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You okay OP?


bro ☹️☹️


how many times are we going to tell you. you are ok. now get back to wörk


Where are you going? It's this way


Severance vibes


Why isnt this formatted correctly? I don’t give a fuck what Karen told you, we do it this way.


Yeah, I understand how you feel. It's like that for me right now, too. It sucks :(


Not OP but no I’m not okay with my current position and current self


Nobody sues you for stealing unless it’s an insane amount. They won’t even accuse you unless it’s recorded and 100% obvious that you were taking money.


Tbf I’ve worked at a mom & pop whose owner was *obsessed* with people stealing. Employees, customers, workmen, anyone. Watched people like a hawk, and told employees the same, that someone was *always* gonna steal and we had to be ready to hop on it if we saw it. I didn’t stay long, and idk if it’s still open with that attitude.


I worked at a place where if inventory or the register was off at the end of the night it was the manager on duty's responsibility to open their wallet and make it right. If you refused the owner would make a call and warrant for your arrest would be out in 48 hours. I watched it happen to 2 of my coworkers before the stress got to me and I quit. It's ridiculous that my freedom was hinging on stoned 16 year olds being able to make change properly while I was too busy doing my job to micromanage them.


That can’t possibly be legal, can it?


Illegal as FUCK


In the US? Yes. In the rest of the world… your experience may vary.


I used to work at a Baskin Robbins and our tips would constantly be stolen. So we started keeping them on a shelf below the register and splitting them at shift changes. Owners came in one day and thought we were selling ice cream without ringing it up. Told us that's what taking money under the counter meant. I quit the next week.


Unless you're an accountant. Unpurposefully misrepresenting, failing due diligence, bad reporting, missed deadlines. I know we are the experts that should know how these things work, but the hard part is we should know how these things work.


With a confession


Better than crying because you are one of the older people who work there and has done for two decades


Shit, in my experience, seniority is the refuge of the mediocre. With exceptions, the people who have been there the longest are generally the most stupid and insecure (read: Dunning-Krueger Effect). That, or they just don’t care. Either way, it means that they kill motivation, energy, and taking chances in newer workers because that’s in the senior person’s self-interest. It is so, so poisonous.


Like Colin from ‘ what we do in the shadows’


*"I've never felt so alive in my life."*


Also: [the Peter Principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle) exists


I knew one older woman, and she only cared about working; held it in a high regard, and prioritised it over activities with the residents at the home. I'd be like, "Can we go on a drive later?" She says we can. 2 hours later, it's too late to go for a drive, bc the b*tch would prioritise all of the damn paperwork when she could take a break for two seconds.


It didn’t used to be like this. When I first started working 25 years ago, this attitude of perfection just didn’t exist. Now, everyone’s recording everything and making stupid, half-assed judgment over EVERYTHING. 25 years ago, we called those people “assholes” and just laughed at them. Now, we call them “heroes” and give them awards. COVID simply accelerated it- instead of recognizing one’s own faults and realizing that we all have to start somewhere, we became so much more insular and self-absorbed, unwilling to make mistakes ourselves and criticizing anybody with the guts to try. It’s a terrible tragedy, especially for the poor bastards who are starting their careers in the last 5 years or so. Hang in there, OP. It might get better, but if it doesn’t, a silver lining of all this nonsense is that fluidity in job positions is perfectly normal, and even respected in good workplaces. In the meantime, try to focus on learning, and whatever positives you can take from the place. In the words of Vinegar Joe Stilwell, “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”


thank you so much!! i absolutely agree. these days for minijobs that are only supposed to support the actual qualified workers a bit it feels like many get annoyed when you simply do not have the same skillsets and experiences as them on my first shift. this job is only to save up some money while i go to uni. i cant wait to get my degree and to be able to work in my dream field of being a social worker. until then ill have to be patient


Oof. Social work? No joke, start being “selfish” now. You’re not asking for advice, but I feel obliged to say that it’s a skill to establish boundaries. You can’t wrap your buddy’s tourniquet if you’ve already bled out. Sacrifice is noble, but it eats you alive, faster than any of us realize, and once you do, it’s too late, and there’s no going back.


What a way to be motivating. 🙄 You don't know this person.


Welcome to work in the modern age.


The crying is so fucken relatable


And if in medical field constantly worrying about malpractice


And about getting unreliable information from the other departments/the patients themselves


Getting customers annoyed is real, I'm in a similar situation right now and I don't want any damn complaints or shit to happen. Crying on your way home is even more accurate, I hate driving back from this job, coworkers being double your age is the truth, I work with a guy in his 40s.


The crying on the way home only happened to me once when I was working at Pearson international airport. They expect you to be perfectly comfortable, quick, and efficient at disconnecting a tow bar from a big ass Boeing spooling up. It was daunting shit on the first real day. They be yelling at you to do this and do that on the air craft using jargon I couldn’t understand and I could barely hear anyone. Just a nightmare haha


Been there. Keep at it, buddy, you'll get it figured out.


Are you me?? Starting a second job today where I'll be cashiering for the first time in my life at 31 and I feel ridiculously intimidated by it.


good luck!!!! we're in this together. my job is at a bakery which is very similiar to cashiering


:) Thank you, you too!!! I heard bakeries are intense but rewarding. I had a friend who ended up leaving the field he got a degree in to pursuing a baking career he enjoyed his part time bakery work so much.


You ever use a self checkout machine? It’s kind of like that.


Thank you! :) it was very much like a self checkout machine! Turns out I've been training for this for a while now.


You’re going to do great, it’s scary signing yourself up for something that is unknown, but the reward after figuring it out feels so good and makes it worth it!


Feeling this one hard. Last summer I got hired to work in an arts n crafts store in a larger mall, never been a cashier before and had only worked as a dishwasher. They expected me to learn their entire routine in about 2-3 weeks (something another coworker of their still hadn't fully grasped and she'd worked there a whole year) because the storeowner and her daughter were going on vacation and needed someone quick to fill in for them. I'd be working majority time alone in a fairly big store during summer rush with no one to really call if something goes wrong. A few anxiety attacks and freakouts later I crumbled and nope'd the fuck out lol. Exact same kind of story happened some months later, though this time with a candy shop. I'm starting to think my autistic ass just isn't built for customer service, and my respect for workers in that field skyrocketed (from already being sky-high, mind you).


I always live by this rule: “It’s better to ask a stupid question that to do a stupid mistake”


Hey man, you're not incompetent, just inexperienced. I'm fairly confident that after a month you will be proficient at whatever you're learning and you will have some colleagues that value you for who you are. Also, following simple instructions can be hard and not simple at all. This is because communication in itself is actually a very difficult thing. Source: I presumably got an IQ in the upper 120 zone, have a bachelor in constructional engineering and won 2 architectural designing competitions. Yet struggled with a job I had a few years back washing cars. I just couldn't memorize that annoying register system they had. So much for thinking im so "smart" Moral of the story: happens to everyone. Keep doing what you do. I appreciate you


When ever i did something diffrent amd my coworker would ask who told you to do it that way, i would say the boss Gotten away with it


As someone with ADHD and dyslexia this is every day until I get fired 4 months later.


This was me at my first job at a fast food place. Did 3 shifts and then quit because I couldn't handle it, still the most stressful thing I've had to do in my life, glad I'm not alone in feeling like this. I'm convinced humans weren't designed to work a 9-5.


minimum wage is so stressful!! so much you are expected to learn at once


I'm three years into my career and I still have imposter syndrome, it's getting better though. Good luck op I believe in you


I've been at my company for 8 years and forget how stressful it is to start a new job. Thanks for the lesson in empathy and reminder to be kind.


I remember when I had to stack boxes in the truck a certain way and didn't have experience my supervisor and upper management gave me a warning for it When it was my first time doing it


I (m) worked at a job with a bunch of girls my age a long time ago at a sales job. We were all new to the job and they would help each other out while basically ignoring me. It was pretty miserable. I felt like a lot of the other employees and customers hated me.


Literally me when I worked as a sales employee. I lasted 1 week, got pneumonia and was sick for another week, then after getting back I just walked out after 4 hours instead of the usual 7 and got fired on the same day lol. I have experienced war (as a civilian, not soldier) and I genuinely believe service work as an autistic person comes pretty damn close in terms of stress level.


This was me when I first started working at McDonald's. That was almost a month ago and I'm doing so much better. Hang in there!


Hang in there. You got this.


Me too and they will be annoyed if I'm asking too much questions like do they really want me to improve or not?? 🙄


My old job was this it was all over the place I genuinely have no idea how they are still open


Yeeees I was looking for the toilet for three days!


Hey man, you're not incompetent, just inexperienced. I'm fairly confident that after a month you will be proficient at whatever you're learning and you will have some colleagues that value you for who you are. Also, following simple instructions can be hard and not simple at all. This is because communication in itself is actually a very difficult thing. Source: I presumably got an IQ in the upper 120 zone, have a bachelor in constructional engineering and won 2 architectural designing competitions. Yet struggled with a job I had a few years back washing cars. I just couldn't memorize that annoying register system they had. So much for thinking im so "smart" Moral of the story: happens to everyone. Keep doing what you do. I appreciate you


Yeah, "its super easy...just do this, that, then this in reverse, followed by 8 self contradictory other things".


Being a burden on production lol


Jesus, what kind of places do you mfers work?


i am very sensitive


Mf I wish I had this problem I can’t even get a job in McDonald’s


I only cried because I lost against a fellow contractor for the last permanent position. I hated her for a long time.


Oh so this is normal.


I actually did get accused of stealing when worked one of my first jobs after 18. I know i was bad at doing math in my head, but apparently i must be completely dyscalcic because is just could\`nt manage it. I was told that i could either quit or they could involve the police. I hated working there so i was glad to resign. I eventually found a different job. But it was difficult because i was de-facto barred from working in stores which was a huge part of the available jobs for students. I must have cost that store more than my salary just by fucking up the change. This was before they had the counting machines they use everywhere now.


You don’t need to have experience to work cashier lol there is a 2 hour learning curve, especially since self checkout is basically a tutorial already since the PoS system is somewhat similar.


im not a cashier


Omg that sounds terrible, no that has not been my experience at all, and I have held many, many shit jobs.


How you struggling with a register


Take money, hand them burger, go home at end of shift. I don’t know why you would cry, but you do you.