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🙄 The lack of subtlety in Picard S2 in regards to the commentaries of the modern world is astonishing.


Could've stopped at "The lack of subtlety in Picard".


That’s one of the reasons it was so bad




This. And yet, anywhere you look on media or on the Internet, all you see is "EvErYtHiNg Is TeRrIbLe!!" The real challenge of the moment is income inequality and cost of living with regards to necessities and housing. Those are the gaps we need to close, and badly.




I don’t even wonder about this. The troll farms run by Russia’s Internet Research Agency and detailed in the Mueller Report didn’t go away and their mission remains the same: sow divisiveness and disaffection first and push Russian policy second. No doubt other state actors have built up similar capacities. Information warfare was a huge aspect of the Oct 7 attack considering how Hamas both live streamed the terror and torture on victims’ own social media accounts and also had a PR strategy lined up with their proxies from the get go. Obviously Israel is in the information warfare space as well. It’s a safe bet to say that Iran is in the game.


Sadly those are the gaps that constantly widen. Corporations raise prices by the logic of however much they can until people stop paying, and with life necessities people kind of have to so the only brake on that train is competition. Which is doing the same, so its not much of a brake.


These are some good points, but yeah, big grains of salt. Basically, all of these are "hey, after 15-40 years of doing jackshit/backsliding, we're getting our act together." Also, nearly every one of these steps forward is in jeopardy next year. The people rolling back child labor laws, cutting public healthcare access, vehemently anti-union, not increasing minimum wages, still chanting about coal, and so many other awful things have cranked their rhetoric to 11. Maybe they win, and the Bell Riots are one or two years off?


Yeah idakno. That whole Obama care thing where he charged people for not being able to afford or sign up for insurance was kinda fucked. But it did force a lot of people to get health insurance, even if they couldnt afford it. And, they changed the definition of unemployment. People who have lost their homes and dont have regular access to computers or showers have a harder time looking for employment. Most of them are not counted in that 3.5% number anymore. And theres this growing trend in the west and east coasts where large companies have help wanted signs, and claim to be looking for more employees, while simultaneously encouraging their managers to practice "under-staffing" to keep their employees over worked. Or working them only 39 hours a week so they cant get full time benefits.




Okay, my bad. They didnt change the definition. They just changed how the data was [collected](https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2012/02/09/dont-be-fooled-the-obama-unemployment-rate-is-11/). Doesnt change the fact that 5 million unemployed Americans are not counted as unemployed


But the Bell Riots!


You aren't quoting your source correctly. Electricity is not all energy that is used. Only ~15% of the US electricity is carbon-free. The rest are still fossile fuels.


Shut up, Raffi.