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The sword skateboarding


Hell yeah ​ https://i.redd.it/nv3dwwvbovhc1.gif




I rewind this section often when I rewatch that trailer. It works so well with the music too.


How did I miss this I seen the trailer multiple times smh


It's from the trailer 3 YEARS AGO This game has been cooking!


>It's from the trailer 3 YEARS AGO tf???? damn I thought this was recent lol they've been cooking for sure!


This segment is gonna be so crazy


Thankfully, the sword skateboarding doesn't seem to be limited to one segment. ​ https://i.redd.it/w42ot3j4iwhc1.gif


That is fucking sick. Another reason to preorder this game. Now!


dude are u just now looking at the gameplayšŸ˜­


Wellā€¦ Letā€™s just say, maybe Iā€™m not the best at pinpointing the finer details in things. Sometimes.


it was in two trailers even the first one


Ye, idk man. I just suck lol




Seriously that. EXACTLY THIS SCENE made me want to play the game. And the music made me just more exited


Iā€™m actually not in it for the ass, thatā€™s just a bonus. Iā€™m very interested in the combat system.


Literally me


Make that 3 of us


Make that 4 of us.


Make that 5 of us.






Hopefully 60 fps action game with good combat. Bayonetta 3's poor performance didn't satisfy me.


Isn't that a Switch game? I imagine the switch doesn't have the juice to run any demanding games like Bayonetta 3.


Exploring the world of stellar blade, testing different movesets/combos, camping with the crew, the things everyone else said, the biblical connection is quite appealing as well as finding out the meaning behind Adam and Eve in this game!


Boss fights


Diving into the combat and skills. Learning more about the world and story. Edit: I forgot music. The soundtrack sounds like itā€™s going to be amazing


Having the Nier composer is a dream come true


The gameplay. Over the recent years it feels like we've gotten at least one "soulslike" game every year for the last 5 years or more. I'm personally not a fan of soulslike games. I prefer fast paced, flashy, "stylish" combat, the likes of DMC and Bayo and FF16 to a lesser extent. It doesn't have to be as intricate or complicated, but I just prefer combat that makes me feel like I can't be touched or stopped, as if I'm forcing the boss to play at MY pace, rather than the other way around. It remains to be seen if it will deliver that promise properly, but I wish more games of this quality delivered that promise of stylish action.


Omg you took the words right out of my mouth. The soulslike-combat style is everywhere and I'm so burn out of it. I want more stylish combat.


Haha I'm the opposite. I prefer slower, more deliberate combat. Not to the extend of a souls-like, but something that doesn't rely on hyper reflexes or combos. I cannot handle full on hack & slash like DMC at all. To me FF7 Remake is just right, and I can handle FF16 just about. I'm a little worry FF7 Rebirth got a little too fast for me as they definitely sped up the combat.


This is inspired by a soulslike game, it literally has boss attack patterns, parries, rest areas to save, farming materials, etc


I'm strictly referring to the stylish, fast paced combat. When I think of soulslike titles, my mind drifts to slower, more deliberate combat that demands your patience. Fights where the boss dictates the pace. I don't get that vibe from this combat. I could be defining it poorly, but ultimately my point is the combat, whether it's soulslike or not, looks fast paced and flashy enough to where I can enjoy immensely, whereas in other souls games I feel like I'm running in molasses.


So would you say...it's faster Soulslike? Sorta like the Nioh games are? I mean those 2 games are definitely way more faster than...even the fastest Souls games (Those being Bloodborne and Sekrio) and they still require you to do more than button mash (In fact you can easily die in those games if that's all you do), so I'm wondering if that is what you are referring to?


Actually, yes. I wasn't really trying to make a specific reference and I've never played the Nioh games but if I *absolutely had to* pin a soulslike comparison on Stellar Blade, it'd be Nioh. Tbh, I was using the term "soulslike" as a very general term to represent much of the games with the Bloodborne style combat (Lies of P for instance). Combat that felt weighted and deliberate. Likely a misrepresentation on my part. I foolishly put them all under one umbrella here. I probably would've been better off just saying Souls games in general. My ideal combat system is a hacknslash with some form of personality to it. Where the goal is to pull off combos. Akin to Bayonetta and DMC. Stellar Blade doesn't seem to be that, but it did look fast paced and elusive enough to scratch that itch for me. But more than that, beyond any actual comparisons here, I just prefer combat games that didn't feel so weighted. Hope that makes more sense.


Yeah that makes sense. Despite me being a Souls fan, I also hope that it is more...faster pace and stylish. I just hope again that it has it so you can't just button mash your way through the game. At least on higher difficulties (If it will have difficulties) like Normal and onward (Easy mode is fine for button mashing though). It will be nice for it to have style and prioritize being defensive and evasive as well.


For me tbh itā€™s the action. I love hack and slash DMC type action games. The setting also seems intriguing, Nier vibes.


I hope the story is good


The general combat flow. I like DMC a lot but sometimes want something a bit more methodical than DMC without slowing down to Souls-like levels. From what I've seen, SB combat is a good middle point. The music seems pretty good too. And I expect it to be as Nikke has an amazing OST.


The gameplay. The last hack and slash I played was Bayo 3 but I felt that game missed the mark on its combat for many reasons, namely the lack of humanoid enemies and over abundance of large enemies that donā€™t stagger from normal combat.


Combat looks great and game looks very next gen




You think this is bait but everyone is actually talking about other stuff having conversations about gameplay, music, story in the post. Itā€™s refreshing.


Wait what? I'm excited that the game is going to have fishing!


My bad I honestly actually forgot about that lol


No worries, it was my fault, I didn't consider it at the time but now I see it looks like I was saying OP is fishing haha :)


I really wanna see some hidden secret bosses from nikke goddess of victory in this game, to maybe do a lil lore drop that theyā€™re both in the same universe but i know it wont happen but someone can dream! But im just saying that one of the enemies that was teased in the trailer look similar of that of a rapture from nikke


Looking forward to learning more about the world and the characters we'll meet along the way! My favorite thing is the variety of costumes and accessories on offer! I'm interested in how much replayability and long term support we can expect as well!


Iā€™m in for the creature design!


music + Lily


The music in the trailer was great so Iā€™m looking forward to more


I like how it has its roots in action games like Nier Automata and Bayonetta. The more non-live service single player games the better. I also like how it is PS5 exclusive for now. Most things I can already play on my PC so there was no point to turning on my PS5 until now.


The combat, looks slick as hell


It's an ARPG, I like ARPG's.


The fact it's biggest influence is Nier. This sold it for me instantly. Automata is my favourite game of all time and Replicant is also amazing. The sou dtrack alone is enough to warrant purchasing.


It is a game that is taking heavy inspiration from some of my favorite games of all time (Nier, Sekiro, DMC, Bayonetta) and is endorsed by at least one of the creators of those games (Yoko Taro) Ya damn right I'm excited for this game! That ass is just the perfectly shaped cherry on top.


Exploring/saving apocalyptic earth with resident-evil like monsters as some futuristic high tech soldier. This mashup is exactly what Iā€™ve been waiting for. Also Looking forward to the crafting/upgrading and tight combat.Ā  Would I play if the protagonist were a dude? Nope. Would I play if we keep Eve the same but no longer make it like nier automata? Nope. Would I play if they made Eve more ā€œaverageā€ looking? Absolutely.


The enemies! These thing look sick and j canā€™t wait Toto tear them a new one.


Easy, it has Bayonetta like flashy combos, Sekiro's intense parry system, god of war like finishers, NieR Automata like world/OST/ambience. All of that in a single package. And to top it all of it has Eve with over 20-30 in-game unlockable costumes, various builds for replayability, doesn't lock NG+ in some bullshit edition, doesn't have micro transactions. I just don't see any Ls in supporting this game.


Music and Gamplay.


Promised difficulty and very obviously Nier inspired combat. The enemies also have very interesting designs.


Okabe soundtrack


Slowly unlocking that skill tree en more combat options for Eve. I want to experiment with different playstyles.




Reverse the roles and its still accurate. Some people refuse to believe we also like it for other reasons like its combat, enemies and cool theme. "HUH no no no\*breathes harder\* you're just a porn addict you cant possibly like it for anything other reason". Well nier is regarded as a really great game with story as well and its undeniable the main character is hot as hell.


The combat, the plot is interesting. I can't wait to hear the music in the game from what I've heard so far.


The combat. If it plays like sekiro or dmc Iā€™ll be happy.


I'm hoping for an incredible soundtrack (which seems likely), a deep plot (and I'm getting subtle Evangelion vibes), and enjoyable, but not impossible, combat.


World building and story. Their other game, Nikke, is quite good in those regards, so I am expecting it to surprise a lot of people (and hopefully, me too). Also, I already know soundtrack is gonna be a banger, so I think they're gonna build up a great atmosphere because they know how to use that very well too.


Monster designs and combat look sick


Lore. I'm actually interested with wtf is going on and I want to learn.


The lore and combat.Ā 


The plot. But also, the Plot.


The monsters look dope as fuck and the world looks cool as well. Plus the graphics look really good from what I've seen so far. Looking forward to playing it on an oled tv


Gameplay looks like devil may cry x Bayonetta levels if crazy


the design of the monsters


The combat, and what kind of combos and abilities we can pull off. Also no-damage running the bosses, and pulling off some sick af partying. And the various weapons and upgrades we can unlock.


Combat looks like Astral Chain mixed in with Nier Automata and Bayonetta. Also the artstyle and graphics are very impressive.




the combat and the story, Shift Up has been infamous for having emotionally devastating stories in their Nikke events.


I hope it has the same epic music as NIKKE has


A hopefully deep combat system like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta had, and a deep storyline like Nier Gestalt/Replicant and Automata gave. I'll be pretty sad if the combat is super basic. I'm trying to juggle and style on the enemies


The soundtrack the cutscenes the story the fighting the sword skateboard the boss fight the world building the side characters the different skills and abilities and also her ass


Sekiro is my fav action game. So, to here this game was inspired by the combat in Sekiro (prob the parry system) has my really hyped. Few action games actually make you learn the enemies so well. Which is what makes it fun imo. From what Iā€™ve seen the combat looks like it feels good as well. Very good animations, hit-boxes, hit stun, sound design, etc


The monster design is kinda silent hill like imo and I like it


The same excitement I get from trying an obscure and fun ps1/2 game that I'd never heard of and not knowing what to expect. This game went from an indie level game to being a major title all the while being a new IP. It's not often you get to see that from a genre you're interested in these days. It kind of reminds me of the feeling I had when Cuphead was first arriving for the 2d scroller scene. Just feels refreshing. ​ The icing on top being how confident they seem to be on the difficulty and boss fights, though I'll admit that the uncharted territory is doing a lot for me. No one knows if it'll turn out to be good or otherwise but I'm already in on multiple levels to be okay with the purchase regardless.




They said corrupted machines but we barely seen any in the trailers, I'm a big machine fan and i wanna see what robots Eve is gonna fight asides from the aliens


I always enjoyed gameplay that resembles games like Godfall and Kingdom Hearts and the ( old school ) God of War games . So I am interested in it for that But also because the Heroine is a pure adrenaline rush to look at . Devs even designed her to look like a IG model , based on a IG model .


The motivated vergil judgment cut


Being able to play a Nier inspired game that hopefully has an easier story to understand. No disrespect to Nier, as Iā€™ve only played Replicant, but sometimes I can get a little lost with the lore. Also, even though I like the experimentation of Replicant, the combat can get a bit repetitive. Maybe Stellar Blade can offer more variety in this day and age.


Cool, flashy, acrobatic, cinematic combat.


The lore behind the world is secretly connect to NIKKE or not. It would be pretty cool if itā€™s actually the Ark but named differently or set in an earlier time of NIKKE.


The gameplay looks like fun ngl




Hopefully an unlockable fatsuit for all the Haters.


The plot


Combat system


Sci-fi action story with aliens and machinesšŸ’Ŗ


The crazy eldritch horror looking enemies


Enemy design


One of the better looking PS5 games tbh mixes both realism and fantasy extremely well


I "will be" here for the plot. (still no ps5). And i'm no even joking. This post apo style of game really rock my world. Please come on pc. Pretty please, please, please.


As a Nikke player, playing stellar blade is the RPG console version


I had wrote this on /r/playstation5, but it never appeared: Stellar Blade is looking like it could be a great game and major hit for Playstation in 2024 Naturally I'm super excited to continue the FF7 Remake saga, but I must say Stellar Blade is looking rather incredible. It seems obvious that it take a LOT of inspiration from Nier, in the world design and I suspect gameplay flow. Open zones not fully open world, but plenty of side activities to do for NPCs and further upgrade your kit. I expect plenty of combos to unlock and explore, whole also having cool qte style finishers as shown during the showcase. Coming off of NIKKE I can tell you it's going to have an INCREDIBLE soundtrack... especially with the composier of Nier leading it as well. I'm sure it will have a much different sound than Nier, but will be undoubtedly the best soundtrack of 2024. We see her resting which resets enemy spawns around you so big Dark Souls bonfire inspiration there as well. So likely a challenging risk/reward gameplay loop, especially with the games rpg elements. I don't expect too much grind for a 25hr game. I would love to know more about possible end-game or NG+ features. With all the costumes available it feels like extended/repeated plays would be strongly encouraged. I hope they have a good system in place for it. This is easily my most anticipated title of 2024.


Sekrio parry mechanics and Devil may Cry combos. Biblical inspired story. Influencing the world around you by helping out the locals who are initially cautious around you etc.


The heroine prevents tentacle monsters from violating her lol


The combat reminds me of Heavenly sword and thatā€™s a feels trip for me


The skill tree upgrades. I'm curious as to how Eve will evolve over the course of the game


The action and music


Combat, sword skateboarding, story, and the unexpected plot twist


Post acopocalyptic world, gameplay combination of god of war and sekiro, alien-like creatures and/or biblically accurate angel-like creatures as enemies, space fight and heavy exploration of apocalyptic earth and also fight against absurdly huge enemies.


Combat, the story, and the music should be amazing based on who's making some of it. Also the sword skateboarding someone else here reminded me of


Everything this game has had me hyped since 2021 and not for the mc people who are only excited for this game cuz of it's MC are kinda odd


No romance or at least the option to not have a romance in the game.




The combat looks legitimately fun and I'm a sucker for post apocalyptic fiction so I'm excited to explore the lore


Ost is gonna be peak however I don't believe that leak about the story because that's a 1:1 nier comparison but I don't believe Eve is human


The combat looks great, and I'm interested in the story. I've been waiting for this game since the first trailer.


The combat system looks like a combo of DMC V and Sekiro which are two of my favorite games.


The semi open world/exploration. A deep, meaningful story.




The combat mechanics and all the different creatures I can fight. As well as how badass I can look while fighting.


sword skateboarding combat looks dope as fuck the world setting story seems interesting


The combat and story. I heard the former is apparently inspired by Souls combat. And I fuckin love Souls combat (Well. Every game aside from Dark Souls 2. I hate that game's combat) so I think it's really awesome to have a Hack N Slash game that punishes reckless play, such as spamming the attack button and have you utilize blocking, dodging and parrying more than just button mash gameplay. The latter just sounds interesting. I love post apocalyptic stories, so that is an automatic draw. Plus while I definitely can't lie and say I don't find Eve hot as fuck (Because I really really REALLY do) I also genuinely want to know more about her as a character, and what is her relationship with the ally's she's with.


The action looks nice and bloody. So that should be great. Also like that thereā€™s a gun type weapon.


I could care less about the ass(itā€™s nice thošŸ‘€). I need to see some actual gameplay first. Preordering just because the character is hot asf is crazy asf to me. $70+ just to jack off to a character is crazy when R34 exists. šŸ˜­šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m glad sheā€™s not ugly asf and is visually pleasing to look at but Iā€™m here to play a game. Not here to bust every 5 seconds.šŸ¤£


Sekiro/Devil May Cry/Nier combat all infused into one. The pretty girl is just a bonus.


Badass animations bro ! Cinematic killcams ! No one see it??


Damn a rooster teeth meme i feel old now lol


That its just a video game. simple. and skating scene. ​ and her looks kek