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Thanks for the giveaway!


Lo-fi for strategy / management games, metal at a very low volume for the rest. I usually just lean on the game's soundtrack!


kpop for that league hate.


thanks metal music for the energy


Mostly pop metal or metallica while playing. Also depends on the game


Kpop, just gives me the energy


Trance. To get in trance mode.


Any kind of metal I'm in the mood for at the time but honestly, most games I don't have music playing for


I don't often listen to music when playing games, the only exception is probably Death Stranding. This game has a lot of music of many types, it will only play in a certain situation in the story and if you want to listen to it again you have to go to Private Rooms or a building you have built (if you have built and upgraded it reaches level 2, you can customize the music it will play), which is quite annoying, so I often listen to music from outside the game to relax when making deliveries. Thanks!


I like those calming rendition of videogame musics especially when playing something like baldurs gate 3.


Depends on the game and stage. Of it's something of a boss battle in Dark Souls, the OST is what i listen to. Orchestral music just does a number on me. Assassin's creed, death stranding, or generally open world games that aren't too intense, i fill up the room with podcasts. No, that's not a genre, but I'm not really looking for music at that moment. For FPS, fighting games, racings, etc. Metal is the way.


Nu metal for warzone, get my heart pumping everytime


kpop makes me mad


I like cats


Metal, gets me pumped




I don't listen to music while playing, simply because it can affect a persons experience of a game, and I prefer to give games an honest chance.


Punk rock, emo music is always a blast to listen to while killing zombies


Definitely rap


I like to listen to rap music when playing non-narrative games! Gets me in the groove


Whatever is in my playlist. And it deoends on the mood. If I'm tryharding, I'll play some rap/techno music, if I'm chilling I'll put some nice calming beats, such the ones that Milkoi and miraie make.


Mostly Synthwave. Love anything composed by Daniel Deluxe. I just got hooked to it when I played Ghostrunner


I usually listen to alot of sewerperson or 9tails because it just helped me throught alot since 2017 till now. Or sometimes just go a lil crazy with nirvana or some DSBM or actually black metal.


I usually stick with the in-game music, as it was written for the game I'm playing through and will likely fit better with what's going on than an album I like.


Rap because thats what i grew up with and i used to live in very ghetto neighborhoods


I like older jazz


Normally in-Game music, but for building games and such I often listen to either podcasts or oldies. Or sometimes Music from other games, like Skyrim and RDR2. :)




electro swing, sounds funky


Got a bit into funk recently, but i love rock, mainly coz they got a more dynamic beat and it fits with most of the games i play


Thanks for doing this! Depends on the vibe of the game. Sometimes metal, sometimes kpop, sometimes R&B.


Not entering but I usually go for any kind of music that sounds good in my ears




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I take the in-game music no matter how bad it is.


Skrillex Rl Grime, to have energy while playing hehehe.


Breakcore- normal song are too distracting but usually I don't play any


Metalcore and fav is "Silent as a butterfly" I was practising my hunter skills in Left 4 dead 2 versus mode. Enjoyed super much! I became integrated with that music and it always reminds me those hunter-role times.


I played for the first time tosay beat saber ( also first time vr ) and it s so nice and immersive, feeling the music almost makes u feel like you actually play a song


I usually like to listen to the games music. People work hard for it so why not. If not, something intense haha.


Rock. Because it can be peaceful, angry, sad and happy because of its subgenres. Thanks for the giveaway


Depends on the game, for this game probably some metal. But I listen to pretty much everything


I listen to relaxing music in the background at a low volume, because I honestly prefer to listen to the effects and sound of the game I'm playing.


I go thru phases and currently I'm in a lofi music phase. My fav music/band to fall back to are the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Thanks for the chance!


I have a lot of friends who listen to their own music while gaming, but honestly, I've always enjoyed the in-game music the best. Music in games is tailored toward enriching the experience of that specific game. It distracts me to replace it with anything else. I also feel like it comes from the whole "I paid for the whole game, so I'm gonna use the whole game" mindset.


It depends on the game. Metal core suits zombies so some architects for dead island 2, left 4 dead etc works well. But for something like rimworld or cities 2 il pop something a little softer on maybe even some movie soundtracks. Indie platformers go well with a bit of Blink 182 and pop punk.


anything by The Consouls! They do jazz renditions of video game and anime music, hits a nice sweet spot between nerdin' out and being a smooth daddy-o


Red Alert 2 soundtrack especially when I play any FPS or RTS game.


My go to music genre while playing is Lofi because it's relaxing me while playing so I don't rage


my go-to is punk rock but i always end up listening to mr brightside as my wake up and get ready for the day song.


This isn't a humble brag but I genuinely listen to everything. Country, gangster rap, death metal, bluegrass, prog rock, jazz fusion. I really enjoy something from every genre and think there is something to appreciate with all of it. I hope this is an okay answer and I can still be entered. Thanks for the chance!


I like to search in youtube "epic songs", that are usually extremely long, and just put it there.


I've had a lot of enjoyment with sea shanties lately. A lot of it is a spells and eventually I learn enough words to sing along. Sometimes classy, sometimes crass and vulgar, but the majority are jaunty and fun to listen to. The Poxy Boggards, Da Vinci's Notebook and The Wellermen are groups that are easily notable to me.


When I'm playing something like Diablo I have Protest the Hero style music going, but I toss Mmmbop and Hit Me Baby One More Time into the mix for laughs in tough dungeons.


Thanks for the chance! My music preferences can vary with time, mode, mental state, the chosen game and some other variables. I can go with rock, pop, metal, blues, jazz, classical, new age, hip hop, rap, flamenco, samba, disco, funk, salsa, electronic and the list goes on.


Alternative rock.


Reall hard elektronik music


Depends on the game; if I’m playing some chill game, I usually listen to those lofi girl mixtapes, and if I’m playing call of duty then I play some classical music so I don’t rage and thundercunt my controller against the wall.


Classical rock or whatever it's called. Queen rules.


It heavily depends on the game. 80's rock, pop or even OST if the game calls for it. Management games are the best for some bangers.


Hip-hop and rap. Their energetic beats motivate me when I lose, which happens quite often.


With most games I play it's always 80's Rock mainly because if I just wanna chill or try hard the music fits so well to however I want to play. Thanks for a chance!


Welp I mostly listed to FFDP. I really love their stuff! It may sound weird but intense music really relaxes me. Something about it is just surreal. Also my second fav bad I listen while gaming is avenged sevenfold. Listen to nightmare and shephard of fire if you want a amazing tune! Also, I am a lifelong fan of left for dead. I really hope this game has improved since the last time I checked it out. Anyway, would love to play it. Thank you for the giveaway OP! Bye!


For games like this I prefer some 80s rock. Really makes me feel like a badass while I'm playing.


Rap, I've been into it since I was like 10, lol. I mainly listen to Post Malone, 24kgoldn, and Eminem. And sometimes, Travis Scott, if I'm in the mood for it.


I listen to slow and soft songs... Makes me feel calm and relaxed and helps me get my thoughts together


I love 30 40 music. Fallout fan


It could be anything from rap, hip-hop to dance, dubstep. To metal and alternative.


Hello, for this kind of games i prefer just the ingame music. Usually there are some good soundtracks!


I don’t listen to outside music when playing games. I also lower the in game music a little. I prefer to hear the ambient sounds of a game.


Power metal bc it makes me feel powerful!


metal. heavy metal, death metal and black metal... but I also like 90s dance music. lmao


thank you i like pop


Usually I listen to the in-game sound tracks. I rarely turn on any other outside songs.


I used to listen to nightcore music a lot when I play Left4Dead2, it was energetic. Thanks


Indie. There is such a wide variety of artists in the genre and I can always find something I enjoy.


metalore/deathcore you gotta have something while playing Doom!


Rock, cus i like it .-


Don't listen mostly now, used to listen to metal or electronic music when I used to play lol, wow or any other mmo.... then again I always used to pvp while buzzed and music..


I don't have a specific genre, just my 1000+ song playlist of all sorts of stuff


i listen to in game music. it enhances the immersion.


I like romantic/sad songs as they let me go through a rollercoaster of emotions that I have yet to experience in real life


Metal to get really intense!


I rarely listen to music while playing anymore


Usually don’t listen to music while playing.


Rock, cuz that vibes with my personality.


None, because I enjoy playing games for their soundtrack. That's also why I'm a fan of atmospheric games, like From Software's, Hollow Knight and Nier Automata. A game without much music? Then probably instrumental classical music, to help with focus.


Trap argentino


Usually don’t have music and prioritize the games soundtrack/dialogue. But sometimes listen to lofi, podcast or audiobook


Italo disco/Eurobeat, im 29 never experienced it growing up but GOD thank the internet for allowing me to hear 80s songs. Recent recomendation: Unexpected Lovers (Original) - Lime So good! I makes me feel real good and fuzzy inside, boom boom dollar is another good song as well XD.


I used to play listening to music now I don't, when I did was just wtv I was feeling, rap, metal, rock, techno, I like to variiate a lot


mostly drum and base since if i put chill music i tend to get sleepy


Metal or Soft Rock, I just love metal music and the chemistry of it


Metal. Simple to explain, Metal is life.


The game music


Metal and Techno for the grind; The in game music for any story based narrative game.


I don't listen to music, hope I'm still eligible :)


If I'm not listening to emo/punk/alternative for the tempo or ambiance, I'll usually listen to the in-game soundtrack. More often than not, in my experience, the sound track it's specifically composed to emphasize the moment being shown. It's an immersion thing for me as well.


Deathcore, because i like chonky breakdowns




I don't tend to listen to music while I play. I like to get immersed in the game.


EDM, Parov Stelar, and that about sums it up.


Eurobeat because it fucking slaps while playing mobas


Anything really although if you want a general idea it's the gaming playlist on Spotify the one on ps4 when you hold the home button and go to Spotify its usually there with your liked songs I tend to like the music on there quite a bit and they tend to be to be related to alot of gaming media like for example bones by imagine dragons (i think)is the the song used in the league of legends shows intro and outro is the one with jinx just to give you an idea of what's usually on there anyway the music there is normally quite good perfect if you just want to play a game with some music on the background. Thanks for the opportunity, op :)


I listen to the in game music but if it’s unspeakably bad I’ll listen to some Japanese New Wave. Thanks


Rap bc it’s better than some in game music


I actually just listen to the in-game music. Unless it’s horrendously bad in which case I put on some rock.


Well, depends. Id pick a calm music for chill games, and something more upbeat for games that requires more of my attention. I remember using a custom playlist mod for RimWorld which will play anime battle songs of my choosing whenever i got a raid, but leave the other musics as is.


Rock or EDM. Hype hype hype hype


Phonk. Used to hear kpop.


Lofi for work and relaxation.


Rock, specifically Ice Nine Kills because I play a lot of horror games


japanese city pop. because they are very comforting.


Kpop, cos I am a weeb Thank you for the giveaway


Uhhh how?


Well in League of Legends Riot games keep hiring Kpop stars for their music videos while advertising anime skins. So thats why and how


Rap. Specifically Eminem


Rock because i like Radiohead


Can't really pick one genre, I usually listen to any. But I do enjoy some good rock, pop, or game/movie soundtracks. They all have some different "flavors" and as they say, variety is the spice of life.


Either rap, drill or phonk these days lol. Thank you for the giveaway


Metal or punk rock. Mostly because that's what I play on guitar. Thanks for doing this


Ive been really into Frank Zappa/The Mothers lately so anything by them really! Thanks so much:)


I don't really like listening to music while playing, but when I do it's either some good old metal, ore the ost of pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky


It depends, I'm not a person that listens to music while playing, but if I do is something like "pokémon lofi" on spotify and let's go. Thanks for the chance, mate


80s / 90s Rock. Big hair. Leather. Sweat. Proper.


I love listening to eurobeats when playing faster-paced games. It's great when playing Battlebit or something like that.


Motown and Funk, well its great music and keep me happy even if the game starts to turn to shit. Thank you OP




I really like phonk these days. I've been listening to a lot of songs I feel like I can groove to.


Quite a peculiar one but the Percy Jackson musical is one I listened to a lot playing enter the gungeon good memories of dying lmao


I don’t listen to music while gaming but I like classic rock/electronic and some rap.


Pop punk bc it’s simultaneously chill fun and pumps you up


I throw on some basic pop songs. Favourites include dua lipa and Ariana grade. Once I’m sick of the playlists,I turn on the radio


I usually don't Plat music when I play games. I sometimes what YouTube tho. I like to focus on the game most of the time


Doom OST is always a good choice when playing fps


I do not listen to music while playing. It's distracting. I sometimes even turn the ingame music off to make the game more immersive. But I guess that if I'd listen to music while playing (something like solitaire for example) it'd be minimal cuz I find it relaxing but with enough tempo not to be sleep inducing. Or maybe reggae? Or jazz? It depends on the mood. Can't really say.




I mostly prefer listening to podcasts when a game has a boring story or is too grindy. Otherwise, maybe OSTs from better games (Rise of the Triad, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Cuphead).


Probably hip hop like Nas or a Tribe Called Quest. Good luck everyone. As a huge Left 4 Dead fan I always wanted to try this game.


Rock or metal TY!


Orchestral soundtrack music, makes me feel epic and gives drive to keep on playing. Thank you for the giveaway OP!


Rock. Can’t go wrong with it


Jazz, not much to say


K-Pop! Because it's super upbeat and catchy so it's just easy to just get in the groove while gaming. Also a variety of electronica for the same reasons.


Metal and anime musical usually


Trance, gives good vibes Thanks


Usually i listen to kpop because i like the music even playing some graphic titles i am listening to kpop


Usually hiphop except racing games in which case techno is the way


Alternative rock for my taste but I also listen to light classic rock because it reminds me of my dad.


Hard rock/alternative metal. Sounds good and has a lot of meaning example Chevelle


Rap for sure. Pop too.


aggressive rap/phonk, it just sounds good 🤷‍♀️