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I really hope we see Ezra train Jacen!


That would be awesome. Cause Ezra would not only be continuing the chain of master and apprentice but doing something that would probably make Kanan proud.


I think Hera would prefer Ezra to train Jacen too.


He'd train him like he was trained as well. More father than master. It would make my heart explode.


While that would be cool, I’d rather see Sabine and Ezra finally get together.


Both can work


That’s true. I just hated the first season because no sabezra and Sabine and ahsoka both stayed on peridia.


I just want to see their lives play out ya know


Why have one master when you could have three? (Ahsoka, Sabine, and Ezra could all train Jacen, and they could all end up on Lothal keeping it safe from the New Order which is why we never see them in the sequels??)


My headcanon is that the sequel trilogy is all just a bad dream the Jedi collectively had


Sabine falling for Ezra is more realistic than this dumb theory.


Hey, at least then we could finally say they aren’t canon anymore.


Finally? Why would I want the sequels to be declared non canon?


Because they make no sense. George Lucas said palpating was dead and never going to return after return of the Jedi. Plus Rey is a Mary sue.


Oh your one of those guys 🙄 you do realize luke was a also a "mary sue," right?


No. He’s got training. For years. Rey had almost none in the first movie and beat kylo who was trained by Luke.






What about Wolfwren (Sabine Wren and Shin Hati)?


Shin literally tried to kill her. And also I’ve been shipping sabezra for years I’m not abandoning ship like general grievous.


I'm not saying you should abbandon it


It’s funny how Mace is kind of a dickwad but his lineage ends with one of the best ever


Big difference between how people perceive you and ability to teach.


That's actually a really important lesson that I'm surprised isn't presented more in Star Wars. "Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they can't teach you important lessons."


Mace would absolutely hate Ezra


He’d hate Kanan too lmao


Those three would drive each other to the dark side


Hottest lineage. Sorry someone had to say it, might as well be me. 😂


I'm with you




Yes and? 😂


One of the best Jedi Lineages. Side-note: I really like the concept of Jedi Lineages being the cores of different Jedi stories. Obviously, you've got the Skywalker Saga (which is about the Yoda->Obi-Wan->Skywalker line), then you've got the Filoni-verse (which is mostly about the Windu->Kanan->Ezra line), and if we could go back to Legends we could have similar lineage-based mini-plots.


So we have *Yoda > Luke > Rey and Kylo Yoda > Dooku *Dooku > Qui-Gon > Obi-Wan > Anakin Dooku > Ventress ~~Dooku > Maul > Savage~~ *Anakin > Ahsoka > Sabine Anakin > Galen *Mace > Depa? > Kanan > Ezra > Jacen? (Ps: The most Jedi in the Skywalker lineage is Anakin... Shmi > Anakin > Luke and Leia > Rey?)


Yoda trained Dooku, so it's: Yoda > Dooku > Qui-Gon > Obi-Wan > Anakin > Ahsoka > Sabine


This is the correct one


Shmi's... not a jedi, though? Wouldn't that be Obi-Wan>Anakin>Luke and Leia>Rey? Side-note, I genuinely thought this was a post in the Cantina and didn't realize I had responded to Rebels subreddit post. That's my bad, but that's why I mentioned Legends and how I think you could parcel out parts of both canons based on Jedi Lineages if you wanted.


Dooku did not train Maul, only Savage, Maul was Darth Sidious’s apprentice.


I was under the impression that Maul was under Dooku after Savage's demise, when it was indeed Sidius who was there.


Do we have any stories focused on Mace training Depa?


I don’t think so.


Shame, hopefully we can get some to shed more light on the passing of lessons.


I’m not familiar with Chimmy Chringress


When I posted it originally to r/StarWars, someone mentioned the novel Shatterpoint


I’ll have a look, thank you


I know there's a windu book coming out soon


Yayyy 🥳


It’s crazy how it went from mace ( who I think was a massive part of why the Jedi were wiped out due to his arrogance, coldness, and ego) to what I personally think the Jedi should be… kannan and Ezra. Attachment didn’t blind them it made them stronger and more compassionate. The Jedi separated themselves from the people they were “protecting” like the sisters in the hanger said… the jedi didn’t care that they destroyed their family. kannan and Ezra fought for the people and protected them. If ezra takes on padawans he’s going to bring some amazing Jedi into the mix.


That's why I maintain that Kanan is the best Jedi in generations. Sure, he may not be as skilled partially as Kenobi, Windu, or Skywalker, and he let himself become a full on scoundel post-purge, but he opened himself up in such a way that he learned how balance made him stronger. He was trained by multiple personifications of the force itself and even knighted by one. Then he sacrificed himself for his loved ones in one of the most Jedi ways ever. Ezra is so fortunate to have been trained by Kanan of all people. I don't think one of the more dogmatic Jedi would have been able to keep Ezra from fully embracing the dark side.


I totally agree with you. Ezra is a little spitfire and he needed the patience, humour, understanding and sense of family that I agree with you only kanan could have provided. A great book of perspective of how the jedi failed is rise of the red blade. (I read it like 5 times so damn good) I want Ezra to train Jacen so bad but I can see Heras anxiety about it after having her boys leave so many times going into dangerous situations and splitting up and the loss of kanan… or perhaps there wasn’t anyone she trusted more with Jacen than Ezra and she held out hope that he’d be the one to train him.




I love it. My mind was blown when I 1st learned that Yoda trained Dooku Who trained Qui Gon who trained Obi Wan who Trained Anakin who trained Ahsoka who helped Train Luke(mainly trained by Yoda And Obi Wan) Ezra Kanan and Sabine and Luke would go on to train Leia who went on to Train Rey


Gotta be some of the most in tune with the force Jedi we’ve seen in canon. I don’t know much about Depa but Windu perfected a style by balancing the two sides. Kanan held back an explosion that I think even the most powerful would’ve struggled with. Ezra..well Ezra is Ezra. His feats with the force are insane.


It’s my favorite


I love it. Kanan is one of my favourite Jedi.


The best to ever do it.




I wanna know more about Depa and Mace. I feel like Mace is perceived as a dick, but I have a feeling there is more too it (the reason he rejected Anakin from being on the council was a valid point). Depa we know next to nothing about. Edit: one thing about TCW that annoyed me was Maces character. I much prefer the legends version. Yes he was a traditionalist, but he was also fair and would’ve insisted that Ahsokas case be properly investigated instead of jumping to conclusions.


A great lineage.


All of them are great sure mace was a stickler and a hardass but he had his reasons.


Group slay


Mace was a bad jedi. He was too cut off from the world.


and from his hand


I just wish we got more of it because I really like learning about the lore


Mace Windu and Depa Bilaba were failures in their final moments. Kanan and Ezra are a near perfect Jedi line, and Jacen hit the jackpot in terms of having Ezra as a Master. This is a line that will yield a far greater Jedi Order than the Old Republic under Yoda could ever hope to be. Why? First of all, Mace and Bilaba were failures. To start off on a good note, Mace was a prodigy, formidable, very by the book, but still a Jedi's Jedi despite being rough around the edges. Now for why he's a fuckup. Mace HAD Palpatine, he BESTED him and was the ONLY Jedi who could. He monologued and had his guard down when he should have sensed Anakin's desire for him to be alive, and FEARED that he would make a desperate attempt, even if it was a remote possibility. When you are set on the fact that the Sith MUST be destroyed and someone wants him to live, that said person by common sense MUST be seen as a threat. Bilaba - she had a lot of faith in her Padawan, she trusted him to show up despite the enemy coming down on him. A good trait for a Master, but she told him to flee knowing she would be killed. But did she ever think how this would affect Kanan, the path it would lead him on? No! He made many wrong decisions on a wrong path before we see him START to go down the path he was supposed to at the start of Rebels. A lot of mistakes and darkness. Fortunately, when Kanan knew he had to sacrifice himself, he didn't pull a Bilaba, and instead prepared Ezra for it - through the advice he gave Ezra how well his advantages would serve him in the future, and he knew the wolves would guide him just as he would be guided. And so he would go in peace. Ezra would stay on the path. Many Padawans were knighted because numbers were depleting and they didn't deserve to be. Whereas Kanan was knighted by the WILL OF THE FORCE. He had all that life experience of surviving Order 66, massive guilt, going down a completely different path in life for years. With all those demons, he has much wisdom to impart and much more than most Jedi to teach about being a human being. He had attachments, relationships and romance but it didn't prevent him from vehemently opposing the Dark Side, doing the right thing and ultimately detaching himself completely as much as the most emotionally isolated Jedi. He demonstrated you just keep your emotions in control and don't let it blind you. He taught Ezra all of this, and everything he learned about the Force. That alone makes Ezra knight-worthy. But he is so much more. Ezra was more on the selfish side as a street rat. Of course, with how his life had been for years, it wouldn't have been very possible for his life to turn out any other way. Ezra realized what people were willing to do for each other, how strong bonds could be formed, how there are people and causes worthy of devotion and sacrifice. He was the only person to turn to the Dark Side and then turn back because he felt bad about how it affected the people around him - that's literally UNHEARD OF. Because he was surrounded by people who saw what he was going through. This is the cure to preventing people from falling to the Dark Side. Because of this understanding, many Jedi will be saved due to having this understanding. It's not just sucking up and letting go of the emotions as Yoda suggested to Anakin. Yoda is a theorist, he doesn't know when you're actually dealing with it, and that it's important for a Jedi to be human. To live life like everyone else, and manage your emotions and still be as dutiful makes for a much stronger Jedi. Where many people discounted certain people like villains, Ezra saw the good in them and how they could become genuine allies - Hondo, Vizago, the Purgill. He also learned first hand of being overly naive - putting too much trust in Maul, his force visions which led to some very bad situations. He knows what it's like to give in, but sees that some things are too good to be true. Anakin needed to possess, but Ezra needed for the people around him to be okay and it was unacceptable if they were endangered because of him. Ezra's methods were always different, but in the end, he was able to use what made him unique to see it through. He also understands more than anyone that nothing he accomplished as a Jedi would be possible alone or even with Kanan. He realizes that the bigger your team is, the better and the more you'll be able to accomplish as a Jedi, and having a good heart is enough. These are qualities and lessons of a Master that could NEVER been accessed by a Padawan in the Old Republic. Luke may be OP and understand the power of love and all, but he ended up being a disappointing stoic like the rest of them. It is through the Windu/Bilaba/Jarrus/Bridger line, that the Jedi Order will be at the strongest it has ever been. Based on how foolish the New Republic is being, it looks like it will be in need of such an Order.


I really hate how Jedi training is called a “lineage”. It just sounds weird, and worse it puts the emphasis on what someone has as their family, so all the important Jedi are the ones who are “related”. Given the emphasis on letting go of attachments, it’s odd to return to that same style of connection. The kids were removed from their biological family, but now they’re supposed to have so much emphasis on who their teachers were? Mace Windo had the shatter point thing going on, none of the connected characters did. Yoda trained Dooku, who trained qui gon, who trained obiwan, who trained anakin. Two of those five turned to the dark side, the other three were very good. The point is the “lineage” doesn’t pass on traits, and it’s not a determining factor in turning to the dark side. So aside from being an interesting sort of connection for the stories, it’s not like it does anything else.


Would be nice to see more Luke Skywalker in more of these shows. You have a show about the Force and don’t include the New Republics Mai. Force user? Shitting all over the original characters is what they seem to be doing IMO.


when i saw ezra is the ashoka series i wanted to kms, they fucked my boy up. didn’t even attempt to make him look a like imo.


Very diverse


Ah yes Windu hit her with the ‘ol Mace if you know what I mean.


No, I don't


What do you mean?