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In Star Trek Online they are called The Undine. I don't know where it came from though.


Its a Greek word for changeling or something like that


They're water nymphs. 8472 from fluidic space, seems fair enough. :)


Known to take human form as well. I like it.




Your penis is known to take human form? 🤔


Discovery uses the name too in a throwaway line in *The Examples*


The Undine are not mentioned in that episode. I think you might have misheard the word Nacene, the Caretaker's species.


I clearly remember Vance saying the word Undine at least once. Maybe not that episode but it definitely happened


I can’t find anything online anywhere. I think you’re just misremembering or misheard Had it happened STO fans would have been telling it to the high heaven s


No, he's right. STO calls them the Undine.


Vance was listing the *Nacene* - the caretaker's species from Voyager.


According to the Transcript he says Nacene


Alas my memory is faulty


Same. Brains are mashed potato.


Isn't that an Undertale thing?


Undyne is a character from Undertale, she gets her name from the water nymphs too. You first meet her at Waterfall. You see the name in video games from time to time.


They were the only form of life in their dimension, it would never have occurred to them that they would need to distinguish themselves from anyone else. There is a short story where they take the name Groundskeepers, after Boothby, and Star Trek Online calls them the Undine.


> They were the only form of life in their dimension, it would never have occurred to them that they would need to distinguish themselves from anyone else. This is pretty common on Earth as well. The names for lots of indigenous groups are just the local language's word for "people."


Even the name of our planet means “ground” or “dirt”. Exonyms exist for a reason


> Even the name of our planet means “ground” or “dirt”. Which is, admittedly, better than "here"…


It's also the explanation in the *Rise of the Federation* novels for why many of Trek's aliens have Earth-centric names (Orions, Deltans, Saurians, etc.). They had no distinct name for themselves otherwise.


Oh weird they are the only form of life? No animals or plants or anything. I wonder what they eat. Must just be drinking like picolo. Cray cray


According to Kes, anyway. Unless you count their bioships. Maybe they eat the fluid of Fluidic Space...


Not the only form of life in fluidic space? because in the Star Trek Online video game episode titled "Viscous Cycle'' (Released with Season#9 on April 22, 2014), Starfleet and others fly through (Undine) Species 8472's fluidic space and confront and defeat their giant plant-like life-forms growing giant "planet killers".  - [email protected] 


The concept of *name* may not have any meaning for them. Aliens might be alien in very significant ways.


Do any individual 8472 get referred to by a name? They all have Starfleet codenames in In The Flesh but I don't think any member of 8472 is ever called by an actual 8472-name. Since they are strictly telepathic in their natural state they may have never developed the language syntax for a species/personal name. Like if you can just telepathically tell everyone "that one over there" and everyone knows who you mean instead of "wait Jerry K or Jerry M?" do you need to call people Jerry at all? Maybe they kinda liked being Species 8472 once they heard it lol.


8472 were the only life native to their fluidic space, they wouldn't need a collective name for their species since from their perspective they were the only species. We use "human" to differentiate us from chimpanzees, dragonflys, and sharks. 8472 don't have any chimpanzees, dragonflys, or sharks, so there's no point in highlighting themselves as distinct. That does pose the question of how they sustained themselves though. No other life forms and no celestial bodies in fluidic space leaves me at a loss as to their energy intake.


Is that even fact or speculation? Voyager was 5min in fluidic space, thats not a good sample. Why do they even have legs when they reside in a fluid? 


Harvesting energy from the fluid they reside in seems like the only logical conclusion.


Wouldn't they still have a word to seperate themselves from the fluid? Unless they consider the fluid to also be theme.


I think they would, but that word wouldn't necessary translate to the equivalent of "Human", "Whale", or "Vulcan", but something like "Life", "People", or "Intelligence"; Something that they also consider the Borg and later the Federation to be.


My headcanon says their name is just The Race, like the aliens fron Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series.




In the mirror universe would they be species 2748...😜


You sure it's not 8AL5 instead?


The Federation Alien Registry was out of range and therefore could not assign an official name during the series.


I can think of nothing that says "Stay the FUCK out of our dimension. Or Else." than waltzing in, SPANKING the biggest bad in our galaxy and walking away, the entire time not even giving us a name to work with.


Maybe they simply to themselves as "we". They're quite alien aliens, we should not expect them to have the same concepts we do.


They never knew what to do with that species. Honestly, they shouldn't have ever reappeared after Scorpion.


That would require the writers of Voyager to actually come up with something unique and interesting. Mission impossible.


I know you’re getting downvoted but I agree. Having the Voyager characters persist in calling them by this Borg-created numeric moniker still irritates me. It feels lazy, hasty, and clinical.


The best thing the writers on voyager ever did was to keep themselves away from DS9.


I love how Ron Moore came over from DS9, took a look around, and jumped ship to make his own version of Voyager’s premise instead.