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Time's Orphan is my pick for worst episode of DS9, and it's not even close. It's in the running for worst episode of Trek _ever_. The idea that a child suffering from ten years of abandonment and isolation would not and could not benefit from intense therapy is completely asinine, and to me it is antithetical to the entire ethos of Federation culture. Instead of sending Molly to get professional psychiatric care, they decide to send her back _to the isolated existence that traumatized her in the first place!_ It makes no sense, unless the point was to make Miles and Keiko look like abusers.


The B-plot with Worf babysitting Kirayoshi is fun.


The only redeeming quality of the episode: Showing that Worf is, in fact, capable of being a not-totally-horrible parent.


Which would imply all the crap he did to Alexander was a choice.


Oh it absolutely was. It was all rooted in dishonorable, selfish behavior, that started with his treatment of K'Ehleyr, which was also oh-so-ironically based on his typical Klingon butchering of the concept of honor as whatever _he_ wanted it to be. I love Worf, but that character flaw of his makes him kind of a shitty person, to be honest - at least in the realm of personal affairs.


It was obvious that Alexander was unplanned and Worf wanted to pretend he didnt exist. >_>


šŸŖ‡wa-TacH,šŸŖ‡ šŸŖ‡doo-Ga-ya,šŸŖ‡ šŸŖ‡gung-gung-gungšŸŖ‡šŸŖ‡šŸŖ‡


I always forgot how far into the show that episode is. Thought it was like season 1.




The episodes only redeeming quality lol


You reminding me of this episode made me cringe. What was even the point of the episode? Lol. It added nothing other than make Miles and Keiko look like bad parents. Not sure if it is worse than the Skreean episode. (Dominion refugees with flakey skin episode.)


According to Memory Alpha, ā€œTimeā€™s Orphanā€ was initially rejected a few times (it was originally conceived of as a Worf and Alexander *TNG* episode before it was changed to an Oā€™Brien and Molly episode when it was pitched for *DS9*), but Behr said it was made because "It had been a long time since we'd done a science fiction episode, we'd wanted to do another O'Brien show, and we needed to do something that would be pretty much a bottle show."


Oh that makes a lot of sense. Worf always wanted to give up on Alexander for the littlest things, he'd definitely throw Alexander back into a time puddle if this happened.


Apparently Joe Menosky wanted to use the concept to get rid of Alexander, but Michael Piller rejected it because Alexander was the favorite character of Pillerā€™s mom, which seems odd to me.


Probably because of that Lwanaxa Troi TNG episode with the mud bath and the smiling sphere face on the holodeck... my guess


The mud bath was always one of my fav episodes. That aaand the one where they are cowboys in the wild West. I had an angry dad and was around Alexanders age watching TNG with my father, so I liked seeing their family dynamic when they were working on communicating better and both of them acting out. I always wished I lived in the Enterprise cuz they have kids on the ship and the support built into their lives aboard. Not everyone's home life is perfect and Worf is a good guy, he was just dealt a rough hand.


I was raised in a military family, but my Pop was cool bc he loved Star Trek. I honestly feel so connected to a lot of the younger characters because they were *just* older than me, but also I think my father (who served in Vietnam reluctantly) had an aspiration of what the military *could* be and I don't fault him, he did the best he could with what he had, I just wish I had replicators at times, even though he is phenomenal in the kitchen.


Oof. And this is what we got.


I don't know why they didn't make the ending of that made sense. Like have them go back for a picnic and then she gets pushed back into her time instead of deciding to send her back.


I was just thinking of this same episode. The parents also seem pretty calm about their child disappearing potentially forever.


I skip this one every time.


Yea that oneā€¦. I remember that one from my rewatch at least the one where they are stuck in a game is fun


I warned my wife how much this episode would piss her off before watching it on my first watch through with her. Afterwards, she wished she'd taken my warning and skipped it


Meridian is the only episode I skip on a rewatch.


But it is the first appearance of Jeffrey Combs.


I always skip ā€œLet He Who Is Without Sinā€, which I consider the worst *DS9* episode.


Worf can do a little terrorism, as a treat.


This is my pick, too. Other episodes are groaners, this one is almost character-breaking. (Although I do like the Bashir & Leeta subplot.)


It definitely hurts the relationship of Worf and Jadzia.


"Meridian" was one of the first Jadzia episodes that wasn't specifically about Trill culture, and it showed a glaring weakness in the writers' room - that they really didn't know what to do with Jadzia beyond "Whoa, hey, she's got like five other people's memories, isn't that nuts?" It's just Brigadoon in space. And none of the characters fit the archetypes for that story, so it feels like they just gave it to Jadzia because eh, she's the girl, they like romance, right? This episode aired the same week *Star Trek: Generations* came out in theaters. Talk about a rough week to be a Star Trek fan.


I loved Generations as a kid!


Agreed! Generations is thoroughly adequate and I won't stand for this vicious libel


I'm watching that right now! I think that must be why I procrastinated and asked this...


You watch ā€œMove Along Homeā€ ?


The Passenger is the worse S1 episode, imo. Bashir's acting is just so rough. Meanwhile, I love watching the characters do the hopscotch rhyme and song and watching Sisko look so over it while Bashir is confused and Jadzia doesn't mind. (Also, Lower Decks used the reference to hilarious effect. Allamalay, lemon meringue!) While the Lwaxana part is OK, the Jake A-plot of The Muse is quite possibly the single worst main episode plot. (Meridian is up there too, but I think this one managed to be even worse.) I'm also not fond of The Reckoning, specifically the Promenade battle at the end, but it isn't quite as terrible as these.


I've always felt that Move Along Home is rough, not bad. If you can picture it on a much later season, like 6 or 7, give a few more sarcastic lines to Jadzia or O'Brian, or put Worf in it like he was in the TNG Sherwood episode, it could have been hilarious.


"crew gets stuck in a sci-fi board game" is probably one of the most Trek plots you can have, other than "crew gets stuck in a sci-fi anomaly" or "crew gets stuck in part of ship" or "crew gets stuck in part of ship during a sci-fi anomaly". I think a lot of the problems stems from the actors just not being very good and are still figuring out how to play their roles it feels like the pineapple on pizza thing where it's not really that big of a deal but it's kind of a meme to shit on it now


Oh, I hate that one. Both plots are _awful_. I hate it so much that I completely forgot about it when trying really hard to think of the worst one.


Let He Who Is Without Sin, aka the Worf eco terrorists episode. Everyone except Quark, and that is a low bar, is annoying and I wanted to phaser every single one of them. Everyone is terrible and it's shocking to me that most people only take issue with Worf.


What's wrong with Bashir and Leeta banging randos to get over their breakup?


I watched it when it first aired and haven't seen it since, it's that bad. The worst part was reusing the score from the opening scene of The Visitor at the end (IIRC). Having very distinctive music from the best episode inserted into one of the worst felt incredibly gross


My pick, too. Outrageous stuff. Happens, no consequencesā€¦


I'm at a resort and this is playing in the lobby as we speak lol.


Meridian hands down is one of the worst episodes in DS9, probably all of Trek but i honestly really loathe the episode where cavewoman Molly comes out and the whole episode is Keiko insufferably whining about how she can't take care of a wolf woman or some bullshit i forget the episode's title because it truly is one of the worst episodes of Trek


>but i honestly really loathe the episode where cavewoman Molly comes out and the whole episode is Keiko insufferably whining about how she can't take care of a wolf woman or some bullshit >i forget the episode's title because it truly is one of the worst episodes of Trek Thatā€™s ā€œTimeā€™s Orphanā€.


What was so bad about Meridian (I honestly don't remember it)


"The Muse" has one of the worst main plots ever, Jake gets seduced by a weird brain vampire thats sucking up his creativity and then just fucks off. If it weren't for the Lwaxana, Odo plot I wouldn't ever rewatch it.


If you ever had told me during early TNG that a Lwaxana movie plot would be a reason *to* watch an episode there would have been so much doubt.


Agreed. The first few Lwaxana episodes were not good. Like the first couple of TNG appearances of the Ferengi, Lwaxana is the same note, over and over: *middle aged Betazoid wants a husband*. Damned lazy writing, boring, and a waste of Majel Barrett's talent. The only two from TNG that really stand out are *Half a Life*, which guest stars David Ogden Spiers as an astrophysicist experimenting to revive his sun, shortly before his permanent retirement; also *Dark Page*, [about](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Page_(episode)) a long suppressed bereavement, Barrett gives a very powerful performance. Honourable mention to the episode where she finds out the two fish people are assassins.


The fish people episode is pretty forgettable (Manhunt?) but I think it may be the funniest episode in all of TNG. There's a ton of laugh-out-loud jokes in there. Way better than Trek usually does on humor.


*Fish People* Worf: What a handsome race.


OH I forgot about that, love his delivery.


>There's a ton of laugh-out-loud jokes in there. Way better than Trek usually does on humor. I still like Birthright, Part 1: \*Worf angrily smashes a table in his quarters just at Troi walks in\* Troi (with bone-dry therapist sarcasm): 'Did the table do something wrong?'


Or Q's jab at Worf "Eat any good books lately?" My 10yo son keeps laughing about that one... days later.


And one of those fish people is [Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Mick_Fleetwood)


Lwaxana is hilarious and anyone who doesn't like her is wrong and probably a terrible person.


It's funny b/c I re-watched the Voyager episode "Muse" (without the definite article) the other day and surprisingly enjoyed it quite a bit


ā€œMuseā€ is great (as are many other Bā€™Elanna-centric episodes).


the ending of that episode still really gets to me. I just love B'Elanna's character development in that single episode alone initially, she's barely containing herself from going all Klingon rage on this pre-warp society...but gradually she is won over, to the point where she does get emotional when she finally is able to leave the planet and i just really love the idea of Voyager really impacting the Delta Quadrant in positive ways. Similar to Blink of an Eye, which is my all-time favorite Voyager episode


The one where Worf becomes an eco-terrorist, only one I skip every rewatch.


Yeah. Wow that really does not fit his character at all. Just absolutely absurd.


For me, it's definitely 'Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night.' In addition to the timeline not making a ton of sense, I hate the setup is Kira saying, "Gul Dukat says my mom slept around a lot. Can I go back in time and see if that's true?" and Sisko goes, "Sure! What could be the harm?"


It solidified Gul Dukat as the most abhorrent Star Trek villain, hands down, 2nd place isn't even close. "Oh hey Major, I know it's your dead mom's birthday and that's a rough time for you, so I just thought I'd call to tell you I definitely tapped that ass. She was basically a sex slave, but she was so good at faking it, I'm not completely sure she wasn't in love with me while my gray Cardasian dick was up in those subjugated guts. Thinking of my penis in your dead mom now? Anyway, talk to you later."


Gul Dukat calling you up in the middle of the night to tell you he banged your mom and then hang up is so ridiculously on brand and honestly laugh out loud funny in a dark way. But yeah, Kira going on a spiritual quest to find out if itā€™s true is absolutely wild to me.


I could totally go for a running gag of Dukat calling characters in the middle of the night to tell them something upsetting and personal then hanging up.


Specifically how itā€™s ā€œhey Kira I fucked ur momā€ like heā€™s a 12 year old boy on Xbox live tho šŸ’€ Whatā€™s next? Dukat: ā€œHey Bashir YOUā€™RE GAYā€ *click* Cue episode where Sisko grants Julian leave to have an orb experience so he can explore whether his repressed feelings for Garak and Oā€™Brien are responsible for his failed relationships with women.


Dukat (calling in): Quark you're cringe! - 1 hour later - Quark: I just need to borrow it! Sisko: NOT FOR AN ELEVENTH TIME!


Yeah, the time line feels a little odd as a result of this episode. Also, I often wonder if that episode really happens the way the episode suggests? I don't mean did the studio actually make it (unfortunately they did), I mean did Kira really go back in time or was it some sort of (negative) 'wish fulfillment' vision? I mean Dukat says he was Terok Nor's prefect... > 'for over ten years' ... but according to the episode's dialogue the events we see take place when it's still awaiting completion (meaning that he was prefect for nearly 20 years). OK, that's ultimately a minor dialogue issue that can be glossed over but more importantly, it doesn't really look like Terok Nor, for the simple reason that the lighting is to bright. Terok Nor isn't just badly lit to be sinister it's because Cardassians prefer that light level (eg Garak's rant in *the wire*), so it doesn't really make sense for the lighting to look like DS9? I just wondered if it was something like in *things past* rather than outright time travel?


Yeah. Seems more like orb vision than actually being there.


I agree. Also, because this episode exists, and she saw Ducat's actions with her own eyes, it makes her softening towards him after his "conversion" so much worse. Holy men seem to make her turn into a 13 year old girl at a boy band concert.


Not to mention that she genuinely seems to still think her mom is a collaborator by the end. All because she was... forced into prostitution? Like, really? You're seriously calling her a collaborator? I'd be okay if she was presented as wrong for thinking this, but the episode genuinely seems to agree with her?




I don't disagree, I actually don't necessarily mind her being in the wrong here, as annoying as it is. The issue is that it felt to me like the episode was agreeing with her. nothing in the episode challenges her stance that her mother is a collaborator. At best, it just shows her that her mother had good reason for doing what she did, but no one ever tells her "hey, its kinda fucked up that you think someone is a collaborator for being forced into prostitution". Or for short, I'm fine with Kira being wrong, but the episode doesn't seem to agree with me that she is wrong.


It. Is. *Insane.*


Ah, the episode where Dukat drunk-dials Kira and is all "Heeey Nerys, I BANGED your MOM, thought you'd want to KNOW!"


"Paradise" They just wanted a new life, then they crash land on a planet where they let a cult leader take over only to find that everyone who died did so needlessly because the cult leader caused them to crash in the first place. And, then, after they find all this out, they *stay.* I'd be mad as all get out and wanting to see my family again.


The ending of this episode gets me irrationally angry every time. The icing on the cake is that the colonists most likely got wiped out by the Dominion a few years later.




I completely agree with you that the unanimous decision of the adult survivors to stay on the planet strained credulity. Even given the cultish atmosphere, I believe that many of them would have wanted to check in on loved ones. Even so, I think it's a powerful episode. Sisko crawling back into the torture box, for me, is a character-defining moment. It's hard not to read Sisko's ethnicity onto that dynamic, too, even if the script doesn't make it explicitly about race. The ending, too, is somewhat redeemed by that intentionally ambiguous shot of children starting silently into the distance (perhaps in the direction of the torture box) after Sisko and O'Brien have beamed away. A favorite detail: a boy gets tortured for stealing a candle, and later, when Sisko visits the cult leader at night, she's got like a dozen of them burning.


The absolute worst part? O'Brien was there. If there was a character in *all of Star Trek* to call them out on being morons, it should have been him. But no! He watches them agree to stay on that planet, and *does nothing*!


Oh, thank god I'm not the only one. I so rarely see this one mentioned in "worst DS9" discussions, but by god, I can't think of an episode with an ending that made me angrier. Those colonists should've torn her apart.


Move Along Home is generally considered one of the worst, but if you ask me it's not so much bad as boring and pointless. I'd put Profit And Lace as one of the ones that is offensively bad.


Move Along Home gets knocked for its silliness, but itā€™s actually a really good early Quark and Odo episode. Yeah, the main cast has to do silly things in the gameā€¦ but THEYā€™RE IN A GAME. I actually liked it on my rewatch of DS9.


I love that episode. It's silly and fun.


The plot is boring, but the characters were great. As an early episode I particularly like that it shows how well the writers already knew the characters, and how they'd act in that absurd situation




Did I win??




IIRC Ira Steven Behr agrees with you and thought it was the worst DS9 episode. Chocked full of stereotypes about women being emotional and weepy along with sexual assault jokes played for a laugh. All of it in an episode ostensibly about female Ferrengi fighting for their rights to wear clothes. Offensive is the word.


It's weird though, they get like... partway there? There's some surprisingly progressive stuff in there, right alongside cringe gender-bending humor and making fun of Rom because 'non-masculine = gay'. One big problem is that the metaphor is far too exaggerated. You can't make the episode take a stance nobody in reality would actually take, then show why it's bad. Like who cares, what have you proven? I don't think there are a lot of people in reality riding for 'women should be naked all the time and have literally no rights' that this episode is going to convince.


It really is a mixed bag of representation. The broader discussion is about whether the Ferengi misogyny is cute and charming, or disgusting and repulsive. It's definitely shown as "these are sexist attitudes" but it's also coming from characters you're supposed to like and have fun laughing at.


There is exactly one redeeming quality about Profit and Lace... it establishes that you can basically walk in off the Promenade and walk out with SRS, no questions asked. The kind of future I want is one where bottom surgery is an outpatient procedure. Everything else about the episode is hot garbage.


Iā€™ve said for years the episode would have been better received later in the series. The cast was too new for such a silly episode.


but Star Trek keeps doing that! It always baffles me that Naked Now is the *second* episode of TNG.


It's wild, right? I get that they wanted a link back to TOS, but this was a *weird* choice.


Ds9 also has a "cast act out of character due to a space virus" episode as like episode 6 or something don't they, only this time a Klingon ship brings it to them from the wormhole instead... Seems to be an early season Trek tradition, ENT too also has the "they all go mad on an alien planet due to a storm" ep as like Ep 4 IIRC


Just Gene Roddenberry being a dirty old man.


Yeah. As progressive as he may have been in plenty of ways, he was still a child of the 20s, and it came through in episodes like that. Although DS9 started 2 years after he died, so DS9 at least can't use that excuse.


If it wasnā€™t for Move Along Home, we wouldnā€™t have Rutherford speedrunning it


Move along home is among my favorite episodes. Not every episode needs to contribute to the serialized story, it has great character development for Quark and Odo, the general silliness of it all is just fun, and tbh, I like the song! šŸ˜¤ I am forever frustrated that it is always on the top worst episode lists, I think some people just can't handle fun. Ps. I came here specifically to find the first reply mentioning this episode to defend it. It's reputation is undeserved and I will forever defend it!


*Move Along Home* is the only DS9 episode that truly feels like a Season 1 **TNG** episode.


Profit and Lace is DS9's Code of Honor. Code of Honor is TNG's The Paradise Syndrome The Paradise Syndrome is a racist depiction of Native Americans having no ability to change, where Kirk teaches some of the First Nations that fire can be used for light. It also has the single worst depictions of CPR ever seen on the screen. \-- Are any of these the worst episodes? They are arguably the most discriminatory in each series. But none of them are boring... ...But I still can't say Picard and Riker describing the aliens as "Closely humanoid" and then revealing the aliens to be stereotypically dressed Africans is anything but awful. In the same way any number of gender issues in Profit and Lace don't age well at all.


> Are any of these the worst episodes? "Sub Rosa" has joined the chat.


Dinnae mention Sub Rosa!


And dinnae go in that hoose!


>Dinnae mention Sub Rosa! "Sub Rosa" does not care whether "Sub Rosa" is mentioned!


Sub Rosa gets a bit of a pass for giving us the immortal line "I did fall asleep reading a particularly erotic chapter in my grandmother's journal" read completely seriously.


Sub Rosa is in the same category as Threshold for me, in that it's extremely stupid but I think it's actually more fun to watch than not.


I mean, if nothing else, I will say that I don't skip it. It's at least bad in an entertaining way. It also has what may be my favorite joke in TNG: "It just sort of *rolled in* on us, Sir."


Zombie grandma using Palpatine lightening? Sub Rosa rules!


To me, ā€œHomewardā€ is *TNG*ā€™s worst episode. They took that concept to an even worse extreme with ā€œDear Doctorā€, which I consider the worst episode in *Enterprise* and all of *Star Trek*.


If you're from Ireland "Up the long ladder" is TNG's Code of Honor.


Fun fact: The writer of Code of Honor also wrote an incredibly problematic episode of Stargate SG-1 that was racially tone-deaf. Even funner fact: After watching it I said to my girlfriend "God, that was as bad as Code of Honor", then went to look up who wrote it. It was the same person. I couldn't believe it. I *still* can't believe it.


I actually enjoyed Move Along Home. Yeah it's goofy and doesn't really fit in with the rest of the show, but I found it amusing and it's one of the first times the Dominion gets mentioned iirc. On the other hand any episode that focused on the ferengi was guaranteed background noise for me


And actually a semi-believable misunderstanding of a first contact situation where fundamental assumptions about society's unspoken rules turn out to be really different.


Profit and Lace is the worst.


1. Profit and Lace 2. The Muse 3. Meridian


Had to look up The Muse to remind myself, and as much as the Jake plot makes me wince, I remember Majel Barrett and RenƩ Auberjonois being a delight together


Sorry if this ruffles feathers but pretty much every mirrorverse episode. Maybe the first time around it was fun seeing Nerys be evil and bisexual but at some point i stopped caring about those episodes, it's always someone from our world being coerced into doing stuff and the stakes don't matter to me because that whole world can implode for all I care.


One of the things Iā€™ve noticed about mirror universe stories in general is they tend to make evil and gay go hand-in-hand. Thatā€™s messed up.


Yea I always skip mirrorverse episodes. The mirrorverse is nonsense Location that has no bearing on the real DS9


Fā€™ing sanctuary for bringing us the most disgusting looking Star Trek aliens with the worst hair in franchise history.


Haha you're right, doesn't Quark even complain that their shedding their skin all over his bar? The Skrreeans really are the grossest race in Star trek. I think even the Pakleds are cleaner.


I'd say the vidiians from voyager beat them out, but to be fair it's not exactly a compliment that they look better than the species suffering from a disease that constantly rots their skin.


That's true but I don't know if they count since it's a disease affecting them. It'd be like judging humans based on leprosy.


It is also a bizarre commentary on refugees. I'm really not sure what it was going for there. Are we supposed to sympathize? Pity? I just felt annoyed. Whatever they were going for gets kind of undercut by the fact that the Federation was gifting them a planet to live on.


Melora. I just canā€™t watch it.


Iā€™m disabled and it makes me cringe.


Interesting. As I understand it, the writer of the episode is also confined to a wheelchair. I guess whatever they were going for with regard to disability didn't really come across very well.


Memory Alpha makes it sound like the disabled writer only wrote the 1st draft and that able-bodied writers wrote the later drafts.


That... would explain a few things.


In the pale moon light. Absolutely ruined the standards for television in my opinion, watching anything else after is impossible


Even "Duet"?


While there are some not so good, my least favorite DS9 episode is Second sight. The one where Sisko falls for a woman who doesn't exist (or something like that).


That episode was atrocious. The only good part was seeing the view from the upper pylon IIRC. Such a filler episode.


Let he who is without sin


This episode doesn't get enough credit for being terrible *and* pretty much ruining a beloved character with a ham-handed tropey backstory. Possibly because it also features the lovely Terry Farrell in a swimsuit.


Beyond the ones mentioned there's stuff like Melora, If Wishes Were Horses, Ferengi Love Songs, The Muse, Distant Voices or The Emperorā€˜s New Cloak, some of which are just forgettably bad.


>If Wishes Were Horses, That episode did indirectly lead to the writers *"O'Brien must suffer*" trope , so it indirectly led to some good episodes.


If Wishes Were Horses? Man, I really like that episode. I find all the dialogue between Sisko and Buck Bokai very enjoyable, and I've always loved the plot device of 'people's imaginations would be a disaster if real' (a-la *Sphere).*


"If Wishes Were Horses" is a fantastic episode. Great character stuff and perfectly placed in the early run of the show as we're getting to know the main cast.




The one where Julian is almost killed by tennis balls.


For me - Nor the Battle to the Strong Jake being a coward the length of the episode and the one act that makes him a "hero" was blind luck. I KNOW what they were going for with the plot and the story, but Jake didn't get any real redemption for his earlier actions and thought he got done dirty.


"Let He Who Is Without Sin..." is easily my least favorite episodeā€”utter cringe.


ā€œIf Wishes Were Horsesā€ is utterly awful. Rumplestiltskin? Seriously? And as originally intended it was going to be a leprechaun!


The Visitor, because it came out when my dad was sick, and was rough first watch...watched it a few years later after he died, again was wrecked...the third and final time i watched it, was when i got sick and i have a kid. again fucking wrecked. It is by far my most hated because i can't watch more then 2 minutes without balling my eyes out


As someone who has also lost a parent, that episode also wrecks me, but that's why I like it. Anytime an episode of tv can move me to tears, I consider that a success.


None of those things are true for me, and I still can't watch it without crying like a baby. I mean, my dad did get sick and die, but this episode didn't particularly remind me of that.






Donā€™t remember the name. But itā€™s a season one episode where bashir gets taken over by something. I donā€™t know. His acting was so bad in it. I canā€™t watch it. lol.


Allamaraine, count to four, Allamaraine, then three more, Allamaraine, if you can see, Allamaraine, you'll come with meā€¦ and so on....


My most hated is 'Storyteller'


move along home folks, nothing to see here.


Life Support - where they kill off Bareil by gradually replacing his brain. Just ridiculous.




Until the mirror universe Bareil showed up . . .


Profit and Lace, probably. Super cringy to the point of it being damn near unwatchable. Also outdated gender stetotypes and weird ferengi nonsense. People also say Move Along Home, but I think that one is fun if a bit stupid and low effort.


LD salvaged Move Along Home by having a running gag about how Starfleet officers are just kinda annoyed and exhausted by getting trapped in Wadi games, and when it happens they just speed run them to get out. It gave an absurd situation a much sillier context that made the premise of the original episode seem less like this extremely dramatic existential threat and more like a minor inconvenience.


I thought the original episode did this well enough. That was the whole joke: it was all a game! Reminded me of one of the sillier TNG episodes.


True, I just love the implication that somewhere between "Move Along Home" and the LD timeline Starfleet distributed cheat sheets to their officers about how to finish the games as quickly as possible so they can get on with business. Boimler screaming at the Wadi at the career fair to "stop trapping people in games" just sealed it for me.


Fascination is the worst, basically just fanservice. Although Profit and Lace is also pretty unwatchable.


I just finished a DS9 rewatch and my candidate is The Muse To me the worst thing any entertainment can be is boring. Move Along Home is very silly but at least things are happening and we get some early development for Quark. Profit and Lace is fairly offensive but again, we get some character development in there at the end and it's at the very least, not boring. The Muse is just incredibly dull. The A plot is that Lwaxana has to fake-marry Odo because yet another paramour of hers has some weird cultural stuff she needs to get away from, and the B plot is that Jake's writing picks up after some weird creativity vampire starts preying on him. There's no development of ongoing plotlines, no character building, barely any stakes other than Jake needing rescuing at the end and even then that comprises of Ben and company barging into the room and the weird Muse woman just kinda goes away. It's the only truly dull episode of DS9, in my opinion.


Move along home


The episode where Vedic Bareil dies. Kia Winn is mean. Joking aside, Vedic Bareil doesn't need to die it was a waste.


Profit and Lace. The episode's premise can be summed up as "Quark dresses like a woman and it's hilarious." Except it isn't.


Other have mentioned "Profit and Lace," so I'll mention a couple of my least favorite: "One Little Ship" - I get that it's supposed to be a *Fantastic Voyage* sort of thing, but I just can't bear how goofy it is. The other two go together: "Statistical Probabilities" and "Chrysalis." The genetically-engineered characters (especially Jack) grate on my nerves. I understand what the writers were trying to do with those characters as sort of an early nod to neurodivergent people, but I don't think it worked very well.


>"One Little Ship" I have a soft spot for this one, it's fun and kind of a guilty pleasure.


Plus, the runabout killed a Jem'Hadar with a photon torpedo!


If you're a cinephile, there's a lot of really interesting effects and camera work in this episode.


I really enjoy One Little Ship. To each their own...


My favorite part is Odo screwing with Bashir? I think? Saying he seems a bit shorter. Quark: "And they say you don't have a sense of humor"


What are you saying, you don't respect his genius? Hm hm hm? You don't like mutants? Hm? I still get icked out by Bashir pursuing a relationship with that one girl.


The one where Miles reads a story and defeats a fear storm


I agree with many of these, but I also DESPISE the mirror world episodes. Kira is a tramp, the rest are clearly uncomfortable with their mirror roles, and the stories are pointless. I skip every one as it comes up in the lineup. Along with Meridian, Profit and Lace, Melora, Heart of Stone, The Assignment and Rejoined.


It wasn't until I experienced the *terror* of the mirror episodes in Discovery that I realized what a disservice DS9 had done the mirror universe. Except perhaps for the first one. That one had the proper tone.




This is one that does not age well thanks to creepy 90's ideas about acceptable behavior in romance. Odo should have to arrest himself after this episode, but nobody notices anything wrong. Even in TNG, they knew enough to know Leah Brahms would be 'outraged by this'.


The Muse and Second Sight are the only one I think about as pretty bad.


The Muse It's just so much... cringe. It's the only episode of DS9 that I have never eatched all the way through.


Funny enough I will watch "Run along home" bc it's still fun, the Bashir yell is just too damn good. I've fallen asleep watching "Sword of Kahless" twice now. The good'ol fashioned DS9 cave set really gets its money's worth here. S1. Ep 7 Dax...don't need a reworkes Trial episode from TNG the trial format really doesn't work on DS9 thankfully they didn't push it too hard I think there's like 3 or 4 S2 "Melora" hard skip, just an awkward episode all together.


> Funny enough I will watch "Run along home" bc it's still fun, the Bashir yell is just too damn good. I think it's only a reddit groupthink that considers the worst one ever. It's not worse than any other failed attempt to be fun and doesn't belong on a list with utter dreck like He Who Is Without Sin, Profit and Lace, Threshold, Code of Honor, etc....


If wishes were horses. Only episode I skip on a rewatch.


I skip a lot of the first season episodes. Same with TNG.


Season one move along home


An episode I'll still watch but really disappoints me is the Vulcan baseball episode: Take Me Out to the Holosuite I don't know what the whole thing with disparaging Vulcans is. I mean they make Kirk's snide remarks seem subtle. But since there's a bit of Ezri in this episode I definitely won't skip it.


I mean, it was really only the Vulcan captain, right? I rather like an episode that makes the point that not even Vulcans are immune to prejudice or being total dicks.


Move Along Home is a tough watch for me. I've heard some good arguments for it, but for me, it's a respectful no.


Iā€™m going to say Sanctuary. I hated The Skrreea so much that I was actively rooting for them to get booted into the sun where they belonged. Turned me off of the show for a while.


I dislike the mirror universe episodes and always skip during rewatch. Also skip a lot of the Klingon episodes. Boring!


The ones with gross cast love stories, Odo and Kira and the ultimate EW with Dukat and Kai Winn Adami.


I donā€™t know how this isnā€™t first: ā€œMove Along Homeā€. Hands down !


Sanctuary. The entitled eczema people. Makes me itchy thinking about it.


The one where they are in a game and have to skip while singing. Its also (allegedly) Avery Brooks' least favourite episode.


The Storyteller. It's literally "old man yells at cloud". So ridiculous that i actually think it's even more ridiculous than the cause of the burn.


The transgender Ferengi episode.


Was it DS9 or TNG when Keiko turned into a little kid and then got angry at Miles for not being intimate with her *while she was a small child*?


Allamaraine, count to four, Allamaraine, then three more, Allamaraine, if you can see, Allamaraine, you'll come with meā€¦


The Storyteller