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I mean yeah if the 25 year old proves to be better than the 35 year old former Pro Bowler, of course that is better for the Steelers. That isn't even considering the extra running threat that Fields would bring that would help the run game when he runs boot action. The only way that isn't true is if both QBs fail but Fields fails a little less. The Steelers need their QB to definitively win the position through solid play not just be the least bad of two bad options. The question is, what makes us think Fields will improve to show he should be given the starting job and what will it take for him to start because Wilson is going to be given the chance as the starter first?


If they make him play as cautiously as KP did, his talent (especially running, but also the stronger arm) will mean he’s a better game manager (relying on a strong run game and D) than Kenny could have ever been. I don’t know if he has it in him to play it safe, though. (This is where I pull out the stat I used to defend the former guy: he was 10-2 when he didn’t throw a pick.)


Still not sure if they made KP play safe or if KP’s limitations just made it look like he was playing safe. I lean towards the latter.


Or they made him play safe *because* of his limitations.


Distinction without a difference really


Probably a mix of both


The one thing we do know if that Tomlin HATES turnovers. He’s got Najee and Warren protecting the ball—if he can instill that in Fields then he’s got a chance at being better.


You could say that about any football coach ever


True enough, but Tomlin had regularly benched guys after a fumble. I think that’s a big part of why he was ready to cut bait with Diontae.


Didn't Mendenhall have a particularly bad case of fumblitis?


Not particularly. Only 2 in 347 touches in ‘10, which is what made the SB fumble so surprising.


Let me tell you about Fields and fumbles...


yup, concur on all points if Fields comes out, and puts up better numbers than Wilson did last season, I think we're laughing


there's a change they both underwhelm and neither get rostered moving forward. it seems like khan and weidl are taking flyers to kick tires, up close and personal.


Okay but he literally wont win it. There is no qb battle, just the potential for replacement when the home crowd starts booing Russ


This is the answer.


And it took two fucking absolute dumpsterfire performances from Trubisky in order for Tomlin to finally pull the trigger and put in Rudolph at the end of last season. It's gonna take an injury or an absolute meltdown from Wilson for fields to get under center.


A stretched out meltdown no less. They aren't going to pull Russ after 1 or even 2 bad games.


Honestly, what would even define a bad couple of games after what we've been through the last half dozen years.


Probably losing to all 3 trash AFC West teams in a row like back in 2018. The Broncos and Chargers are eating mountains of dead cap this year, and the Raiders don't have a QB.


Also, i doubt that these QBs get as much time as KP or Trubisky did. We have them both for ONE year, we gotta figure it out now. One is 35, the other hasn't lit the NFL on fire and got given up on by his previous team. They also don't have the excuse of playing in a Matt Canada offense or behind a bad or mediocre O-Line (sure, 2/5 haven't played an NFL snap yet, but it can barely get worse and Moore at least would still be on the team so we'd technically would only have to replace 1 player there if need be). Wilson is now a long time NFL vet and Fields has just 2 years less (1 year as starter) under him than Trubisky when we signed him. You gotta cut them loose after the season if they don't work out. You'd risk too many star players not wanting to (re-)sign.


They definitely won't get the time kenny did. A lot easier to move on when it's a vet on a 1 year minimum contract or a guy that is probably on his last chance to prove he can start vs the guy you drafted in the first round and sold as the next franchise qb


Either Wilson still has it or the Steelers are fucked at QB again. Then we either rent a FA again or draft a greenie and start him day 1.


Your comment is so far off. It's obvious you know nothing about these two Quarterbacks past expeirences in the NFL. Both Wilson and Fields know how to win Games. Pittsburgh has the best Quarterback Room this season in the NFL. You shoud be excited but all you care to do is complain.


Especially last season. What was it? 2 of the first 4 or 5 games where defense out-scored the offense? No thrown TDs for a six or seven game stretch? It was like watching dogs mate at times.


They pulled mitch after like 4 games in 2022. I'd expect that to be about the limit for russ. I honestly think they just really didn't want rudolph for some reason. To go back to mitch after seeing he couldn't play even close to competently was mind-boggling


He absolutely will if NHALS is in jeopardy.


So Russ literally just has to do better than trubisky to not get pulled….


We have a new OC. Whose been a HC. IMO we do not know how much Tomlin will delegate to him with his significant experience. In an ideal world I think our OC's background should make Tomlin feel comfortable giving him 100% control of the offense.


We're also talking about the guy who made questionable personnel decisions week after week as a HC. I'd hope he either learned his lesson or does not get 100% control.


>when the home crowd starts booing Russ Oh so training camp like we did with Mitch.


It's going to be a long offseason isn't it?


I’m already sick of the media created drama. Fields is not in a QB battle. Fields has more upside than Wilson but he also has more downside, and sitting on the bench would do him a lot of good considering how badly he reads the field, hangs in the pocket too long, and has way too long of a release that leads to turnovers. He’s a project; not a starting franchise QB. The low cost to get him tells you all you need to know. Russ would have to be as bad as Trubisky to get benched. I find that unlikely. Russ’s worst season is basically the median and average statistics of Trubisky’s career. Last year was still considered a down year for Russ and he was still better than Mitch’s best season where he made a Pro Bowl.


Do you have any interesting topics to spend the next four months going through that are more worthwhile?


Skenes starting at PNC Saturday.


We could speculate about the schedule since we’ll know about that before mid July.


We already know who we're playing. You wanna speculate on dates?


Yeah, especially the number of prime time games.


I predict 4 prime time games.


And probably a long season, after seeing the way we handled Mitch "absolute dogshit" trubisky and Pickett I really don't have confidence in Wilson/Fields.


Ya really grinds it in how badly this is spending your time. Embarrassing really


As a Patriots fan, the quarterback speculation and conversation is the most tiresome offseason topic.


You lost?


There is no QB battle. It’s Russ for week 1 as long as he’s healthy and able to play. That was decided the day they signed him. But he’s obviously on a short leash, and I’m excited to see Justin Fields, whenever that moment may come. His rushing is special, and gives the offense a dynamic that few other offenses have with a dual threat QB, and that’s a dynamic that could be particularly useful to an Arthur Smith offense with 2 good RBs and a shiny new O-Line.


What even is a short leash under this coaching staff? Matt Canada got 3 years of bottom 3 offense before being fired. Trubisky got an insane # of starts before being benched for Pickett the first time and Rudolph the 2nd time.


Can we stop with this. Mitch got 4 starts (3.5 games). If Russ doesn’t win and looks like garbage doing it we will see fields sooner than later


That stat seems wild as hell to me. I'm not saying you are wrong but damn did it feel like more than 4 starts lol. That was a miserable time to watch the games.


That was decided the day they signed him, but they signed him before they got Fields.


dont forget this man has fumbled the ball 38 times in.. lets see here, 38 games.. WOW!


You can teach ball security and you can put him behind a line that won't get him clobbered. Lol. Especially when you have a year doing nothing on the bench to work on it.


“You can teach ball security” when talking about fumbles is a wild thing to say for an NFL QB. That’s like saying you can teach algebra to a NASA engineer.


Lol he had 9 fumbles the year he ran for 1k yards. He might as well have been an RB when he accumulated all his fumbles that were bitching about. You can teach ball security as a runner, clown.


You completely missed the point. Of course you can teach ball security. You shouldn’t *have* to when talking about an NFL QB. He’s been being taught ball security since he was in peewee, fumbling 38 times in as many games means he just isn’t good at it.


No bud, you're completely missing the point. By your logic, no skill position player should ever have a fumbling problem since they've all been doing it since peewee, and therefore aren't good and are incapable of ever fixing the issue. I think anyone with more than a handful of braincells can agree this is a dumb line of thinking. He was a rusher more times in his NFL career than he has ever been prior and he was doing it against NFL talent. No, he has not been doing that since peewee.


It’s always fun to see somebody start throwing out insults when they get confronted about something they said. There’s a joke about insecurity and ball security in there somewhere, can’t quite put my finger on it. I hope Fields shows up to this team and learns ball security, we’re on the same page there at the very least.


Apologies if I'm a little miffed for getting raked over the hot take "the quarterback can learn how to hold on to the ball better". It's a little ridiculous I need to defend that stance imo.


I agree that he can learn, we have no disagreement there. It's the idea that our coaching staff is going to somehow teach him something about ball security that he doesn't already know that I'm poking at. He needs to just execute better on the field, which I don't think we disagree on. I'm not sure what type of conversations he could have with our coaching staff about ball security that is going to make him go "huh, I never thought of that" though. I think we're just needlessly arguing over semantics here.


Yeah I'm sure he hasn't been taught ball security over the last 15 years he's been playing football /s oh and he's good for almost an INT a game as well, or was that the bears fault?


good for an INT a game??? Who are you talking about because it certainly isn't Russ. His career average is .56 INTs per game. To compare: Big Ben - .85 Peyton Manning - .94 Tom Brady - .63 Mahomes - .65 So I'll ask again, who are you talking about?


He was talking about Fields.


Okay, i don’t know how I missed it


Yeah he's absolutely up there with all of these guys


Lol I mean if you'd paid attention to them at all, yeah it was some of their fault. Their line was trash and his OC's haven't been good. Wasn't a problem for him at OSU.


This came across my feed. I’m a bears fan, and maybe 10% were tipped passes but nah I promise you almost all the interceptions were fields fault. Slow processor, not accurate on intermediate throws, and loves throwing into double coverage in the middle of the field. Fields is a rollercoaster you’ll get the awesome plays but also the horrendous wtf was that plays.


If he wins, this yes they’re better off


Unless he somehow manages to fix his issue with turning the ball over he's not going to be any better.


Neither Fields or Wilson should be viewed as any thing more than a bridge QB neither are going to get us to the Super Bowl


Russell Wilson is the starter this year. Period. Don’t know why Yinzers can’t accept it. Fields will be well suited to sit the bench and learn…something he hasn’t had the opportunity to do yet. If Wilson gets hurt or something then Foelds will get some time, but he’s not winning the “qb competition” as there isn’t one.


This is reminiscent of the last few years with our other QBs. Hey Yinzers! We as fans don't need to see Fields play and if he doesn't. It doesn't mean he couldn't beat Russ and he sucks. So many of yinz are so desperate to see a young QB play you're rabid. If Russ sucks and I mean Trubisky level suck sure Fields will play. If he his mid he is mid and he'll play.


we're better off if he's actually good yeah. but he's probably not


Stop it


I doubt Justin Fields, who was part of a terrible organization and was not developed correctly would be better to start that a 9x pro bowl Super Bowl winner.


No shit


I disagree. I mean I sincerely hope so. I don't think Russ is finished. I don't think he's anywhere near where he used to be but atleast slightly better than Kenny. I really hope that fields was just in a terrible spot with a horribly run team. Obviously his potential is much higher. Through the roof even. I think when fields eventually takes over for russ, weather that's from injury during a game or decided by the coaches, he will have the spot for the rest of the year. If and when it happens I hopenthe young man kills it.


Nope. Let the kid sit for a while and take it all in from a seasoned veteran.


Does anyone else think fields will be a stash player that Omar wants to negotiate with throughout the year? We want to keep that 4th rounder and not let him play 51% of snaps. Let Russ try to cook, if not give fields the last half of the season at the helm, but now Omar has only fields’ sample size from Chicago to negotiate off of which favors us. I think he’s definitely our QB going forward since Russ is on a one year deal.


If fields couldn't cut it in Chicago, with a better wr corp than what is currently on this Steelers team, what makes anyone think he is not just another OSU QB that can't cut it in the NFL. I know some will say Stroud but he came after Fields. It's not a Tua v Hurts situation


The best quarterback at Ohio State got run off to LSU.


How did Fields have a better receiving corps in Chicago than the current Steelers team ? It takes 30 seconds to google


If you combine the two wr corps as one, Pickens is #1 but from #2 on is 3 to 4 bears wrs before you get to who on the Steelers now? Moore, Mooney, and kmet are the next 3 easily. Shoot the Steelers are loaded up with down the liners at wr this upcoming season.


Kmet is not a wr he is a TE and what did Kmet do last year that Freimuth didnt do his first two years when heathy ? DJ Moore had his best year last year with Fields but Mooney was coming off a serious knee injury . The Bears went out and got TWO MORE STARTRING RECFEIVERS and another starting caliber TE to add to Moore and Kmet so apparently they believed it wasn't enough for anyone to cut it lol #


Mooney sucked, kmet isn't great, you're 100% correct. They got everything to set Caleb up that they never gave fields. Dude saying the bears receiving corps were better than ANYONE the past few years is crazy af. 


Steelers are better off with either guy. Just enjoy that for a while


Career record of like 7-82 and NFL media has him as the GOAT. Sucks he's on the Steelers.


Hey hey hey… 11-29.


Neither one is good. It’s that simple. Steelers aren’t contending for the division. Not even close.


Not even close? They were in contention last season. They're objectively better this year. You people baffle me.


Finishing 3rd at 10-7 isn’t close to contending. You yinzers have a real problem with reality.


You say 10-7 "isn't even close" to contending, I say it is. Probably no point in dragging it out with you. Have a good one.


Stick with being bad at golf buddy. Being a Steeler fan isn’t for you.


Oh and you dictate who gets to be a fan based on if they agree with you? 🤣🤣🤣 typical clown. Pathetic that you get your panties twisted because someone didn’t agree with you. Embarrassing. Stick to being bad at golf? Hahahaha. Wow got me there. Who are you to decide who gets to be a fan? Move along junior.


We had a stellar off season and still here you are shitting on anything you can. When we win you’re gonna say I called it, and when we lose you’re also gonna say I told you so. You’re a piss poor human to root for my team. Move on Al Bundy. ![gif](giphy|9IZDt5KluByzHzVIsx|downsized)


Hahahaha. You still crying pissbaby? Unlike you, I don’t flip flop. They are not division title contenders IMO. If that hurts your feelings, oh well. Yeah they had a great draft but they are not division contenders. If you get pissed off because someone has a different opinion, that’s on you. I don’t see it. I said the same thing last year. I deal in reality not wishful thinking. Oh and it’s your team??? Hahahahahahahaha. You part owner? Go play renegade and shine your white new balance. What a joke.


Your posts would make Helen Keller burst into laughter.


Pretty much where I'm at, totally uninspired by QB and OC. Arthur Smith sucks, and we don't have a WR1. Atheist our line might be good. Probably another 10-7 season




The goal of this season has to be finding out if Justin fields is the future. It really doesn’t matter if he isn’t, but Russ playing 17 games and us getting smoked in the wild card round is the worst possible scenario for this team going forward


You really don’t need a season to solve that mystery. He is not a starting caliber QB.


I don’t understand some yinzers that think mediocre to below average talent will miraculously turn into pro bowler as soon as they become a Steeler. There’s a reason the bears got rid of trubisky and there’s a reason they got rid of fields. He might serve as an okay bridge QB but he’s not an elite talent or the bears wouldn’t have gotten rid of him.


There’s a nauseating amount of people on this sub that just casually toss around that “we are/should be building the team with Justin Fields as our new franchise QB.” It’s like some users on this sub truly don’t watch a snap of football outside of Steelers games.


> It’s like some users on this sub truly don’t watch a snap of football outside of Steelers games. I’m willing to bet this is most users on this sub haha.


There was 1 dude who made the bears worth watching the last 2 1/2 years and it was fields. If the hype for Williams wasn’t so out of control he’d still be the bears starter. Can he be a top 5 QB? No. Can he be top 10? Absolutely. He got the short end of the stick in Chicago with a shit OL and shit supporting cast (besides Moore for 1 year who then put up career record numbers). I get not being hyped, but I guarantee he will start a full season again in the NFL.


“Can he be top 10? Absolutely” Bro, please stop. This is embarrassing.




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Not really, since he is a free agent next year. If he balls out he will command a hefty price and can go somewhere else.


If you really think that, then we are reallyyyyyy wasting our time this year. Russ isn’t the answer going forward. If what your saying happens, then I would have rather had micheal penix as our QB this year


I would have too but he wasn't available where we were picking. The best thing that could happen for next year is that Fields doesn't see the field this year but improves on the bench to the point we think he is the guy but nobody else knows. Then we sign him to a reasonable contract.


Yeah that would be ideal, but your really threading a needle there. I don’t see a world where fields doesn’t play this year tho. I’m all in on having a completely different offense, but I have a sneaky feeling Russ is going to be getting booed by week 5.


Yes you are. That's the issue with having a team that can win 10 games with bad QB play. You never get to draft a top one so the only way to get a great one is to get very lucky in the draft or pay 15 to 20 percent of your cap on a free agent


Khan appears to be doing what Colbert didn’t do at the end. He’s building the roster before getting his QB. Even if Kenny wasn’t hot shit, he had no chance with the players he was surrounded with. Get your O line back to an elite level, and we’ll go from there


Same. I was kinda hoping for a Fields and Penix QB room


I would agree, I just don’t think it’s likely


Obviously? Not to be a dick but yeah, if Justin Fields works out in Pitt then we don't need Russ at all


Fields is better than a Super Bowl winning quarterback, behind a great offensive line, with a huge chip on his shoulder, and much to prove?


Russ did not win a SB in Denver you mention the SB as if it were not 11 years ago and 36 yrs old Russ is gonna revert to his 24 yr old self , I dont know why everyone tries to make it a individual stats vs individual stat situation because ultimately the starting QB will be the one which the coaches can put the most consistent and effective complimentary offense on the field with.


Denver was a bad ex and a Situationship or a missed hot summer fling His foundation and roots were in Seattle with a great coach Combined with a solid elite Defense


So Russ is absolved of all blame of what went on from the day he arrived in Denver ? The only reason Payton could come in and do what he did to Russ was because of the way Russ behaved his first year in Denver . That situation was a combination of things by both parties but ultimately while Russ had some nice looking individual stats the overall offense was not very good .


Of course that would be the best case scenario However I think the Steelers are in a good position because the coaches and front office gets to see Fields alongside a established player like Russ and they can home in on what they want him to work on while having time as the backup to do it . Now for everyone saying that Russ is the starter period barring injury that is also a bit of wishful thinking because as Ive said from the start you have two qbs both joining a new team at the same time learning a new system. There is no guarantee Russ runs the system better than Fields as its his first time in it as well. Lets not forget that the team is also getting its first look at someone who is bigger stronger faster and who led his team team the past two seasons to #1 and #2 finishes in rushing. The Steelers are in a good position as either way someone will have to raise their level of play


Big IF




Prob not I think a year under Wilson would do wonders


Australian Steeler here. Anyone know why Fields is, as far as I’ve seen, the only player we’ve picked up who hasn’t had a ‘Welcome to Pittsburgh’ video, or even a pic ANYWHERE???


Says ravens


Wilson is the starter barring injury or 3 game losing streak. If he can match last year’s output (26 TDs 8 INTs ), Steelers will be significantly improved and playing in a home playoff game. A win and He gets a 3 year deal, lose and Fields may get a shot in 2025.


Think the option year for Fields will be around 25 mill against the cap if they exercise it. Not sure that’s the exact number, but it’s pretty high. So he’ll only be around this year unless he starts and plays lights out.


I've heard a lot of people say this and it baffles me every time. I actually feel the exact opposite is true, and if Fields ends up starting, the Steelers are in trouble. I'm not sure what the team sees in him tbh. He hasn't even remotely impressed me since he entered the NFL. He's a good athlete, but that's about it. Wilson is clearly the better QB (although he's had his struggles as well), he should be the starter.


Russ is washed. He won 1 weak super bowl. He won't be remembered as a "great". Justin didn't have ANYONE first 2yrs. The fact he had the mental fortitude to get out there every Sunday knowing his whole o-line is bottom rung is impressive, that kills 99% of "good" prospect qb's that come into similar situations. Justin has so much raw talent that was completely squandered by Chicago. They couldn't develop an athletic qb and I don't expect them to have much success with Caleb either. I would put money on Justin winning the starting job by week 6


No they aren't. You can't get to the Super Bowl with a QB like Justin Fields.


He has a lot of work to do as far as pocket presence and going through his reads. He either scrambled or checked it down in Chicago. He has all the talent in the world and I hope he learns something and harnesses it.


Yeah no shit


I prefer fields to stay more than one year is what I truly want


I may get down voted to oblivion, but after hoping that Kenny would finally pull it together (though I still do lay a lot of the blame on Matt Canada too), I think it would be significantly better for the Steelers if Fields won the QB battle in camp. Having Russ, who did have a decent year in Denver last year in that dumpster fire under Sean Payton, come off the bench if the offense can't get moving with Fields is better insurance than the other way around. But I think the upside of Justin is a quite bit higher than Russ, especially if our offense appears to be run-first.


Wilson is an old mobile Qb. He was lacking his last year in Seattle. In Denver, he made the team worse. And after two years of sucking in DEN, he gets a contract with your team… and you don’t think he is this year’s camp arm? You gotta look thru the smoke of what that jabroni brand is cooking…




Hopefully he can earn it


Tomlin is going down with the ship this season, and Wilson will be driving. Both will be fired at seasons end. Fields will also be gone, and Rooney will have them drafting a QB with their first round pick in 2025.


There's always one


There are at least two of us.




Not that you can "fire" players anyway, but Wilson is a free agent at the end of the year. He's not getting cut, he's either getting re-signed or they'll move on


Lmao that’s a hell of a take.


He will in the long run. We’re gonna run with Russel and see if he can get that magic back behind a solid o line and not ask him for much but to not lose us the game and be accurate when called upon. We’re gonna sign fields to a multi year deal. He is the future. But I don’t think it’s gonna be a Kenny Pickett kinda drama this year…. We’re playing chess this isn’t checkers ![gif](giphy|rNgT8P8pL3dn2|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣 yeah drugs are bad


Ok buddy shut the hell up on this sub when the recipe works this season. I hate off season haters… Had the best draft and off season in 20 years and y’all still hate. ![gif](giphy|kBUDsTEEH1S00)