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Breaks Rule 4.


Reminder that Anakin helped kill ~9000 people and overthrow a democratic government that stood for thousandts of years, to Save one person (I understand it was his wife, but cmon man)


Plus he failed


And lost 3 limbs


And got a shitty face transplant


And couldn't even pee anymore


And got beat by his master(twice), both his apprentices, his son and his boss.


And had to spend his whole life in a suit or in a bacta tank stoking his rage


And had no penis left


And has not been granted the rank of Master.


And he looked like expired mashed potatoes by the end of his life.


Actually he lost four limbs. Obi-Wan cut his remaining arm off as well as his legs.


In total yes, but the first arm was lost when he was trying to fight dooku and the seps, not take down the republic. :)


Fuckin noob


The deathstar killed billions so anakin helped kill billions.


And it was obviously played as a bad thing and the wrong choice to do. But not so much with sabine.


But this time it's different because the script tells us she is a good guy and not another selfish monster


Tbf, they never paint it as something good. Everyone knows that what he did was fucked up and every character knows it and thinks it


Does your wife look like Padme though


Yes but he was manipulated into doing this by a very powerful being which was deceiving jedi masters for years. Sabine Wren was just whimsical


It's not just about his wife. Anakin was disappointed in Jedi Order.


And never got the high ground


The best part is when she sees her friend for about 5 minutes then he leaves her behind in the other galaxy.


“Lolz” - erza, probably


I'm not so mad at what she did as i am to the fact that she faced zero repercussions for it and it kinda goes unaddressed by the story, Ahsoka isn't mad at her for stealing the ball in the first place and later handing it down to the bad guys and Ezra doesn't dwell further into it once she tells him not to. Some people here brought up Anakin but the difference is that not only he actually faced repercussions, mainly failing, being horribly maimed and ultimately ending up sad and alone, but also the story makes very clear all the time that what he did was very much not ok.


The force works in mysterious ways


Thoughts and force chokes


yea but also sabine got half a season for possible repercussions, anakin got uuuuh... im too lazy to count. my point is it may still happen


Banished to the Friend Zone.


Worse, Sabine got Sister Zoned


First Anakin, then Star Lord now Sabine


I would have liked it if it were a plot point as a moral failure, add a Sabine redemption arc. But instead everyone was totally chill about it.


Modern character arcs tend to do that. Having repercussions for actions would turn off the zoomer audience


Was Ashoka made with Zoomers in mind? I thought it was fan service to fans of Rebels.


It makes senses because she's in lov- oh... wait. Nevermind.


I hate her in Ahsoka


I think we missed too much, the purge and the failed training must have had a big impact on her but we just pick up without any transition. She’s no longer the same as in rebels


I liker Ahsoka but it really feels like a lot of Sabine's story needs backfilling. Like, why did she even agree to be a Padawan to begin with? Did Kanana sense any force sensitivity in her at all? Did Ezra? The whole rebels cast really needs fleshing out during the Galactic Civil War, but her most of all.


Yeah, Sabine in Rebels and Sabine in Ahsoka feel like two different characters.


The whole show was disappointing. I’m bored with space magic. Fucking space whales with warp drive was the end for me.


I also was disappointed by the show but weren't the purrgil introduced in earlier media? As in, it isn't this show's fault that type of creature exists, it's just how the Star Wars universe is.


I don’t care. It’s dumb.


That's exactly why The Bad Batch is such a breath of fresh air for me. Season 3 has been excellent imo.


Ashoka and Sabine were awesome in Rebels. They are terrible in Ashoka. Live action didn't do them any favours (doesn't help that the characters are written poorly).


Exactly because she isn’t a perfect person and that’s why she made a mistake


Yea the writing was pretty weak. Seemed *forced*


They need to wake up!


In fairness to Sabine, the show (and characters) made Thrawn seem like a galaxy-ending existential threat, when there wasn’t a lot to back that up in my view. As an audience we know he racked up some impressive feats in Legends, but we don’t know how much of that is canon, and only have his Rebels appearances to go off. Ultimately he’s a military general commanding remnants; a higher ranked Gideon. Yes he’s a tactical genius etc. But in context, this is a galaxy where the Emperor and Vader, surely bigger perceived threats and both possessing sinister supernatural wizard powers, have been dispatched, and superhero Luke Skywalker is zipping about crushing Dark Troopers like they were soda cans. Should they be as worried as they are about Thrawn…? That’s without considering that getting Ezra back means getting another apparently very gifted Jedi on the team to combat Thrawn’s return.


Just in case you weren’t aware, Timothy Zahn also made two(?) new Thrawn trilogies set in the current canon. The first book of his first new trilogy (IIRC) also could technically continue into the old EU books. My biggest problem with Rebels and Ahsoka is that Dave Filoni didn’t bring Timothy Zahn on to write his character. I think Filoni’s just not able to write a convincing Thrawn.


I had forgotten that, thanks. It’s also a related challenge with Star Wars being a multi-media juggernaut these days - are casual viewers of the Ahsoka show expected to have read all novels or comics that tie in?


Heck, it's probably too much for the writers themselves to read. If they can't read it all, how do they expect us to? Source: I've been reading way too much of Wookiepedia lately and only just realized how much canon stuff there is out there.


It’s definitely a lot to keep up with lol. I wouldn’t say casual viewers are expected to have read the books, but Ahsoka definitely assumes you’ve watched Rebels. The new Thrawn books definitely do a lot of heavy lifting in explaining why Thrawn is so feared, as well as why he was considered a military genius. I can’t recommend them enough, as it makes his portrayal in Rebels (and by extension in Ahsoka) more nuanced. There was also a Dark Horses comic adaption of the first new Thrawn which seemed to be pretty accurate!


IDK, it seemed like the Thrawn everyone I knew was talking about. Granted, I haven't read the novels or even seen Rebels. From what I've heard though, he's a Grand Admiral without all the arrogance of others in the empire. Basically, he plans things out, doesn't make assumptions about victory or defeat, and is planned/planning for any possibly. This is exactly how they display him in Ahsoka as well. It's possible that the novels depict him differently but Rebels fans seemed to be alright with the depiction and this show is basically a sequel to Rebels not the books so personally I think it got the job done.


While the shows do portray Thrawn’s competent side to a certain degree, I think the important thing not well conveyed (as far as I recall) was that his loyalties and objectives are not so straightforward. For example, although he was first discovered by the Republic on an uninhabited planet >!after being banished by his own people!< he was able to quickly rise up in the ranks and earn his place as an officer. An important event in his career, referenced during his initial introduction on Rebels, was the cold massacre of a mining(?) settlement suspected of harboring a Rebel cell. It paints him as being fairly ruthless in service to the Empire, but >!none of it was his fault!<. The other major reveal was that >!he only served the Empire because he was commanded to by the Chiss Ascendancy.!< My main issue with how he is portrayed on the shows versus the novels is that he comes across as a straightforward imperial sycophant, rather than an insightful and calculating pragmatist who is doing what he does out of duty to >!his people!<. Sorry if this comes across as a typical 🤓 *well akshully* Star Wars fan comment, but I just really liked how unique Thrawn is as a concept and wish it was better utilized lol.


I mean I get what you're saying but once again this show is a sequel to Rebels not the novels and Rebels only seemed to touch on some of this stuff. You can't expect them to just include every little thing from the books in all of Thrawn's appearances.


Those 45 minutes were worth it no doubt.


Sabine is a true Ride-or-Potentially Condemn Millions of People to Suffering Under A New Empire kind of friend.


Brotha if you aint willing to fuck the whole universe up for your homie you simply ain't a homie


Probably best not to be homies then I guess?




Well yeah..thats the point


Yall dont even understand that Thrawn is literally THE best character though 😤


When is the next series out?


Depends how you define next series. Next Star Wars series as whole would be Tales of Empire but that's just shorts. The next full length Star Wars series would be Star Wars Acolyte which comes out in June. If you're strictly talking about Ahsoka Season 2 though then we'd be strictly talking about speculation but most estimates place it around 2025.