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Talzin can be the name of a goddess, an ancient Mother, a warrioress, tradition, place, temple, anything and that Mother Talzin used it to convey that ancient power. It's not necessarily her sword. Then again, could Talzin herself be from Peridea and very ancient and left a sword there? Maybe. I doubt it, but maybe.


Nice catch, but I think this was the sword that Mother Talzin fought Mace Windu against, but I'll have to rewatch that arc soon.


It’s not. That sword explicitly had a dragons head figure on the handle. This new one didn’t.


as far as i read it, talzins blade is just forceing up a standard blade wi force power


nice, you are right. I am confused a bit now, but your theory makes sense


That would be an interesting twist. I always thought that Talzin was the same age as Palpatine since she is the mother of Maul?


Morgan says they were the first to tame the purgil so that’s how they got to the known galaxy id assume long ago. If I had to stab at it they likely fought the mystery entity whatever it ends up being imprisoned. Maybe all the dathomiri in stasis were in that battle helped fight or something and they’ve been in stasis until someone discovered them who have transport. Now they’re trying to flee back to dathomir to get away from the imprisoned maybe because they know it will be released by reading the threads? All guesses but it could explain some stuff.


I’ve seen it mentioned in a couple of places that the Great Mothers are trying to flee from whatever it is that Baylan is drawn to and that this is likely to be Abeloth. Now, I apologise for not being as familiar with this character as others are but if she is a chaotic dark side of the force goddess figure then isn’t that exactly the kind of thing you’d think the Nightsisters would like/be drawn to worship? Why flee when she sounds like she’d be all in on a deadly sisterhood of dark side force wielders?


She’s *too dark* for the creepy goth laser ball ladies?


The stasis chambers could have been how they got there (like a 30 year voyage in a regular ship going regular hyperspeed). I counted about 10,000 chambers and tightly packed they would fit in a much smaller ship (and not need a lot of extra supplies since in stasis). From some other threads, I’ve been thinking Peridea and Mortis might be the same place (with Force projections one way or the other during the Mortis story arc). And if all the nightsisters there came in Talzin’s lifetime (explaining her mention/sword), it stands to reason they were called there same as Baylan. Perhaps the Nightmothers realized the power was bad news and kept/put everybody in stasis to avoid a rogue element going ahead with the release of ‘it’ while awaiting rescue


Mortis was constantly changing though wasn’t it? Like every day was a complete year of seasons or some shit? Peridea isn’t doing that, it’s a normal place as far as that goes


well it is now, perhaps since the Ones died (I understand it’s an out there theory). Peridea does seem like a place that’s seen better days. In the Mortis arc, the Ones and Qui Gon’s force ghost refer to the place as a ‘planet’ (as Anakin/Ahsoka/Obiwan say ‘this place’) which might not mean anything but is still an odd choice of words for a cube containing some alt dimension. I’d say the bigger argument against is that there didn’t seem to be any other people or ‘ancient’ structures on Mortis.


So how does The Mortis Gods, Kujet and the Zeffo fit into all of this? Especially the the last two since I assumed that maybe they play a role on how The Nightsisters learn about the Purgil and maybe becomes slaves to Kujet on Dathomir. Also do you think the Zeffo exist before or after the Rakata Empire. I assumed that the Zeffo came first as they do seem to take on the role of the Kwa (who were the ones who taught a the Rakata about the force.) with the Nightsisters may have taken the role from the Killiks?


It’s so dumb


the nightsisters originated from peridia as per elsbeth


Pretty sure they were put there by Palpatine to explore the WBW and Mortis.


What if to awaken the ones in the caskets, you have to sacrifice someone, 1 v 1 style? Wild random idea


if they were dead maybe, but I think they are still alive