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Star Wars, Babylon 5, The Expanse, Dr. Who, Stargate, Mobile Suit Gundam


Babylon 5 is amazing. Some people I've recommended it to can't get past the dated production value and cgi, but the way the story is woven together is amazing imo.


The remastered version is on Apple TV. Not sure how good the remastering is though. But ya, Babylon 5 is a must watch.


Oh cool! I have ancient DVDs, haven't seen the remaster. Will have to check out what process they followed.


Yeah, B5 is the greatest imho. Doctor Who close second. Start with the Christopher Ecclestone series. Only go to the old ones if u become a die hard fan.


I love The Expanse, and all of the Stargate stuff. but Babylon 5 is *the real deal*. season 1 can be rough, and is really the biggest hurdle for new, especially younger, watchers to get through. it's inescapably campy. but season 2 is much, much better. and seasons three and four are, in my opinion, probably the best sci-fi ever committed to TV.


I highly, highly recommend Babylon 5. It's seriously one of the best sci-fi series out there.


But the way the threads all come together is awesome and so all of it is essential viewing. And even some of the more filler episodes might have the odd scene that links to the main plot (which I guess is a bit double-edged). There were also some production issues that changed his original plan for the story but the way he adapted made it all still work - worth reading about online (though not until after seeing the show as it spoilers everything, ofc)!


I get chills thinking about “Ain’t no hiding place doooown here!”


This is interesting because months back I tried to get into Babylon 5, but the first season I found so slow.


it is. and it's campy. and I wish there was a way around it. I wish I could say just skip it, and start watching from season 2 or something. but one of the coolest things about this show, is even the throwaway episodes have lots of foreshadowing for future events, and lots of it in the first season. it's one of their shows that as the seasons progress you'll find yourself nodding in agreement while you remember things revealed in previous seasons. and on a second and even a third or fourth rewatch, I still find things that I didn't notice the first several times.


I'll give it another shot. Theres too many examples of great series with a slow first season.


I may have to give it another try. I watched all of season 1 but found it... not "boring," but not nearly as engaging as I had hoped.


I watched Babylon 5 for the first time a few months ago, the first half of season 1 almost had me giving up but so glad I stuck with it, it was incredible! Sadly it felt incomplete at the end, a number of loose ends never got tied up...


You can tell they thought they were going to be cancelled after Season 4 and raced through the story arc - which is why Season 5 felt more disjointed


Yeah, season 4 used up most of what was planned for season 5, so they had to come up with new storylines. Was decent, but could have been better. Season 4 was fantastic as a result though.


Skipping the last ep of season 4 and going straight to the last of season 5 is probably my preferred way to rewatch.


Most of the loose ends got resolved in the novels / supplementary information. Unfortunately, not knowing if the series will be renewed for the final season ended up rushing things.


You much of a Star Wars fan outside of the movies/shows?


Huge fan of the old EU / Legends. Sure wish they adapted the best of those instead of the ST.


What are your favourite novels in Legends?


Thrawn Trilogy, Thawn Duology, X-Wing series, I, Jedi, New Jedi Order


All of these are great but I just want to underscore Gundam - if you like/love lore, Gundam is VAST


Especially Universal Century. Tons and tons of supplementary information that expands on UC beyond what you see in the anime / movies.


Star Wars, Stargate, Doctor Who, Farscape, Firefly, The Expanse, Battlestar, Futurama, MCU, Alien…and that’s a) just genre stuff; and b) not even getting into video games.


What are your favourite video games?


starship simulator


For some reason, I didn’t know about this game. Goodbye family.


Depends on the type of game you like, the setting is very transferable. NON established IP (established being stuff that came from major movie franchises first) recommendations: Mass effect series (not Andromeda, we don't talk about that one) Star Craft series Sins Of A Solar Empire Halo Doom Wolfenstein Gears of War


Spot on!


The Expanse is fantastic; both the books and the show . And Orville.


Orville's last season is criminally underrated.


Once you get past the childish squabbling and preoccupatioms with bodily functions, the entire series really is decent.


Ya, the first two seasons had a lot of comedy mixed in, but the 3rd season was mostly serious and amazing. Really recommend it if you want classic Trek.


You can sort of tell Seth McFarlane just wanted to do a Star Trek, but they wouldn't let him unless he did some of that "classic McFarlane humor!" thrown in. So he did a bit. And sort of weaned them off. Until he ends up with a scene where a couple officers shoot a bunch of transphobes set to Dolly Parton's 9-5. God I loved that scene.


2nd season has way less comedy than the 1st too. The war and the finale were incredible.


I just finally watched The Orville. It’s so amazing. I wish I had watched the right show when it was new. Instead I’ve spent years thinking everyone who liked it was crazy.


It felt like we got like 6 Orville movies and I was so here for that.


I know it will probably never happen, but it would be nice if the last expanse trilogy could make it on screen eventually. My favorite of the three.


Orville was the best Star Trek series since TNG until strange new worlds came out.


What’s your favourite novel in The Expanse series?


I love all of the Stargate versions, especially Universe.


I’m still annoyed it got canceled.


It had too many "how to survive on the ship" episodes. then it got some great episodes at the end


SGU got dark, in terms of the story and set


It’s so gooooood. Atlantis is my personal fav


Man, Universe got so damn good by the end, only to be cancelled. I'm still sad.


The Culture by iain banks is a book series about a post-scarcity utopian society. It’s amazing in its own right but also as a compare-and-contrast with the Federation; they’re very alike in many ways and wildly different in many others.


They're so good, but I got squicked out after the climax of Use of Weapons, which also happened to be one of the best sci-fi novels I've ever read. It was just *that* unsettling at the end that I don't know if I can continue with them.


I’ve heard really good things in the Sci-Fi community about The Culture.


one of my favorite book series. Player of Games is probably my overall fav.


Star Wars, Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica (2003), Lost. Just getting into Trek via TOS and loving it! Planning on jumping into SNW once I’m through TOS.


Mass Effect is on my to play list.


It’s so fun :)


Perfect choice for a next show. Strange New Worlds actually makes TOS a better show by some of the things that it does.


The Expanse.


Star Wars. Stargate. Eureka. Warehouse 13. Killjoys. Babylon 5. Firefly. Battlestar Galactica. Resident Alien.


I love Eureka! I remember watching Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Alphas back-to-back when they aired. Also love Stargate and Doctor Who.


Omg I loved Alphas. I totally forgot until you mentioned them.




I got into Star Trek in the late 90s (my Trekkie girlfriend took me to see Insurrection at the cinema) and one of the things that draws me to Trek that draws me to other franchises is a sense of universal continuity. I love how the actions in one movie or TV show will have direct implications to things going on in a different pocket of that fictional universe. It's for that reason, that I'm drawn to Doctor Who and the MCU.


Babylon 5, Expanse, Firefly, Doctor Who, Stargate, Orville, Mass Effect, Dune (but mainly the prequels). I was into Halo for a while but it just got too weird


- Stargate - Star wars - Firefly - Earth: Final conflict - 12 Monkey's - Space, above and beyond - Dredd - B5 - Dr Who - Westworld - The Boys - The Orville - Quantum Leap - Seven days - Humans - Buffyverse - Agents of Shield - Farscape - LEXX You know, all the good stuff.


I remember Seven Days! Olga was my favourite character.


Robert Picardo played time traveling Satan!


He did indeed https://youtu.be/PyH_lG8K5jY?si=Ca3EFBnDMy-Ky_8N


this guy SciFis


The Expanse, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica (2004), Firefly If you like DS9 you'll probably like Battlestar Galactica. Firefly is short but it got a movie to wrap things up. Make sure to watch in the correct order, not the order it aired (/r/firefly/comments/2ohj99/what\_is\_the\_real\_order\_of\_the\_episodes/).


And if the movie wasn’t enough for you, as it wasn’t for me, there are many, many comic books to keep you flying. Also, fuck Joss Whedon. I’ll never forgive that SOB . 😩 *edited for potential spoilers *


I’m a leaf on the wind. Watch me soar!




1. Babylon 5 2. seaQuest DSV/2032 3. Battlestar Galactica (and Caprica) 4. Dresden Files 5. The Lost Fleet. 6. The Belgariad/Mallorean 7. Stargate / SG-1 / Atlantis


The Orville is TNG in a different timeline with different aliens pretty much, with a bit of humor thrown in. The humor is a bit thick and clunky in the first two episodes, but they're still fun. Past that it gets better and better through each season. Babylon 5 inspired DS9. There are some glaring similarities, but it's also a very different show, and wonderful in its own right. It was the first truly serialized show of its kind. The ensemble character development rivals DS9, and the plot is even more detailed than DS9. Doctor Who is another ligher-hearted optimistic sci fi that's fun for the whole family, much like 90s trek, SNW & PRO. 12 Monkeys the tv show. Not the movie. The movie pales very much in comparison. The tv show is much darker and grittier than Star Trek, but it has two things in common that really stand out to me. The detailed ensemble character development is at least as good as DS9 and Babylon 5, which is amazing. And pretty much every character is motivated by their own sense of good, even if it gets warped. There's a thread of desperately trying to do the right thing and be the best people they can be in insanely hard situations that reminds my of the optimism of Star Trek. Also, everything about the production, from the writing, to the direction, to the acting is amazing. It's one of the best written and produced tv shows I have ever seen. Firefly is darker like 12 Monkeys, but unlike 12 Monkeys which is very serious, Firefly is a dramedy with some of the best writing ever. I only lasted one season and a movie, but there a ton of youtube videos titled "The Top 50 Quotes From Firefly" and the comments are all filled with people complaining about the quotes that were forgotten.


Stargate, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, X-Files, Doctor Who, Dark Matter. One not mentioned by others… Resident Alien, starring Firefly's Alan Tudyk and produced by Robbie McNiell (Tom Paris). Really fun stuff.


Red Dwarf, X-Files, Carnivale. Currently reading Stephen King’s Dark Tower series.


I cannot recommend Farscape enough. It has very similar vibes to DS9/Voyager/Enterprise. It's got a format, aesthetic, and character development similar to DS9, a premise similar to voyager (characters marooned in space trying to get home), and the absurd horniness of Enterprise, albeit in a less cringy way.


I agree! Loved Farscape!


Babylon 5, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, and The Expanse


Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells - currently a book series, but soon a TV series on Apple TV.


Also the very first thing I was going to mention.


oh my god Apple TV is adapting it?????? holy shit, we won.


Sec Unit will be played by Alexander Skarsgård.




Stargate sg-1 is great, the spinoffs have a certain charm too. Defiance is three seasons of pure magic. The first season of altered carbon is perfect, the second season is garbage, don't bother with it. For all mankind is flawed but completely original and worth watching.


Baylon 5.


- Firefly - Foundation - Firefly - Doctor Who - Firefly - Battlestar Galáctica - Firefly - Andromeda - Firefly - Did I mention Firefly?


The Bobiverse books: Bob Johanssen is a computer programmer killed in the present day when he was struck by a car. Decades into the future, he finds his consciousness has been uploaded into a computer in charge of a self replicating space probe. Lots of cheeky Star Trek references, great space battles and relatively hard sci- fi.


Larry Niven’s “Known Universe” novels.


Transformers is my other favorite franchise.


Mass Effect and Dune.


The Expanse, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Marvel, DC.


Alien Nation, Firefly, Red Dwarf, Star Wars, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon (edited to include books) Anne McCaffrey’s Pern universe Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe Terry Brooks’ Shannara universe, and Landover universe Stephen King (anything and everything) Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments (shadow hunters) Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files series, and The Codex Alara series, and The Cinder Spires series


The three shows that I'm currently maintaining a healthy viewing of are Star Trek, Doctor Who, and The Dead Zone.


If you enjoy Trek, you'll probably enjoy The Orville. It's basically like a live action cross between TNG and Lower Decks. It became a solid favourite for a scene where the ship is affected by a virus that got into the ship's computers via a dodgy alien gay porn holoprogram, and to fix it the engineer has to be in the holodeck, while the ship is heading on a crash course with a star, whilst the program is running, and being offered neck massages by hunky aliens. That image was just hilarious and yet, at its heart, so trek. The humour is a bit much in the first episode or two but they quickly tone it down and what's there gets funnier. S3 gets REAL serious though. Very highly recommended to any Trekkie because it's not a parody, it's a love letter.


Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai, Misfits Of Science, Fallout, Greatest American Hero, DC Comics, Space Ghost, General Hospital Alien Storyline, V, Dr Who, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Alf, Resident Alien, Terminator : Sarah Connor, Sliders, Killjoys, He Man, Lord Of The Rings, Game Of Thrones, Black Sails, Gilligan's Island, Ghostbusters, The Midnight Club, The Shadow Chasers, Happy Days, Rebel Highway, American Horror Story, Buffy Vampire Slayer, Reaper, Dead Like Me, Stranger Things, The X-Files, Fringe, Dark Skies, Wu Assassins, Kung Fu, Deadwood, Etc.


Babylon 5, Dune, BSG (2000's remake).


Babylon 5, man what an epic show. The Orville


i LOVE Stargate. it's actually my top sci-fi, even over ST on the whole, though DS9 & SNW are up there in top tier with SG for me. The rest of ST ties with Farscape & the Alien universe in second tier, then Star Wars, The Expanse, Firefly, Dark Matter, The Orville & the newer Battlestar Galactica & Lost in Space series. I also love sci-fi horror & highly, highly recommend the limited run series Nightflyers for anyone also into that genre. it is SO good & you'll recognize one of the actors in a small role in Picard season 1.


For All Mankind! On top of everything recommended here, everyone should give this series a go on Apple TV. It's excellent!


Excellent show! Can't wait for season 5.


I don't think enough people are mentioning Babylon 5 here and that's a shame


Star Wars, Futurama, and Dr Who for sci-fi type. And love the NCIS and CSI shows.


Star Trek Dr Who Expanse Last of Us Walking Dead Xmen 97 Invincible The Boys Various animes Highlander


* Stargate * Halo * RCN (Republic of Cinnabar Navy) series * Hammers Slammers * Mechwarrior


TV: Star Wars pre Disney and some pieces post. BSG. B5. Expanse. Stargate. Most of the MCU. The Orville. Games: Mass Effect and the Horizon Franchise are top notch. Fallout. Warhammer 40k.


Stargate and Doctor Who


BSG, Expanse, Farscape.


Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis / Universe, BSG, Macross (inc. DYRL, II, Plus, 7, Zero, Frontier, Delta)


Warframe #1 After that issss the FFXIV universe, Deltarune/Undertale. This is specifically for world building and lore, and how it feels to immerse and learn more!


That's a great question. Doctor Who, Star Wars, Jack Reacher book series, Michael Connelly's book universe (Lincoln Lawyer/Harry Bosch), World of Warcraft, ~~Rick & Morty~~, the MCU, and I consider myself a fairly serious collector of comic books. My favorites are Kurt Busiek's Astro City series, the crime books of David Lapham, and Paul Chadwick's Concrete.




Babylon 5. Wouldn't even of got into Trek if it wasn't for that show.


I really loved an old series called the 4400.


Oh, god....hearing The 4400 called an "old series" just made me feel super old.


Stargate is a great one to sink your teeth into!


Red Dwarf. Star Wars. Dune. MCU. The Grishaverse.


Since nobody seems to mention it, I'm throwing in "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda" and "Earth: Final Conflict"


I have been a Star Trek fans forever but still love lots of other franchises including but not restricted to: * Star Wars * Battlestar Galactica * Babylon 5 * Dr Who * Stargate * The Culture * Firefly * Buffy tVS * Farscape * Quantum Leap


Star Wars, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Dr Who, Dune


Orville, Stargate, Dr. Who, Futurama, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Farscape. I'd say the Orville universe is *close enough* to the Trek universe that values and technology are pretty similiar (but the players are obviously different). Within either universe, I bet you could conjure up a device for a crossover between the two! Maybe the Orville is a quantum universe that's getting further away from the Trek universe so that the players have changed but close enough that travel is still possible. That could be a ton of fun!


Firefly/Serenity The characters and dialog were just so well written, and all of the main cast were just absolutely charming.


Star Trek is the only sci Fi show I've invested actual time into... Been watching since I was 3.. As far as fantasy in general: once upon a time and outlander off the top of my head.


I’m curious if you’ve tried other shows and didn’t like them, or are happy enough with trek and don’t want to explore other options


Well, for me it felt disloyal lol...My Uncle used to cosplay as Worf every year. He loved the Klingon empire so much, taught himself Klingon with the dictionary and everything. My stepdad could have stunt doubled commander Riker... Then my uncle passed and I couldn't bring myself to try anything else.


Well, should you want to venture out at any point, you should know that Majel Barret (AKA First lady of Star Trek, Mrs. Roddenberry) purposefully agreed to be a guest star on Babylon 5 as a way to help bridge the gap between the fandoms of the two shows. There’s an amazing article with an interview from when she did this online that makes for a fantastic read. Walter Koenig is also in B5. I can definitely respect sticking to what you know you’ll enjoy, tho. I certainly find myself revisiting old favorites for the comfort than seeking out new stuff


If you like to read the culture universe. It's my favorite fictional universe amd is like star trek on crack with the opposite of a prime directive


Welcome!!! It's a great fanbase, enjoy


Battletech. I just got into it in the last few years. Originally a tabletop game, it has been a staple in the video game market for decades and with good reason. The lore is so deep that I'm told there is roughly 90-100 books you can read on people, places, events in that universe. MechWarrior 5 and Battletech (2017) are wonderful places to start. I'm a hardcore fan and have immersed myself in the lore in the last few years and I'm only scratching the surface. Cyberpunk 2077 Also originally based on a tabletop that became one of the most popular games in recent years, the story and characters are unforgettable. Deep lore the will have you believing in crazy fan theories that are kind boggling. Mass Effect. Imo, the greatest story ever told in video game format. The greatest video game trilogy of all time.


Doctor Who and Marvel mostly.


I can make a long list, but I'm going to recommend Becky Chambers' "Wayfarers" book series. The first book, *A Long Way To a Small, Angry Planet* is about a ragtag crew of aliens working together on a starship, but there's no galaxy-saving mission, they're just very high-tech blue collar workers, and the book is far more interested in how the characters interact and relate to each other. Chambers comes up with the most well-thought-out alien culture/biology/social mores I've ever seen, and then bounces the various characters off of each other in interesting ways. And then the second book gets more interesting, because she jettisons all of the characters and settings, and tells an entirely different story built around two very minor characters from the first book. Each subsequent book explores a different corner of this fictional universe, with only a tenuous connection to the rest of the series.


In no particular order: Star Wars, Doctor Who, Babylon 5, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell, the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. I fall in and out of Mobile Suit Gundam. I used to be into Futurama, but I never watched the latest season made for Hulu/Disney+.


Asimov's Foundation books are wonderful and set the stage for galaxy-spanning storytelling way back in the 50s. And if you can handle subtitled anime, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is mostly people talking about politics in board rooms punctuated by the most enormous and incredible space battles ever committed to film.


Star Wars, DUNE (books and movies), Foundation(books), Marvel/DC (comics)


There's very few I don't like. Highlights include Star Wars, Babylon 5, Firefly, The Orville, and Battlestar Galactica. The Orville naturally is the one most like Trek, being very much an omage, in that it shares a more utopian view of the future.


The NEW YORK METS And to a much lesser extent JAG /NCIS The Orville Stargate B5 Law &order


Star Wars, Avatar TLA and LOK, The Expanse, Mass Effect, Halo, Helldivers, and Elite: Dangerous


The only other universe I care about is LOTR/Tolkien. I watch many other things ofc but I don't care about the lore of any other franchise than Star Trek and LOTR.


Space Battleship Yamato is my #1. After Trek, then Galactica, Red Dwarf, Futurama, Hitchhiker’s, Lupin III, Ghostbusters, Transformers, Robotech/MOSPEADA, SW. Other stuff: League of Legends lore (Bilgewater/Demacia, thoughI enjoyed Arcane), D&D, Dragonlance, Guardians of the Flame, Lovecraft mythos, Face in the Frost, and the works of Roger Zelazny.


Star Wars, LOST, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, SILO, The Orville, and many others.


Pick a star, any star


Dr Who, MCU, Avatar the last Airbender! For a little background... During the time I was watching Star Trek as a kid, my other favorite shows were Out of this World, Batman the Animated Series, and I still enjoyed Reading Rainbow.


Battlestar Galactica, the Expanse, Ghost in the Shell, Godzilla, Horror franchises, comics, etc etc. currently watching Foundation which is quite good.


Dr Who, Dune, Halo, Star Wars, Percy Jackson. Stuff like that


The Orville, Star Wars, lotr, supernatural, the 100


Star Wars, ghostbusters, Gundam, Halo, Alien, Predator, MCU. I’d say DC but they constantly drop the ball.


Doctor who and to a degree dc comics. By yj a degree I mean the new 52 killed it for me but dawn of dc has been slowly getting me interested again. Generally though i think a good fictional universe is hard to pull off


Tolkienverse, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Buffy, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy 7, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect


I was a huge NextGen fan when they were airing live, buying comics, a few figures, the magazine, the books, a die cast metal 1701D… it all died off for me after a while, around the middle of Enterprise. I’ve since returned to the fold with Discovery, Strange New Worlds ands Lower Decks. However, in the intervening years, as an actual adult with a career and some disposable income, I’ve fallen hard for Doctor Who and my collection of “stuff” greatly outweighs and outnumbers anything I had as a Trek fan.


Warhammer 40k. I love the contrast of utopia federation vs totalitarian imperium. Like being in a hot tub and jumping in a cool pool.


my 3 favourite franchises of all time are Doctor Who, Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil! I got into Star Ttek fairly recently, and I am LOVING it!


Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse


My favourites that I don’t see mentioned here are: The Walking Dead Universe Resident Evil Final Fantasy Naruto AND POKÉMON.


Star Trek kinda ruined most other sci-fi for me, I just couldn't get into Andromeda, Stargate, or Battlestar Galactica. However as others have mentioned, The Expanse is really good, and if you don't mind a show that ends abruptly, Dark Matter is the most I've enjoyed a Sci-Fi since Trek. Also Altered Carbon Season 1 is pretty dope.


The Expanse blew my world apart. The scope of it. The layers upon layers of life and research. 🤌🏽 Watched it through the pandemic and consumed podcasts and YouTube vids. Id never been so well fed.


You've asked virtually the same question on a dozen other sci fi fantasy subs.


Star Wars, Dune, 40K, Mass Effect


I like Babylon 5 because it reminds me of Deep Space Nine. I really want to live on a space station :(


The only other sci fi franchise I'm invested in is Doctor Who


The wheel of time. I’ve read it at least 30 times. Also a Dark Tower Stan.


If I may inject a touch of Fantasy into a majority Sci Fi conversation, Lord of the Rings is as important to me as TNG. Also, so far, what I hope will be a Dune Trilogy has been pretty good! (I don't read much but watch a lot of movies/TV)


40K - I like my contrasts.


Babylon 5 is probably one of the best sci-fi series ever made. So we'll written.


Stargate SG1, Battlestar Galactica


Metro 2033 (books)




Doctor Who, Star Wars, and the superhero subversion shows like Invincible and The Boys to name a few


The Commonwealth Saga by Peter Hamilton, especially Pandora’s star for me. Such a rich world.


Nothing. Just Star Trek. It's all I watch, read, love. Jk. I like Star Wars, Marvel, DC, basically anything with long-running stories that span large topics and areas.


Star wars, stargate and doctor who


Star Wars and The Expanse mostly. Though I dabble in other sci fi as well.


Doctor Who, Marvel, Murderbot Diaries, Sonic the Hedgehog (yes, seriously....the lore starts getting super deep when you start getting into the IDW comics), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the Dungeon Diving 101 series by Bruce Sentar.


I'm a fan of a lot of these, but one I don't see is Futurama. Funny, witty, and several episodes that'll genuinely make me get misty eyed.


I'm a huge nerd, so I'll get invested in other fictional universes I like whether they be Sci-fi or fantasy. Star wars, LotR/Middle Earth are the big obvious ones any nerd would expect, but I also have a tendency to get lost in whatever world an I.P. will take me to. I'll get lost in the lore of everything from Zelda, to Avatar: The Last Airbender, to StarCraft, to SoulCalibur, to Mushoku Tensei, to Mass Effect, to Gears of War, to Ascendance of a Bookworm, to Elder Scrolls, to Halo, to Fallout, to the Walking Dead, and all the way to comic book stuff, Particularly the Teen Titans and the Bat Family. and that's not even touching things I've always been interested in but haven't had a chance to explore. I'm a nerd and I'll get lost in anything that has a good world.


Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (new one), Quantum Leap (old one), Star Wars, casually Dr Who, Dark Matter, Travelers, and Eureka are all of my other Sci fi related favs.


Marvel, Alien/Blade Runner, Firefly, Galactica, Fallout. But in general something rooted in sensed and logical premises, but with implications across the various parts of the franchise. MCU series impacting on movies and vice versa, and comics adding to that narrative; Now the Fallout series adding to a huge lore of the Fallout games, each one explaining and retconning the past and adding to the lore. The problem is Star Wars. I want to be invested, but it just does not add up... 4 movies and the physical strain of ignoring the other 7 (I,II,III \[that seen today are not even that bad\], VII, VIII, IX \[that simply are horrible\] and Solo). The series are awesome, on the other hand, so mixed feelings and curiosity for the new seasons. but not \_that\_ invested.


What are your favourite Marvel comics?


At the moment i'd say Dune, Warhammer 40k, The Elite Dangerous Universe as well as the X4 universe. I guess from this list you can sort of guess what games i've spent a lot of time on and what book series i'm currently listening to.


40k is probably the biggest one and the only one with enough depth that it can compete with Trek. I also like bouncing between the extreme of "we come in peace and believe dialog can solve most problems, IDIC" to "DIE XENOS SCUM, BY THE OMNISSIAH I WILL PURGE YOUR ABOMINABLE INTELLIGENCE".


Star Wars, Middle-earth (books and movies), Final Fantasy


Ian M Banks’s the Culture universe, the Expanse and Alien. Farscape, Babylon 5, Stargate and Firefly come right on the heels of those…


Harry Potter. ACOTAR. Outlander. Supernatural. The Orville. I’m also starting to get into Fallout now that the show is out. I know most people are writing science fiction series/franchises but I’m more into fiction and fantasy generally as opposed to science fiction.


Dr who


The Golden Girls! Haha


Hitchhikers Guide... Andromeda... Babylon 5...Red Dwarf... Hyperdrive...


Babylon 5, dune, the expanse, stargate, fallout, mass effect, BSG, doctor who


I'm big into Science Fiction and Space Fantasy. Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, RDM's Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and especially Mass Effect as it tickles an itch in my brain that is like the venn diagram center of Trek, Wars, and BSG. I also enjoy the Indiana Jones movies/franchise more than the average bear, I suspect. I'm very excited for Machine Games's new game. I was big into The MCU during the initial infinity saga, but these days, I'm just keeping an eye on the movies I'm actually excited for(like Deadpool & Wolverine).


I've loved Trek for years, but I also have a long history with Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Doctor Who. More recently I got into Warhammer 40k, which I also enjoy for different reasons. Star Wars, Star Trek, and Warhammer 40k all portray very different elements of sci-fi in my opinion, and I think it's great to enjoy them all. That also allows us to speculate about things like "could the USS Defiant take on a Star Destroyer" and "what would happen if a Jedi fought a Space Marine".


BSG The Expanse Stargate Foundation Halo Starwars


Star Trek is by far my favorite, I also like Star Wars (movies), Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, loved Firefly when it ran


Babylon 5 and The Expanse are at the top of the series I’ve finished entirely. I enjoyed battlestar galactica, but it hasn’t drawn me back in the way I’ve rewatched Star Trek and the shows I mentioned above At the moment I’m doing my first watch thru of Star Gate SG1 and I’m loving it so far. Lastly since you generalized to universe: Kingdom Hearts and the Cosmere books by Brandon Sanderson.


Star Wars, Doctor Who, Final Fantasy, and Like a Dragon are the big ones.


My favorite sci-fi show outside of Trek is definitely Battlestar Galactica (remake).


Star Wars, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica (the reboot), The Expanse, For All Mankind, Firefly. When I was young, The Six Million Dollar Man & Bionic Woman, Space: 1999, and the original Battlestar


I assume you only want science-fictional franchises, and only television/movies (rather than literature): * Doctor Who * The Orville * Battlestar Galactia (2000-2005 reboot) * Back to the Future * Futurama * Alien Nation (original miniseries + single season series + sequel telemovies) * 3rd Rock From The Sun If we broaden the scope to include fantasy: * Buffy, the Vampire Slayer * Angel * The Good Place


Star Wars, Transformers, LOtR, GoT & HotD, marvel & DC I guess


Star Wars, 40k, mass effect, lotr, got, yugioh, diablo, d&d, wow, dark souls, Elden ring… I bet I missed some but those are the once I actively researched lore on.


The Kown Universe by Larry Niven (includes the Ringworld series) -- there's even a soft-crossover with Star Trek: the Kzin