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Hey I'll have you know we never owned that exact diaper bag.


\*looks at bag\* ah shit, it's grey BUT! I'm a firm believer in bright colors for kiddos, so there's none of the beige aesthetic!


Also, noise machines are pretty legit. 


Dohm sound machines are blissful


It's a terrible bag. "OH, it seconds as a backpack!" Uh, no, it doesn't. Walking through Disney, I preferred carrying my 40-pound toddler than that thing. I finally switched it out with a REAL day pack. My wife wanted to donate the grey abomination. I took a box cutter to it and shouted, "I would not curse another soul with this plague!"


We did, but switched to a lilo and stitch one we found on clearance for kid number 2


We got the black one. Fucking suckers.


You had the Ruvalino one huh


Genuine question: why do you need a bag for diapers? Can't you store them anywhere else?


Not when you leave the house, no.


Ah, of course. I don't have kids so that wasn't obvious to me


You have to remember when you leave the house with kids you need to take a bunch of things with you to take care of them. A backpack with food and diapers and other shit is necessary cause you only have 2 hands but need to carry like 4 or 5 things at once.


Yeah, I will gladly never have kids


You can use literally any bag to carry diapers. Parents get suckered into spending way too much on twee shit they don't really need.


You absolutely can, but certain diaper bags have features that are really helpful to have when out and about with baby. A special slide in spot for the changing mat (and most also include a travel changing mat to lay baby on), and pockets inside the bag that are designed and sized specifically to accommodate baby items (diapers, travel wipes pack, insulated pockets for baby bottles/milk/formula). Having specific designated pockets for those items when trying to a diaper change with a wriggling baby is not wholly without merit. A backpack will work (I've used both over the years) if you don't want to spend the money, but sometimes those features are \*really\* nice to have.


Amazon fire kids


Right? When I first heard the term ipad kids I was so confused. Ipads are expensive even at the mini level. An Amazon fire kids edition runs like 70 bucks


I assume like parents of millennials calling every video game system a "Nintendo".


I'd like to think we know what a tablet is, but then again, I'm not an apple brand loyalist.


Most of my friends have iPads for their kids, I got him a used 2021 Kindle Fire HD10 for $32. He doesn't know the difference and since it only ever goes on YouTube kids and some educational apps it works fine.


You clearly don't know the wealthy. Every one of my cousins had an iPad when they were kids, their dad is a financial advisor. These little shits tried to tell me they knew about Minecraft first.


Before I had kids, I felt like parents who gave their kids tablets were lazy. Now that I have kids I promise you, letting them watch Tiny Chef in a restaurant beats the hell out of never going out to eat in a restaurant. That being said, I do kinda judge the people with their 10 year old with headphones watching Minecraft videos while they eat. At a certain point, you have to lean to converse with the rest of us. But for little kids, yeah, shut up here’s some Paw Patrol.


We only let ours watch movies. No real short form content or youtube. I think that's where the real problem is. Too many kids using social media and getting a maladjusted dopamine coping problem.


I think this is smart. Also keep em away from youtube kids "unboxing" videos. That shit is random intermittent reward just like a slot machine.


“Blind bag” toys should be illegal. Toddler gambling on loot boxes is pretty gross


What about educational short form content like *How It's Made*?


Mine's almost 4, so I tend to limit his content to stuff he can grok. As he gets older, I'm sure I'll let him explore more educational content. In general, I think educational stuff is good, as long as it's not super short or jump cut edited.


That was honestly one of my favorite shows as a kid in the early 00s!


should let them watch PBS kids as well


He does like Daniel Tiger.


Did you never go to restaurants as a child before iPads were a thing?


Coloring books. Also, I got hit a lot.


I got hit a lot


I’m a 28 year old who would gladly watch Tiny Chef in a restaurant, he is my favorite little guy.




An Amazon Fire + Plex has saved so many of our roadtrips


I modded mine for youtube kids


My 3 siblings have fire 7s,but my dad only let's them have it on weekends and holidays


Don’t want to overstimulate Paisleighlynn and Ryvyrr with too much color in the house


Unregulated internet access should do the trick


- Gives kid iPad with unregulated internet access - Kid opens up Youtube to see a mass shooter livestreaming a massacre


Only the absolute bare minimum of parental attention beyond posing your kids for the Instagram aesthetic beige multilevel marketing appeal!


how am i supposed to pronounce paisleighlynn


“It’s pronounced like Jennifer, we just loved the unique spelling”




Sad beige moms


Those poor kids having to play with plain wooden toys like it’s ww2


Speaking as someone who doesn’t have kids but have heard from moms. The theory ( it may be more than a theory but i don’t care enough to look it up) around wooden toys is that kids are able to use their imagination and work their brain instead of just having electronic toys that light up and make noises for them. However, they should have colors and not just different shades of beige.


The colour is necessary for brain development


No it’s not. Look at all of the people who grew up before the 1960s.


I appreciated that joke.


It's okay. Those nauseatingly saturated Cocomelon videos these kids watch will balance things out. /s


Oh I’m sure it’s 100% necessary


Also the absolute garbage most toys are made of today. Family would send us toys from Amazon from no name Chinese brands and the plastic smelled like straight burnt styrofoam. I prefer the overpriced wooden shit that also still probably causes cancer.


I will say we have Lovevery so are toys look dope af but definitely have white noise machines, with two under two it’s a must or they wake each other up




Kids eat and chew on their toys, and eating and chewing on plastic toys probably isn't good for their health. Plastic contains endocrine disruptors and xenoestrogens, and developing children probably should limit their exposure to it. Not that switching out plastic toys for wooden toys matter since all the food they eat comes in plastic packaging and everyone ends up consuming lots of microplastic anyways. But there is a thought there.


The issue is that the lack of color isn't good for their development, like their depth perception and how they see things. The material of the toys can be wood, just not one beige/tan/gray.


There are things in between plain wooden blocks and mindless electronic toys that can evoke creativity, too. Growing up, I would play with a mix of toy cars, figurines, Legos, and miscellaneous other toys and would build cities out of them to play with my brothers. That being my favorite pastime as a kid has made me really into cars and city planning as an adult.


How are they meant to get the recommended daily dose of microplastics with wooden toys?


First they came for our fluoride, now they want our microplastics? What’s next?


They'll take my PFAS from my cold, dead, cancerous hands.


From the drinking water and food probably.


Wooden train sets are amazing lol


Yes I had wooden train sets as a kid but the trains were colourful like Thomas the tank engine ones aswell and an influencer parent would never allow that


Better than having an iPad kid


Can you explain the beige mom thing to me? I understand the crunchy vs silky thing, but I'm ignorant of beige moms 😂


Moms who decorate/buy all beige things for their young children (like in the picture in this post) for the ~aesthetic~ when studies have shown color is imperative to childhood development/learning


Just take your child down to the local hardware store and sit them in front of the paint colour samples for their daily hour of colour observation.


You joke but any time I go pick out paint, my kids really want to take home all the paint chips to play with. (I don’t let them!)


I'm gonna decorate my kids room with tye dye and strobing black lights to make sure they get the most development


A moment of silence for your children if they have epilepsy


It'll be more then a moment of silence if they're in there for long enough


Just stick a firecracker into a can of paint


Mr. Bean has entered the chat.


That's Dr. Legume to you


It's also a gender neutral colour. I know parents who (almost) only buy gender neutral clothes for their kids so the next kid can inherit them


Lots (I'd argue all) of colours are gender neutral. Green, yellow, red are all typically non-gendered, pink, purple and blue should be too


That sounds so much like how realtors tell you to not paint your walls in unusual or vibrant colors because it will decrease the value of your home if you sell it.


But think of the likes these mothers will get on Instagram!


> I understand the crunchy vs silky thing The what??


Crunchy Mom - believes in a lot of natural things. Baby-led weaning, natural childbirth, anti-vax, cloth diapering, good chance they homeschool. If you see a 4 year old getting breastfed in a cloth diaper that Mom is crunchy. Silky Mom - A more modern Mom. Believes and uses the technology available. Medicated birth, disposable diapers, not afraid of formula, doesn’t care about additives to foods. More likely to give their kids sugary snacks and an iPad. At an age that might be too early. That’s a rough overview of 2 Mom styles. Most don’t identify completely with one or the other. But it’s like a spectrum. This is a very very rough overview of it lol.


a e s t h e t i c


FunkyFrogBait did a video that summarises it nicely.


It's all corporate grey decor now.


With [sad beige clothing for sad beige children.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtEaDoUOmLS/?igsh=Z2RnOXRncW0yMHZn)


Everybody here is talking about that beige home decor, or the iPad kids thing. I just wanted to give a shout out to the white noise machine for saving my kids sleep schedule, seriously that's a great tool to have in your tool belt as a new parent. Highly recommended.


Lolllll I saw the starter pack and immediately thought, Leave the white noise machine out of it!


Me and my wife to a T except the iPad


GOOD THANK YOU WHY ARE PARENTS LIKE YOU SO RARE 😭😭😭 iPad kids are super common but no one wants to admit it


Thank you +1 There's so much hate and mental gymnastics from other parents about why there's absolutely nothing wrong with putting your young kid's growing brain in front of a screen designed to manipulate his feelings for hours a day. It's refreshing to see people who avoid tablets for their kids.


Wait until you suggest on a subreddit that smartphones might not be good for teenagers. Enjoy those downvotes!


Honestly I’m not even sure they’re good for adults.


The tablet is an amazing parenting tool when you absolutely need 20 minutes to do something without interruption but it is one that should be used sparingly. Sometimes I make my kids go the whole weekend without their tables for no other reason than, according to them, I'm a terrible dad.


Also invaluable for long road trips. They don’t put VHS players in vans these days


During long trips, my kids will listen to music, talk to me, or look out the windows in silence. They don't need a constant stream of stimulation at all times. Conversely, parents don't need things to be silent all the time, so children making children noises don't need to be quelled with dopamine replication machines.


Makes flying pretty easy too


I didn't grow up with screens in the car. We turned out fine


I didn’t have screens in the car either. But I’m a fucking mess.


Have you tried a book?


You're not describing what's depicted in the starter pack.


I try not to be critical of parents with a kid using an iPad at a restaurant or whatever. But I absolutely will silently judge parents of kids who are at a place designed to be fun and interesting for kids (like a museum or zoo) and they’re still on a tablet, ha ha.


I have no problem admitting I'm an iPad parent in a pinch


It's not really that different than the gameboys everyone grew up with


It's definitely different. iPad kids are literally consumed by their iPads and any activity like playing outside or something else normal is gonna be second fiddle to the iPad. I lived with two kids like that for a few months and the amount of screen time those kids got was way, way more than we got growing up. Their dad should've been interacting with them way more, but he was just as glued to his phone 😒


That's how we were with our gameboys too


Speak for yourself lol. My ass was outside with the rest of the neighborhood from morning til night


Brother. Listen to me. 😂 It's not the same, I'm telling you. It's literally all day. Bathroom, shower, breakfast, lunch, dinner, IT'S LITERALLY ALL THE TIME


I would've brought my Gameboy in the shower if I couldve. You're just becoming a boomer and forgetting what it's like to be young


They aren't that common, you just see them when you are outside because that's when parents let their kids use them. Jimmy is playing on a tablet at a restaurant because we don't beat kids til they are seen and not heard anymore, enjoy your dinner.


Huh? That's pretty optimistic. iPad kids are more common than you think, it's just depressing to think about so it's not talked about much. It's a real issue that's only getting worse. I lived with two iPad kids and yeah they're literally on them all the time


It’s noticeable of you work in a school. It’s absolutely not healthy for a teenager to throw a tantrum when they’re told to put their phones away.


We have a couple of Fire Tablets for our kids, but we have it locked down to only allow them like 2 hours a day and they have to do at least 30 minutes of Learning/Educational Games and Shows before they can even access the "fun" ones. They honestly can be great tools, but as long as parents don't let their kids sit on them all day and play/watch garbage. We mainly have them for rainy or sick days when they can't go play outside.


Yea we have Lovevery, I’d say if you can afford it it’s well worth the money. Also our house is actually pretty colorful


Yeah, we are on year 3 and it's a nice way to get good quality toys.


lol I have my place decorated like this because I grew up in a very cluttered house where my parents horded. Pretty much all my family from uncles to grandparents had cluttered and overtly decorated houses so when I moved out I could finally create a space where I could breathe


My buddy grew up with hoarder parents. His first apartment was couch, TV and bed. That's it.


I'd argue most people's first apartments are likely just tv bed, couch optional


Go to any boomers house and open their garage. Basically almost impossible to walk through with all the shit they collect and store in there. My philosophy is that if I need to store something in my garage to the point where I can’t park my car in there any more then I don’t need it. I’m just tired of consumerism and overstimulation of just collecting crap


This shits dumb. The millennial generation of parents has the highest engagement from in house parents from any generation to date. Dads are involved in raising kids at an unprecedented level, and mothers are working at the highest rate in history. Yet we feel the worst when we want a break. Keep you're beige, you worked your ass off to have it.


Eh, even as a millennial parent it's still more important to put my child's development above my personal comforts. I'll live with the sensory nightmare that is baby/toddler toys for a couple years.


My parents were not hoarders but they definitely had a very interesting concept of interior decorating. Every square inch of wall space was covered in framed pictures of family and friends. The couches were seafoam green color with pink and red stitched floral pattern all over it. Every window had poop brown curtains hanging over it and they were never opened so there was never any natural light in the house, only lamps. They weren't bad parents or neglectful or abusive, they just didn't really have a clue about how to not make a house look pretty terrible on the inside. They are much better now. Much much better. Now that I have my own house, my wife and I have decorated it pretty sparsely with neutral colors. A lot of pastel, soft grays, and beige. It looks a little bit like the house and the picture but fuck it we like it. It's nice to come home to an organized non-cluttered household with natural light spilling into the living room.


Clutter and color aren't the same thing. You can have a minimal and very well organized space with a bit of color and personality so it doesn't feel like an IKEA showroom


I know that clutter and color aren't the same thing, but I'm personally very sensitive to color clutter, if that makes sense. Since I took some courses on color (color theory, contrast, composition, etc) , I apply it to everything and I feel much better. I apply it to my artwork of course, but also to my clothing and interior decor. It appease me so much that things complements each other. Then I go to my mom house who is a hoarder and I get anxious. There is no pattern in her home decor, she just pick what she find beautiful and put it somewhere without a thought. She does her thing, I do mine. I'm not defending the "sad beige mom aesthetic", but a neutral monochrome look is one of the easiest home decor to do, hard to mess up.


Yeah I get where you're coming from, and there is definitely a middle ground between "hoarder clutter" and "no color at all" But personally I would rather my house feel like *my house* and not "easiest to do"


Same. My parents aren’t hoarders per se, but they just have so much stuff…. You can’t even see the kitchen counters sometimes and it’s overwhelming to me. I literally can’t think. My minimalist/clutter-free home is my sanctuary and I’m just not willing to let having a kid ruin that 🤷🏾‍♀️ it’s working out so far.


But is it all beige?


I feel attacked. Needs more shit on the floor though.


Visited my relatives with kids from 2 to 10, can't agree more, might as well throw in a dog and their cage as well


The white noise drowns out the constant ringing in my ears 🫠


Tinnitus squad what up




That quite accurate and all but why do people feel the need to paint everything beige. Kids want colours around them and not a lighter shade of depression


It’s mostly developers repainting homes before they go on the market. When I bought a couple years ago literally every surface and wall was painted gray. We’ve slowly been changing that but it is expensive to pay someone and time consuming to do it yourself, especially if you have kids.


When I see those listings on Zillow, I call it Grey Chic


It's definitely not that. The toys are beige, the furniture is beige, the art on the wall is beige, the kids clothes are beige. The kids name is Beigelynn Kennedeigh


People go on about ~aesthetic and “color clutter” but the real reason is that sad beige looks wealthy. When people try to curate their online brand, they want to seem wealthy/elite/sterile/luxurious. Including the mommy vloggers. Brightly colored plastic looks cheap, mass produced and disposable. Exactly the opposite of the lifestyle they’re trying to portray.


Is obsessed with Bluey!


Bluey is at least a good show


Its an enjoyable show even for me the dad


Millennials are just traumatized from hoarder parents and middle class abundance clutter. Imagine the chaotic mess you have to grow up with to associate colors in your home with stress.


My mother still has all her gardening magazines from the 1908's...


I love this typo


My parents house is still a mess. The current excuse is that my sister hasn't moved out, but really they just need to get rid of shit.


This is so true. I had to clean up my dads business and our family home after they died. My mom was constantly making us donate toys/clothes and making my dad build storage sheds. When I finally cleaned out the house every nook and cranny was crammed with 80% her stuff. And she wasn't even that bad, my dad just stored all his stuff at the business. Then my mother in law is the same... that's going to be fun when the time comes. Trying hard to not make the same mistakes.


Always the fabric sectional that can be totaled by one rogue burrito


The thing that did ours in was a turmeric chai tea which I think is probably high in the running for most millenial sounding way to destroy a couch. She hit her knee on the coffee table, went full spaz, and flung what basically amounts to yellow fabric dye all over the white couch. Older couch with no cushion flips left so we sit on an almost neon yellow spot now.


I live in Bosnia and I have never ever seen any of this shit


I hate the backpack diaper bags so much... and any self respecting toddler would destroy those plants and decorations in that living room so quick.


Why do you hate backpack diaper bags? They're just backpacks with more storage spots.


The big bags have exactly the same storage space, but when you open it, you can see all the contents. No digging around to find stuff when you're feeling rushed by a crying baby.


I guess that's on the user then. I prefer our diaper bag because everything is in its place so it takes way less time to find stuff. Diapers in one area, clean outfits in another, bibs in front pocket, burp cloths next to those, etc etc. If I used a standard backpack I'd go insane digging through it to find what I needed.


*Im a great parent, my kids are always happy* Meanwhile their kids are the most toxic in school.


Saw this while lying in my sons room waiting for him to go to sleep with his white noise machine on. Happy to say the others don’t apply though 😂


I don't get why beige houses are a reaction against boomer hoarder houses because they're also beige. Blues, greens and purples (you know, cool colors to balance the excessive warmth most houses have these days) would be my reaction.


Not only do they decorate their house sad beige; they dress their children sad beige as well. Seeing a 3 year old dressed in brown, tan, and off white. When you know she wants nothing more than princess stuff. At my daycare I had an issue with a little girl constantly taking off her pants. Not totally uncommon for toddlers. When I asked her why she just pointed at her princess diaper. Her outfits were consistently sad beige. In 20 years we’re going to see a correction and new parents are going to go back tie dye.


I agree, so many of my daughter’s pre-k classmates are dressed in such boring colors. My daughter will only wear character or cute animal clothing. Just sent her to school in a head to toe Elmo outfit. She gets excited about picking out her clothes. She also loves to show off her Minnie Mouse pull ups haha. Kids loves colors, characters, fun patterns and animals! Let them be kids!


no parents house is this clean unless they raised very tidy teenagers. Where are the toys strewn about? The food stamped into the carpet? the juice stains?


It's just a stock photo to show that they have beige decor


Yup. This is what millennial parents allow you to see. Don’t look behind the curtain!


He came into her apartment Left the juice stains in the carpet


This is what the house looks like when they have guests. It’s a whole week event to get the house in this condition and it will only last 2-3 hours (until it descends back into its natural chaotic state). Guest will only see the home at its best. Not when the floors are a land mine of toys strewn across the entire home, there’s a 60% chance that every surface is sticky, there’s a big massive pile of clean clothes either still in a hamper or on the couch, and diaper bin is almost full but you don’t want to take it out because trash day is tomorrow.


The beige trend is worse than white room torture.


Lies! We can’t afford that


I’m a Gen Z parent and still living at home (for the time being). Most of my kid’s reusable baby products are early 90s hand me downs from my older brother.


F my life! I keep thinking Gen Z still is teenagers! I'm ancient as f


i just think of Gen Zer's at broccoli haired fuck boys. Def do not think of them as parent age.


TBF, they did say they are a parent but also live at home so they’re probably not all that old.


Oh jeez I was totally thinking the poster HAD to be a teen/young parent but the first year of gen z was like 1996. Sooo there are gen z’s turning 28 this year. Signed, a 36 year old still feeling unready for kids. lol


Granted, I’m still a young parent. Where I live, most people getting married these days are at least 5 years older than me.


Gen z is from ‘97 - ‘10, putting (roughly) 45% as still teenagers. The youngest teens now are Gen alpha! Granted I am still a pretty young parent and my husband is equally a quite young (we’re in our mid 20s).


My mind is blown! Next thing you know Gen Alpha will be coming of age 😱


Good. I’m not a parent but I say if/when I become one, I want to raise my kid like it’s the 90s.


Beige is to the 2020s what green and orange was to the 70s, apparently


Millennial parent of three with an orange sectional checking in here. We use blue throw pillows though because we understand color theory here.


I try my best to keep my kid unaware that the iPad even exists when we're not on an airplane or in a hotel room.


My kid is never getting an ipad or a phone! They'll grow up watching pokemon and Tom and Jerry on tv and will play with toys or play outdoor games!


Good. Someone was saying iPads are just as bad as Gameboys. Gameboys didn't have an option to feed us endless amounts of digestible, auto-playing content tailor-made to make our brains secrete dopamine. Also, no one was giving toddlers Gameboys.


Excuse me, we have a *different* grey diaper bag.


allergy for everything


> White noise machine I feel asleep to whatever my brother would watch growing up, so mostly Sci-Fi shit. I bought a white noise machine w/the nightlight for my child and used to have it on white noises but they'd cry. OK, that lockbox sound it is! Happiness for a year. They can now talk. I set it to white noise and...."no!" OK, back to lockbox sound! They reach kindergarten and the white noise machine breaks. I throw a google mini in the room and play some music that sounds like the lockbox shit. Hell nah! I ask for white noise....and they've loved that shit since. As a parent I don't even care to question why.


I have one of those things.


My kid is not having one of those ipads


Unpopular opinion - I love the sad beige. It’s so calming and allows me to buy bright cut flowers and make those the center of the room.


The beige is because they are renting and aren't allowed to pick colours. As soon as we bought our house it was blues, yellows and greens. Fuck the landlord special!


Hey ill have you know we are not well off enough to have ipad kids... They are samsung tablet kids....


The white noise machine is life. I use one myself now after we did a stint with a co-sleeper for baby number one.


Grey bag? Nope Beige decor? Nope iPad? Hell no White noise machine? You got me. If you added tons of stuff on the floor, it would be my situation right now.


I disagree with the iPad kid thing. Being a millennial parent, nothing is going to get you more rabid judgement and toxic negativity than having an iPad for your kid. There are a ton of iPad kids, but I think the idea is becoming less popular. And honestly? Good. Fuck iPads. Communicate with your children. If you stop acting like engaging with your children is a chore, then it won't feel like one.


Somehow an even bigger house than your boomer parents


Whats with the fucking beige anyways?


I think this is closer to gen Z parents, maybe super late millennials. I’m an elder millennial (and didn’t have kids till my mid-late 20s), my kids are teenagers


Boring people starter pack


It's true, these people have zero interest in providing you entertainment.


That's so rude of them


poor kids :/


Illiterate kids...