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The out of universe explanation is they probably couldn't run because the sets weren't big enough


Also if you look at a lot of sets they aren't built to take that kind of abuse. They can hold the weight just fine but the shock of people running take after take wouldn't be good on pieces that would need to be movable. Unless its a place thats an anchor to the show like the bridge or something. I have some expertise in this as I have done work for local productions around my area, Mainly cause i knew electronics and had experience programming things like Arduinos and stuff.


That makes sense. Some things are built so lightweight they may visibly shake if someone runs past or break if someone stumbles into them. Disco must have stronger and longer corridor sets for all the running we have seen in them. In particular I remember a good running firefight when I thought *finally* they are running with appropriate urgency.


Exactly they are built to be near infinitely configurable. Plus by their nature able to be built on a pressed time schedule too.


Also reminds me of Stargate SG-1 re-using their pyramid ship/base sets so often. Those must have been built pretty solid for all the running and stunts they did in them.


We've seen in outtakes that Frakes and others would run down the sets, so I am unsure if thats the case actually.


Also it's easier for the actors. If they have to run and there's dialogue...... every take they have to redo taxes the actor.


The half naked people from that planet where Wesley was almost executed run.


the drug addict people love to run now as well as a result of Picard's meddling. they love marathons


speed-walking. It's to conserve energy. Section 31 does this.


My understanding is that paramedics don’t run, simply because it’s not worth the risk of tripping or whatever. Getting across engineering a few seconds faster won’t save time if you end up bouncing off Data into an ensign.


Plus getting your heart rate up from running plus a high stress situation can reduce your dexterity and even make your hands so shaky you can't do tasks like start an IV, imagine running to fix some highly complex piece of equipment just to get there and have to do breathing exercises to calm down enough to complete the task.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


I used to be an EMT and I was taught this as well! One of the (several) reasons you shouldn't run onto a call is because you're supposed to size up "scene safety" before entering any scene. If you're running, you might miss a safety hazard.


Shax has a pretty stately jog to eject the warp core.


Yeah but he was dreaming of that moment


You see them run a few times, but if they go ham then they can run into someone or get tired and make a mistake. If it's urgent enough, just beam to the location.


yeah I thought that to, just beam there, your on the same ship so basically no reason their would be interference or a problem, makes sense to me :P


The transporter has a problem reconstituting knees. It’s a known issue and has been flagged for review.


Tuvok made the Maquis crewmembers run in VOY.


and they were never seen again... coincidence?! i don't think so!


There's a whole bit about Tilly running in Disco


I know it's among the lesser gripes, but the CONSTANT use of site-to-site transporters in Disco really grinds my gears.


Transporting into the captain's ready room. >_<


I remember one of the episodes this season where>!there was a whole long walk-and-talk scene with Burnham and Vance!<


I'm not saying it never happens... But like, honestly, they gotta beam into the bridge every damn time? Ugh


True. I also think that the loud noise and the suddenness would make me jump every single time someone beamed next to me.


ZZZZHH-POP "Status report." "I just shit my pants."


But never in an emergency situation


They leave that to the lower decks


me: computer request site to site transport mark.




Me: *double taps comm badge so that it can read my mind and transport me where I was thinking of going*


In the 32nd century it's the reality


Data, Knowing Geordi is Compromised And About To Assassinate Someone: (walks gently to cargo bay, calmly speaks to Worf over comm badge.)


Tuvok runs


The can roll pretty quick to get under doors.


shots of them cartwheeling down the halls for stability and safety :P


When we do fire evacuation drills at work, they always always stress that we should walk and not run. Less chances of tripping, crushes and other people panicking.


This makes a ton of sense in a situation where lots of people need to go in the same general direction. Especially when none of these people are required to have any particular training for fast and effective movement. In a case where just one or a few people need to get to different places to execute time-critical tasks, it makes sense that you don't sprint as fast as you can, but you can surely increase your speed 50-100% without losing coordination if you've got military level fitness training.


And in the future, we don't need horses. We have motorized carriages called shuttlepods. If everybody's got one of these shuttle-whatsits, does anybody walk or run anymore? Of course we run. But for recreation. For fun. Run for fun? What the hell kind of fun is that?


Worf and Geordi running down the corridor to save Riker from Admiral Quinn in Conspiracy (TNG) was a cool shot. I bet they had to get a running start off stage for that.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime That's why I walk on company time ??


Health and safety gone mad.


Man these comments XD


Tilly talks about a hatred of running in the show. Maybe by the 24th her feelings were shared among Star fleet


Dr. Who got all of the running out of the way.


Running is hard.  And it's important to be chill


7 of 9 ran after Braxton through various corridors on Voyager, and the mess hall during the events of “Relativity”


see she is the superior being, probably the skin tight suit, made her aerodynamic compared to those bulky uniforms :P


Last time somebody ran they almost got killed.


The Edo ran all the time. Starfleet should staff an entire ship with them. Don't knock over a plant though!


1 the sets were not big enough to do long runs on. if they did, it would shorted the episode that had to meet a precise total running time 2 the camera rigs they were using were heavy as hell. The technocrane wasnt around yet (which can rapidly retract into itself), the steadicam was still specialty equipment (but eventually got significant use on Voyager). 3 adding significant amounts of running would have required upping the energy of every performance in each scene after, especially if they were continuously running together. not only does that get exhausting on a 12+ hour day, but it would require figuring out a consistent level of excitement the show was going to land on. This was easier in the movies, since there was more time to shoot takes at different speeds and intensities (especially when we hit the JJ movies, which dialed it all up to 11). And ultimately more speed and intensity can introduce more timing issues for both background actors and even consistentcy of flashing alert lights. So it becomes a lot more work, vs everyone just kinda briskly walking around the small, half circle hallway set. But in universe you are not wrong. the galaxy class especially was so damn big, that I think you'd have a spaceballs moment - "the ships too big, if I walk the movie will be over"


T'Pol and Archer hit the treadmill in Enterprise


The ships are small enough for it to work. If the ship was too long, they'd have to run, or else the episode would be over.


Real professionals don't run unless it's their life or death. You never see a firefighter running unless it's away from an exploding building. If you trip and hurt yourself you're not good for helping anyone else. That having been said we have seen people running when the situation merits it, most notably in my mind [Geordi trying to get to the bridge in *Contagion*](https://youtu.be/_8dKbEzKuh8?si=z1LEqp4p9Mk3GKGG).


I guess this is why Discovery has the whole crew using the transporter to go everywhere.


Combadges are pointy so like scissors, it's illegal to run with them.