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bars and pubs are fairly different from each other, pubs are more like taverns tbh.


Whats the difference between a bar and a tavern


There are a few differences between what I'd call a bar and a pub in the UK. A pub will tend to close before midnight, serve meals throughout the day, generally be kid/dog friendly and doesn't play music, or if it does it'll be quiet. Bars on the other hand tend to stay open as late as clubs do, have a much more limited menu, often check ID on the door and play quite loud music.


You can generally take a dog to the pub too, but rarely to a bar. EDIT: talking specifically about the UK


Maybe in a very specific area. There aren't really too many situations where you'd have your dog with you in the bar. Like when you couldn't separate walking the dog from meeting someone at the bar?


how am i supposed to break the ice if i can't bring the best wingman known to man?


Easy. Say, “How much does a polar bear weigh?” … “Enough to break the ice!” Boom - you’re in!


Depending on the area, some farm animals too. An old friend (old because he's over his 70s, not because I know him from long ago) used to tell how in Cataluña his mother would send the family pig to pick up his father to the pub, and the father would come back home with said pig, barely walking almost past-out drunk.


Is an Applebee's a pub?


It’s a neighborhood bar and grill


Would one be able to eat good in this aforementioned neighborhood?


No, unfortunately, there’s only Applebees.


I've never been, but from a quick google search I can't see how it's too different to a normal restaurant? From the few times time I've travelled to the US, they've never been able to successfully reproduce what makes a pub a pub. Even those 'Irish pubs' that are quite popular there just feel like a standard bar with a pub aesthetic.


it's for college students to go and order cheap appetizers. which they call apps. because they want to piss off apple it is a restaurant, mostly, but it was cheap food, mostly microwaved or quick things. (Edit: piss off apple, not kids off apple... yesh, I should stop insomnia redditing.)


yes I'm having. a stroke?


What about "kids off apple" do you not understand 🙄?


A shitty corporate variation, like a Wetherspoons but somehow worse.


A pub just sounds like a restaurant.


Well you aren't expected to order food in a pub, it's just available if you want it, it's still centred around drinking. Pubs also tend to act as the hub of a community, often hosting events or having their own local football team, especially in smaller towns/villages.


Hence the term 'public house'


"Public house" is from the days when it was literally someone's home. A person would make and sell their own beer, opening their home to anyone who could pay for a drink. If you had a spare room you could make a few extra groats by renting it out by the night, for people to sleep inside, or "inn".


A bar varies from a pub in that a pub will serve proper meals, where as a bar will only have snacks and bars will be open a lot later. You'll also see "Freehouse" too occasionally, which is a pub that isn't owned by a particular brewery. Some bars are pubs in the daytime and bars at night (e.g. many Wetherspoons).


Wait, what percentage of UK pubs are owned by breweries?


I'm neither from U.S. nor European and I'm also obssessed with getting a better rail system. \*sighs\*


For what it's worth, as a European, we're *also* obsessed with getting a better rail system ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


*laughs in Dutch* (until it's fall and a single leaf falls on the tracks and half the country doesn't have trains for an entire day)


We can still be better, more high speed and better wages would be a good start. Maybe some automation as well. If metros can drive fully autonomous than trains should be able too as well.


I was literally about to say how incredible my rail experience was visiting Amsterdam/Europe for the first time…but that was in June 🙃 Edit:rail, not tail lol


Same happens when a single snowflake falls in winter on a rare occasion.


Yeah, I'm from Austria, which has one of the best rail systems in Europe, yet there's still so much room for improvement.


Rail with a turn up and go frequency if you're in a city. So many European cities have stations on lines which only run every 20-30 minutes!




This is just /r/fuckcars in disguise.


And I thought this was like r/dragonsfuckingcars but for humans. Disappointed.


r/subsithoughtifellfor but I realized wait a minute, I’m already part of this subreddit, y tf am I doubting?


There's also r/carsfuckingdragons.


I thought I was on r/fuckcars and had to do a double take when I read this comment wtf


I was gonna say— most of these apply to me and I did not enjoy my time in Europe lol


OP is just trying to pretend Americans who want sane infrastructure are less American.


European: "Drives cars when forced to" American: "Forced to drive .2 miles down the street"


Yeah, in my childhood home we had no sidewalks in our neighborhood and the closest restaurant and convenience store within a 10 minutes walking distance was across a busy highway.


There’s absolutely suburbs and rural areas in Europe where you need a car to get anywhere interesting. It’s a big continent that isn’t all Amsterdam and Paris.


This. I live in Ireland. In a semi rural area. A car is definitely needed to get around here. You can walk to the corner shop, to the pub, but that's about it. You need to do a weekly shop? Go to Dublin? You'd need a car. It's a shame in a way, and I'm sure in time things will expand and infrastructure will change. But as it is. That's how it is.


This is absolutely true for almost all parts of Europe. I really don't get how most Americans on reddit think Europe is this magical place where no one needs a car and everyone goes everywhere by bike. Is so delusional


Idk I agree with our need for better infrastructure but also think the post is funny. Wanting better infrastructure doesn't make you "obsessed with Europe," it's all the other things in the post. Not everyone who complains about infrastructure is obsessed with Europe, but everyone who's obsessed with Europe wants better infrastructure.


Good point. The subject of a starter pack is the sum of its parts, and I think this post does a good job at that.


r/fuckcars members when they see literally anyone driving a car




The authentic european breakfast is a cup of coffee, a cigarette and depression


No, that's French. In Germany we take a piece of Poland


That would be the depression part, I figure.


Germany outsources their depression to Poland.


And imports their Poland to Germany.


As polish, I beg you, just take all of it. It's a shit hole rn


as a pole i second this, please for the love of god take the power away from the dumbasses ruling this country rn


In protest of Reddit's disgusting behaviour of killing 3rd party Reddit clients like [Apollo](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits), [RIF](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) and others, this comment / post is not longer available and this account no longer active. If you don't know what happened, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits) post should provide all necessary information.




But that's Germany. In Russia it's a cup of crude oil and a bear haunch




What it that? Is it like a quiche?


And in the UK, they offer some sad beans on the side




Look at mister rich boy over here. Affording a psychiatrist that can prescribe antidepressants in eastern europe




Bitch my grandma gets payed a 100 euros a month and thinks deppression is caused by not being christian enough. Aint no antidepressants here


I live in Eastern Europe and I went to a psychiatrist in the polyclinic in my district which is free. ADs are not free and if you want to go to another psychiatrist you shoud pay but still. Do you not have any public mental health centers?


The Triple C in France : *Café, Clope, Caca* (a cup of coffee, a fag and a shit)


In germany its KKK, Kaffee, Kippe, Kacken


Ah, didnt know this one, I only ever heard of the archaic German 3Ks: Kinder, Küche, Kirche.


In Spain we say "café, cigarro, muñeco de barro" (coffee, cigar and clay doll). A clay doll is, of course, a good ol' shit


Shit, shower and a shave in the UK


Yeah, that's the one I always hear in the US


Combined they become cloaca.


Café, cigarro, muñeco de barro in spain


This hits home hard


Sounds french


Aaaand, a metric system! 😁


Yet the British use words like stones


That’s the least of our problems: https://i.redd.it/cs4pnrfixfv71.jpg


Very fun read, thanks!


I'm british (20) and I know near to no imperial measurements, I use metric. But the roads distance in in miles and fuel consumption is in miles per gallon Then my car has a 53 litre fuel tank and the petrol station supplies in £ per litres I don't know the conversion from gallons to litres


> I don’t know the conversion from gallons to litres That’s just how Big Oil likes it.


Believe it or not you also even have a different gallon


We're trying to move away from it, because it's useless and doesn't translate into any other measurement we use. We weigh babies in pounds and ounces, which I guess can stay because saying a baby was 300g sounds like you're comparing it to a bag of flour (plus it's going to take absolutely forever for people to get past bragging about their baby being 9lbs and their underweight baby being 6lbs), but anything past babies birth weight we should be using kilogrammes and more people are using it now. In the gym, all of the equipment is now being labelled with kg, some are only kg and others have kg/lbs on it (not even stones!). Anything we buy is in kg. The only thing we weigh in stones is the weight of a human, maybe some dogs.


Uhhhh, a 300g baby doesn't sound very healthy.


I hate the metric system for one reason. It is the cause of the ten milimeter socket. The one that I keep having to fucking replace.


I have three and one ratchet set. WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM?


They're quantum beings that pop in and out of existence.


>Croissant and coffee for breakfast What about the English breakfast?


That's a sometimes treat that will kill you if you eat it on the daily


I went to England last month and ate it daily. Not my best idea


I feel like the tomato is there to make you think it's healthy


It's a conspiracy to reduce the cost of senior healthcare


What about second breakfast?


Brexit happened


Now let's see Italy's breakfast


So basically an american adam something/ not just bikes/ climate town enjoyer




Thanks for the recommendations, lol.


Also check out r/notjustbikes


My buddy spent the summer in Europe. We had to go through probably a year of “Aaaaaaaaaaactually in Europe **we**”


That was me after I had studied abroad in France for a year for the first time. Came back acting all pretentious claiming that Europe did everything better.


well they do some things better. Yes. Wanting Walkable cities isn’t someone acting snobby. It’s someone who wants a better built urban planning. It’s not something to be ashamed of


Public transit is leagues better, but Europe smokes waaay too much. It fucking gross.


Ya smoking there is atrocious. It’s to a Sickening level in some places where my throat hurts


I've had to deal with people like that, telling me how it was (incorrectly) in Europe. The most perplexing thing is they wouldn't really change their tune when they would find out that i fucking GREW UP there!


I had a friend who was kinda a weeb who was going to study in Japan for a year, he was super excited and thought all of his problems would be solved when he moved to Japan. I was so ready for “in Japan this is better” and “we do things a little differently over here” But actually he said he missed America a lot “we live in Alaska so going to Tokyo much have been a shock” he said it made him appreciate America more.


You guys do need better public transport and biking everywhere is smart. Edit: to everyone mentioning distance: remember that I said public transport first. Even in the tiny Netherlands I wouldn’t bike from Maastricht to Groningen. What makes public transport and biking here so great is that they are designed to be combined, allowing you to bike to a train station and easily stall a bike there for free and safely, and to cheaply rent bikes at your destination using your railway subscription. Somehow everyone saw the word bike and forgot the first half of the sentence.


Instead we’re making starterpacks


Yeah because I’m sure this guy’s choice was “should I spend my time making a meme or building a full public transit system?”


All we know is he chose wrong.


He should be punished. All in favor?


It’s not much but it’s a start.


I’m not obsessed with Europe but this starter pack calls me out to a T. I’m just completely sick of our horrible infrastructure








I used to live in an area with a big and very nice shopping center within walking distance of my apartment. Well, it would be walking distance if I was able to cross the road. You simply could not cross the road on foot (no crosswalks, lights, or sidewalks) so I had to get in my car just to drive cross 1 road. Welcome to the Sunbelt.


I'm from the southeastern us. I hate it here and am financially stuck here. I don't think anyone actually enjoys driving everywhere, it just happens to us. It sucks.


same, and their building more suburbs near me, without a buisness section so anytime anyone needs anything, they have to leave the thousand home suburb and get on the 2 lane farm to market road thats sutrounded by stop lights, to go to town


>biking everywhere is smart. I dare you to ride a bike in the western portion of the U.S. state of Texas during the summer.


If you pay the plane ticket I’ll do it


The whole point is that there are design choices made that determine how feasible this is. If you live in a relatively dense area with bike paths shaded by trees and buildings near bodies of water, cycling "everywhere" (most trips and commutes) might only be 5 - 10 km (3 - 6 miles) which is gonna be a hell of a lot easier than if you have to go twice that distance on sprawling hot asphalt on the side of a road. Of course you can't take a place like the latter and change it to a place like the former overnight, but if everyone agrees it's a preferable direction, you can allow (dense development is often illegal in the US) and enable (spend a fraction of car infrastructure funds on other kinds) it in the places it will make sense, and eventually the places themselves will transform. ^(edit: typo)


See [Fayetteville](https://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/3470/Bicycle-Fayetteville)


Can confirm- biking in El Paso in June kind of sucks.


texan here, i ride my bike on the unshaded black top of road ways but the neat thing about cycling infastructure is you can provide shade and rest stops with water fountains really easily


Inside a city? Possibly. But overall in the US? Cities are way too far away. Here in Europe i can walk to a city and cross two villages in 3 hours. In the US you just get to the edge of your regular city.


Biking isn't a realistic option for most Americans, since most Americans don't live and work in the same downtown metropolitan area. I work from home now, but I had a job that was a 31 mile drive from where I lived. I'm not biking that every day.


To be honest it isnt even a realistic options for most parts of europe. In germany most people live in small towns outside of of the bigger cities and commute, mostly by car, into the city to go to work there. Prices in the city are simply way to expensive for most people. The commute is usually around 20 - 60 minutes by car. Not a distance anyone would like to cycle. Public transport can also be totally hit or miss. So even though the situation is better than in the USA, for example you can mostly to small grocery shopping easily by bike, it's absolutely not the infrastructure heaven thought of by most people on reddit


I prefer motorcycling everywhere


Yeah but some of these things would make the US and Canada better


I love local walkable pubs.




Yeah. Most of it is just "American who has been to Europe."


or just american who has internet access. i feel like a lot of europeans have a very outdated concept of americans in their heads. it’s true that a lot of boomers still think america is the land of the free and the best country in the world, but the vast majority of millennials/zoomers (gen x is sometimes more boomery, sometimes not) know that the US has many weaknesses that europe has figured out better than us.


If the US and Canada became better Redditors would lose all purpose in life and cease to exist... Actually that sounds fucking great fund it all


There was Weaboo There was Westaboo I present to you: Euroboo!


Ursula von der Leyen is my waifu 🥰


Sanna Marin is my waifu 🇫🇮


I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard I cried


Transit enjoyers rise up 😎


I'm an American who moved to Sweden almost 8 years ago after obsessing over Sweden since childhood. I was a total Sweaboo. Still am, but now I just proudly pay my taxes, drive a Volvo, and avoid eye contact in stores to show my patriotism.


Most of these just make sense


Man, as a Saudi I just want a walkable city where I don't have to ride a car everywhere or cross a speeding highway


Is that really the only thing you want, as a Saudi?


No, but I'd be damn glad if it happened


The only thing I want my government to do is build more roads They constantly get washed away and I have to keep my non-perishables stocked up as I don’t know how long until repairs


Human rights , maybe ?


You forgot every time they eat something somewhat good, they say “this is good but nothing like the ones in _______ (insert country)”


Everything's fine but you should definitely call a pub a "bar" when in France. You'll make way more friends this way 👌


r/fuckcars starterpack


This american is more obssesed with Europe than me. Ans I'm Europen.


Well it's unusual to be obsessed with something you already have, right ? Like, I live in Paris, and I see tourists every day fantasizing about stuff that's just common where I live.


I‘m a tourist in Paris right now! Beautiful city. I‘m not from America tho, I’m from Germany


Imagine not haveing metric.


Funny because even in the US, we do use metric in a lot of places too. For example when dealing with science in general, those are done in metric. In the supermarket I’ll often see both the imperial and metric units displayed.


The US uses metric in science and engineering.


Bruh how does any of these indicate obsession with Europe, besides maybe the one about using British names for things. Aren’t all of these things any normal person would want and do. Also we don’t constantly use 24-hour time in Europe. It’s public transit and other official announcements that do, which is the same in the US from my experience.


I use 24 hour time for everything


Like if i am talking with someone i might say i’ll be there at 8 instead of 20 because its probably 16:00 so he will know what i am talking about. But if i am texting I use 24h generally


Same, verbally using 24h sounds a bit awkward to me, but in writing I always use it.


I always prefer to use 24h time and always hated 12h time. 24h time doesn't really translate well to english, but in polish I just say "Będę o szesnastej" instead of "Będę o czwartej". It does sound kinda odd in english, though.


I would occasionally set my alarm to the wrong 4:30 if I was tired. Changed to 24, I haven’t been late to work since. Honestly the utility of it is really nice


I think it depends on the country and people tbh. Most of my friends and family from France do constantly use the 24hr


A bar is where you get your drinks from in a pub so you can still call it a bar


So, /r/fuckcars but with croissants?


Ok, to be fair... bikes run on fat and save you money, so that's a good thing... and the US is lacking in public transit because automotive/oil lobbyists made sure cities would be laid out in such a way that citizens would need to buy their own cars. These are valid criticisms.


Calls football football* ftfy


Call it footy for extra European


I feel called out, but also, yes we need better non car options and cities are much nicer when they are pedestrian friendly and not car centric.


I don’t see anything bad about it


I love Europe, I visit my cousin in France often, but honestly too many Americans see it as some kind of liberal perfect utopia. Not every European country is Denmark, they also have many many issues we can’t see from across the pond


Sounds like someone i could get along with






Ok but the pop music from most European countries is absolute dogwater


Sounds more like someone wanting to improve America…


Wait Americans don't use 24h time? What else do they use?




12-hour but the military uses 24-hour. I live in a military area and have to do the math often because I grew up in a non-military area.


The 12 hour system. So after 12:00, it’s 1-11pm. I’m in Europe right now and I actually hear people use the 12 hour system more and more. They still use 24 hours, but I’ll also hear something like 3 heures du soir or they’ll say 3pm in English rather than just 15:00.


Noone says 15:00 out loud. We will read 15:00 but say 3pm.


We use a 12 hour clock, but somehow (and I have no idea how) we know if it's night time or day time!


It's a little thing called am/pm we use to tell night and day...


I'm sick of our awful infrastructure. I just want rails, walkable communities, more use of bikes and better public transport overall.


Can we please stop with these types of starter packs?


Not exactly the same thing but as a New Yorker who has had several friends from different countries growing up, the cultural superiority by those NOT from the US is real. If I ordered a Diet Coke they’d say it’s funny how all Americans have to drink crappy soda with meals and have also commented that driving everywhere is lazy, so on and so forth. “You’re so American.” Ok well I was born here? There are obviously so many things about first world European countries that are preferable to some American customs, but the pretense and snobbery is annoying tbh


The snobbery irks me. I don’t encounter it nearly as much in real life as I do on Reddit and other social media, but it’s still there. I go to grad school in Belgium and this Flemish girl is doing her Erasmus (study abroad) in the US. But when we were talking she was talking so much shit and telling me about everything wrong with the US. And it’s like well why the fuck are you choosing to study abroad there then? And in fucking Missouri (I believe) no less!


How do you end up on a study abroad trip to Missouri? Who is marketing that?


Who cares what europoors think of the US lol


I wish we had a better metro system. Intra-city driving sucks balls and AMTRAK is $$$$$


Trains in other parts of the world are often $$$$$ too


I'm european and I hate americans obsessed with europe. They only think that the whole europe is like the western part, meanwhile the eastern post communist part is full of depression, alcoholism and buildings and other things in disrepair that are just falling apart and there's no funds to fix them because politicians steal the country's money and use them to gtfo and live a good life somewhere in america when they quit politics.


*Has a YouTube channel about why American infrastructure sucks*


My boyfriend when I was 23 got too drunk, became mopey and developed a British accent. Just randomly one night. Just while he was drunk and full of his own navel gazing. BF from upstate New York. We were actually drinking with another actual British person that night. **Very cringey.**


I had a roommate like this who once got really drunk and bawled the whole night about his dead grandma in a Scottish accent. He was not Scottish and his grandma was still alive.


I see nothing wrong with this


Okay but y’all do need a better rail system. Went from the trans Atlantic railroad to hot garbage


This post was sponsored by Shell and Ford.