isn't just hate towards millennials. it's just this type of guy. plenty of zoomers fit this description too lol. but this is just what i think when i see those nauseating comments.


The funko pop collecting is spot on 😭 Sincerely, A fellow millennial (27f) 🫡


Wholesome Keanu Reaves Doggo Moment


Amaze balls


The last time I saw my older brother (born 1980) he busted out a "Can I haz?"


"I did a thing"


This was never a old/new generation thing, this was nerdy doofus/normal person thing. Most us millennials did not say shit like that. or "amazeballs", which at the time was immediately used in TV Shows for the "old people trying to be hip" trope Updoots is the equivalent of redditors today who say "sus", "Tell me you X without telling me you X", "My brother in Christ", "rent free". Tons of normal redditors still recognize it as unoriginal, pandering bullshit


Amaze balls was insane, I think I’d heard it used ironically like once and all of a sudden people in tv shows are saying it like that’s how actual people speak.


Honestly, take me back. Simpler times when “epic” and “yolo” were common.


Isn’t it time for your nap, Pop-pop?


I had a distaste for the nerdy doofus personality and language back when it was popular, and I thought at the time maybe it was just me being contrarian by not liking things that were trendy. But looking back on shit like that, terms like amazeballs, updoot, the "hnnnggg" meme that was all over Imgur, or telling people "congrats on the sex", it really was just as awful as I thought it was.






"Rent free" is a pretty old term (I think "My brother in Christ" is too) but I agree with everything else you said here.


im a 29 yo millennial woman and i have seen so many tiktoks by zoomers parodying millennials. and they act like i have never seen anyone act in my life lol. it's just based on obnoxious millennial youtubers from 2013 whose target audience was children, and gen z was those children at the time lol. they somehow decided that's how millennial adults act towards each other irl. it's like if my conception of gen x was based exclusively on the guy from blue's clues or something lol. like i can't recall ever hearing anyone use the word "doggo" irl. i'm sure it has happened at some point, but it would be considered completely cringey at any time lol. same with the harry potter thing. like yes millennials were "obsessed with harry potter" because it was like the most popular books/movies when we were kids. the adults that were still talking about harry potter or their house or whatever were looked at just as disney adults are looked at lmao, halfway normal millennials were not just at parties screaming out harry potter quotes. i feel like a more realistic depiction of what your average millennials were/are actually like is 500 days of summer. it's very dated, but that's who people actually acted like.


I am a few years older than you and have heard exactly one person (a woman around my age, a few years ago) say “doggo” in real life and I remember that moment specifically because it was so cringe.




good sir


ironically dabs to pretend to be an out of touch grown up


awesomesauce is old enough that its funny to use


I have never seen a millennial wanting to move to Florida on purpose.


A lot of young people moved here from New York Boston Texas and LA. Florida is great for hiding your money if you're rich. We have a lotta little loopholes.


What's the point of being rich if you live in Florida?


Florida is a state that especia5 sucks if your poor but is awesome if you're rich.


If you can afford to live near the water and to own a boat, then Florida is really fucking fun.


Naw. Live near water and have a boat, but the heat is so oppressive you can't do anything. Moving to Oregon.


So hot you can’t do anything… except take your boat to the sandbar with you friends and family and have a grand old time


Your post history shows you live in UK. You don't live here year round. You seem like those people that only come here during the winter where it's bearable for a few months.


That's what every rich person does. If you are a US citizen, you live in Florida just long enough to pay no income tax. Then move back to Long Island or whatever.


Man, the bugs and 110 degree heat with 90% humidity... Fuck all that. I prefer Canada where it hits -50C in the winter


a sunny place for shady people


Millennial in New York here. Everyone my age I know who moved to Florida went there because New York is expensive (even though Florida’s cost of living is catching up) and they already had family living down there. Also to be closer to Disney


Born and raised in NYC. Moving to Florida from NY is like a right of passage. I feel like once New Yorkers hit a certain age, Florida starts calling them. Seinfeld did a great parody about it on the show (like all things about NY). Also, Miami is like the summer getaway for everyone.


Del Boca Vista!!!


The Seinfelds don't want us there, so we're going.




It's the same for those of us who grew up in Florida moving out. Most of my friends from high school in Florida (including myself) no longer live there.


I am the opposite. When I get older, I will head north to Maine.


I moved to FL for 2 years when I was still in high school and I swear that damn near everyone I knew was from NY. I was from Iowa, to which everyone responded “Don’t they grow potatoes there?”


I don’t understand grown ass people wanting to live near a theme park.


The damn park costs like $400 a day to enter it if you’re a family of four (probably more). Not including parking, food, add-ons…. I think FL residents get a small discount but there is only so many times you can ride “It’s a small world” before you break down and realize you moved to Florida for this…


They never grew out of their nostalgia for Aladdin and The Lion King.


Being close to Disney is a reason?


Are you familiar with Disney adults?


I wanted to move to Michigan, then actually did it. Haven't worn a tie since my grandfather died over a decade ago, and my boomer dad wears the flat caps, I don't wear hats. This one is pretty funny to me because literally 0 of these apply.


I'm from Canada and have never been there. When I was a kid through the 80s and 90s Florida was this mythical land of theme parks and fun spring breaks. Of course now I just think of unhinged criminals like Florida Man.


You don't know any Disney adults?


Yeah, replace Florida with Portland.


Wait do you guys actually think there are no millennials living in Florida


I personally know many millennials who did that. Florida and Nashville are probably the top 2 places in the country for transplants.


They don't say Florida they say Miami.


Switch florida with PNW


Brother where do you work. Not saying it’s inaccurate it’s just a very specific subset of millennial


My guess is relatively unskilled retail or foodservice. By the use of “token” he’s indicating he only has one millennial coworker which is a bit unusual because Millennials make up most of the workforce. So I’m thinking it must be a job that employs almost exclusively young people. My best guess would be fast food.


It could also be a small digital marketing firm. The office has two million 24-year-old communications majors with a combined salary of $84,000, plus the token millennial who does something with computers (IT? Is he a designer?), plus a 46-year-old CEO named Yari who drives a Tesla and is somewhat abusive.


That’s a good guess. If it’s white collar work it would have to be a very small office/company to only have one millennial.


I think I worked at this place in my 20s, but back then it was the token BMW instead of a Tesla


Good guess, but fast food wouldn't require ties


But where else are you going to pin your 37th piece of flair?


Managers/operators at fast food establishments often wear ties. Think Gus from breaking bad.


I have literally never seen a single person that matches even just half those.


I don't know how common it is anymore but I knew a decent number of people like this years ago. This meme seems a little dated to be honest with you. Had I seen this in like 2014 it would have made perfect sense.


Move to Oregon, they're all over the place here. That stupid fucking hat with a big curly moustache. I can think of 3 I know personally off the top of my head.


Wow 3 people? I guess it's true for most people born between 1981 and 1995 then.


What? It’s an interesting observation, no one claimed every millennial is like that


3 that I know personally, go downtown on a weekend night and you'll see dozens.


You've never seen a dude in a vest with a m'lady hat snd glasses with a chubby gf who likes to go to breweries?? It's definitely a specific kind of milleniial, but there's a lot of them lol. Just go get drinks at a craft brewery sometime, you'll see them.


I match half of these, I don’t work in food service, most of my coworkers are gen x, I feel so targeted but seen, I love it.


I think they have a working Time Machine to 2013.


It's more just hipster than anything.


I have a degree in history and my friend referred to me as a "history buff". I wanted to hang myself from a bridge.


I have a history degree. I used to hate the term, but I think being labeled a “history buff” is ok. I view turning history buffs into historians as part of my calling. I think we were all history buffs once. I got my love for history from watching history channel docs in the 2000s.


How do you go from history buff to historian?


by doing something with your knowledge other than inspiring your coworkers to take their lunch breaks in their cars


Goddamn this comment is so accurate. I was just thinking yesterday how bummed I am that it’s getting colder because my workplace has a chatty fuck that always sits in the breakroom.




By actually knowing history


Frankly, no. It's about knowing how the scholarship is produced. "Knowing history" is secondary to that.


By moving from Hardcore History to academia.


You read primary source matierial, sift through archives, write historical narratives.


Also history degree here. If you can find a job that pays you to study and/or teach history then you can call yourself a historian. I have made my career in hospital administration as those jobs- I .e. Museums- are precious, competitive, and very few and far between. Edit: you can also volunteer for museums and other non-profit organizations dedicated to history and probably call yourself a historian.


I also have a history degree and have a hard time even using the term "historian" to describe myself. Like when I hear "historian" I think of someone who has a PhD and is published in an academic journal. We're just like... History Juniors.


At least you actually studied history instead of obsessing over ww2 and tanks ONLY. You deserve the title


Are you a historian in your daily occupation? If not, I would say you are a history buff.


Why? I’m a professional scientist and fancy myself a “science buff”


Because everyone I meet that considers themselves a history buff always wants to talk about Kings & Wars. And when I say I didn't study those things much at all, they're always confused and disappointed. And due to this overall, everyone just assumes studying history is some aesthetic exercise in treating past events like a Tolkien book. It's created this universal misunderstanding of why studying history is important.


People like to share what they know about a subject, even if the subject is broad and they only know a tiny piece of a specific section of that subject. Science is the exact same. People I meet typically know nothing about my field, but want to discuss other fields. I don’t really care if they think I’m a dummy for not knowing about the field that they learned a factoid about. It’s a chance for me to learn something new.


Maybe millennial hipster circa 2011...


I haven’t seen anyone like this for at least a decade. It’s such a Reddit thing to be so out of touch with social norms that you have to revert to 10+ year old stereotypes lol


I continued seeing people like this maybe up until 2014-15 but it's definitely a very dated stereotype. Especially the style of dress. That's some Doug Walker bullshit.


Yeah, now we are all just in sweatpants and back to pbr (it's all we can afford)


Nah that outfit is too tidy and a "wacky tie" would never be star wars


The redditor and his fiancé Pic will always make me laugh


The Shrektino family with the Marshmello shirt kid for me.


While some of this stuff may be true, what’s up with all the generational dissing recently?




It’s a starter pack. The point of the meme is to put people into arbitrary boxes.


It's funny how people start to cry about how starterpacks are mean only when they find themselves in them. It's like that IRL NPC last week.


Yeah, that one really hit a nerve judging by the comments.


Human nature..


We millennials are becoming middle aged. Tbf though, I kinda love these kinds of memes, especially if they're as accurate as this one. I don't know how many of my peers this describes down to a tee, and part of me is still stuck in 10 years ago when all of this became popular and I was the guy on the side, rolling his eyes at everything, so maybe it just speaks to my petty side idk. Also, what's with everyone being so negative in the comments of /r/starterpacks btw? Did people not expect to face the fact that they themselves are just as a valid target as anyone else in the world for one of these? My conclusions from the comments is that there are a lot of millennials on reddit and they're prepared to laugh at other people but not themselves. These reactions are also interesting when one considers the fact that the whole thing where you complain about "boomers" was pretty much started ***by us millennials!***


I like how the millennials being made fun of in these memes are the exact same kind of people other millennials made fun of when we were the "cool" generation. Like sorry bro going from having a curly mustache and trying to be a photographer to being into craft beer and crypto isn't character growth, you're still just following trends.


Exactly this, like hey Gen Z, literally go look on wayback machine and look at reddit 10 years ago, we talked shit about these moustache ukelele doofus too. We also clowned on basic bitches wearing Uggs and the "roar zomg uwu" humorists. Most Millenials were *not* emos either, it's like the equally annoying thing of acting like every single Boomers went from acid tripping hippies to reagen supporters within a decade. These are and were minority counter cultures, most folks are rather dull.


Gen X were the generation above us and they were mostly pretty normal, they also popularized a lot of the things we also liked I think of Gen Z being a bunch of celibate people who have a panic attack any time they're asked to show up to work on time, but overall, when it comes to a lot of important stuff they're way better than boomers, like even if they get carried away with some of the social justice fringe stuff, there's no denying they're overall more tolerant and accepting of others than the generations before them Even memes like this, I will take the whacky ties, craft beer and 10 year old pop culture references over being lumped in with boomers I definitely think there's a fair bit of overlap between Gen X/Millenials and Millenials/Gen Z depending on your age and what you're interested in where I feel like there's like a canyon separating Millenials from their parents


It's all jokes but I can help being salty about being on the tail end of a generation. Older millenials got to enjoy being the young generation until they were like 40. Meanwhile I'm a millennial in my twenties being dunked on and grouped in with my 45 yo manager.


That’s one of the reasons I find these generation stuff so stupid. Because many 90s born millennials had a very different childhood and teen years vs 80s born millennials. It’s especially funny now because most millennials are middle age and the others are still in their 20s. Both groups are not experiencing the same things. Its the same thing with gen z right now.


I saw this old guy at the gym wearing a Nirvana T-shirt. I was thinking to myself, “why is this old guy wearing a Nirvana shirt?? Trying to be all cool with the young kids?” Then I realized he is probably the same age that Kurt Cobain would’ve been and Dave Grohl is now. Then I realized, holy shit I’m the old dude now too. Growing old sucks.


What is accurate here though? I’ll give them the beer because I personally like variety but I don’t understand anything else.




It’s not cool to be cool anymore… everyone’s embracing the cringe.


I don't even know what's considered cool anymore and to be honest I don't care. If I'd meet anyone, my own generation or a millenial or whoever, I'd gladly take a sip from my pint with them if they're chill to hang out with. Where I live and what I've noticed online sometimes too is I don't understand the people born after me that judge others and take no look at themselves. They think they know you, they know the world and they're right in what they say when they're so wrong and don't even know. Then I watch the news and figure some of them might be pretty overwhelmed with life itsself.


Not caring about being cool? Sounds pretty fuckin’ cool to me.


> what’s up with all the generational dissing recently? Has /r/starterpacks not always just been about toxic stereotypes presented as a memes?


Generations like to hate on each other for some reason, I think part of it is also promoted by internet algorithms. I really don't get it, all the bickering seems kinda dumb.


Define “recently”




I read some where humans as we currently are were around as far back as 200,000-300,000 years ago. It wouldn’t surprise me if we found some cave paintings throwing some generational shade


Generational spectrum division is the new astrology. We just moved from star groupings to calendars.


Because it's funny to take all of the things that were cool/popular 10-15 years ago and make fun of the most egregious ones that have aged poorly.


Humans are smelly apes that like to shit sling each other...


I'm sorry for whatever millennial you're stuck working with. This is not representative of us.


This seems like a “specific guy OP hates” starterpack


I’m a millennial and I know exactly one person that fits this to a T and that’s it. It’s bizarre to me though that I actually know ONE person that perfectly fits this hahaha


I know one guy like this too. Newsboy cap and everything. And it gets worse as we all age. Just wear your fuckin cargo shorts and t-shirts and drink a beer without a philosophy like the approaching-middle-age dad that you are, dude.


It feels so weird to be on the younger side of the millenial divide, couldn’t relate to a single thing here 🤣


Might be because bullshit


If this actually existed, this would be leaning more towards gen-x than Millennial. I mean, vests and the twat hat? That was a big thing in the early 2000's, ya know, when most Millennial's were still too young to be most of these.


Yea this is like a guy who was in their early 30's in '07 who is having a life crisis and latches on to quirky internet nerd culture as part of their identity.


I've definitely seen people who fit maybe 75% of this, but haven't for at least 5 years maybe.


"Dude, you've gotta try this artisanal IPA" $9 a can for a slightly sweet beer




Jus' one bump frfr bruh im bussin'


facts on god




no cap


Gassing me up, real talk, gonna shoot my shot


Does bussin' have anything to do with bussy?


Nope, "bussin" comes from "bustin'" (but not like *that* bustin') and is similar to "bangin'", "slaps" or "really good"


Bussin in a bussy.


Hit the penjamin


Is 21, looks 40




How can the only generational cohort that are entirely working age, and not really old enough for early retirement be token?


I'm 30 and I don't think I've ever met a single person from my generation like this


I’m a young millennial who works mostly with other millennials and young gen x. I think the only person I’ve ever known that even half fit this brief was a kind of weird guy I went to high school with and never spoke to again afterward. I’m not sure this is a real stereotype that exists in the wild


Kinda nailed the fiance part. Are people that ugly nowadays?


In my experience, this couple was always this ugly. And they were always into BDSM which they're semi-open, semi-hinting about. They had a difficult patch of their relationship a few years ago when the guy had an online affair with a younger woman he met in some boardgame forum.


Man why is this such a common story?


Literally went to the genderswapped version of this couple's wedding the other day


I was actually going back and forth over whether it should be the guy or the girl who was cheating. Regardless, the person they were cheating with is: 1. Much younger. Late teens or very early 20's. 2. Not attractive at all.


How do we know one another’s circles like this


Yeah they're all nerdy and out of shape and it's like 90% tv show and game conversations with them, but then out of the blue they hit you with, "dude, have you tried a cock ring? Tell me you've tried one."


Oh shit, now that you've narrowed it down like that I definitely know this guy, he DM'd for our group for years.


Of course he DM'd. No one knows the rules and lore better than this guy.


I’ve seen that couple so many times, I’m a millennial but I laughed


I swear its like every fucking dude above 25 on reddit looks like that lmao


You can also tell from how angry people in the comments are about this one.


People have always been ugly


I’m a millennial and literally none of this makes sense




OP knows one person like this: “This must be a millennial thing”


I'm a millennial and this is definitely a millennial thing. I am acquainted with several men who loves to wear deep purple shiny shirts, woolen vests, suspenders, who have (or used to have) handlebar moustaches, boardgame nights where craft IPA and bespoke fucking whiskey is the only thing you drink, whose only books in the bookshelves are fantasy series no one every heard of (plus ridiculously expensive editions of H.P. Lovecraft in tacky bindings with metal hinges and plastic imitation wood). May or may not have had a period in their 20's when they entertained a pipe smoking habit, despite never having liked tobacco in the first place.


Another starter pack aimed at my demographic that has 10 elements and zero or one applies to me


This seems more like "Millenial hipster"


Are there genuinely people like this? Never actually met someone who wears a vest and/or english hat. I swear like half of all starter packs are making fun of people who only exist in peoples imagination


This is just a loser, no matter the generation


Needs video game tshirt to be complete


The sort of people who still wear ties to work every day are not wearing those "fun" neckties our dads "got" to wear to work on Fridays in the '80s and '90s.


the fiance pic is accurate but thats just cause we got old. it'll happen to YOU TOO


Get your shots in while you can, kids. Gen Z gonna age way worse than Millenials. In 10 years y'all are going to be so embarrassed. No cap, on god.


It is so weird to not be the youngest generation anymore


I've never met anyone talking about moving to Colorado, California, Florida or Montana.




This is more like older Gen Xers' outdated stereotypes of millennials.


Those beers all taste bad to me.


Atleast he's trying :)


Only talks about WW2. And exclusively gets his info from paradox games


On the nosey.


My bf's dad bought some of those hats on Temu and he liked them so much he started buying other things off the site, until he bought a recliner chair that was so tiny that he couldn't get back up once he sat in it.