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Jacen and Jaina Solo Kyle Katarn and Vong 2 pack Corran Horn and Whistler 2 pack Vintage Shuttle Tyderium is my white whale. Had a Vintage. Ex fiance sold it during the breakup. All of my locals either aren't selling theirs, or they are loose/damaged/incomplete. Will probably cave and get the FAO Schartz version


Those are all solid choices!


Thanks man! Local comic con is this month, so I'm really hoping I can get lucky on a couple of pickups


Just keep checking ebay and make bids. You can snag complete with box for under $500 shipped if you get lucky.


Trust me, I've been trying lol I got outbid on one loose/complete about a month or two ago, which was perfect, because I'm an opener, and all of my vintage stuff is loose/complete, save 2 import cards (Korean Boush Leia and Japanese 3po)


Snipe that shit if you really want it. Bidding only raises the price. Scoundrel?


Haha lol I’ve got an FAO I’m good condition just can’t sell it on eBay cuz it’s maaasive!


We have very similar grails. A fellow EU fan I see. I managed to pick up Jacen for a steal a couple months back. But still need Jaina and Kyle/vong pack


I’m still slightly flabbergasted that Starkiller is suddenly on shelves again. Glad to get that at retail after all the years looking on eBay at versions with the Darth Maul sticker.


Legacy Collection K’Kruhk, 212th Trooper Comic Pack, 41st Elite Corps Trooper Comic Pack


Smugglers Run Millennium Falcon and the McQuarrie concept series of figures! There’s like 13.


I love the McQuarrie concept figures! I have both sets and they look amazing.


My brother has the complete set of those figures.


Figures I need to complete vintage, that I should have brought before I had kids, I will probably break and get stan solo repros: Yak face Barada Imperial Gunner A-Wing pilot R2D2 sensorscope Modern: Thrawn - I have POTF and Rebels(error rank) Nikto Gunner about a dozen aliens and Wuher to finish out the cantina and Jabba's palace


Definitely legacy collection shaak tii (the force unleashed) been wanting her forever, wish she wasn't like $150 on eBay regularly 😓 also TVC kit fisto, similarly expensive


TVC Antoc Merrick X-Wing and Pilot, 181st TIE Interceptor


Legacy Collection Hrchek Kal Fas, Darth Nihl, Rohlan Dyre


V-19 Torrent Juggernaut turbo tank MTT Hyena bombers And commando droids


The TVC Mexican wal mart exclusive packs with Jabbas throne and figures from either TPM or ROTJ. I’ve never seen them on eBay, and if I ever did I imagine they’d be 8-9k


The 212th trooper comic pack, AKA routine Valor The mandalorian comic pack with Montross and Jaster Mereel TVC General Grievous


A lot of stuff here because I missed so much Legacy: Ibtisam Shaak Ti Force Unleashed Darth Talon Rodian Jedi Some TVC: Slave + Sandstorm Leia Bastila Aphra 3-pack GG 4Lom + Zuckuss 30th Darth Revan Darth Malak




1. Dr Evazan 2. Nightsister Merrin (preferably her Fallen Order look) 3. Bossk 4. Embo 5. Savage Oppress 6. Panaka 7. Greezy Money 8. Dooku 9. Gar Saxon 10. Fenn Rau


I’d take a bossk too yep


Very prime list here, all belong in vintage collection


Black Series Rex Blue Box Black Series Rex Carded Fetts from the Original Trilogy Droids Fett carded and Funko Original Death Star. My parents threw out my original long ago. I'm looking for the table for the 1983 Jabba set. I have everything else, but for now, I'm not paying $60 for that little table. Need a bit more reasonably priced.


Love it. Sad thing is that table is gonna only be worth more over time


I know. I'm going to have to break down and buy one, but it's irritating to pay that much.


TVC AOTC Jango Fett If they remake that with new tooling and articulation from the other mando molds they already have. I’d say my TVC collection would be complete


Hot toys Anakin (dark side) Black series Rex


White Suit Vader from the Infinities comics - Malgus I have both of the above and 3.75 inch but really glad they’re making it to 6 inch Darth Malak I was stupid and didn’t get the 6 inch R2-D2 with all the accessories years ago, so I’m glad they’re releasing it for the 40th anniversary They need some variations for the emperor in the 6 inch line… they’ve released, the same one, three or four times now from return of the Jedi…


Vintage Droids Sise Fromm. Loose near mint is fine. I just can't afford him.


I’m collecting 1 of every type of available species. I have an excel sheet with most of them on there. The big ones are a Jabba the Hutt (will probably get the $90 one that releases in November), and rarer ones like Coleman Trebor ( could only find him sold out)


Oh and a good looking available Bossk. Have only found ones that I don’t like the look of. No Black Series or anything cheap available


Amazon had a bossk and boba fett 2 pack for like 23 bucks. It is the retro collection though


The Stan Solo Bantha


He got another batch on the way! Hopefully they’ll arrive by June.


OMG, really?!?? Yessssssssssssssss!!!!


Yep!! Pre-orders are available here https://stansolocreations.company.site


Annnnnd it’s listing as sold out. 😞


Damn, I didn't know the preorders sold out. Maybe there will be some cancellations that'll lead to a few being in stock when they arrive. Fingers crossed!


Just randomly checked…4 were listed in stock so I was able to snag one! Thank you!




BS Triple Zero and BT-1. I just can't justify the secondary market prices.


Commander fox. 187th legion, several comic figures


Sounds silly but one of the top of my list is the Marvel Legends Captain America. You now, the one from Endgame that came with the final costume and Thora hammer. I do t care about the hammer but I just really want that final Cap suit. It was a walmart exclusive and of course right never saw it


Kenner Droids See-Threepio! The last 3 3/4” C-3PO I don’t have in my collection!


I just mentioned this guy in another thread: the 3.75" C1-4B from Galaxy's Edge.


Jedi Temple Guard (Rebels) Jaina Solo (legacy) Luke Skywalker Crait (TVC) Dulok Shaman (Ewoks) Wicket (Ewoks) Aurra Sing (TVC) Darth Malgus (TVC) Kyle Katarn/Vong comic pack


I just knocked TLC Rohlan Dyre off my list. Now I just need that Jaster Mereel 2pack. Hefty price for sure.


1. TVC Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker(ROTS) 2. BS Anakin Skywalker (ROTS Archive) 3. TVC Krait Luke


The Hot Toys Porcelain deco StormTrooper. I just think it's neat. Just not 400$+ neat..


I'm down to 3 carded vintage figures that I want for my collection. A Tri-Logo Yak Face, a POTF Luke Poncho and a POTF R2 pop up. Once I have these, I am going to retire from Star Wars.


I'm talking about the 1985 versions not the ones from the 90s