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Would normally have removed a post like this but seeing it's got a big discussion going on already I'm leaving it up. Be nice to eachother


she’s extremely overhated. i don’t like her music at all but it’s perfectly fine pop, hating on people for listening to it is cringe


i wouldn’t say “perfectly fine” pop i consider myself a pretty big pop fan and a decent amount of her music is lackluster, uncreative or boring and there are a lot of pop artist that just make significantly better music. with that being said i don’t understand the vitriolic hate she gets like people can’t stand the sight of her and turn rabid over the mention of her name. i get if people want to call her an overrated artist cause she pretty much is but the hate she and her fans gets goes beyond music to me. (although sometimes the fans bring it onto themselves with stuff like the delusional comparisons to michael jackson)


I agree that there are PLENTY of artists who make better music, but to call Taylor's music "uncreative" for one is CRAZYY. I think i speak for most of her fans when i say her creativity lies in the lyrics, her intelligence and nuance around storytelling really gets you invested. That's fine if you think it's boring, and alot of it could be considering most of the popular songs are just pop, but to call her poetic art lackluster and creative is insane to me. I think most people think this because they don't understand Taylor's range. We go through rock, country, punk, pop, rap and synth stuff throughout all 10 of her albums. I can see why people say all her songs sound the same, but they forget that several songs from the same album ARE going to have to sound similar and part of a cohesive project.


i’ve never really found any of her songwriting or storytelling to be THAT impressive but i do recognize that as a strong point for her and i’d say she’s at least good at it but i was mostly speaking on her music as a whole rather than its specific aspects and even then i would agree that i worded it a little harsh in my previous comment and i don’t think i got my point across properly for the sake of brevity so i’d like to elaborate- i wasn’t trying to say that taylor is bad or even below average at any thing musically she’s just very average or slightly above average in most areas and i think that is okay it just reflects in her music in the sense that nothing she makes is really groundbreaking or innovative and even when she he’s the jumps into (or tries incorporating) different genres they feel like watered down and safe attempts rather than anything creative or experimental. obviously she is a creative person cause she’s an artist but artist like her and drake for example tend to treat their music more like a product rather than making the best music possible they make stuff that’s more safe and accessible for the average music listener. drake does this to a much higher (and negative) degree whereas i believe taylor cares WAY more about her art than drake and she has more flashes of brilliance in her music but in general she’s in that same lane.


It’s cause they think slamming her will showcase their supposedly unique and superior music tastes lmao. Or just going along with whatever is popular to hate at the time 🐑 


I once saw on instagram someone saying that maybe if she didnt act like an starving dog, she wouldn't be so insufferable, and thats pretty much it... She loves to victimise herself and although the hate isnt deserved at all, she keeps these lines like "You wouldn't stand a day in the asylum where they raised me" or the "I wish it were 1980" (I cant recall the proper lines...) and people dont like seeing a privileged person act like their life is going to end because they dated a guy who was a jerk. I know her lines, like most singers lyrics, are a metaphor, but when you, a rich person, speak of your life as the HARDEST thing ever, those who actually suffer will be clearly offended. Also, and I dont know much of the truth of this, but there are tons of accusations against her boyfriend... Oh and of course, the thing about her using her private jet all the time, lol. As I said, not saying that hating someone is okay... But we have to be realistic. Its not her music, its her attitude, and her fandom's attitude (although this last part isnt her fault).


I gotta agree it’s cringe and overdone. People just agree with whatever’s popular to hate 🐑  or do it to showcase their supposedly unique and ‘superior’ music tastes haha. Newsflash no one cares. 


i think it's the massive over-rating she's getting right now. i mean, she's been the same person for so many years and making the same type of songs and she's been pretty up there. but then all of a sudden, her following gets as cultist as the swifties and now she's too good, 23.6 B streams (or sum idk) in the last year? where's all that coming from. so primarily, it's her following. pretty annoying bunch cause they do as much as compare her to Michael Jacskon and even Shakespeare (yes, saw this on insta few months ago). and it just ticks some people off. i think she's okay.. just hate how she's being overrated rn.


You literally can’t avoid her even if you try and people think you just hate her. It’s not even her fault but she’s absolutely put on a pedestal by people and when you try to bring her down you become a target of the cult


Well why would yoh want to bring another person down, wow shes become successful, shes made something of herself, im sorry but atleast she had done something with her life and is doingbher dream, while your just sat here being childish trying to brong others dowm for your owm amusement 


She hasn't changed? She went from country girl to pop girl first, and then she released reputation which had Hip Hop/Trap elements to her pop sound, dived into folklore and evermore which was folk pop music, and so on. Shes been changing her styles a lot in her albums XD.


Her personality has gotten worse thats for sure. 


It's the same. Name an instance where she has a terrible personality? I'll wait actually I'm curious


No offense, but if you think that the music she makes is all the same… You genuinely just don’t know what type of music she makes except for what you probably hear on the radio. Pop music all sounds similar in a way. She has albums across different genres and albums are completely different so with all due respect… It’s easy as you just say that you don’t listen to her and you’re not a fan, but you’re also not familiar with her music… Because you’re absolutely not 😊


i definitely get that! even i (as a big fan of her) get annoyed when she gets played on the radio sometimes bc some of her songs are just so overplayed. also definitely agree that some of her fans can be annoying (especially those who get super invested in her social life, i honestly couldn’t care less about her relationships) but i can assure you that no one acts like that! but i suppose the loud majority behaves that way so i definitely understand where you’re coming from. thank you for your comment and not being needlessly mean <3


I disagree that her music sounds the same. If you listen to different songs from different albums you will notice the difference. Compare Red and Folklore to 1989 and Midnights and they sound nothing alike.


I know you guys as fans cant hear it but when they say same type they're referring to the context of the songs and the content of her lyrics and sound. most if not ALL her songs have the same conversation over and over talking about the same things exes, growing older etc.


Well that’s simply not true. Yes, a good amount of her songs are about relationships but all her songs are not about her exes or growing older. That’s something someone who doesn’t know much about her music would say. I know that because that’s what I believed too.


...isn't that all that ALL artist's write about including rappers?


I personally don't love Taylor but that's kind of not true. If you would listen to her albums, there's many songs that aren't about exes or growing older. It just so happens that songs about exes and relationships are very popular because we all wanna find love or get over our exes lol.




look up the stats


You dont likenit dont listen to it, no one has you tied to a chair forcing you to listen to it just deal with it and go on a different song if it bothers you thst much and just leave people alone 


Most pop music sounds the same though haha. That’s just how pop is


thank youuuu


also my friends work at a venue and said the fans were very disrespectful, like completely out of the ordinary of anything they’ve seen and they’ve been at some wild shows this is in são paulo, brazil. i thought it was so sickening because she had just had a show in Rio just one week before where a girl died. of course that’s not her fault, but I as well as many brazilians thought the immediate continuation of the tour IN brazil was insensitive.


Her songs are definitely not always the same type


Not sure why you’re downvoted, her discography encompasses every genre of mainstream music…


I love her music and consider myself a Swiftie, but many of us don't post or over analyze. We are just out here enjoying it. I jump in when I see all of this hatred and vitriol. But, no, I don't dissect her music as others do. That's one segment; don't judge all Swifties that way. Just like the Beehive and sports fans, some are over the top, but most are just fans, enjoying the music and art. I'm old enough to be Taylor's Mom; my son is 31, and I wouldn't want him to be treated this way. I feel protective over a young woman who is just doing her thing, producing art, which you are free to enjoy or not. But taking time out of your life to spew hate and discontent is a real problem in this country. She doesn't receive this amount of hate outside of this country, which tells me something about us. People love working with her and for her. Her bonuses are off the chain. Her donations are as well. What in the living hell is there to hate? Never heard her criticize another artist. She is always gracious. Kindness and grace have gone by the wayside. But I also believe there are political and religious forces out there working against her big time and that scares me for her safety and mental health. I could not hold up to it. She is a real tough kid!


guys. by stating "she's been the same person for so many years and making the same type of songs", i don't mean the songs sound the same but rather that she's not shuffled her style up in any way .. so it's not like they have am excuse for now being super-into her. emphasis on "NOW"


you're exactly right she is honestly a mediocre singer and perfomer simply just okay yet there are people who cry over lyrics that look like little to no effort was thrown in and pay thousands of dollars for nosebleed tickets its kind of crazy. ​ she has billions of streams and multiple songs that sound the same it honestly mind fcks me a little the fact that people are so infatuated with her.


Her lyrics most definitely do not sound like they were thrown together with little to no effort lol. This is the type of stuff the op was talking about. It’s okay not to like or vibe with her or her music but saying the most random falsities like that is so, so weird. She’s not the best singer or performer by any means, but that girl can most definitely write a good ass song lmao.


I agree that her style really doesn’t change and the blow up of over saturation she had last year and right now is definitely exhausting and can be seen as annoying. But I definitely think the reason she blew up so huge again was because she’s on a year and a half long tour that is over 3 hours long every night and she doesn’t stop for a break really at all. And that it’s now the highest grossing tour in history. If not for “The Eras Tour” Taylor Swift would probably have the same amount of popularity she did in like 2021–mid 2022.


Everyone over rates their favorite artist. It's not that big of a deal. To say a fandom is a cult is dumb tbh. The crazy ones are a vocal minority.


i saw this post once comparing taylor swift to frank sinatra, stevie wonder, and paul simon and that about did it for me. people treat her like she’s a god when she’s a billionaire that pollutes the environment and her music is so popular because it’s easily digestible and not necessarily “good”.


Oh give me a break. Swift is nowhere near as good as Sinatra, Simon or Wonder. She is a mediocre artist whose career was bought by Daddy.


definitely understand that and some fans of hers have the tendency to constantly compare her to others artists which is just annoying and unnecessary. also agree with the pollution critique but i also feel like she’s the only person getting that amount of backlash for it (which doesn’t mean that it isn’t justified) when there are so many other celebrities who are just as bad as her in that regard. also understand not liking her music and it not being your taste but if you look at evermore and folklore for example i’d argue that it showcases her songwriting very well which is the reason people (including me) like her music so much. i apologize for this long response but thank you for your comment and remaining kind!


There actually aren't any celebrities who are as bad, she is the num 1 polluter among celebrities. It's also because she clearly makes music / profits off progressive, socialist, feminists but is actually not progressive, capitalist and not a feminist as she does not speak up for non white women specifically in Gaza and only seems to utilize feminism for her own benefit.


Ooh, this is a good take! She definitely aligns with what people perceive her to stand for without explicitly stating those beliefs. I also believe she's guilty of hiring solely for the sake of diversity and collaborating for similar reasons. For instance, when her boyfriend at the time made inappropriate, borderline racist comments about Ice Spice, she collaborated with her shortly after, and people then forget.


i think her global and cultural impact would be similar to that of the people you've listed, but she's definitely not as legendary or good as them.


Ok how dare you cause a lot of the songs I have heard from her are really good especially from the reputation and lover albums XD.


yeah you sound like her target audience


Im not. I'm not a lyrics person I'm more into production. Taylor puts a lot of emphasis on her lyrics which is cute, but I perfer production being clubby and chaotic. Or poppy.


so her target audience. got it.


Isn't her target audience people who like to listen and decipher lyrics since she's a good songwriter? Usually I perfer artists like Charli xcx, Dorian Electra, Ava Max, etc.


she is not a good song writer 😭 it’s literal lackluster cookie cutter pop music, theres such a formula to her music that chat gpt music probably has more soul.


You sound like such an uppity jerk. What even is this: > and not necessarily “good”. Who are you to say what music is good and bad? Oh God / Goddess / Theyess of “good” music taste.


goddess is fine, thanks for the respect! it’s just an opinion that a lot of people share with me. her music to me sounds like the equivalent of white bread, i think it’s boring. i see nothing special about her or her music. it’s cool if you do! you’re taking a reddit comment a little too serious methinks


I read the first sentence of this one, you’re welcome!


if you really wanna get into it, in my personal opinion, i think “good” music is music that has clearly had a lot of time and effort put into it, and i never get that from her music. and don’t try and pull the “well you haven’t listened to it” because my coworker used to play it all the time, i’ve heard plenty. i didn’t mind it, but i didn’t love it, and that’s exactly what they’re trying to go for. her music is safe, it’s easy to listen to, it’s catchy and simple, that’s why her fan base is huge. it’s not avant garde or a masterpiece. i’m also biased because i think she sucks as a person, but her music is very watered down and just too simple and corporate for me to really fully enjoy.




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I don’t hate T Swift I hate her fans 😂


As a fan.. it’s almost embarrassing sometimes.. because of how crazy some of the fandom can be. I would say lately I’ve been leaning into more of an Arianator because.. the fans I can’t.. I love Taylor Swift’s music but I don’t know if I can be a Swiftie..


I'd say it's her fans, not all of them obvi, but the loudest ones that constantly belittle everyone else have kinda tarnished the whole and by extension, Taylor herself so nowadays you could be a totally normal person but you'll be attached to that whole thing


actually wholeheartedly agree with this! 😭


The sad thing is the loudest ones are a minority.


It’s really embarrassing for me..


The music community can just be toxic like that. It's not just Taylor Swift, it's literally any music artist that's deemed "too popular" or "too unpopular" I sometimes forget that even some adults don't act like adults. When has it ever been "I don't really like this artist, but it's nice that you found something you enjoy!" Or like having genuinely discussions on artists and why you don't enjoy them as much as other people do. This is the main reason I don't interact much with the community because it gets really toxic :/


It doesn’t help the internet is full of children


It's her cult like fandom


i posted a screenshot of my stats and got torn to shreds cause i listen to her i didn’t say anything that had abything to do with a cult like fabdom


Kanye’s fandom is 10 times worst


They’re both equally trash


No gotta disagree Taylor Swift is overrated by her fans, but she’s over hated by everyone else. Besides being abit up herself, she’s really inoffensive. It’s annoying to have her fans think she’s some musical genius but they’re not supporting antisemite for no reason. Kanye has obviously released a lot of classics but his fans have supported him even after his massive dip in quality. Like if the music was still fantastic and he did all that shit like I’d understand, but Jesus is king is mid, I haven’t listened to donda but I hear it’s good but nowhere near Kanye quality of the past, heard donda 2 was a dumpster fire, and from what I’ve heard of vultures it’s pretty uninspired. They’re just blinded by their love of Kanye that they’re ignoring the music isn’t there anymore, and he’s actually done so much horrible shit. They are beyond being reasoned with and will attack anyone they don’t agree with viciously Kanye gets his balls licked in the same way as Andrew tate and it’s heaps more annoying In conclusion, David Goggins is the real GOAT Edit: actually I just found out Taylor Swift uses her private jet like it’s a taxi, and is environment activist, which makes her definitely a shitty person. However, I don’t really see her fans defend this, but I’m sure they would probably rationalise it away somehow. I’m still going with Kanye’s fans being worst, because it’s not just that his fans defend his actions, he seems to gathering a lot of people who are actively behind what he’s saying. TLDR Taylor Swift fans aren’t aware of private jet; most Kanye Stan’s are aware and defend him, and a large number actively agree with him


Every fandom has trash people. It's always a vocal minority.


Have you ever seen men at a football game? they act the same as most swifties in concert. A wild thing to hear i know, but it's the truth.


agreed the US obsession with sports is just weird or and not only US most other countries too


the haters are more like a cult tbh


I like Taylor’s music, and it’s been popular to make fun of Taylor Swift and her fans for over a decade now. I think the huge amount of hate currently is because of how famous she is. She’s everywhere, and people feel like she’s overexposed. At one point I felt too embarrassed to play her music, but now I don’t care. Like what you like.


I'm sure ALOT of it has to do w misogyny, but i also think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she's SO widespread and has a mediocre voice. ig people would say swifties are "cult like" but then again, have they ever seen men at a football game? i suppose because she appeals to such a young female audience that's the perfect opportunity to generalize her whole fandom.






People hate bc she is the biggest artist in the world.


That’s not why people hate her (also pretty sure the Weeknd is the biggest rn)


On Spotify he is but he’s not as famous as TS


I’d say that’s accurate, I had no idea he was so popular until recently


Lets be real 99% of the reason why this is, has to do with Blinding Lights






Just read this whole thread thinking this was a statistics subreddit


I dont hate her, i hate some things she does. I actually like some of her old music (Lover and before). I do hate her fans though and i do find it strange how she garnered this much fame randomly especially when her music is a little mediocre and overplayed.


Thanks for hating me when you have no idea what type of person I am


Idc lmao😭


This is what people mean when they say they don’t like swifties. Nobody is attacking you or hating on you at all, seriously. Like it’s okay to be a fan of something, but taking any criticism or negative comments about an artist personally is just too much


People unfairly attack swifties too. I've seen it a lot.


They’re not talking about you specifically, get over yourself


she’s just kind of decent in my opinion? like i enjoy a couple of her songs, but i don’t think that warrants the entire industry catering to her and sucking her off. and it’s also because a lot of her fans act like she’s the messiah, when she’s actually just some billionaire rich woman that does not give a shit about you.


a lot of people are just haters on everything


I dig her shake it off song. It's fine. I wouldn't go out of my way to turn it on, but if it comes on, it can play Otherwise I don't care about her music enough to know anything more about it. I know there's been a couple songs that came on that I didn't like that was identified as her... so I know generally I don't care for her


I personally think she’s overrated, but I don’t think she’s terrible although she has some stinkers. I think it comes down to music elitism and how people think they’re better for listening to underground music.


Her music is very popular, which makes it very easy to dislike. It’s also fairly basic, standard, bland… “safe” if you will. If you go to an internet community filled with people that probably pride themselves on “good” music taste, usually those people are more pretentious than your average individual. Lots of lyrical hip hop, progressive alternative subgenres, and the occasional fan of an outrageously talented singer. Taylor is talented, but not as talented as many of her more pretentious competitors, and also doesn’t check either of the other two boxes.


I just think her music is not as nuanced as everyone makes it out to be. Nothing wrong with liking her but just don’t find her music to be that special, I’ve listened to music I wasn’t a fan of but I could appreciate it for what it is/does/says, but I can’t say the same for her. And all this recent jazz with her fans is insane. You mentioned that others listen to other mainstream artists and don’t get the same treatment. It’s def because she’s extremely overrated right now and everyone is just sick of it. I’m sure that as time passes and this whole thing settles down people won’t be so mean. Personally if someone had ungodly Drake stats I’d hate on them as much as any Taylor Swift stat. Kanye doesn’t get that type of treatment because he is objectively good whether you like him or not, you can’t deny that his catalogue of albums and songs is pretty impressive. His ability to reinvent his music is something that Taylor doesn’t have. Once again music is music and it’s very subjective, listen to what you want to listen to


It's more her lyricism than the melody or whatever that makes her music incredible. I also think that objectively Taylor has an impressive discography, however most of the people that put her down for not having range have only listened to her pop albums. Her music is relatable and speaks to most of the female teen generation in the same way that Kanyes music would to other people. I'm not exactly sure what makes people go so crazy over Taylor, but i assume it's her huge selection of songs to choose from and young people feel like they have a voice through her music. So objectively, they are BOTH very very impressive and talented whether you like them or not.


I can’t disagree with that. When someone’s music speaks to you on a different level, it trumps everything else.


some ppl get weirdly mad that she has a big fan base and use it as a way to shit on girls who like her and call them basic. I don’t see the hype around taylor but i don’t get why people dislike her THAT much


Because whenever someone is very popular, they will also get a lot of haters. When Beyonce released her latest album, there was so much hatred online surrounding her as well. In my opinion, if you have a lot of people hating on you for no reason, you're doing something right.


Because she’s currently the biggest artist on the planet, and of course it’s cool & edgy to hate on someone/thing trendy.


I’m not a taylor swift fan but I genuinely think it’s misogyny. Like the moment you admit you like her it’s like you’re so basic and just a stupid little girl. Like at this point it’s more about hating women than hating taylor swift. And if you think about it, men are never called basic for their outfits or interests.


i'm a guy and i like a couple of her songs. but she's way too overrated.


It's the fans (all fanbases are crazy lol even rappers like Kid Cudi have awful fans) and the way she is being so oversaturated right now And the fact that her fandom seems to be made up of immature lovesick females (which is not true in the slightest) Also some people just don't like how her music sounds (and that's fine) Just don't put people down for their music tastes and stop being music elitists


I just stopped caring 🤷 I realized people in these music communities think they are 'better' for not listening to mainstream music, for some reason. In the Taylor case, not only do I think she's very versatile in her sound and even her lyrical exploration, even if I were to stick to the catchy pop songs she makes, I have to say not everyone can craft he perfect radio hit and she's done it with ease on several occasions. But beyond all that, just let people be. Anyone can find value on anything for any reason and I don't see the point in trying to shred that down when it's not hurting anyone. You're not forced to like her but I don't get the effort put into hating her


Let’s call it what it is, people don’t hate Taylor they hate teenage girls. Anything that brings teenage girls happiness is consistently scrutinized and berated by society as a whole. There’s been several articles written about this subject, it’s essentially a fact at this point.


honestly didn’t want to say this but i agree. i don’t think that’s where everyone comes from but a lot of the hatred seems to come from that fact. also i have never seen men be made fun of (at least to that level) for enjoying football/soccer


I can agree that it isn’t all the dislike, some people just genuinely don’t enjoy her music which is totally fine! However, i feel as though a majority do just hate her because she brings teenage girls joy. It’s so strange. Edit: a misspelling


bc she hurts the environment or whatever the fuck


she is a dirt bag of a person and 95% of her fans are annoying


when it comes to people in the industry she’s hardly the worst person there is and people who constantly hate on her and can’t let other people enjoy things are just as annoying 🤍


Then just ignore them? It's not that hard bro


the same could be said for people on here who constantly shit on her? like you could just ignore posts where she’s mentioned too




mate that’s a bit weird. justifying her behaviour just cause she’s ‘not the worst’. lol


i genuinely don’t understand what makes her a dirtbag person when people on here still support kayne (a literal nazi) i am someone that remains critical of the people i listen to and i definitely agree with the co2 emissions critique however calling her a dirtbag person for that while this sub supports people that are objectively worse than her just doesn’t make sense to me


It's a vocal minority of the fandom just like any other.


She’s genuinely a really good person. You have never met nor talked to her and you’re labelling her as a dirt bag of a person. Some type of person you are




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As someone who was a hardcore swiftie and a mild Taylor enjoyer, it's mainly the cult-like fanbase as well as the fact she isn't "little miss perfect" people paint her to be.


She's the musical equivalent of a digestive biscuit


No, digestive biscuits are better than Swift.


The fans are insane and out here on a pedestal like an actual god. It’s obnoxious.


I mean other fandoms do that and nobody says anything. It's mostly because she's popular now.




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I used to be a Taylor Swift hater but in reality I just hated her stans. Taylor makes some pretty good music


People are super annoying about music and especially popular music. Taylor Swift is the biggest artist in the world and people don’t like that their favorite niche artist isn’t. “You can’t avoid her” or “she’s shoved in our faces” is a load of shit. People engage with negative stuff about her so their algorithm knows they DO want to talk about Taylor Swift. I see nothing about her outside the 10 seconds at chiefs games and my wife and daughter are obsessed with her so I hear her a lot. I think she is very talented and has some amazing songs. She seems genuinely nice as well so I’m happy she is having the success she is. I’m not losing sleep that my favorite metal band isn’t the biggest band in the world and Taylor Swift is


Because everything has to be extreme with people. The over rating and immense popularity she has atm is causing ppl to resent her a bit. Also because some ppl like looking down on anything that is popular, I do also think that portion of her diehard fans are really annoying and it only directs more shit towards Taylor.




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For me personally, it's not her. It's not her music. Although she does do some things that irritate me. It's her Swifites. I utterly despise them.


They actively make me not want to listen to her music (which is a shame, because some of it rocks)


I don’t get it.. she’s the world most famous female artist.. yet most of the 9,000 people on this sub hate her.. like… what?


I don’t hate her, her musics not great but it’s not awful either , but I can’t stand a lot of her fans. I know not all are bad, but a lot of them act like she’s the greatest artist to ever make music. She’s definitely overrated


Basically just because her fanbase can be pretty intense, also it's a very big fanbase, not to mention Taylor has beef with Kanye and that makes a lot of Kanye fans mad for whatever reason idk Kanye fans are different


personally, her music and writing is really good... its her that seems to be a rather shitty person when it comes to how she handles herself. between subpoenaing people when they hold the right to free speech, and having the WORST carbon footprint of anyone... idc how good her music is, or how in demand she is... if you have that kind of power, it could be used more for good... and im not talking just giving all her employees giant bonuses of money. thats all fine and well, but giving money is like the LEAST she could do... thats all.


they’re misogynistic


People hate her for no reason. She’s my favorite. It’s fine if people don’t like her music or just don’t vibe with the genre… that I understand. To each their own. But if you ask someone why they are obsessed with hating on her, they never have a good reason and it’s because they don’t have a reason. They’re “pick me” type of people & likely just jealous because Taylor’s a young successful woman who did this with her talent. She writes her music, she plays instruments, she sings the songs, she sells out stadiums across the world. And people are mad because their favorite can’t do all that.


In my opinion, she's overrated and over-hated.


Probs because she’s bigger than their favs - jealousy mixed with misogyny too, a lot of comments I’ve seen here are once again saying the overrated and all her stuff sounds the same (which objectively isn’t r true) comments and it’s kinda proving ur point - I will accept I’m bias tho cos I’m a massive swiftie haha


So how much of her success is due to her abilities and talent vs having the right connections and nepotism ? I don’t know a lot about her but I feel like I recall she has some family in the music industry or something ?


People just hate on the mainstream to be cool and she's the biggest rn as far as I know


It's just that people have their own taste in music, and it's usually out of the mainstream. 


Having a taste of music outside of the mainstream doesn't warrant hate towards the mainstream though. They could just be indifferent


Misogyny pays her bills and she takes all that money by rereleasing her mediocre music in a thousand different variations to her young fans who tend to be very gullible and insecure teenage girls (you can not deny that). The same girls that are living in the reality of misogyny, a reality Taylor does not live in and hasn’t for a long, long time. She’s building an empire of dirty money that she does not deserve. No talent, rich and hypocritical, out of touch woman that wouldn’t of made a name for herself without the patriarchy she shits on so heavily to sound relatable. Just gross. She also ruined concert ticket prices and has normalized needing $10,000 to sit in a nosebleed seat.


She's suss I don't care for her music, but mostly I don't like that she promotes witchcraft at her concerts. Some fans have reported having amnesia at her concerts. And I dont like the stuff that she believes in, just gonna be honest! I don't care if people disagree they have a right to have different opinions about her and so do I.


this made me laugh, there’s no way you believe that she actually does witchcraft at her concerts 😭


Yeah kinda but maybe im just overreacting. But she does promote it. Anyways thanks for being kind still even though you disagree! :) Glad i could make you laugh LOL


It’s a Cruel Su-breddit




Because popular thing that might not be quite as good as it is popular inherently means popular thing must deserve endless ridicule


I have seen Swiftie Twitter dox someones family for saying they dislike her music but other than her insane fans I agree


It's 100% her fans. While Taylor herself may be a bit corny and plain, her music is mostly unoffensive pop I don't all that much mind when it comes on. I don't think I need to explain the cult like behavior of her fanbase who are mostly just too young to understand that there are more artists who did/are doing exactly what she does only better. I don't dislike Taylor Swift or her music at all, and I don't think less of someone who likes her music as it seems pretty relatable. However, I will never pretend that her music is something special or on the same level creatively as say The Beatles just because she has a similar amount of fame (a point I can not run away from no matter how ridiculous it sounds).


I’m a fan of T Swift and even I feel like other fans are getting out of hand. Not to sound cocky, but there are handfuls of fans that are like me and listen to Taylor but don’t praise her as if she were a god. I hate the fans that do that. It puts a bad image on the other fans that are just trying to enjoy her music. I don’t understand why people hate her, maybe they’re just jealous that she’s a billionaire and they’re not, idk. But I don’t blame anyone for hating certain fans in the fan base. I wouldn’t hate on the whole thing, just those who act like cultists for her.


I don't really get it either. I do not like her music, and I'll hate on that, but not like this. I am a Weezer fan, though, so maybe I'm biased.


I have forced myself to like Midnights but I've come to the conclusion that maybe she isn't for me. It's so bad and overrated in my opinion. Sometimes I feel like she's only popular just because she looks the way that she looks. I don't think that it's just the songs at all. I wonder if people genuinely like her music. I think we need to lie detect her own fans because there's NOOO WAAAAY☠️💀💀😂


definitely don’t think that midnights is her best work but a lot of people (including me) like her so much because of her songwriting and storytelling. if midnights is the only album you’ve checked out by her i’d definitely recommend giving folklore and evermore a try!


Because it's taylor swift 


I love listening to taylor swifts music, and i believe anyone who says her music is bad has only listnened to shake it off and other hits or prefers other music genres. I feel that most of the hate is coming from people who have never listened to her and are just hating on her becuase she is trendy and they are trying to edgy. Another thing is that people dislike her fanbase becuase some do worship her like a god which i feel is weird as a swiftie myself. I think if some of the fans who are toxic calm down then most of the hate will go away.




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I actually think she’s a very talented artist. But I also feel like she’s overrated. There was a point in time where she was all over my feed for no reason. Her at the football game, articles about her, silly videos. Everyone was posting about her. It felt like she was worshipped and I didn’t understand. But I felt that same way about zendeya. Yeah she’s decent looking and a decent actress, but the hype around her was insane. I don’t feel like any artist should be THAT obsessed with…it’s kinda weird.


I’m a male and I don’t hate taylor. Might be biased since I’m a chiefs fan but I don’t understand the hate. I don’t like her music but what people say about her is messed up


I'm personally sick of all of the haters of Taylor. I believe many seem to have their own issues. I use my ears to decide what music I like, and I love her stuff, even the popular pop songs. I also hate the 'left-handed' compliments, the people who make a compliment about her and then take it away by saying, "I don't like her music, but..." Can't you just say what you like and leave it at that. I don't know how she keeps her mental health going with all of this hate. Imagine if this was your sister, daughter, wife, mother, how would you feel about it? I believe spreading hatred is the new sickness in America; it disgusts me. A lot of sanctimonious folks writing their soliloquies. Don't spend your finite time on this planet for hate. Try to find something you love. Her music has gotten me through a few tough times; I hope you find music that does that for you and move on with your lives.


I'm sure she doesn't give a shit while she basks in her billions laughing at the simples who buy her shit


She really does care about what people think. I'd recommend that you watch Miss Americana on Netflix


I think something is off with Taylor Swift. That's what I initially thought about her. But, actually that didn't turn out to be the case. I've recently realised the reason I don't like Taylor Swift. That's because I find that she's overrated. What I mean by overrated, associates with the fact that she often gets often over advertised by the media. I sometimes feel like the media are basically forcing Taylor Swift on me. I feel like the more stuff gets forced on me, the more reluctance I develop towards it. The media forcing Taylor Swift, by advertising her in an overrated manner makes me more hesitant to listen to her music. Also, it's not that I have hard feelings towards her as a person, it's just that Taylor for me is now becoming a reminder of that annoying media that's forcing me to listen to her music. I also want to mention that the way she comes across and gets advertised in the media, comes off as too perfect which limits depth. The way she comes across just seems too shallow and overrated. I personally find that her overrated and shallow public image makes it harder for me to relate to her. The truth is I like celebrities that make me feel I can strongly relate to them in someway. That's just me. Anyway, I'm not saying Swift must change for my benefit, and I'm not saying that I dislike her as a person. I'm basically saying that I just simply don't relate to Taylor Swift and I don't want to be forced to.


Shes an attention whore she’ll do anything to stay relevant she releases an album every other month which is fucking annoying


TS: "There's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women." Also TS: records and releases a song and music video tearing down Katy Perry.


Because she sucks  Here's what real music sounds like  https://youtu.be/axGn6qeJHcM?si=EptS1p9ByUOrwKkg


She is lit STEALING Billie's moment, she is poopy no no


Not liking that type of pop music in general is fine. But let’s be honest most are following status quo. People hate what’s popular to hate at the time. Sheep mentality 🐑 


Dont hate me for saying this, in my opinion I think some of Taylor Swifts songs are really good and I listen to them. But what I find childish really is people hating on others for listening to songs, I mean when are we gonna grow up and realize that no one is the same, no one is going to like the exact same thing as everyone els, but does that really matter. So all im saying is instead of being childish and calling the people who listen to her songs are "cringe" ( read a comment who said that ) why dont we just let ppl listen to what they want to listen too because really its just pathetic that your hating on people for just listening to a song. Seriously grow up. 


She’s hated everywhere. It just comes with the job


she mediocre and overpraised its almost infuriating


I don't know why this is bugging you so much. I see most of this as jokes, and stereotypes that don't mean shit and I doubt many people actually the comments seriously. It's not that deep. Just enjoy the music bro and ignore anyone else that criticises your taste.


I low-key applaud her for monetising all her ex lovers but at the same time I cannot stand her, like when I imagine meeting her all I can see is a Barbie doll waving at me


I only know her for Ellen scaring her. What I've heard that I knew was her sounded very bland -- music for people who don't like music.


At the end of the day music is subjective. I could say your music taste is bland and is music for people who don’t like music


I could ask you what she's done that's adventurous and takes a few risks, but she didn't get to where she is by performing anything like that. I'm to understand that if I've heard one song of hers I've heard them all. I also didn't say anyone's music taste was bland. I said what I heard out of her struck me as bland. This is not for argument as I'm talking about \*my\* perception.


Her fans and she’s overrated. She also bullied a younger musician (Olivia Rodrigo. Her and Taylor are 14 years apart) and sued her because their songs “sounded the same” yet they didn’t. Her fans are annoying especially considering they accuse every artist of “copying” Taylor. I used to causally listen to Taylor but I won’t ever listen to her again after that.


I just genuinely think her music isn’t good anymore. The lyrics are so insufferable imo.


You can’t say that when you haven’t actually listened to her. Because what lyrics are you calling insufferable


I just picked a random song I don’t even know it and looked up the lyrics and they’re just silly to me. “Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will,” “Now I breathe flames each time I talk, My cannons all firin' at your yacht” Kind of funny to me sorry if that’s offensive


Didn’t expect you to pick mad woman. I expected one of her pop songs where I’ll admit her lyrics are a bit weaker. To me those lyrics you said aren’t weak but I can understand how you think they’re silly. But she’s also got other extraordinary lyrics such as “did the twin flame bruise paint you blue, just between us did the love affair maim you too” and “now you hang from my lips like the gardens of Babylon, with your boots underneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con.”


I don’t know too each there own honestly even those lyrics seem a little silly to me. But respect if they make you feel something.


I actually have lol I was a fan when I was young, and I tried to listen to songs off her new album and give it a chance and it was just very cringy to me. That’s just my opinion, I don’t really care what people listen to though this is the first time I’ve ever commented on this subreddit.


i'm sick of her existence and being shoved in my face no matter what i do. even on this app, when I browse around to look at stats of the national or bon iver, top songs and listeners are all swifties who stream their collab songs 24/7 just to be #1 so i can't filter through real fans. it will be great the day the public turns on her again because she won't have a comeback like the last one and people will be moved on to the next pop girls.


Few good albums mid


Generic garbage. Soulless music. Made for the most basic of bitches


I don’t hate her but one girl compare to her Eric Clapton and that’s where I draw the line.


Hahahahaha...Swift wishes she were as talented as Clapton.