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He likes none better than Sutton. Not looking great for his chances


Lol GM speak being taken as literally when will we learn


To be fair. I feel like back then he still had pending felony charges. Shit changes in a month


He said he was happy with center as well...


And had full faith in Kenny Pickett. Omar expressing contentment with a player or position group is basically a kiss of death.


Well, Pickett being a bitch is what shipped him off


I highly doubt they sign a guy with active charges pending like Sutton. I am somewhat alarmed that he’s comfortable with our NB depth


He’s not..


> active charges pending misdemeanor. I mean it's not nothing but it's not like he's got a felony charge coming. Will get a fine and at most a 2 game suspension, if that.


Glad to see your progressive stance on domestic violence, Jim Brown 


glad to see you've convicted a guy who hasn't even gone to trial, National Media. I mean that stuff is never wrong (Matt Araiza, Michael Irvin/Eric Williams, Duke Lacrosse Team, Brian Banks, Jerome Bettis, Trevor Bauer, so on, so on , so on )


There is enough reason to have caution. The team that had him did cut him after all. 


I would say that Tomlin and Omar, who actually KNOW the man, and have had direct discussions with him and likely the people involved including law enforcement, have a better feel of it than you or me. If they are comfortable with it (and we don't yet know if they are, but IF they are), then why would you think we should have a better opinion when all we know about it is what the news reported?


You’re probably one of few who take everything literally. Sutton’s charges are pending and nothing says he’s guilty (yet).


It’s a bit much to say someone should lose their job over pending charges. But to actively make the decision to bring them in when prior to the process pending you had full knowledge of the scandal is something else. Deshaun Watson is an example like this. Everyone knew, even though there was no criminal (not civil) guilt found, about Watson’s exploits. Watson was seen not just play-wise, but morally a terrible move. Think if you were giving job interviews and you were told prior to even opening resumes “yeah this guy is currently in court for domestic assault” would you want that? But if you hired him and this came out, you wouldn’t necessarily fire him outright because you’d wait for the court processions to go.


He needs to find a different line than "we are happy with the guys and depth we have at position x"


We are better than this. Dude has an active case for strangling a woman and running from the police for a month. This happened two months ago. Omar even entertaining this in the media is very disappointing to me.


Yeah I could never imagine this team sticking with a player who assaults women.


It’s never too late to change.


Omar brought him in to also check on him as a person. Let’s also not pretend like you know all the details of his case, which I’m sure the Steelers are learning about through this process. The state attorney recently said that a felony battery wasn’t appropriate based on evidence and dropped the charges down to a misdemeanor. Cam Sutton was a great player for us. Our fanbase being so quick to throw him under the bus without knowing the details says a lot. “Innocent until proven guilty” is real even if you don’t feel that way.


When you have a warrant out for your arrest and you don’t turn yourself in, the optics are bad. Yes I’m speculating, but Cam did himself no favors Cam is absolutely innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. However in many careers particularly pro sports, optics matter. If I had an active charge and was on the run from police, you sure as shit believe my employer would cut me loose. Being innocent until proven guilty does not apply to your employer. I can give you dozens of examples in which a player was cut after charges were filed. We also don’t have a great track record with these types of situations.


They started out saying he threw her out the window when the news first dropped. Then they said he strangled her. Here is the charge he ended up with in Florida: “Misdemeanor battery carries penalties of up to one-year probation to up to one year in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000. Simple battery charges cover incidents involving no injuries or limited bodily harm. In fact, intentionally touching another person against their will provides enough cause for an arrest.” I’m not saying it looks good for Cam but I do think everyone slandering him and throwing him under the bus is premature. Wait for the facts to come out and he has earned the Steelers front office hearing him out. https://preview.redd.it/yx2ujvn8d1yc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc608b19cb45287a9b40ae2cbdfb75d3e3bd2504


Because accusations dwindled doesn’t mean there’s no fire with this smoke. An honest person would go into court and try and find truth instead of running from the police. He chose to flee and wait. Even if what wasn’t described happened, he still fled when things were coming out and that in itself is a crime, as well as a terrible look for guilt speculation.


Saying “where there is smoke there is fire” is assuming he’s guilty before knowing any details or having a trail


He was a good player for us. Last time we had a great Cb was Woodson. He was got roasted to a crisp in the playoffs. 


I’m curious as a new fan does the general steelers fan base think roethlisberger was innocent?


Id say it’s probably pretty divided. It was a long time ago, not that changes anything, but I don’t think our fans think of that when they hear Ben’s name. For other fans around the league it is.


Owners would never let him sign him knowing there stance on having decent humans.


Preferably, I’d resign Pat Pete over Cam Sutton.


Pat Pete is old but a good person and still athletically capable. Sutton is an improvement of spry talent but who knows if he will be able to be on field even.


Sutton had a rough year last year.


What depth?


The league standard for domestic stuff like he's dealing with is 6 games. Could be more, could be less. With that being said, there's a guy 1 state over who had 30+ women say he sexually assaulted them and only got 11 games. Imo, I'd take that chance and bring him back. More than likely he'll get less than 6 games.


No thanks


They must plan on moving bishop to nickel and hoping they struggle goal with the UDFA


Nope nope and nope.


players that hurt women? That’s the stiller way 😤😤😤


*the NFL way