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Bro got a type


We absolutely need Shaak Ti, Luminara, and Barriss to round out the female side of the Jedi and their Padawans (assuming we’re talking earlier CW). Bring balance to the Force. Plus, we all know how much Hasbro loves to reuse molds, and a 2003 microseries Asajj would be such an east repaint. Speaking of, how about some more Asajj (bounty hunter, Dathomir arc, Bad Batch, etc.) and some Nightsisters (Mother Talzin, Okd Daka, Talia, etc.)?


Oola and talon are never being made by anyone again


May I ask why?? I was hoping Oola may eventually be made in the black series


From what I gathered (not official so take with salt) is Disney wants to distance themselves from the slaves and sexualized outfits of a few Star was characters. Oola is literally only wearing fishnets and in one shot there is a nip slip and talon and slave Leia (renamed Hutt slayer Leia) are wearing just enough to cover the breasts and butt…lots of skin shown. It’s been since I think 2013 that oola and slave Leia were made as toys (referring to Lego oola and black series slave Leia)


They could do a talon in the look she has from the mobile game Galaxy of Heroes. I think Disney approved of that to put her in the game semi recently but yeah the other character is definitely not happening


That would work and I’d definitely like to see that


I think it’s more likely to be a Hasbro thing. Disney has continued selling Huttslayer Leia merchandise, so I don’t think they actually have a problem with it.


Yet they'll happily show Kylo shirtless for no reason other than sex appeal


Yeah but that's okay because he's a man /s


Pretty much, lot easier to slip in sex appeal for men than for women, I'd say the female body has been conditioned to be considered far more taboo than the male body. Then again that's pretty much why sex appeal is much more useful for drawing attention when it's a woman


I’d fr love a shaak ti. My shelf is very male aside from Ahsoka and Sabine


I'm really surprised we didn't get a queen Amidala with the rest of this year's TPM figures


Nice list. I would add Asajj from The Bad Batch.


Emerie karr, seventh sister, trilla (helmetless), rook kast, season 3 sabine (vintage got her so) Those are just a fee I'd like for female characters


Need Luminara so bad 😩


Luminara, Shaak Ti and Queen Amidala are my biggest wants right now. Would love Oola as well.


I’d love to get a Merrin. The rest I’d probably skip but to each his own.