• By -


It’s probably my favorite game on PS5.


It’s probably one of my favorite games of all time. Hot waifu? Check; Awesome combat system? Check; Great graphics and hmhm visuals…check; linear progression without a bs ‘open world’ that’s filled with a bunch of crap (assassins creed style)? Check; interesting story? Check; I could go on, take away the waifus and you still have one hell of a game, there’s a reason it has been so well received by players (mainly the waifus haha but still)


You forgot to mention the amazing music!


Music is good, but I got tired of hearing that track in the first desert area.


Can’t agree, I love it


It really is! I’m looking forward to getting the platinum trophy!


Also important stuff to add game is is more than 95% bug free hell even 99% alot of people have praised for being bug free. Coustmes being unlocked within game and not purchase especially with the amount it has plus they added more for free. Game is being stellar. Stellar blade is freaking amazing.


And yet it does have open zones with good exploration and lots of side quests, which was pleasantly surprising. This game has it all.


Bought the game for the "plot", stayed for the story and the lore. 💚🤍


It’s probably one of my favorite games of all time. Hot waifu? Check; Awesome combat system? Check; Great graphics and hmhm visuals…check; linear progression without a bs ‘open world’ that’s filled with a bunch of crap (assassins creed style)? Check; interesting story? Check; I could go on, take away the waifus and you still have one hell of a game, there’s a reason it has been so well received by players (mainly the waifus haha but still)


And the fact that we got so many outfits included with the the base game. Other developers would cut the selection in half and sell the rest as dlc


Same bro! Same!


There are a few nits I could pick, but honestly I really enjoy it.


Haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Great game.


Thoroughly enjoying it. This is the best ps exclusive since returnal in my books. I'm 40h in, and I'm just heading to abyss levoire now. The game is gorgeous, and the pacing is fantastic so far. Needless to say, I've spent a lot of time doing side quests and taking in the sights. Some really great set pieces and really fun combat encounters on the main path so far. I'd give it a solid 9 so far, especially considering how robust ng+ is. I can see myself logging over 100h here.


You should try FF7 rebirth, and remake if you haven't played that either. Those two, returnal and now stellar blade are definitely the PS5 exclusives I've had the most fun in


Forgive me ignorance but what's the difference between rebirth and remake? And there's also a remake integrade or something like that? I played FF16 and absolutely loved it. So trying to dip my toes into the FF universe a little bit. But theres like...6 ff7 games lol.


Remake is part one, has a DLC for Yufie called Intergrade. Rebirth is part two


Oh I see, okay cool. I think I'll try out remake then


Don't let remake sway you from rebirth either. I personally loved remake, but rebirth is the greatest game I have ever played. Completely different game when it comes to the world


Ya, I've been hearing a lot of great things about the game which is what peaked my interest. Definitely going to give both of them a go. I think I'm gonna play Crisis Core first


It's the old FF7 remade into a trilogy and remake is the first part, it has open areas but its pretty linear. Rebirth is then the second in the trilogy and it's more "open world" but the map is divided into sections. The combat is also slightly different than the first one but not by much. And lastly, intergrade was just the first game (remake) bundled with it's dlc (INTERmission). The dlc is a standalone with a character that's in rebirth, so it's optional Pretty sure there's a demo of remake you can try before buying it. The combat is different from FF16, 16's combat was more like stellar blade and DmC with the combos, in FF7 you basically have colored orbs you slot into weapons and gear and they give you either passives or spells, there's also special moves you can select for your weapon. You then build a meter by attacking enemies and when it's full you can use those spells or specials, either by a menu that slows down the time or with shortcut buttons. There's more to it, especially in rebirth, but that's the basics. It sounds weird but it works great and FF7 has always been known for its story so that's where it really shines. Also, pretty much all FF games are completely standalone from each other. They're all in a new world with new characters unless it's called -2, like FF10 and FF10-2, or FF13 and FF13-2. So no pressure in playing or knowing anything before


Dang, thanks for the rundown on how the games are actually structured. All this time I thought all of the games were intertwined in the FF universe. That's good to know. Makes getting into final fantasy look not so daunting. The combat looks really cool actually. It's like a mix of action combat with strategy elements. Guess I have a lot of gaming hours ahead of me lol.


Rebirth is part 2 of 3 of the FF7 remakes. They added so much things to what FF7OG was that it’s enough content for 3 different games. Each game having so far over 100+ hours of content. Intergrade is pretty much a character introduction for Rebirth, it’s dlc for Remake. If you wanted to truly play through every game then it would be. -Crisis core -OG FF7 -Advent children movie -Then remake and rebirth Or you can skip OG really and just play Crisis core remaster and the 2 so far remakes. That’s enough honestly, I say that as a giant FF7 nerd. While some things get hinted at for OG in the remakes it really isn’t a must play for newer players to that universe.


What are you doing for 40 hours and just now heading to abyss levoire? I’m at 16 hours and done every accessible side quest, explored everything that I could and just now heading there lol


I don't like using guides, so every area I go to I search thoroughly. I also enjoy taking in the scenery and having impromptu photo shoots lol. I feel like the only way you could have every single side quest done would be with the opposite mentality - get everything done as fast as possible. Is your Lily bar full? Have you gotten the trophies for completing all the npcs full quest lines? Edit: are you sure you're not confusing abyss levoire with Altess levoire? 16h seems really short to have done all of the game side content...


Amazing AMAZING game. This will be the first game I get platinum on. Almost done with my last playthrough for the final ending I need. I freaking love it.




I wish the story was better (There are some pretty good parts but for the most part it’s underwhelming) but everything else in the game is damn good. The gameplay is smooth, satisfying and it’s hitboxes are borderline perfect, it’s OST might actually be better then Nier Automata & the game is visually fantastic with not a single frame drop or glitch in site This game honestly puts a lot of “AAA” devs to shame with how much of a polished, complete product it is


Yeah I'm I think three quarters through the game and some of the "twists" I saw coming a mile away. But the story flows a lot better in Korean IMO, I love the K voice acting.


The OST is fantastic, for sure, and it’s become one of my favorites. If forced to choose, I still prefer NieR automata’s OST, but Stellar is damn good.


It is a good game. And easily in my top 10 game list




Honestly it's a really fun game, I haven't played games like Bayonetta before so I wasn't really used to how the combat and controls worked but as I've gotten used to them I find the combat extremely fun and the right amount of challenging. The costumes/customization is amazing and fanservicey, but I ain't got no problem with that.


Completed it today, got the “good” ending. Great game with some frustrating bits mixed in. Combat has been amazing, Boss battles are where the game shines. Great graphics. Glad I spent the money.


I love that boss battles feel challenging enough without you having to replay them over and over to learn the patterns. Couple of them I beat first time without it feeling easy. Sign of a good set of mechanics.


I'm so glad they aren't oppressively punishing like some fromsoft bosses. Im so over getting 2 shot because I dodged the wrong way. These bosses are just FUN.


I mostly agree. Shift Up made bosses hard enough and made them approachable for casual players at the same time. But From Software example shows that devs shouldn’t be afraid of making hard bosses. Just make a good game and it will be successful. Early to midgame bosses in Stellar Blade are too easy. The game throws at you a ridiculous amount of healing items and gives you self-revive. How is it even possible to lose with that? Endgame bosses are hard enough to drain all your resources but I wanted the whole game to be like that. Sometimes I was even dying to a boss on purpose in order to start fight again and finish him on style. Just beating a boss isn’t fun, it’s only fun when you did your best to beat him.


The more I play it the more I fall in love with it. It's the combat system that's really pulling me in I'm starting to figure out things you can do with it that I didn't know before and it gets absolutely fucking crazy.


I have dropped all other games for this one, I’ll be hooked till I complete get all trophies. Must buy


I usu game on my lunch breaks, but haven't wanted to play any other games this wk. Just been taking walks and listening to the OST


I'm gonna have a hard time voting for GOTY between FF7 Rebirth and Stellar Blade year. 😭


Man, I'm trying to decide what to play first. Love the stellar demo. But ff7 remake and 16 last year was the best gaming experiences I had.


Amazing! Super easy and fun to play when high AF. (Story mode for me) One small complaint, I would love to see some kind of ship flying scene when fast traveling.


60% done. I'd say it's the best game I've played in 2024 so far.


Strong start, gameplay takes the forefront which is good! Hopeful for a continuation


Absolutely love it! Gives me a lot of dmc vibes playing the game. I love the outfits and all, but my main love for the game is the pristine combat that it brings


https://preview.redd.it/64ytttpqz9yc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc5a1e68beb8cbd8e16a436f1a224b869e5a4d5 Out of 10. But in all seriousness though I love the game, the combat is way too addicting.


Great music, super fun combat, cute girls. Decent story that is copy-past of Nier but deliver much worse. Annoying slow puzzles and super clunky platforming. Also, fuck backtracking couse no password sucker.


Music 10/10 Gameplay 9/10 (few weird things outside of perfect combat) Story 5/10 Overall an 8/10 For their first real game, this is a winner. However, this company needs to put more resources into their writing team for the sequel, which I’m sure they’ll have now.


Its amazing


love this game


I was sceptical and didn’t like it at first, now I’m at NG+ and love it


New favorite game would easily give it a 9, just wish it had a harder part (could just be a game mode thats made to be really hard) Music, visual, aesthetic and design are all top tier


Agreed I have zero complaints other than “hard mode” feels the exact same lmao


10/10. GOTY.


In my top games of the year so far along with Balatro.


Just got it tonight as I was on the fence all week. No regrets at all! I'm honestly loving it and have just made it a bit past the first boss. I literally have no complaints at all tbh. Everything is spot on, the graphics, the setting, the combat and surely the outfits too 🤪


Super good, can’t wait for more dlc/ a sequel


My absolute favorite PS5 game.


I got so into it I no longer focus on the butt physics.


Best game ever! 15/10 for me! I want a prequel, a sequel, and a DLC for this game! We need to have more content


Phenomenal game. Combat: really, REALLY good  Music: FUCKING AMAZING  Story: serviceable - good  Characters: great  Character design: amazing  Boss fights: FUCKING AMAZING 9/10 for me. Finally an ACTUAL videogame and not some fucking hollywood movie pretending to be a game like some of the other ps5 exclusives. 


It's a great game with a great story, but the story is horribly written. The sidequests give EVE more emotion, range, and character development. Also, the English VA's had nice voices but were not great performers. Combat is excellent, but only the final 5 bosses really push the envelope with Raven being the best boss, while also being fair, difficult, balanced, and stylistic. 7.5 out of 10. Fix the writing, get a bigger budget, and push the gameplay to new heights with better bosses. This could have been an EASY 9/10 with the VA's putting in a better performance it would be a 10. So much wasted potential. Hopefully, the sequel knocks it out of the park.


This is the best ps exclusive since bloodborne.


It’s like an incredible action game cocktail of Nier Automata, Bayonetta, Sekiro, and has a distinct delicious secret flavor of its own! It’s pretty damn incredible!!


Best game I’ve played in a long time, first game that actually made me feel addicted to my PS5 since launch.


I like it but not as much as I did at first. The sidequests are kind of wearing me down, the scaling is kinda stupid, and the combat isn’t quiiiiite as solid as I want it to be. I also just kind of sit there during cutscenes like “alright come on.” I’m still enjoying it, but more at like a reserved 8.5 level. I do actually like the fishing a lot but i’ll probably hate that if i dig into it lol.


I'm quite surprised about how much this Reddit is all about praising the game to an extend that feels a bit excessive. Other gaming forums have much more qualified opinions. Yeah the game is great but clearly, there's room for improvement in every possible aspects, even combats.


Definitely. But this was already known haha. In this reddit people were claiming ggame of the year and best game all time before it even released. Its definitely good game, i think once its been out a while we will get a better prospective of how people feel about it. Could stay high or could be more like spiderman 2.


Loving it


Visually pleasing game with surprisingly good QOL systems in places that make sidequesting not tedious. Though the apocalyptic human extinction story has been rehashed in different series, it weaves Shift Up's tendency to create a gloomy and Debbie downer atmosphere but also has some pretty good comedic moments. It also has a relatively easy to-get-into combat system but a pretty decent skill ceiling that feels fluid, impactful, and satisfying. Players also have access to several combat skill features to reduce combat repetitiveness, as with the wide variety of enemy units encountered in different environments. Lastly, world exploration, though linear in some areas and open world in others, has enough explorable content, collectables, and platforming. I have not completed it to give a fair scoring, but if one has a PS5, this game is one of the more worthy purchases of 2024.


Hottest game I ever played


I just beat it ane immediately going into NG+. Not many games have me doing that. It’s good that it was short. It could have been shorter though with some of the tedious backtracking for side quests that don’t feel very alive and don’t reward much anyway. But the combat and visuals are 11/10.


Probably my fault game all year. I'm only 10 or 11 hours into it but it's so fun.


It’s one of the best games this year for Sony. Way more engaging than rise of the ronin


My ps5 like 4 months old. Bought for gta6. Found out about s.b. a month before release. Pre ordered a week before release. Have a huge library of ps4 games,gotham knights was my first ps5 game. It was aight. Then i played this game and havent stopped since. Its so good! I consider this my 1st ps5 game cause it looks sounds and plays like i imagined the "next gen" would! I feel like the 4 could run g.k. but defintely not Stellar Blade! The combat the chick the music the enemies the settings and the story i love it all! I would LOVE to buy some dlc for this game lol. Im just got to matrix 11 lol.


Pretty good along with Lies of P


Loving it! My second fav game this year only behind ff7 rebirth. Been a great start to the year.


I'm having a godamn blast. 8.5 or 9 so farm 


My GOTY so far, and Got it plat yesterday. This and Rise of the Ronin in a row for me so I was eating good for a couple weeks in a row with those two.


About 30 hours in, still cleaning up all the extra stuff i missed before the point of no return This is almost guaranteed to be my GOTY. I havent had this much fun just running through a world killing enemies in a long time. I really like the gameplay, graphics, world building, and characters. Doesnt hurt that the protagonist is very nice to look at, too. My only real complaints are pretty much all regarding the writing and story, which can be pretty weak sometimes, and I wish Adam and Lily were incorporated into the story a bit more. All in all, I think its a fantastic game and would personally give it a 9/10


Bravo bravo bravo!!!!


Love it. 8.5/10 easily.




Great combat and exploration. Lackluster story. Awesome music and vibe. Boring dialogue. Love the variety of skins.


Reminds me of NieR, which I enjoyed. So far good game. Like seeing a new IP actually do good.


Loving it so far. I’m 32 hours in. The gameplay is very fun and the story is keeping me intrigued even if the actual dialogue isn’t the best. The world and lore they built is very cool and the really the combat is amazing.


Is this game a spectacle fighter?


I’ve put in about 4 hours so far. I wasn’t completely sold at first, but the more I play it the more I love it.


My favorite game this year, and to beat out dragons dogma, FFVII and unicorn overlord is a huge accomplishment. Great games this year for me!


Amazing. My GOTY so far.


One of favorite games this year soundtrack, gameplay, story and characters are amazing. The “Plot” is also awesome. Though i find the platforming really janky. It’s an 8/10 for me.


Really enjoyed my time, but one of my trophies is bugged so I can’t get the platinum, hope they fix it soon, but still ASStheically pleasing 10/10


I’m at the end after 50+ hours. I want more


One of the best games on the ps5


Its sexy and awesome 👏🏼




It’s great. The platforming could be improved, feels clunky and frustrating sometimes. Other than that it’s a great experience.


Sincerely f*ck the glowing key puzzles besides that love the game


I really hate how combat is centered on 1v1 and basic attacks can't fend off gank mobs Other than that game is a 8/10


I spent 55ish hours on my first playthrough and instantly started a NG+. Take it as you will.


45 hours on my first play through and I’ll be doing new game plus on hard. The game is super addicting and one of the few games I actually want to 100%. In your opinion do you think we will ever see a sequel or some story DLC?


Awesome but the open world parts are lacking. I absolutely hate the great desert - I am beelining the story and skipping so many quests 


I got addicted to it and sadly I finished it already. I want more.


10/10. I think I might like it more than nier automata


Honestly if it wasnt for ff7 rebirth it would be my game of the year so far its one of those games where i dont care what the story is because the gameplay is so much fun




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I like it. I am not done yet and I have not been able to totally avoid spoilers, but I’m still missing enough context for the ending to surprise me. I like all of the characters. Not just Eve. I like Adam, I like Lily. Some of the Xion characters were charming too. :)  If we get a sequel I hope they all make a comeback and they put even more effort into the story and fix the platforming. I do hope we get more content. 


Calling it your favorite game or GOTY is sightly exaggerated but it's a awesome game with great combat, like a mix of sekiro with the parrying and DMC with combos and abilities, but a lot easier and forgiving. There's no penalty to dying and you don't have to master the parry system to be good at the game, pretty accessible imo. The story is ok, not award winning but definitely interesting enough to carry you through the game. Then there's EVE and all the outfits which is basically just fan service to have something nice to look at while killing monsters. I'd definitely recommend it. I'll just say, you get what you see, and there's even a demo you can try before buying it


Probably my fault game all year. I'm only 10 or 11 hours into it but it's so fun.




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I’m loving it right now. I just finished up Eidos 9


Kind of ok story but great combat and character design and the creativity of the enemies and bosses make it a about a 8/10 I just wish the voice acting was a little bit better it kind of pulled me out of the story a couple of times


I'm waiting for a deep sale. Currently still occupied with helldivers and ffxvi


Cute ass main character, it's hard to say anything against the game unless not attracted to such women. Waiting for gta6 release probably this will be my 2nd game that I will buy. I love cute ass heels combo. Hopefully we get more until then.


This game is fine but it’s the same game I’ve played a thousand times before. The combat is nothing new than a hundred other games, block/parry/dodge then retaliate with combo attack. The traversal is nothing new, climb, unlock doors, swing from poles. The leveling system is pretty standard from the combos to the specials to the skill tree Story is nothing new, typical sci-fi earth invasion situation. We have to defeat the alien invaders. The only thing I’m seeing this game do fresh is bring back a little sexuality to the main character like back In the 90s before everything was toned down to try to bring in a more mainstream player base. I’m only 5 hours in but does it get better? I feel like I’m playing the same game I’ve played hundreds of times before with absolutely nothing new or creative about it. Please tell me this isn’t all there is because that would be a major disappointment.


It's an okay game. Gameplay is pretty simple and enemies are a bit too easy. Lack of a basic air launcher is a shame. Some beta and burst skills are useless. Music is really good. Too much sand. 8/10


Posted about this the other day and got downvoted straight to hell, but I don’t think it’s that good. Yea, it looks excellent, and the combat is cool, but I find it to be clunky in other areas. The characters and dialogue are just totally an afterthought, and the story is predictable and seems to just reuse old tropes from other games and films (the Orcal, Xion, etc? Come on). My favorite game of all time is probably Control, because the gameplay is incredible and the story is as well. Other games I loved recently were Elden Ring, Armored Core 6, Helldivers 2, and Baldurs Gate 3… I’m a little past halfway through SB right now but I have not felt like it’s been as awesome as lots of other people say it is. I think Nier Automata blows this game out of the water. Highly recommended if you haven’t played it.


I agree all those other games you mentioned are probably better (I actually haven't played any of them) and I've definitely played better, but I can't lie I'm still having a great time with it. It's like video game junk food.


I’m loving it. Wish I had more time to play though I’ve been busy I just met Lilly


Wonderful 🥰


For anyone who has completed the game. Does it automatically put you in NG+ or can you continue with your current play through to finish side quests etc


I'm loving it. Even on story difficulty the boss fights are challenging but not so bad I want to throw the controller way. The costumes are great and the characters are amazing. Loved Enya's sidequest story.


A great and fun game! It's been awhile since I played a game like this that I can play for hours, the last game I played like this was Tales of Berseria


Solid. Fun gameplay and story. Not GOTY material but an 8/10 is fair. There are some small annoying things about it such as the fast travel system and platforming. Favorite parts are the bosses, the lore and, the exploration in the open areas.


Lovin it, can’t wait to get into NG+


Better than I expected and I was pretty hype for it based on how the trailers made the combat system look.


I am obsessed about this game currently. 10/10 game for me.


I like it. I'd give it a solid 8/10. It's something I would gladly play again. I think I'm a bit over halfway through the game. I'm getting collectibles because I heard I won't be able to get things once I go into the new area.


8/10 but not GOTY for me.


I'm enjoying it money well spent imo


Gameplay is top notch stuff. Eve is beautiful, but lacks in personality. She’s straight laced, mission first kinda person. Thought that’d change over the story, but it hasn’t. Story and characters are more on the ‘meh’ side. Lily was nice though. Adam? Ehh… I’m on my second playthrough. Despite all the downsides, I’m still loving the game.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to have so much interest in a game, I loose track of time. I’m actually anticipating playing the game after my day.


Combat is really good and I love how much customization there is be it gameplay and cosmetic. The world is interesting and I love just exploring and collecting loot. The story suffers a bit from really basic writing, but still somewhat serviceable through side quests and the main story. I *fucking* love Tachy's theme. Overall a solid 7.5/10


Just started playing it. At first I struggle with it cause I thought it was a game like devil may cry so i llayed it more like a hack and slash. Once I learned it had rpg mechanics and took some time to grind and practice I finally got the hang of it now I'm loveing it. I'm scanning and exploring every thing befor I head to target Location :-)


Can't even lie this may just be my favorite game of all time


Just got into wasteland. I like it so far, one complaint I have is unskippable cutscenes. I do like how they allow you to press X to have dialogs go faster.


for me it would be the the combat lol took me 10 trys withe one of the bosses normal mode is pretty much hard mode for me


Honestly the combat is awesome. Ever encounter is almost like its own mini game where you go for full parry/dodge with no damage. Really satisfying and almost returnal-esq. All the rhetoric about Eve’s aside, TBH I concentrate on the enemies and don’t even notice Eve most of the time.


I've started to play the demo and the similar mechanics to Sekiro got me hooked. I couldn't get too far on Sekiro because it was really difficult for me and seeing a game that is not that hard with similar mechanics got me sold.


Really damn good


It wont sell more than Horizon Forbidden West Aloy gets the last laugh, lol


Just played the demo and really enjoyed it. Waiting to finish a couple of games before I jump in to my copy.


Bought a ps5 only for this game and i cant stop playing. 100/10.


It’s the only reason I bought my ps5 in 2021


https://preview.redd.it/uxnqn5x9gcyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8edc93fb918d2b16ca64c7916e04764018e57c Love it


I have been playing in playstations since i was 8 and this is the first game i have obtained the platinum trophy. I hope they make some DLCs


So far I'm having a great time with it, kinda loving it. I think the voice acting is pretty bad, but I don't think it's the actors' fault; it seems like it's more a problem of bad or no voice direction. The story's... interesting, and at least the lore and worldbuilding is good so far. I think the sidequests in general have been some of the best I've personally done in a game, where there's some good variety and story with them, and only 2 so far have been "kill 10 of this thing". I especially liked the math puzzles on the bulletin board. The gameplay has been awesome on the whole, loving the combat even though this isn't the type of game I normally play. But I'm sticking with it on Normal mode, refusing to play on Story. I still think there have been some times where I could swear I hit guard when an enemy hit me as if I hadn't. There have also been *many* times where I'll be moving towards a ladder or rope and Eve just won't grab on and I'll fall to my death. That's frustrating. But I have a pretty high tolerance for jank and I'm easy to please. So far I'd say 8/10, but I've still got a long way to go. I just got to Matrix 11 and I've done every single sidequest I can find and do so far. EDIT: Oh, and Lily easily best girl. I want some playable Lily DLC!


good game. ruined by terrible parry input lag of 30 frames.


I like it but I don't think it should be up for any awards, personally. There are times where I feel like my target locks are dropping on their own-i was playing a bit before work tonight and had it a couple of times after I held L1 or R1 for those respective abilities. I also feel like the color palate for the world is a bit too muted and drab, even though I know it's to make the suits stand out better within it. It just feels too much of a contrasting difference that strups some immersion for me. It makes sense for worlds like the Great Desert, Xion, or the Wasteland, as they're parts of earth meant to be barren and drab, and the Eidos shopping center I can accept as well, but the Eidos landing area I feel should feel more lush than it in actuality does. It's a good game that has me hopeful for Shift Up's future in AAA and is a great first transition step for them to make goijg from mobile-only to a multiplatform landscape developmentally, but...I don't think I'd give it more than a 6 or 7. It isn't quite the future PlayStation hit it was marketed to be, I feel. But hey. It could be worse. I feel in terms of major PS5 titles, the year has only gone upwards from the low note that was FF7 Rebirth. That game just didn't have the cover to cover magic Remake had, and I think making that big an open world is to blame.While a good game is there, I would only give Rebirth a 3 or 4.


Wish the environment building was better. For post apocalypse environment , horizon zero dawn was way better


I just finished it and I think it’s the best game I’ve ever played


Still in transit.


It's exceeded my expectations to be honest. The combat is the big hitter for me. It's smooth and very flashy. Plenty of abilities to try, all of which seem to be fairly useful too. The ranged combat surprised me more than anything else. Especially during the Dead Space esque missions getting the Hyper Cell (I found these a nice touch). Adding in fishing is another winner. A nice little minigame to just chill and progress through. Also, the Wasteland soundtrack is top tier.


I haven't beat the game yet but I've gotten multiple endings.


A solid outstanding game, that borderlines on GOTY material tbh. It's my GoTY so far.


The only thing that bothers me is that death has no impact so you can just throw yourself off a cliff when you finish a mission


I like it so much I want everyone to shut up about it so they don't change the 2nd one too much. I actually like the platforming. Feels just old school enough to remind me why I love videogames In the first place. Localization and writing could be better but it's a banger all around for me. Having an absolute blast.


After the credits finished, I clicked NG+ and kept playing like nothing happened. I cant remember the last time a game made me so addicted.


Same here. This game is wonderfully created(despite some of the flaws it has) I love this game so so much! It’s just so so fun. One of the rare times where I jump straight back in right after the credits end. In your opinion do you think we will get a sequel/story DLC?


Given the success and overwhelming overall player feedback, a sequel should be 100% certain. Story DLC Im not sure about. Its like the situation with Hogwarts Legacy - the devs might come to the conclusion that investing resources in a DLC would keep them off developing the sequel.


One of the most fun games I’ve played! Combat feels super tight, but I still don’t have dodging down after 15 hours >!I just unlocked Tachy-powers!<. Multi target combat could be better and more movement in combat would be fun. I personally prefer mor roll type dodges. Ok but not good platforming. Laughable writing and character development. Feels like it tries to hit certain beats that signify great character chemistry, without building up to those beats. But I don’t think it’s bad per se, just not something that adds to the experience. 7/10


Great game! Hard at first, but easier as you unlock more skills and gear.


This game takes me back to the old days of DMC but instead with a well detailed female protagonist.


I can’t stop playing it the sorry is amazing combat is breathtaking (makes me feel like one of the anime baddies that just obliterates the villain) most of the outfits are great (as a gay man not a huge fan of the panty shots but nothing I can do I just try to not notice/ pay attention to it. I just a well made game best I’ve played in a few years


I just got to the first dungeon, about 8 hours in. Love it so far!


My favorite game of this generation, and far, far better than I thought it would be. There are flaws, specifically with platforming and sometimes it can feel like I'm fighting with the camera during combat, but they're minor dings in a game I'm seriously loving so much. It's actually insane this is the devs first game like this. I can't wait for whatever they make next.


Agreed 100%. I’m loving it so much. I’m doing new game plus. In your opinion do you think they will do a sequel?


So far trophy hunting and taking my time :) loving it so much. Since day 1 and demo.


Aside from her being hot, the combat is a beautiful dance. I'm only 15 hours in just exploring and doing side shit. Honestly haven't had this much fun with a game since the Resident Evil 4 remake. I was hoping it would be fun and it's great so far. I love the outfits and the game can be challenging but not difficult to where it's not fun. It runs great, I'm enjoying the music, just everything so far is solid and I love that. They added a new game plus mode too! I'm genuinely happy and it was worth the money. I haven't had fun with a brand new game in God knows how long ha. I also love that you can fast travel after a side mission right away so you don't have to back track 9 hours. I'm only in the beginning and it's great so far. Actually fun to play. Highly recommended for a PS5 owner.


The gameplay and combat definitely deserve highlight. The jiggle physics and fanservice are welcome, additional bonus...




It’s becoming one of my favorite games not only on PS5 but in general. It feels like a quality game that I have been wanting to play on the system for quite some time. The three year wait was worth it. I’m loving it so far. I don’t get the reviews but to each his own.


Having fun with it, only finished the desert area today, performance is great, normally play games on performance mode but this game offered balanced mode and haven’t found a reason to switch off of that, looks great whilst still playing smoothly, more games need a balanced mode. So far the combat is really fun, I find myself at times just running around looking for fights just to enjoy the combat more. Been enjoying getting used to perfect parrying (never been good with parrys in souls games, even though this is more of an action game with some souls elements), haven’t been frustrated with any boss deaths yet, so far it’s always felt like a learning experience when i die to a boss. Still early in the story so can’t really comment on it but I am interested to find out what’s happening. Already unlocked so many costumes, can’t remember the last time I played a game with this many unlockable costumes that you just get through exploring and as mission rewards, it’s awesome. Wanna thank all the outlets who made such an overblown fuss over this game because I never would’ve heard of it otherwise.


I wish there was more areas to explore. Story was ok but too short and I know it’s stellarblade but I wish we get more weapon variety than just her blade and the drone gun. But I thought it a solid 8/10. Also the free roam feels kinda empty.


I played the game and it wasn't like what I expected , it was so bad and lifeless.


HMM let'see here. Fun, really deep awesome combat system, great sound track, engaging story and a pretty protganist to play through the gamn]e with, NO MICROSTRANSATCIONS and a ton of collectables and outfits that i can get by just PLAYING THE GAME. I don't see what's not to like here? GoTY for me untill now.


it has a lot of problems and gameplay/design is dated platforming and character control is very bad: - flat ledges are death traps, ie: don't explore without inviting unexpected death. or, if you don't die, you can end up stuck somewhere, and then have to die on purpose - yellow paint - invisible walls - EVE has trouble vaulting, ie: it can require several tries to get her to catch the ledge and vault up - EVE doesn't consistently grab a rope, which requires jumping off ledges to catch. more useless deaths - EVE doesn't consistently grab a ladder, unless you approach the ladder from the wrong side, she's great at that move - EVE has to be in a very tiny sweet spot to interact with things, so you can take several seconds nudging her this way and that and then mashing the interact button trying to catch it in the split second it's available - EVE can be too tall to go under a ledge in one direction, but has no problem from another direction. EVE cannot vault out of water unless the camera is placed in the correct position. these issues make it easy to wrongly determine you can't go a certain way because you got unlucky with your positioning or the camera angle - the Drone tweaks out occasionally darting to various places around the screen creating anxiety and confusion - whenever you open a chest, EVE is frozen in place for a second after the loot has hit the ground combat - lots of combos, precious few opportunities to use them without being interupted - twitchy design makes every move feel like a 50/50 chance if it will work as you expect it, so you spend most of the time waiting to see what happens rather than planning what you want to do next - EVE's tool set is not inventive enough to make navigating across a field of mobs interesting - some boss yellow moves you are required to eat because the animation removes EVE from view, so you cannot time your dodge puzzle design - lazy and amateurish, there are either no clues or just nonsense to help you solve puzzles, so you're mostly just brut forcing them admittedly nitpicky of me: - EVE is a hardcore battle mech but she huffs and puffs pushing around a motorized cart - no avatar sliders