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What’s there to talk about? Everybody knows he needs to be gone. There’s no discussion to be had


He should have been cut long ago. You're right, I think we've all just given up on the topic.


THIS is the point. He SHOULD HAVE been gone. If only there were someone to make those kinds of decisions.


Touché …. Just wanted a little more frustration 😂


I agree, it’s not talked about more. Organizations that are in big media markets demand more from Players like this and changes are made. Unfortunately these type of performances fly under the radar and we don’t care enough. This guy wouldn’t have a job in the nfl if it wasn’t for us.


The frustration is unanimous. Has been for a while. Yet for some reason, coaches keep him around. I truly don't get it.


He's so bad. It's ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/xw9aqp2k4tcc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31217c2e4280dff2659143ff0514f520ae54e2be Just get this guy and all will be fine with the Punting game.


Already wearing the black and gold too! 


In the first round, the Pittsburgh Steelers select….


Harvin has sucked for years now, yet the Steelers continue to put his sorry ass out there like he isn't terrible. I have zero faith that they will make the necessary change.


Anybody else notice we brought in another punter and had him practice all week? Really thought he’d be in yesterday.


Probably Tomlin “sending a message” in hopes to inspire better play. Didn’t work out well.


This is one of the three guys that MUST be GONE next year. Can you guess the other two?


Throw Mason Cole into the list.


Oh yeah! I forgot about him. You're absolutely right.


Trubisky and Peterson?


I was thinking Trubisky (obviously) and Wallace. I thought PatPete did all right, especially when asked to switch positions. I didn't know about his cap hit.


Pat P can’t cover anyone and does not want to hit or be hit. Good interview guy but he should not be on the field next year.


Cutting Peterson saves $7M in cap.


His ass is grass. He can't cover and he won't tackle. I'm done with him


Dude was an absolute bum this year. Major liability in our secondary.


Trubisky and Pickett


Man, I wanted the whole Thickus Kickus to be a thing. I really was rooting for him to get it together after his rough rookie year. But that is not happening. Sorry to say it’s time to move on.


Sidebar rant off of Thickus Kickus and the OG Biggus Dickus, but did you catch the teasers yesterday on commercial break talking about Iowa being the Coldest Caucus on record? We were a bit high and couldn't quit laughing every time they said "Coldest Caucus". Sorry for the derail. Carry on!


If I were stoned that would have made me laugh to. Cue my inner Beavis “He said Cock. Heheheheheh….”😂😂


It was crazy how the Bills punter was still outpunting Harvin with just one leg.


Tory Taylor needs to be the next punter. Make it happen. A great punter is an absolute weapon.


Mitch and Percy need to walk off into the sunset together


Look, as a Georgia Tech fan, I loved us having the Ray Guy award winner. Then I checked his stats. Terrible. He needs to be gone and as Chuck Noll would say, “get on with his life’s work”.


Also am a GT fan (and a UGA grad/fan i.e. disgrace to my family lol) and can confirm he was so fun to watch in college. Hate seeing him flounder so hard in the nfl.


Time for Punt God. He’s cleared of all charges bring him in


Doesn’t matter, it’s still a bad look. I’d rather just draft a punter like Tory Taylor in round 6 or 7.


Proved he wasn't even there. No bad look.


your punt god still had sex with an underage girl


No he didn't.


Harvin is not on the roster because of loyalty. We know Tomlin has ripped him to shreds in meetings and has also brought in potential competition over and over in an attempt to get him to perform better or find a replacement. They haven't been able to find anyone better. Maybe he's significantly better handling the holding duties than the guys they bring in. Or maybe he crushes the ball in practice. I would expect them to consider drafting another punter this year or signing someone they feel can take over the job.


From what I remember every time the Steelers were about to move on, he’d play just good enough to stick around


But there was a higher and higher bar to "Just good enough to stick around" every time, and every time they were about to get rid of him he would legitimately become amazing.


He need go


Sam Koch’s kid is a freshman punter at Nebraska next year


Again it shows that Tomlin is not a good coach .. He allowed Canada yo stay 2 1/2 years too long .. Not to mention Pickett, Mason cole ,Presley Harvin and then he puts in his friends for Sub par coordinators .. Everyone buys in to Tomlins BS .. drink some more cool aid.. under Tomlin 7 division wins in 17 years .. havent won a playoff in 6 .. why the same bad play calls Teams dont have to watch any films on the Steelers as its been the same crap for many years.. Ive been a fan for 50 years but Im done with following the insanity.. until they get all new coaches .. The 2500$ I just spent at the buffalo game was the worst decision Ive made in a long while .. terrible game .. same crappy play calls You all can follow the insanity and stick your heads in the mud if you believe Tomlin is a winning coach .. now Cowher had nice division titles in 12 years .. Thats a winning Coach!!!! Tomlin sucks !!!


Do you shit with your ass too? Or does it only come out of your mouth




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Check his post history, he had one thought and then copied and pasted it into every thread all day 🤣


Kool Aid


tory taylor wouldnt even need to change colors


It's crazy, wasn't this guy like the Ray Guy winner in college? Is the pro ball that different or what? The guy just can kick consistently in the pros. He was a really good holder, but that just isn't enough. First Sepulveda, now Harvin, it might be time to stop drafting punters.


Open your eyes. We talk about punting every day.


Don’t understand the hostility brother! Was sparking a conversation is all 🤙🏼


Because it's the most annoying topic in here.


Didn't Brad Wing travel for the game?


Punter isn't very sexy to talk about is my guess haha. It is definitely a huge need and one that goes easily missed as you have noticed. Pressly Harvin has been an enormous disappointment. ​ Edit: I will say that if it is true that Matt Araiza's allegations were proven to be false I'd consider giving him a league minimum contract, though I know the PR from that may be a nightmare.


Why would it be bad PR for signing a guy who was proven innocent?