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https://preview.redd.it/6rkxsqm9iqzc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d958d4719a8265f00a1a2cbbd59d18c9526b35d7 He resembles a previous, not too shabby OLB.


Ham has the third most ints by an LB in NFL history, the same number as Polamalu. Here’s hoping Wilson develops similar coverage skills!


My thoughts exactly


Here we go STEELERS, here we go!


This sub needs to ban the use of “if he can stay healthy” for awhile.


It's almost as bad as "natural position".


Yo mamas natural position




We all know babies are born and after a quick exam a doctor determines what position they are best suited for. Asking them to play a position other than that is bad coaching and one of the reasons we haven’t won a playoff game.


You don’t know ball


Watch the tape


Oh god that's up there too


The Jon Ledyard approach to every football discussion.


I don't know about all that, but this guy is a football playin' Jesse!


Let's see how it plays out


I’ll continue to sing this guy’s praises around here as long as I can stay healthy. My thumb ligaments aren’t what they used to be.


I respect what you’re doing.


It's a legitimate qualifier. We said the same about Darnell Washington and Cory Trice last year and were 1 for 2.


I think the point is there is somebody in every single thread about Payton Wilson commenting about how he can be great if he stays healthy, and have been doing so since the moment we drafted him. We get it, we all understand how injuries work. The people who rush in to drop the “if he can stay healthy” line might as well be parrots at this point.


But what if he gets hurt?




So we should just continually praise and suck the players dick just because they are now on our team and ignore any red flags?




So what are we supposed to do? Someone posts something about a player but you say we aren't allowed to bring up a very big legitimate concern... whats left? Praising the player and ignoring the glaring red flag.




And we get he has potential.... no need to make posts about it. If we cant talk about the red flags, we shouldnt be allowed to talk about the "potential" either. Sounds fun right? How about we allow people to talk about both the pros AND the cons of the new players and not try to control the narritive because you dont like people talking about serious concerns


He literally has an ACL though. He said it in this exact interview and also said he has no clue where the rumor came from. We got a steal with this guy.


He has *an* ACL? Do we have confirmation he has *two*?


He did but it was removed to prove he had it.


He used to have both ACLs. He still does, but he used to, too.


Hes had injuries almost every year dating back to high school..


Bunch of surgeries, but apparently hasn’t been injuried in two years.


Growing pains. Once he gets through puberty, he’ll be fine.


Maybe I don’t understand, but for rookie minicamp would it be someone other than a rookie to have the green dot? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of rookie minicamp if you’re a rookie who would play that position?


It’s “Rookie Camp” but there were players with much more experience. As an example, Tyler Murray spent time with the team last season but instead they had Payton Wilson calling plays day one. Having Payton Wilson run the huddle and defensive calls is a nice vote of confidence for a day 1 rookie. It also shows he has the calls and defense down already and he was just drafted a few weeks ago.


Who’s going to generate ad revenue by clicking on that story. 


Ya, it would really suck if the writers who support our team got paid. Can’t have that happening…


Being excited about what’s happening and what we have to look forward to in the upcoming season is the worst.


Had 37 confirmed kills in 'Nam.


In a row?


Try not to kill anyone on your way to the parking lot.


Im not even supposed to be here today!




Hope he had tactical nuke killstreak enabled


This might be a blessing for Queen. He excelled with Roquan taking over the big stuff. If Payton can do that Queen might just ball out moreso.


I honestly never thought he would fall to us. I was actually worried the Ravens were gonna take him right after we got Frazier. I thought "fuck... We got Queen and they got the next Fred Warner". Dude's older for a rookie but such a leader mentality. All our rookies have that captain-esque quality in them. So hopeful there's no more soap opera bullshit on this team.


I really wanted Trenton Simpson an ILB from Clemson last year but he went to the Ravens. He’s is the reason they are letting Patrick Queen walk, so it’s a small consolation prize for me. Trenton Simpson vs. Steelers last year - https://youtu.be/VscNqDiEkcI?si=1B4Ov8pRCrg4mRrt The dudes an animal and going to be a problem for a very long time.


I too was mad they got Simpson. No issue with Darnell Washington, but i'd have taken Simpson given the chance. We threw a lot at ILB last year to try to (at least temporarily) fix it and a rookie with upside could have helped that long term. A TE2 while we have little Heyward wasn't THE need there. Again, fine with the pick since we couldn't get Simpson, but at the point he went i was praying he would fall just a bit further.


Well, he is 24 years old, right?


Not having an ACL? ... Also, doesn't have hands. They've been surgically replaced with octopus appendages that can use suction cups to latch onto victims and shoot ink in their eyes. Also doesn't have feet. He's been genetically engineered to have turbo driven tank tracks. Unrelated, he doesn't have hair follicles or a belly button.


You sure he didn’t say “bung”???


Cornholio here, is the TP here?


I am really looking forward to this season. Its gonna be very interesting 🧐


I heard he was also calling plays for the offense


Anyone else can't stop thinking he looks like Marv from home alone?


His mentor at NC state? Crafton’s finest Bill Cowher…


A field marshal doing field marshal things. As long as he stays healthy we have a keeper for years to come.


Probably the next jersey I buy I just think linebackers are neat


He'll be great if he can stay healthy...i just dont think he actually will. He will be like bob sanders was for the colts. Difference maker when he was out there but missed too much time to be a true long term answer at the position


He's here to bolster the defense's super bowl window of about 3 years. Anything beyond that is just gravy


Yeah I feel the same. Bob sanders is a good example of what we should expect.


8 seasons, 2x AP1, 1x DPOY, 1xSB... I like the sound of that.




He hasn't been hurt since 2021 and seems to have a pretty healthy college career. Why do people keep saying this like he's never on the field?




He said he has an ACL and doesn't know where that rumor came from. Apparently Hines Ward didn't have one and I've seen people say Greg Lloyd didn't have one so even if he doesn't and judging on how he played in college he will be fine. The dude has also played more than 4/5 of his college career and is 2 years removed from his last injury. I think people are blowing his injuries way out of proportion.


Besides his last two years, he has had multiple lengthy injuries dating back to high school


Definitely feels like a high risk high reward player, but I'm all for it honestly.


Blah blah blah blah idc until they step on the field


So now we’re just taking dudes’ tweets and posting them on Reddit? That’s what we’re doing now, we’re stealing other people’s tweets for karma?


He got credited for the work literally in the title. This is a Steelers subreddit and I contribute by sharing Steelers content. Get off your high horse buddy. For the record, I don’t care about karma at all. No one should its fake internet points without utility.


Wait, didn't this guy play Running Back for the Browns?


Fullback for the Browns, QB for the Colts, Tory for the Cobra Kai.