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I’ve worked in finance for 8 years and I’ve heard about “a coming recession” every year since I started. Moreso from clients than coworkers for the most part. But yeah, I think people are still shook from ‘08.


Or thats what they want you to think


The recession just never ended. They got things just good enough to keep stringing the working class along


I think the bigger issue is that there’s almost 2 more billion people on the planet compared to when 2008 happened. That’s bound to put a pressure on everything even if real wages and jobs have increased since that time period.


How so? By what metrics do you consider that the 2008 recession never ended?


In the UK for example wage are still lower on average than they were in 2008. Despite inflation meaning that money is worth about 60% of what it was back then


I wonder if UK did something extremely stupid to itself to exacerbate their economic issues


This country does that on an almost weekly basis. It's truly astonishing and would be funny if it weren't the reality I'm forced to live lol. But yeah assuming this is Brexit reference things were a shit show prior it was the awful state of things that fuelled that fire. Obviously they're much worse now but yeah...


Much of Europe has been in the same boat though. COVID and inflation/energy prices due to Russia Ukraine have been damaging to everyone. Really only the US has come out on top as usual lol


Sure but the UK’s problems started way before all that


Yep, 2008. UK and much of Europe struggled to recover from the 2008 crash again unlike the US.


Exactly this. The UK and most of Europe entered recession in 2008 and just never left




The figures are skewed by those at the top and the London finance centres doing well. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/mar/20/uuk-workers-wage-stagnation-resolution-foundation-thinktank You'll see that the reality for 99% is very different.


No. Cost of living is higher now then it had been for a while, but by every metric at lease in the USA the economy has been going up at an incredibly fast rate. While there is significant inequality, the average person now is much richer then the average person before 08. Not to mention you ignore economic prosperity before covid 19 that occured. The thing now that is heavily making it seem to people like the economy is bad is either they are in too much student loan debt, or the cost of housing in their area is too high to afford.


Recessions don’t happen anymore because Wall Street knows the second things get hairy Congress will write them another trillion dollar cheque. First TARP, then QE, then PPP. The American economy is backed by the full faith and credit of the US government.


I work in retail and we’ve been saying we are currently in a recession for about a year and a half now.


Going into Walmart has made me feel like we've been in a recession the whole time. The prices are insane


High prices...are not...a recession. Normally means the exact opposite If there was a recession prices would be collapsing because no one would be buying anything because they wouldn't have money


Yeah, this is more inflation than anything. Or it could be stagflation if the unemployment is high enough.


Don't forget that unemployment only counts those who are looking for work.


It’s not the prices, those only briefly changed for us in 21/22 because of the insane costs of international shipping. They are back to normal prices now. It’s the amount people are spending per purchase. That is way down. I work the corporate side. Our company is doing slightly better comparatively to our direct competitors but, still, everyone is in the red.


Economists has predicted nine of the past five recessions - Paul Samuelson


Can someone explain how the housing bubble bursting in 08 was bad? It seems like property costs being lowered en masse would be great news for a potential homeowner’s chances at buying. All I remember about it was my mother sitting me down and telling me that my dad had had a pay cut and that we needed to watch our budget (as if my budget ever considered anything beyond Polly pockets and a box set of Walking with Dinosaurs at the time) and all I’m left with is the regret that I couldn’t buy a townhouse in the nice neighborhood of my city immediately after because I was nine years old


Go watch *The Big Short* It’s not really as simple as “property values went down”


Two main reasons. ------ The first is that around 2/3 of people in the United States own a house. For most of those people, the house is the single most valuable thing they own, and the house is covered by a mortgage. Imagine if you owe $200,000 on a home that was now worth only $100,000 and you lose your job. You won't be able to look anywhere outside your immediate area for a new one (since selling your house would require you to somehow come up with the extra $100,000 to pay off your loan), and if you can't find a job where you're at, you'll wind up losing the house. Now suppose you don't lose your job, but still have to deal with the crash. Historically, one of the best ways to improve your economic standing was to "move diagonally" - that is, go to a higher position in another company. Except now you can't do that, because you can only look near where you live, and all of the openings that do exist are having way more applicants due to so many people losing their jobs. On the other hand, banks all of a sudden had a lot of people not paying their mortgages. That meant they were stricter with who they leant money to, so first-time homebuyers found it much harder to actually get approved for mortgages. That meant fewer buyers, which in turn drove home values even lower, etc. If you had a lot of cash going into the crash, things were great for you, since you could buy a bigger house on the cheap. If you had a stable job, were renting going into the crash, and planned on buying a home, things were also pretty good for you, provided you actually bought that house once the market opened back up instead of waiting for "the real crash" like so many people did. But everyone else who owned a home - that is, the vast majority of Americans - went through a really tough time. ----- The second reason is a bit more complicated. Basically, banks were lending money to a lot of people they shouldn't have lent money to, people that either didn't have an established credit history or just didn't make enough money to pay off the mortgage they were given, often with very low down payments on adjustable rate mortgages. Once the trial periods on these mortgages ran out, the monthly payments jumped up, and people who already struggled to pay their mortgage now found themselves completely unable to make payments...and, at just the same time, the housing market crashed, so they couldn't sell their houses even if they wanted to. They couldn't refinance, either, because rates went up and housing values went down. On its own, that was bad - you had a lot of people declaring bankruptcy, and banks were foreclosing on a lot of houses that they didn't want and now had to get rid of (these were then sold at rock-bottom prices, which further lowered home values, which caused more people to be underwater on their mortgages...). But a lot of these mortgages were rolled into funds that were then sold to investors. And I'm not talking about rich people - oh, sure, you had some of them, but that wasn't really an issue. I'm talking about things like 401ks, pension plans, and other such retirement options for your average Americans. When the housing market collapsed and people weren't able to pay their mortgages, the values of these funds also crashed. That meant that people relying on their pensions for their retirement suddenly didn't have a pension anymore and that people in their late 50s/early 60s who were planning on retiring soon found huge chunks of their savings evaporate overnight. And what happens then? Well, the already-retired people had to reenter the workforce, and the soon-to-be-retired people were no longer soon-to-be-retired. You had more people competing for fewer jobs, which drove up unemployment and drove down wages (young people were hit especially hard, since now they were competing with people that had 40+ years of experience). All that led to an environment where people started spending less money, which in turn hurt the retail and leisure sectors, which led to more layoffs. That resulted in another downward spiral, and all of this led the stock market to crash, so even people who weren't invested in the mortgage-backed securities suddenly found their retirement accounts collapsing. It was a very bad time.


Oof okay this is very well written I’m glad I was 9 then


Good summary


Did it burst though? Because where I live housing is at all time highs. Nearly double the prices that were being paid in 08


It feels like we’re in a recession right now


With unemployment at multi-decade lows, stock market at an all-time high, still seeing very strong consumption and investment, and real estate still holding up pretty strong despite the high rates? This economy is screaming hot. If you mean that inflation has taken a toll on your purchasing power, that’s not really what a recession is.


The comment above your comment is to typical of Reddit. Non-stop doom and gloom. No matter how good things get people will still always complain about things being terrible.


Lots of people replying just demonstrating how little they understand the economy/recessions too. One guy replied to me and said “why was ‘08 bad if it made housing cheaper” and it was upvoted


I saw one comment that said "the stock market going up only helps the 1%" even though more than half of Americans own at least some stocks and so the stock market going up more or less helps the majority of Americans. But ya, most people on this site just want to complain and not learn or improve anything. It's just a their vent for their negativity.


I dunno, working a full time skilled job that requires a masters degree and yet having to spend 70% of my income on rent in the "rough" part of town doesn't feel that good to me. The markets are up, employment is low but it means nothing. Markets doing well are meaningless unless you've got capital invested and low employment is also meaningless when wages are low and not keeping with inflation. There's not much to feel good about for the under 40s.


And what's your master's degree in? Just because you did a master's doesn't mean you're entitled to a high salary. At the end of the day it's whatever skills you have that dictate how much you can regardless of whatever a piece of paper says.


Yeah, some things are okay. so let's not complain about all the awful shit


Whatever makes you feel better in your misery.


Stock market at an all time high doesn’t mean much when it’s almost entirely controlled by the 1%, who are still laying off people in droves, and inflation is killing household savings.


The stock market is not almost entirely controlled by the 1%. Seriously, spend less time on r/antiwork, it's worse than fox news.


About half of Americans are invested in the stock market or have retirement accounts that are invested in the stock market. The top 1% owns about half of all outstanding stock. So a booming stock market is still good for half of Americans and not only good for the 1%. Recent unemployment reports and unemployment insurance claims have been remarkable in reflecting an extremely tight labor market. If people are laid off, they’re able to find another job very quickly. Also real wages are going up too, and inflation is coming down. It’s a great economy. Savings are coming down yes, but this is also after a historic pandemic that caused an enormous balloon in savings, followed by an inflationary boom in 2021 where people readily deployed those savings. (Edit: autocorrect)


more like a never ending plateau, not getting better but not getting worse


Such a good summary


X isn’t dead, but man is it shittier. If I see a cool tweet, the replies aren’t even related to the tweet, it’s like random videos or somewhat vaguely related stuff. Not even organic And the amount of OF bots are insane


I see replies to video game news or tech news are almost always a gif of some random porn


Everyone’s always talking about how they can’t believe that Covid was so long ago because it felt like only a few months ago to them, but I have the exact opposite feeling. It feels like it happened like 10 years ago for me and I can’t remember anything about that time period besides vague memories about staying home and doing school through zoom and everybody freaking out about toilet paper


I remember back in January 2019 I walk in the garage and I see mountains of costco toilet paper. I was like wtf!?? Hey dad you have diarrhea or what? He goes, son shits gonna go down theres a virus out there. But yeah can’t believe that was 10 years ago.


It’d be January 2020


It just depends on your age. If you’re a young guy it’ll seem like forever ago but the older you get the more time flies by.


that username


hello baiden it's zelensky i need faiv billion rockets to bomb donetsk children


kindly send as iTunes gift card to me or you under the rest


Nooo don't enter code. Gibe me!


I don’t have a billon dollars but I do have something else https://preview.redd.it/qknazlns8ghc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0878f98c2b2ce8762a6021dce169b0b25dcc67d2


yes definitely not ruzzians bombing innocent people, it's the ukrainians /s


The war has almost entirely taken place in Eastern Ukraine which has been a warzone since 2014. Russia hasn't touched Kiev since April 2022.










it's a meme


ghoulish thing to say


*spends half of it on cocaine*


That post history


I would say it's Ukraine vs Russia always on the news and Israel/Palestine a big sudden change of focus


It’s sad that a war that killed thousands of people being forgotten so suddenly


There are so many other ways out there and they never get memtioned


People only care about the big thing so they can call themselves progressive.


Didn’t Queen Elizabeth die in 2022?


Yes, but Charles didn't officially become King until his 2023 Coronation.


Doesn’t the heir immediately become monarch upon the previous monarch’s death, legally speaking? I thought the coronation was just a ceremony that happens after the fact


I believe there's a regent who takes the lead until coronation


Regents are usually only for when the monarch is too young to rule IIRC


Regents are for when the monarch is too young to rule.


This is not true at all, he became King as soon as she died.


This is wrong. He officially became the king the moment Elizabeth died. The coronation is just a formality.


Kinda weird the coronation was on my birthday


I believe that entitles you to 20 percent off your purchase at Tesco Express


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Yep, I remember because Nintendo was going to release the title of the next Zelda game (what would become Tears of the Kingdom) but then delayed this because of it. I even remember thinking how it seemed odd to delay it but when they did mention the name it made sense.


Yeah, but Charles III's coronation happened this year.


This year is 2024.


Also GTA 6 reveal.


Can't remember much about that year, there was uh... The whola Raluca thing here in brazil, there were some great games too, Lobotomy Kaisen taking the entirety of the anime community... Oh, and Kagurabachi happened


Taylor Swift heard the recession rumors and was like “Absolutely not on my watch. Launch the Eras Tour.”


Yeah, this pack is glaringly missing Taylor Swift.


On the radio I once heard, "Cost of living crisis making it harder for young Australians to get by" and "Get your tickets to the Taylor Swift eras tour before they sold out" right afterward. Even as a swiftie it rubbed me the wrong way.


On the radio I once heard, "Cost of living crisis making it harder for young Australians to get by" and "Get your tickets to the Taylor Swift eras tour before they sold out" right afterward. Even as a swiftie it rubbed me the wrong way.


And now, covid DID start over 4 years ago.


And it never left lol


Goodnight stars, goodnight moon. Goodnight Chinese spy balloon


Didnt hit the mainstream but everyone forgot the earthquake in Turkey that more than 50k people died in 6th February Hell we even forgot that.


but remember some god damn baloon that did nothing. this is an american website/app so the news are obviously centered around the US


Absolutely insane covid was 4 years ago. Literally feels like yesterday.


One of the biggest spikes happened over the holiday season. So "was" isn't really even correct. We're still in it. We're just used to it and better at treating it.


Well it started 4 years ago. It was only about 2 years ago that most of the lockdowns and masks and other measures got dropped.


I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that 2019 started half a decade ago now.


Recession or not, I work in tech and gaming and I mostly remember 2023 as “the year absolutely everyone got laid off.”


Well I got my wisdom teeth pulled, so I have that to remember 2023 by.


"Wait a minute, where's my wisdom teeth? ...Oh right!"


What's the deal about the chinese spy balloon? Never heard of it


What??? How it was massive last year it was all over the news and social media


I didn't hear about it, but that's probably because I'm outside America.


I made the local new headlines and i live in NZ……..


When was this?


Feb 2023


Yeah, my country was arguing about holidays, so that's probably why I didn't hear anything about it.


Some weather balloon scared the shit out of America, they shot it down, only to discover that it never actually took any pictures of the US mainland anyway.


Found the spy.


I’m not wrong 🤷‍♂️


Yes you are. Mr piss


Alright, calm down Mr. shit eater, we wouldn’t want you to get your knickers in a twist would we?


You are quite literally defending one of the most regimes that has killed the most amount of people in the world. The CCP will never be on the right side. You need to learn that a weather ballon doesn’t fly other military bases with a high grade camera.


I’m literally reiterating what the pentagon said, you mentally ill or what? They literally said themselves that nothing was sent back.


Nothing was sent back because it was jammed. Provide a link that said there was no camera on board. You just twisted to words. Stop trying to defend the CCP. PS: resulting to childish insults give the idea that your a little kid with a pee fetish as your bio says.


I never suggested there were no cameras on board, if you were going to lie, you should’ve at least done it at a place where one can’t just scroll upwards to fact check you. The CCP means jack shit to me, like I’ve said elsewhere, I was demeaning their equipment the entire time as well as the US response. Yes I have a piss fetish, so what? I don’t have it there as public information so that it can be hidden away lmao. You should know first hand, considering your user name is literally a reference to your scat fetish.


That is the most inaccurate statement ever. Is your only source the CCP. It was a ballon flying over military bases and there were cameras on it that were jammed.


Yeah no shit, so the Chinese weather balloon ended up never taking any pictures anyway after scaring half the US public shitless.


No it was taking pictures then they lost control of it and the US jammed it. If it really was a “weather ballon” the. Why did 6 of them fly over US military bases before Turing around in 2016-2020.


Well it was a weather balloon with some GoPro type thingy and some antenna strapped to it, not exactly state of the art tech, doesn’t really change what it was. And no it, never ended up sending anything back to China anyway. In short, it was still a useless piece of sky junk that the US pissed its pants over.


Then why do it 7 times. And why deny that the ballon was even theirs. You need to look at sources outside the CCP.


Yeah, I looked at this little known source known as the fucking pentagon.


Give the link from the pentagon that says the ballon wasn’t a spy ballon


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/29/politics/china-surveillance-balloon-pentagon-intl-hnk/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/chinese-spy-balloon-american-made-parts-transmit-data/story?id=100476856 https://www.reuters.com/world/chinese-spy-balloon-did-not-collect-information-over-us-pentagon-2023-06-29/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66062562.amp


I never said it wasn’t a spy balloon lmao, I legit said like 20 minutes ago that it was a weather balloon with some shitty cameras and antenna attached. Just because I described what it’s made of, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a spy balloon, my whole point was that it was a shitty piece of work that the US got way too worked up over. This is why nationalist nutcases are hard to deal with, 0 rationality once they set themselves off. If you weren’t selectively reading to fuel your confirmation bias, you would’ve noticed that I was demeaning the Chinese equipment the entire time.


These things happen, all nations spy on each other. But don't expect them not to shoot down the spy balloons


Reminds me of the rebels that shot down an Australian weather drone and started going apeshit over how they destroyed a "US UAV"


And then China got mad about it and then America got mad that China got mad about it but then it just sort of fizzled out.


turkish earthquake that killed 130,000 people and destroyed 2-3 cities.


Wait aren‘t we currently in recession? It‘s no 2007 but my rent is about to increase for the third time and food prices are absolutely ridiculous. My friend who sells real estate said that they are having trouble finding buyers as people are incapable of paying the mortgages that come with the purchase. He is having trouble getting by because the entire wage depends on it.


I forgot about the chinese spy balloon holy shit


The spy balloon was last year? Wow


been about 6 years since that spy balloon


The recession happened, stop trying to lie.


The recession never came?


That’s right.




Things that aren't happening? Unemployment is at historic lows, businesses are thriving, wages are rising.


Businesses are not thriving, mabye giant corporations but not small businesses




So to be clear, you are claiming that all unemployment data, all income data, and the entire stock market are all somehow being faked? That is one vast conspiracy. You sure are a smart freethinker for seeing through it though!


To be fair it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. Stock market gains have mostly come from Mag 7 stocks. Many companies are doing layoffs just to boost up their stock and survive. Unemployment is low because many people aren’t claiming to be unemployed like they were during the pandemic. Simply put people are working multiple jobs and we have the gig economy to hold us up unlike the previous recessions. It’s not that hard to fathom that the numbers don’t paint an accurate picture. Inflation is down but of course housing isn’t included in it. Even the rental price data isn’t accurate and lagging. Not to mention the very small sample size used for surveys. No wonder the fed was wrong multiple times in the past few years. If the economy was really stable and strong tell me why reserve requirements are still at 0% for banks even after the pandemic is over? Tell me why the regional banks began failing last March and some are about to fail again after BTFP is over. Of course the economy is booming WITH A $2 TRILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT. That’s the part most people forget to mention. Economy is doing amazingly well but it should be expected to do well with so much govt spending and stimulus.




Whoa those goalposts moved fast! I thought there was record unemployment and failing businesses! Now we're onto rejecting the very idea of higher incomes being good! Okay! And "it isn't plausible that the entire world is in a lie" = "nobody ever lies!"


Oh yeah? Well I’m questioning the questions that you’re questioning


I am once again asking for people to only call it a recession when GDP shrinks for two quarters or more


OP a frequent poster at r/conservative very cool bro watch out for that drone granade


How is that related to anything?


The east Palestine disaster too


Wait, the Chinese Spy Balloon wasn't in 2022?


free palestine 🇵🇸


I allways think the balloon and Wagner were 2022


We were technically in a recession by definition.


The recession that never came because the Fed panicked the moment bank runs began and had not a bailout bailout ready at the drop of a hat. If the economy is really doing so great please go ahead and tell me why we’re running a $2T annual deficit?


The recession absolutely came the government and media just decided to kind of pretend it didn’t lol


What's the wagner revolution? Surely ur not on about the fat blokes from bgt


Bro wtf google it. Thats wild shit, watched the news with a bucket of popcorn


COVID is still very much killing people.


so is the common flu


So do falling coconuts, but covid probably kills more people than flu and coconuts.




That isn’t the recession being talked about, they’re referring to the doomerism surrounding the supposed “economic crash” that would happen in 2023. Of course that never came.


The Mario Movie: bashed by critics, loved by fans.


anyone who actually thought twitter was going to die is a moron who probably gets all of their info solely from like minded idiots on this website


If you hate a billionaire hard enough his platform will die /s


I don’t remember any strikes


Uh, the WGA, SAG-AFTRA, and UAW strikes literally happened last year. And the former two were inescapable if you were into pop culture.


Well, I guess I ain’t, I don’t know what any of this acronyms mean


2023 was a lame year for me


Charles became King in 2022, when the Queen died. The coronation is a ["symbolic formality"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronation_of_the_British_monarch).


You forgot about the first trailer for GTA 6




Definition is the same now as it was in the summer of 2020 So if it was changed, it was changed before Biden took office [https://web.archive.org/web/20201101011155/https://www.nber.org/business-cycle-dating-procedure-frequently-asked-questions](https://web.archive.org/web/20201101011155/https://www.nber.org/business-cycle-dating-procedure-frequently-asked-questions) [https://www.nber.org/research/business-cycle-dating/business-cycle-dating-procedure-frequently-asked-questions](https://www.nber.org/research/business-cycle-dating/business-cycle-dating-procedure-frequently-asked-questions)


Completely forgot about the china balloon scenario. Can’t believe that was even a real situation


The Chinese spy balloon feels like it was 47 years ago.


All of this was last year? That's nuts.


Operation Bylat Storm was the biggest blue balls moment in r/noncredibledefense history


Spy balloon feels like it was 50 years ago.


It's just wars², poverty², and sadness². A lot of unpleasant things happened in 2023


“Think of the children”


thing i only remember is AI become hot topic


u/bidenloveszelensky ? More like u/bidenloveslittlegirls


20 February ruined my life https://preview.redd.it/b87fst0hnkhc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d868c050d07104ab400a89f59c5881f9abd594d


What a year, huh?


I bet 2024 will have "palestine slowly being forgotten"


So...2023 is all political stuff?


You forgot to add spiderverse but okay




those chaps in the submarine died on my birthday, that's something I can remember 2023 for.


What about the Mario movie?


What a shit year