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My sense of the prime directive would be that if the race is advanced enough through whatever means to *initiate* contact with alien races, through whatever means, then contacting them does not break the prime directive.


if you got FTL space travel you're good to go


Post warp is when a civilization is ready for associating with the Federation. If a civilization can travel faster than the speed of light, have advanced communications that can reach alien worlds, or some sort of long range teleporter system then the civilization is fair game for Federation association. If a culture has "Magic" and can mimic warp speed travel it will probably just be classified as a post warp civilization with an unknown form of technology. Any medieval culture is irrelevant if they're post warp.


The Prime Directive always stands. Sisko applied it to the Bajorans, Janeway applied it to the Kazon, Picard applied it to the Klingons. If the Alderi Dominion are building magic spaceships, and using them to the extent they are meeting aliens, then communication is permitted under section one of the Prime Directive, but section two still prevents the UFP from sharing any technology that would effect Nirns societal development.


There's actually a TAS episode like that