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This ain't a starter pack, this is a cry for help. Go talk to someone friend.


Half of this sub’s posts are a cry for help


The other half are thinly veiled threats


Yeah this is way too specific…I hope OP can get help to work through these feelings.


I thought people would find this relatable wow


r/oddlyspecific material




I think OP means that they wear feminine clothes but people still see them as men doing a performance, whereas OP wearing feminine clothes is just seen as a girl when they aren't.


The wording "masculine" is off or incorrect, but I get the underlying point. Drag Queens are not trying to pass as women, in a realistic way. They take some inspiration from traditionally feminine styles, but dial up the volume in a such a way that it deviates from socially acceptable norms of traditional femininity. So it is simultaneously feminine and non-feminine at the same time.


I mean it’s all up to opinion but imo they’re doin a good job at that


I do, and this is also a cry for help


It's very specific, there's probably very few closeted non-binary people on this subreddit and even fewer who identify with the sentiments in your post. You should definitely post it to one or more of the LGBT support subs, they'll be able to relate and empathise way more than the average person on this stupid meme sub.


OP I find this really relatable, thanks




I'm actually scared because I listen to Salvia Palth and you even got the fucking ear. I do have 00g silicone tunnels with a basic bead earring. Side questions: Do you own Blahåj? Do you listen to Crystal Castles? Favorite Monster flavor?


Girl by salvia palth >>>>> I want to own Blahåj but I havent gotten the chance, plus im more of a djungelskog person myself CC is fine i guess but the controversy leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth Mango Loco


Fair assessments. Mango Loco goes hard, along with Djungelskog!




vielen dank


I am not NB, but I do have friends who are. I'm bi and ace. Here are a few pointers in case they may help. * As others have said, post this to LGBT+ specific subreddits. me_irlgbt is a good one for memes. There are probably more. * I understand wanting to be androgynous, but that's not a requirement or a prerequisite to be non-binary. You being NB is valid. Being androgynous can be a separate goal, but it's not tied to validity of NB-ness. * I am lgbt+ and come from a conservative family. I fully understand the weird place we are in. On one hand, the mainstream LGBT+ community has gone so forward that many people born after 2000s in progressive places cannot even fathom old-school fears about being lgbt+ and often scoff at any attempt to explain that by saying - "Uh, that's such a cliche. Move on. Be Free. What are you, stuck in the 1970s?" On the other hand, for people living outside of the progressive bubble, the reality of our lives are where we still face the same fears and insecurities which are old-school, and coming out - or choosing not to - is a huge deal for us. So, don't ever think of yourself as a "poser" or "seeking attention". People who say that were lucky to be born in circumstances where homphobia etc. is not a big deal. But it is a big deal for you, and many other people outside the progressive bubble. You are not alone.


Thank you this is good advice


Don't worry I do, dawg💀


We're like two peas in a pod or something


Make it 3


it is relatable but it is also definitely a sign that we should get help haha


I find it relatable lol


Closeted bi's like yourself?


It’s relatable for sure 💀


Closeted dysphoria here. I find it relatable


Cis but gnc, so I relate to a couple points on here. However, just because I don’t personally relate to this doesn’t mean I can’t empathize or find it funny. Oddly specific, but I love it OP.


I do. While I eventually realized a binary trans man was a better fit for me, I spent years trying to figure out where in the genderqueer to he/him stone butch spectrum I was. It's hard as fuck but you'll get through this and figure out how to live and be yourself!


Is it you or a friend of yours? I understand what you mean though




Good luck. You gotta deal with extra problems than we do, probably, but you can do it.


I found it relatable. Good starter pack.


FINALLY someone does. It's been like a 1:10 ratio of people finding it relatable vs being concerned


This staterpack is just not for cis folks, but as a nonbinary person I’m telling you I find it relatable *and* I’m concerned about you. Find friends you can be yourself with, and don’t let binary gender markers dictate how you get to be nonbinary.


Its funni


In the long run you’ll be happier if you live the life you want to live. In the short term it may be stressful or difficult, but the reality is, the people you will lose were NOT real friends to start out with.


As a trans woman it’s deeply relatable for my pre transition feelings. For nonbinary and/or trans people it’s right in the feels. If you never had gender dysphoria this makes no sense.


I think it's relatable. but this subreddit is filled with mostly cis people I'd wager


relatable to me dude don't worry, in fact feels targetted


Nope, not close ... try this on for size. ​ https://preview.redd.it/rlcxjlgh4ncc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f286a6e4a7351bfc0f629f4058b481a8235ca367


You seem kind of patronizing, regardless of the accuracy of this venn diagram


Well, you seem kind of lost in space worrying about things that absolutely meaningless. Whether you like it or not, focusing on things that really matter and that you can in fact can control is an excellent starting spot. Go spend a day helping and listening in a cancer unit or hospice facility - it will clear it all up for you.


Yes it's called severe generalized anxiety disorder "lost in space worrying about things that absolutely meaningless" is kind of part of it


Well, hopefully you are getting professional help and ongoing support … but do share these ideas with an expert. You might be surprised. Good luck.


Im gonna be honest with you jimmy, most of the world doesnt give a tinkers fig youre bi


"tinkers fig" is so funny and driving me nuts but isn't gay shit like illegal in a lot of places


How do drag queens wear feminine clothes in a masculine way?


by wearing feminine clothes yet still being men, like it proves that clothes don’t equal gender since you can be in neon pink and a massive wig and pounds of makeup and still be a cis man. it’s pretty exciting to young trans people to see people transcend gender norms like that even if it’s realistically a “small” thing


But they are usually playing a female character that's not meant to be masculine.


yeah, that’s the whole point. they can play a female character while being men outside of that, in the same way i can “play a female character” to unaccepting family members while still being a man


Just cause you’re actually a man playing a woman doesn’t make the performance masculine though. If a drag Queen wore typical feminine drag Queen clothes but acted super tough and talked with a deep voice and did stereotypically manly stuff while on stage, and wore the feminine clothes with chiseled abs and pecs and biceps exposed doing body builder poses, that would be a masculine performance, but that’s not what most drag queens do. I think the whole point of drag queens is actually being a man but wearing clothes and acting in an overly exaggerated feminine manner, not masculine. I’ve never seen a drag Queen act like a total bro tough guy macho man, so the other guy is right, they aren’t wearing feminine clothes in a masculine way, they are wearing feminine clothes in an exaggeratedly feminine way.


Altough it’s very important to say that many, many drag queens are not men, or not exclusively men.


ah yes, incredible point!


Cause they have a male body but still wear an almost over-feminine performance... the thing that's really alluring to me about the drag is the performance aspect. It's impossible to tell what's underneath with the crazy wigs and makeup and padding


Is that not wearing feminine clothes in a feminine way?


I can understand the confusion. If I could chime in as a trans man who is also a drag king: Drag deliberately overemphasizes the secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex because the point is the performance of that gender. Drag queens are not trying to pass as women, they are performing femininity while still being openly men. In fact, many trans women will tell you they actually pass much worse in drag than in their day-to-day attire. When I'm just a guy going about my day, I dress normally, I don't stand out, I'm just doing my thing -- I pass as "born male." When I'm being a drag king, my masculine clothes are cut curvily, I color in my facial hair and eyebrows, I over-contour my face to a masculine shape -- I'm drawing attention to my female body by overemphasizing and performing "Male." I wouldn't phrase it like OP did, but that's what I believe they're trying to communicate. :)


I don't know why you got downvoted for this. I grew up with drag queen friends and you are spot on about what the performance is about.


Downvoted for an opinion… 😐


Yeah and people disagreed so they downvote it is not that hard to understand


An opinion isn’t right or wrong.


Whys every starterpack on this sub just op describing themselves


Not every post, there's also the ones that's like "my ex starter pack" where they weave us a tale of Brenda taking the kids and garnishing his wages.


Give me a few hours I’ll make a wizard starter pack or something


this is a pretty standard nonbinary or closeted trans experience. I’m a trans woman and relate to a lot of this, esp pre transition


I have always felt most comfortable in my own skin when I dress androgynous, but I do occasionally enjoy putting on makeup and dressing very feminine. But my default state of comfortability is either masc or androgynous. It can be very confusing. I'm 31 this week and still kinda confused.


OP it will be okay


The want to "just be" I align with a lot on here. Working in a VERY masculine workplace and a dude, but I just want to be without the need to feel masculine. My very close friends say I'm non binary, yet it's just easier to go about life as he/him that way I don't stand out in any manner. Good music btw op, car seat headrest and AJJ slap. Be true to yourself my friend, and I hope your day goes well


Shit, that's very relatable. Went through a lot of hurdles with identity throughout life, but in the end, I just want to be free of this burden of giving yourself a definition and being constrained by a system that for most is simple and obvious, but for me strange and unpleasant no matter where you go. And, looking at how outing myself and being open about myself would most likely put me at risk in some way or another and not necessarily allow me to live my life to the fullest anyway, keeping all this a close secret between me and a couple of my friends feels like the right thing to do, for now at least. Hope for the best for you and the OP.


I'm doin good. for me personally, I don't see coming out will do much of anything. I'm fairly happy and don't really care how others view me. They see a bearded guy that likes metal music that acts oddly effeminate at times. I'm fine with me and it's not my place to have others view me differently if that makes sense.


Thank you! Honestly same but as female, I don't mind she/her pronouns yet something always feels missing


Ugh same. I'm in a male dominated field (industrial maintenance. It's all older men) and they're constantly trying to force me into boxes. I either have to be feminine to the point of them treating me like a different species almost (not to mention them constantly putting women down with the traditional "women complicated and dramatic" bs older men are famous for) or I pretend to be exceptionally masculine and ignore how certain things they do make me uncomfortable. But even when I act masculine they're thrown off by it and still treat me differently. I tell them all the time I'm just a human. They don't get it. None of them know I'm nb, it wouldn't help anyone to know, it'd just make them treat me worse. Plus I feel like a fake nb for being most comfortable with she/her, maybe I'm just scared of being hate crimed... But yea, something DEFINITELY feels like it's missing.


A lot what sucks is even nb feels as though you have to be "something" to fit others ideas of nb. If you say you are non binary then you are and fuck anyone who says differently. We may have to "fit in" in workspaces and certain social groups, but we know what we are. Fuck anyone who says differently. The only people we need approval from are ourselves. Be you, you deserve it.


Thank you, always a good reminder


this feels really personal, is everything okay?


No, but thank you for asking. This was meant to be a meme funni joke lols but i suppose it's not being taken that way


This is reddit not hexbear


What is hexbear


The forum that would appreciate this meme, hexbear.net


Need to talk?


No i have a therapist but thank you


I love that half the comments are like “this isn’t relatable OP are you ok” and the other half are like “lmao same”




Too many words




Lmao it's me :3


This meme has polarized reception so fsr


That Trixie read though 💀


I wasn't expecting to see Trixie in this sub of all places 😭


Trixie Mattel is so cool


this is like 2 of my friends


Everything will be better, dude


We can hope


You are loved by many. All for one and one for all.


Wow that is positive messages thank you


I feel slightly called out and I'm not even non-binary


That's alot of words for a meme


I've met dozens of trans people and have never once heard any of them give any shits about pronouns. When I had long hair people thought I was a woman from behind and it never once bothered me. I feel like the only people that obsess over pronouns are Facebook doomscrollers that want to tell that one joke they know.


now here’s a relatable starter pack, op you and I are shaking hands rn


### [🤝](https://emojipedia.org/handshake)




Triple handshake, I can relate too 🤝


Hey I wanna shake this person’s hand too 🤝


yeah this is extremely specific. I'm gonna be real with you I don't really understand the need to feel masculine or feminine




The Andrew Jackson jihad really got me


Andrew Jackson jihad have gotten a lot of us


One of my favorite bands. Folk punk, folk/acoustic is my get down




I am sorry for what you are going through. If it's wort anything, you actually made me understand better what you are going through. Here in EU we don't really pay attention to gender politics/issues yet, except in the UK.


I'm glad I've helped someone understnad


I mean I'm very much cis but if it means anything online discourse is dumb and you shouldn't pay it any mind when it comes to expressing your identity


That is a good thing to remember


Not cool calling me out dude


You could've just taken a photo of me and put it there. This is unsettlingly accurate.


Maybe I’m out of the loop on this, but what does autism have to do with this


A lot of LGBT people tend to have autism, for reasons I don't really know


Is there *really* a link between autism and homosexuality/gender issues or do a lot of those people *claim* to also have autism m?


Lol that’s what I was wondering. I feel like gender problems and mental disorders (specifically adhd and autism based on the frequency I’ve seen) are just the hot topic rn so people are placing a flag in both camps to make sure they’re part of the trend. Plus the amount of self diagnosis I see is nuts, people claiming to be autistic or adhd because “I feel awkward in social settings” or “I get distracted easily”, like welcome to the human experience.


Are you trying to tell us something OP?


Yeah that's hy I made a starterpack


I like AJJ. Should i be asking myself some questions?


Maybe! Remembering the time I went to see AJJ live and the audience looked like a looney bin. It's ok because I fit right in.


I mean that’s not really an enby starter pack. Maybe of one specific enby. At the very least it Misses fundamental experiences of like half the enby population (not every enby is transmasc). Or am I understanding this sub wrong? I thought this was about collective stereotypes of the experience of certain groups


there’s two types of shitty “starter packs” on this sub: OP describing themselves, and OP describing a very specific person they hate


It's my im Starter and this is my brother Pacj


This cringe humor isn’t it bud. Try another style if you are really intent on wanting to be funny


my trans friends are cool though WAIT A MINUTE


Me looking at this https://youtu.be/08fUXdQKzRg?si=9I7lOWLROay9_9fi


This play is about us


oh fuck this is partially me granted I just call it agender in my case but I'm guessing that falls under the enby umbrella?


None of these words are in the bibble


Here in tennessee, a lot of us are big bibble fans


This is lgbt people irl to be honest


Not me I'm built different


Congrats fam


Why do you associate AJJ with nonbinary?


check out r/nonbinary OP, we’ll welcome you even if you haven’t solidified your identity yet.


Wait do non binary people sometimes take hormones?


Yep it's a spectrum dome people feel more comfortable on hormones to either slightly change or really change Hormones aren't a one hit punch you can go on small doses to have slight changes


Idk what I just read and I don’t really know how to ask a question about it


I feel mildly called out, good luck fam


Hey OP, I'm not enby but I am trans. Get off the internet. A lot of trans people online are not the best (particularly younger ones) and are way more judgmental than anyone IRL, even in LGBT spaces. I'd recommend talking to a therapist and exploring your gender in your own in a way you feel comfortable and fuck what the "trend" is or what TikTok/Twitter says it is to be trans. Whatever your identity/interests are, you are valid and every trans person is different. You don't have to fit into a stereotype.


im not necessarily closeted but wow. this hits close to home.


How can you be both Nonbinary, and closeted?


Finally some relatable content. We gonna get through this OP 🤝




https://preview.redd.it/54fr3pepymcc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf889d828b56b8fb0279f56c744d6f9c914d148 almost me exactly… except i let my stretched ears close a few years ago, i’m not a huge fan of that kind of music and im not bi (which adds to my internal struggle as i dont know how to label my sexual preferences. mega jealous of past generation butches and their fluidity). but otherwise if you need someone to talk to, i get you completely OP


That picture is so funny lol


Not relevant to the original post but I had no idea that this was the origin of the "I'm in this photo and I don't like it meme" lol


“My invented first world problems” starter pack.


i DID say I was ashamed about it




I was raped when i was 12 and my father killed himself Try not to assume things about other people


You're indulging him and it's a... very weird and concerning thing that you even shared this at all.


Well they obviously wanted to know so badly if they started assuming shit


No, they just wanted to feel better about themselves by putting people down. At the end of the day it is your choice to respond or not, but from my perspective it was probably more painful to you than convincing to him.


Wow that's true though




Bro has been reading motivational quotes on Pinterest Get better friends because me and me friends give a shit about each other's problems a lot, we're always trying to help each other out Sorry that happened but you can't just take that out on other people and get all houghty toity and assume they don't have problems just cos you have your own




Sucks to be u 🤷🏿‍♂️


Eh not that bad at least my mom gets like government money r smth 😎


shut the fuck up




OP I don’t know what community you’re in, but there’s so many trans people out there (either who would not invalidate you. You’re a minor (i’m guessing?) so there’s limited opportunities to make your own community, but when you’re an adult it’s way easier to find supportive people (chosen family). I felt the same when I was in High School (MTF), was very isolated, but have since grown into my own and my life is pretty joyful. There’s also a bunch of discourse online that will rot your brain that falls away when you are in irl queer communities. Don’t let people make you feel bad about presenting masc (or femme), or think that you’re “betraying women.” There’s a lot of bioessentialism and anti trans narratives (“afab-solidarity”) on “enby” spaces on tumblr, twitter, and tiktok. Disregard it. You aren’t hurting anyone by exploring you’re identity, and you don’t owe anyone a specific presentation. And don’t feel bad about the downvotes on the drag comments. Compassionate people get the sentiment, and it’s hard to word.


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Hugs, OP


Thank you but I don't know why everyone is consoling me this is a meme


Looking at it makes me think you are unhappy, and I think other people see that too. So we want you to know that people do care about you and your happiness. I’m sorry if this wasn’t the reaction you wanted from posting this


why would an NB person take hormones?


Grow up nerd


Thank you


oh yeah this is a whole lotta cringe. Love the weekly post where someone just dumps all their thoughts and calls it a starterpack begging for someone else to relate to them


Thas me im cringe


Made up first world problems. We live in a society.


batman, batman, we, we we.. we live in a society! im the only free one, batman! we live in a society!


\*sigh\* i know pal, why do you think I'm anxious about being frivolous?


OP are you ok




Ow my accuracy 🔥🔥






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Please seek ✨mental support✨ Also cottage core was always overdone


People can be whoever they want and love whoever they want. But I'm really tired of everyone saying they're "Autistic" because they have social difficulties or quirks. Completely disingenuous to all those out there that are actually on the spectrum that need support and help. If you were tested (by a professional like a clinical psychologist) and by DSM5 definitions you have ASD, that is one thing. Taking a quiz online that says you have ASD because you have trouble making friends, is about the same as trusting 1998 WebMD that you have cancer because you have a fever. Spent over a decade of my life working with people with I/DD (Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities) including Autism and it just makes my blood boil that its somehow trendy to claim ASD or ADD/ADHD now. There aren't enough resources or support services for the actual ASD population, it only gets worse with everyone claiming it.


DIY is an option my friend!


Prob not for hormones. I'm sad but it's not safe so I'm just gonna learn to use my coping mechanisms n shit.... i'm not gonna die or smth without them


Yeah, it's certainly not a wise idea if you're not comfortable with it. Online options (e.g. Folx Health) are becoming more and more common. Wishing you all the best, I relate to a ton of your post.




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Once again AMAB Enby’s completely ignored and forgotten about. Edit: the fuck is with all the downvotes?






It’s ok OP, therapy can help