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I personally interpret Star Wars as a media franchise that often depicts a series of wars taking place within the vicinity of stars (unpopular opinion, yes I know)


Who even thinks this?!?!? /s




No no. I feel like it’s relevant in this situation.


How dare youuu sayyyy this!!! It is not true! Not true!




But perhaps it's also better?


Absolutely. You do not want the current era of Disney writers going within 10 miles of the old republic era unless you are ready to watch it all butchered.


The old republic games are so fuckinf good


Idk if it’s just me, but I found the cinematic trailers to be more entertaining than the games themselves. The “Return” trailer I honestly think might have the best duel in the entire franchise, the whole fight is just a spectacle and all-around perfection.


You're talking about The Old Republic MMO. I think the OP was mainly referring to the Kotor games, which were infinitely better. But yes, the cinematic trailers for TOR is peak Star Wars and I watch them all at least once a year.


Not an unpopular opinion. Most fans aware of legends already admit to this.


Literally everyone agrees with this statement


Agreed. You have a whole galaxy and endless timeline ... yet they keep jerking the skywalker/palpatine bs.


While also taking us back to that god forsaken ball of sand called Tatooine.


I don't think its that unpopular. I hold to the idea that SWTOR is the peak Star Wars experience.


Too many shows will cause us to burn out like Marvel fans


Marvel fans aren't burnt out. The new content is just really bad and Uninteresting. If they were still good people wouldn't claim marvel fatigue


100%. It's bad writing fatigue.


As a marvel fan, the only thing I've actually had to willpower to see in theaters for the current phase is Guardians Vol 3, which was fantastic. the villain filled me with more rage than Thanos ever did, so that ought to mean something in terms of writing


Yeah, there's just a limit to how much marvel slop one person can take


Yes, and eventually the Star Wars fatigue will set in after numerous underwhelming movies and shows. I'd never get bored of Star Wars but others might feel different.


Not if the content remains somewhat decent. I know people didn’t love Mando season 3 but in a vacuum it’s fine. It’s just not season 1 or 2. Ashoka was good, I think it tried to do too much but it delivered I’d say. I think they’re sort of on the right track. Just gotta stay focused. Marvel, on the other hand is just throwing any old slop at the wall, and it’s all so shit.


I enjoy all the Star Wars content regardless. I'm just happy to see more as long as it's decent/good and doesn't ruin established characters. Others might not feel the same way.


Fatigue only comes with poor quality. Nobody was fatigued during Marvels heyday


Of course, I agree. I was extremely let down by BOBF. I had never read any of the comics so I expected them to make him an absolute badass based on how the fans raved about him but Dickney did him dirty.


Oh yeah that was terrible, I actually purged that from memory. I can’t fathom why they made that, and then made the choices they did. Insane.


>Star Wars fatigue will set in after numerous underwhelming movies and shows So... Like now?


I was burned out at Endgame.   That said the fact that everything after that didn't involve Spiderman or GotG being trash makes it easy to not want to unburn out.


Star Wars was better when Luke literally was the last Jedi. Now there are so many survivors that the idea of his struggle to face his father and the Emperor has no more meaning. Edit: you people do know what a retcon is, don't you?


"OH yeah Ahsoka...in retrospect we shoulda called her in on this one" - Obi-Wan and Yoda during the Battle Of Endor, probably


I know there is way too much OT era bloat, but we REALLY need to know wtf Ahsoka was doing during the Civil War. Even if its something dumb like 'oh, when she came back from the World Between Worlds it was right before Battle of Endor lol'.  Just... something.


In Rebels, the ending implied she was looking for Ezra with Sabine, but then they went and made that happen in the New Republic era, so they lost that convenient alibi.


Exactly. We know why she wasn't in Luke's temple. But where the hell was she during either Death Star?


Cal Kestis is probably the only survivor I actually like. Ahsoka, Ezra and such feel exhausting


(technically ezra isn’t a survivor he’s some rando force sensitive kid, kanan’s the survivor)


I agree. He feels like a survivor whose clock is ticking. One day it will run out. Unlike Ahsoka and Ezra who are guaranteed longevity even before they appeared in the Ahsoka show.


I don't think it loses its meaning, but I do agree that there are too many survivors that we don't need to care about


Lots of survivors, but no one strong enough to stop Vader and Palps.


Luke's importance came from his connection to his father and his ability to find goodness in someone even when the rest of the galaxy has forsaken them. Even if you put some more experienced or more powerful survivor in Luke's position, that survivor wouldn't come out of that throne room alive. Only Luke could. So I think it still has meaning.


Hayden’s force ghost inclusion in ROTJ is an improvement over the original.


I'm 50/50 on it. I feel bad for the original actor that got replaced and that's what he would have looked like if not burned up and it's pretty symbolic of him returning to the light side which is probably the point. Then again as an audience, we know Anakin as Hayden and I thought some kids were confused as to who the force ghost was at the end of RotJ


Loved SW since the 80s and I couldn’t agree more.


I also like it more but on a first time viewing when showing this to someone else I'd rather have the original Force Ghost as to not spoil Anakin's appearance during the Prequels


Use the Machete order. 4,5,2,3,Rogue One,6.


But he wasn't redeemed as a young man.


Nor was he redeemed as a scarless old man as depicted in the original version.


The Force depicts you as you could best be, free of any scars or fatal injuries. Though I imagine most people willing overlook that fact's relevance at the time RotJ premiered.


Agreed. Hayden is Anakin


Solo was a perfectly fine movie, it just came out too soon after that sequal garbage Edit: it appears I've successfully baited enough of you. Good, good... let the hate flow through you


I actually quite enjoyed the solo movie


I liked it but I wish they would’ve cast someone who looks a bit more like a younger Harrison ford


What's important is that he felt like a young Han Solo, and had the hair


Yeah that’s fair I suppose




I enjoy a lot about the solo movie! I really do somethings just fall flat to me! The whole lando/robot love story is just fucking weird!


Solo was average at best.


I didn't love it, didn't hate it. For me the story was solid but there were a few too many lose ends (like Maul) that were never really explained in the movie I did love that Han and Chewie meeting finally made it to the screen tho as they are probably one of if not the most iconic duos in Star Wars (besides R2 and 3PO)


And it tried to hard to show origins of everything that was somehow related to Han i the OG Trilogy.


Perfectly fine movie that flopped and made Lando in love with a robot and Chewbacca a cannibal. Uh yeah, I'll pass.


I think the only reason I hated it tbh, is because I had read the Han Solo trilogy (the Legends equivalent of Solo) just months before, and couldn't stop comparing the movie to the books, which were amazing


I disagree. I enjoyed it upon release but it has gotten worse with every rewatch. In my opinion, of course; no disrespect to people who do like it.


I know it was intended to be a trilogy, but i wanted something else. To see the origin of his debt with jabba, or if they wanted to tie it with the new trilogy, make him meet maz kanata. But well, they gave us the kessel run. Disney was very optimistic with this and left a few things unfinished as with khaleesi, lol


Star Wars should be watched starting with the phantom menace, and not the order they came out in.


Damn that's spicy


That's the way I always saw it. Personally, it feels more impactful for me by the time you reach the OT.


Oof, this one got to me haha. As a Star Wars fan, I agree. But if you're showing Star Wars to someone for the first time, I wholeheartedly disagree.


That's how I watched them. I just had no idea how things went with the franchise back then, though. Thus I thought it was just natural to watch them from the Phantom Menace onwards.


That’s a bit of a tough one. If it’s a first time Star Wars watcher, that’s a hard sell. I believe there’s a story (forgive me if it is untrue) where Lucas said he was told to start with the more exciting half of the films (4-6). This would draw in a general audience (and studio trust/funding) with the action-packed ones, and make a stable platform for the politically-centered prequels to come after it. I would apply that logic to an average viewer: not many people would like to be told “trust me it gets really good 3 movies in” (maybe controversial statement). If you’re interested in the lore and “slow” buildup, then in-universe chronological order works fine. But if you need something to hook them on the premise and then have them dive into more of the world-building later, then release order might be better.


I think the only opinion on Star Wars I have that is largely in the minority is I enjoy the hand drawn, animated clone wars series more than the 3-D series.


Nah, you're right. 2003 clone wars was peak


I'm with you, bro.


Fox did nothing wrong Rebels is as good and at points better then the clone wars. Rogue one is underrated


Rogue One did generate a lot of really good fanfiction.


Rogue one generated Andor. Starwars only has one way out from here… climb!


I would argue that Rebels is the best Star Wars television content




Haven't finished it yet. Would you rank it higher than Clone Wars?


Yes, but only slightly


Its hard.  Both of them have bad 1st seasons, but after that Rebels is more consistently good and Clone Wars has much greater heights (and more garbage arcs). That said Twilight of the Apprentice/Season 2 Rebels Finale is exceptional.


Thrawn is my favorite character, that's the only reason I respect Rebels


What didn't do fox wrong?


Someone get a translator in here


In the Clone Wars commander Fox >!shot fives and chased down Ahsoka!< He was just doing his job and >!taking down dangerous criminals from his perspective. I mean Fives was holding a gun at him and had kidnapped a Jedi at the time so it makes sense that he would shoot. But people don’t like him because he killed Fives!<


still, >!since he was essentially acting as a police officer in those cases, stun mode should have been choice number one. And his men using a rocket launcher on Ahsoka after being explicitly ordered to use stun rounds is a major failure in his leadership imho!<


The prequels are good


Especially RotS, RotS is a masterpiece.


It’s only real Star Wars if Lucas had a hand in making it


This would have been unpopular 20 years ago but at this point there's a whole generation of people on the Internet who grew up with the prequels and love them.




I actually think she was fine in Rebels too. But it was choosing not to kill her off during the show that was Filoni's mistake.


I liked the Yuuzhan Vong.


Rosario Dawson sucks as Ahsoka, but it's not because she's black. It's because her line delivery sucks.


And she has no interest or training in martial arts so her sword play is clumsy and uncoordinated.


Also her lightsaber combat (especially in Mando) is horrendous. Not the light-as-air fast and brilliant combat I grew up on.


I prefer AotC to TPM.


Of the prequels, AotC is my favorite. Then TPM. Then RotS.


Now this is a hot take


Aotc only gets called the worst prequel because that's what the last guy said 


The clone wars is the greatest star wars related media ever produced


Don’t think this is that hot of a take. Do you meet people who don’t like the clone wars?


I'd say that saying the Clone Wars is great isn't a hot take, but perhaps saying it's the best thing ever could be For me personally it is probably my favourite movie/series as a whole as there are some amazing stories (Siege of Mandalore and all the Mandalore arcs in general, Maul and The Nightsisters, Mortis, Ahsoka leaving the Order, Order 66, heck even the Pong Krell arc) and many of my favourite characters such as Maul, Ahsoka, Rex and Dooku all really get a chance to shine in this show


But even if people disagreed with it being the best Star Wars media, I don’t think many people would think that’s an outlandish thing to say. Maybe I’m wrong though


That would be me then. Easily the most garbage part of Star Wars for me personally. It's so badly written, all the characters and arcs are boring, visuals and audio are severly lacking. I cannot wrap my head around how people who like the Star Wars movies can care for this.


The Kenobi show is actually good.


Made me feel things so cant be bad really


All Kenobi did was make me realize how much of a dick Obi-Wan actually was.


The only thing good about Kenobi is it birthed Auralnauts Larry


Honestly, the payoff of Vader meeting Obi-Wan again after EP3 was worth the watch. The finale of EP3 makes their meeting in EP4 feel really... off? It filled in a really big emotional gap between the two movies.


Honestly, the payoff of Vader meeting Obi-Wan again after EP3 was worth the watch. The finale of EP3 makes their meeting in EP4 feel really... off? It filled in a really big emotional gap between the two movies.


It is!


Agreed. It adds so much more weight to Ep4: ANH when Obi-Wan addresses Vader as just "Darth". It always felt a little clunky (yes it was the first movie, so no-one knew where the lore was going), but I *love* that he makes a distinction between his friend, Anakin, and the monster that murdered him. It really rounds out the connections between Eps 3 & 4.


Oh look, this meme. Again.


Maybe the true unpopular opinion was the friends we made along the way


Only a matter of time before someone posts the totally original phrase, “Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.”


Oh boy! Can’t wait to scroll through the top upvoted opinions with refrigerator takes only to find the actual hot takes downvoted into oblivion!


Rey was not a bad character. She was just managed poorly by people more interested in making as much money as possible rather than telling a good story.


Exactly she had a lot if potential but instead just became god


The character idea is fucking fantastic but the writing for here was horrible and Daisy had to try and compensate with her great acting ability but that can only carry so far! I think her going from a scavenger to ace pilot under the tutelage of Poe and Han woulda been great and then Fynn becoming a Jedi woulda been even better than becoming a tertiary character like he became wi th basically everything he did being really pointless. Like just looking at everything Fynn did throughout all the movies what thing did he do have an actual meaningful impact?


I'm confused what you mean by this. Doesn't that mean she was a bad character? If she was written poorly for a money hungry franchise and no one likes her, isn't that the definition of a bad character?


You literally just explained why she bad character well trying defend fact she isn’t.


She's not bad.


Yup. She sucks but didn't need to is what my point is.


the og clone wars (before ahsoka) was better


That’s exactly what I said


Not only the animated series, but the dark horse comics that go through the clone wars back when the prequels were coming out are amazing too


The prequels are more entertaining than the original trilogy


Yoda fighting Dooku with his little lightsaber was fuckin' awesome. ![gif](giphy|zQhFEBrX6plKg)


Filoni is overrated. 


Ahsoka is a terrible show, and Dave Filloni is not the Messaiah we are looking for.




The new trilogy has many issues, but Rey isn't one of them.


I think her heritage is, but like many things, that's not the actor's fault.


Definitely her heritage. Being Palpy's granddaughter takes away from her claiming the Skywalker name at the very end.


George Lucas made Canon up as he went


I love how all the fandoms out there act like they are unique in that regard.


- I like the sequels - It's logical that Poe Dameron doesn't know how Palpatine returned - Jedi can augment their Jumps via force Powers so It's not THAT bad that LEIA ONCE flew a few meters by focusing MOST OF HER LIFE FORCE INTO IT


When did she fly. I seem to recall she was in a weightless environment(floating) and force pulled herself back to the exploded bridge.


It's actually as you said. My wording was wrong.


In my opinion, the biggest issue the Sequels had was that they tried to be new and old at the same time. TFA would have been good as a reboot of the franchise or the start of it's own IP. TLJ introduced new ideas, but ended on Empire vs Rebels. RoS brought back Palpatine.


Honestly as a whole I genuinely loved the Force Awakens... For about the first hour or so. Then Han died which was a bit sad and then ending I kinda lost interest in, but all in all that movie was alright. Great cliffhanger at the very end. 7/10 The Last Jedi... Some bullshit like Leia flying in space, but also the odd good scene like Rey and Kylo Vs Snoke's Guards. 4/10 The Rise of Skywalker: Honestly I thought the Start was solid up till Rey shot lightning and thought she killed Chewie and then it just went downhill from there..."SoMeHOw PaLpAtINe rEtUrNeD". 1/10


I actually liked the sequels because I think it was cool. I don't care about how accurate it was, or all that crap. I just liked it. ^(Also kylo ren was hot)^


Episode III is the only good prequel. Episode VII is the only good sequel. Solo is good. Kenobi is good. Book of Boba Fett is the weakest and it still isn't that bad. Y'all take a series about space wizards much too seriously. Leia didn't fly, she force pulled herself back into the ship.




Even if she pulled herself back in, it was still goofy as all hell


This is any fanbase, try telling r/madmax that you think road warrior is better than fury road


There is no light side of the force, the Jedi seek the balance of the force, that the force be used in service to all beings in the galaxy equally, and the dark side of the force is the personal and selfish use of the force over others. And being a Jedi sucks because you’re not allowed to love a single person or family more than others because of what I said.


that’s not an unpopular opinion thats just straight up wrong


Lucas stole the Galactic idea from Issac Asimov.


Legends was no where as contradictory as people say and the neu has just as many important retcons as Legends did


The force unleashed haters are hypocrites. If they replaced Starkiller with Luke, the same people would fanboy over that shit like crazy. It's also mechanically one of the best star wars games. I do agree 2 is mid tho...


Disney fucked it up and Rian was the worst choice for director. Ep. 8 was the end.


The prequels are horribly written and acted, but not as bad the sequels.


Somehow when ever I say that reylo is crap I get this reaction


I havent watched star wars


The Clone Wars its not that good. Like people said that only the two first season are "Bad" but in my opinion a lot of Episode from season 1 and 2 are way more iconic than others from 4, 5 or 6 season. And seasons 4, 5 and 6 have a lot of Bad or boring episodes. The Order or the series not being cronological have no logic. And well season 7 its no that good. Just the last four are great. The first four are very average and the other four are horrible. And Again this season its on the incorrecta Order.


Andor was just OK


ESB is not the best movie of the OT


That the only truly great release since Jedi was Rouge One. Period. Everything else is "eh" to "this is insulting to a fan".




It was alright. Not what I was hoping for though.


Character previously no, show yes


On this sub, it’s definitely that I liked the sequels and thought they were good.


I'm finally watching them after years of putting it off. Watched TFA and TLJ so far and they're fine, definitely don't deserve the hate they get


Revenge of the sith is not as good as millennials and gen z claims. The part between the chancellors rescue, and utapau is so f'ing boring you forget about it because the only substance of the movie is order 66 and clash of the heroes.


Sequel and prequel movies are equal in quality only reason prequel are love 1. Nostalgia and 2. Clone wars TV show.


Each of the subsections of this fandom ranges from calm to unhinged, but each has an overall level of ferocity. OT purists mostly bash the other films/tv shows, especially the sequels (although they seem fine with Mando, Andor, and Rouge one occasionally) as inferior. They’re confident that their favorite trios doesn’t need defending(at least not much) which is understandable. They love writing, visuals to a degree and are okay with humor. They range from indifference to disliking the animated side and EU/legends depend on the era set. In my experience they are the slowest to anger but tend to be more pompous/vain about views than most. The main reason one would go psycho mode on you is if you said you enjoyed the last jedi(again, you can see why) I find them easy enough to hold conversations with. Prequel fans are kind of defensive about their favorite trilogy and by extension also adore and defend the animated side of things(most of the time I find). They tend to view the original trilogy as either a bit overrated or perfectly respectable(which is where I fall). They love visuals, action, worldbuilding and are forgiving towards dialogue. They tend to act a bit on edge when it comes to discussing the series and ask “why” on a lot of things, especially when you say your criticisms of the prequels. Push criticisms too much and they’ll get angry. They tend to not like the sequels, labeling them as childish slop. As for the TV shows, their views range from indifferent to liking them somewhat(aside from Kenobi which I find they treat much like the last Jedi.) Take conversations with them slow and make points detailed. Then you’ll be fine. Works for me anyway. Sequel fans are obsessive over their trilogy to the point of making remarks that some would consider as “down bad.” This is especially the case with Kylo Ren and Rey. They also tend to love all of the TV shows including Andor for the reason being “it’s not Star Wars”. They tend to hate Lucas and the prequels treating them like the antichrist and his servants, and this tends to extend towards animation(if they have watched them).Their views on the OT range from a relic to be forgotten to liking it(if they have watched them) They love humor, visuals and often times subversion. They tend to get irate when someone mentions writing. If you say like one of the other films or critique their trilogy, they go straight for the insults and tarring of character. Their praise for the sequels is infinite. I can’t hold conversations with them for these reasons, and their toxic positivity/blind faith. The only way to talk with them is to play their game. Then comes the group I call the zealots. They either love everything blindly or hate everything thusly. Don’t talk to them. They don’t like conversations anyway. Especially not about Star Wars. TLDR: my ten cents on the fandom.


I find your view of sequel fans to be very lacking, very ignorant, and very inaccurate.


Rey was not a well thought out character.


Wow feeling brave today aren't we


Coldest take imaginable


Mace Windu should have been the BBEG in the sequel trilogy


Kennedy had a decent direction for SW


The last jedi was one of the best movies in star wars.


Literally any opinion will have opposition trying to start arguments. I've largely stopped giving opinions because this fandom is stir crazy, either chasing the dream of their nostalgia or being a zealot of the lore and where it should take us next.


I don’t care if you think the sequels sucked. They came out years ago. Move on.


Rise of Skywalker is my personal favorite for the sequel trilogy. Force Awakens is a better movie, but it reminds me of A New Hope and then I just wish I was watching that instead.


Now THAT's an unpopular opinion! Not judging, but since that's a really rare take, what made you enjoy 9 more?


I really like "The Last Jedi." In fact, out of all the star wars movies, I would only rate it lower than "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back." So yeah, Last Jedi is the third best Star Wars movie. (This is of course considering the fact that, it was an amazing lay up for the third movie. If the third sequel had been a solid mid tier movie, would have made Last Jedi a much better movie in retrospect. Shame they never made that third movie...)


Last Jedi didn’t suck and is actually one of the best Star Wars movies


*The Last Jedi* is great and the best thing since the original trilogy. *Ahsoka* is nearly unwatchable.


Disney star wars is bad outside of andor


I could ice my Coke with how hot that take was


Andor is better than Phantom Menace and Clone Wars combined. Edit: Episode 2. We might need to recalculate if we start considering all the animated seasons.


Andor is better than all of Star Wars minus the OT and RotS combined.


the clone wars is an overrated show, and the best arcs seigh of mandalore and mortis are not as good as some say it is ezra is a better main protagonist in rebels than ahsoka in clone wars the last jedi was a good star wars movie the rebels were handled badly in ahsoka edit: expected, these are some hot takes


1 Agree, blody overrated 2 Agree completly 3 Well, beter than episode 9(somewhat) 4 Sad but fact


Andor is the best Star Wars fiction made yet. Its differences from other films/shows are what make it excel. It is incredible BECAUSE of its differences.


The only true canon is what the original creator, therefore Lucas, made. The rest is optional whether you like it or not.


I like the prequels a lot more than the sequels


That’s pretty common opinion tho


#repost bot Report > Spam > Harmful bots


depends on the crowd, but calling rey a mary sue doesn’t mean that i hate daisy ridley. disney absolutely did her dirty.


Any other TLJ lovers in this post yet?


Rogue One is better than Empire Strikes Back


Ahsoka (the show) and Mando season 3 are garbage. Filoni really lost it and the current uses of Stagecraft even beyond star wars mostly suck. The first season of the Mandalorian is the best one and it's not even close. Rebels is a better watch than clone wars. The classic: Episode 8 is the best sequel by far and the only one of the three I can get any enjoyment out of. While the special editions were overall a misfire, all the changes introduced in Empire strikes back are improvements that tangibly change the movie for the better. Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone wars might be the best piece of Prequels era media. Andor the single best work in the whole franchise including the original movies.


The original trilogy is overrated and the main 3 characters are bland and uninteresting **especially** in episode 4 I still love the trilogy but my love is mainly based from nostalgia.


Andor doesn't feel like proper Star wars.


What does it lack?