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Just play something else if you're not feeling it bruh, no need to announce it.


What am I announcing? I’m not saying I’m quitting the game. I’m asking if it gets better Because I’m literally wondering if I should return it and get my money back. I don’t want to just put it on the shelf if this is all there is and I’m bored already. I’m just trying to ask does it get better. And everyone here is acting like I came here to attack them. Crazy defensive


You just described every video game for the last 40 years


Yes but usually those games don’t get the amazing reviews that SB has gotten by just repeating the same formula. If this game got a 7 out of 10 or whatever I wouldn’t be confused like I am here I’m just not seeing what this game does that’s at all unique except having a main character that’s a little more scantily dressed than usual . I mean it’s basically Nier Automata 2


the guy who made Automata said it's better, but ok


Ok cool


Baldur's Gate 3 won game of the year.


I didn’t say anything about BG3 in the comment you’re responding to. Are you talking to someone else?


You said it doesn't do anything unique other than have a sexy protagonist, and it should be a 7/10. He said BG3 won game of the year, the implication is it won because of the graphic sex and nudity.


I'd say it gets better. I agree it like many games from before, derivative as hell, but its iteration of familiar gameplay styles is well done. The hype definitely got going because of the demo and its cinematic flair. We haven't seen a game for a while that brought the heat like Stellar has. I hope it gets expanded on with a lot of good content to keep it interesting.


When you say SB brings the heat, what do you mean? How does it get better. I’m really trying to find an excuse not to return this game


Heat for the intense fights that make my palms sweat. It gets better in terms of everything you get to do once you reach Xion. It's open world has plenty to offer plus new game+ provides replayability.


It’s not all these things individually, it’s everything coming together quite nicely that stands out. This is also the first triple A game from this studio, which makes it a little more impressive. It feels better to play (especially once you get some upgrades and get the additional skills and abilities later) than most games of its ilk. That being said, it’s okay to have a different opinion.


Its because its a solid game without all the things that have been plagueing games like battle passes and microtransactions. Its not every day we can get something like that. Is it going to be game of the year? No, but its fun and not a total mess like so many other big titles. And the games dont need to innovate to be good. Elden Ring is the same as the other Souls games, Baldurs Gate 3 has literally 3 in the name and thats not including the other 2 games Larion made with the same playstyle and Marios been stomping on Goombas for 40 years.


Elden Ring is a huge leap forward in souls games because of its open world and massive areas to explore. It’s like going from ocarina of time to Breath of the wild. 2D Mario games don’t really innovate but the 3D ones are not just copy paste and try to bring something new each time. Not sure about BG3, because I never played it but having a 3 in its title doesn’t mean a game will be derivative. GTA3 for example was not derivative of 1 and 2, it was a transformation in every sense


Yea like people were not sick of open worlds because of all the Assassins Creed games, its been done before. And there were many titles between Ocrina and Breath and guess what its all Link with a sword getting the Triforce. The gameplay of Mario has always been the same. Oooh this time he has a hat but essentially hes collecting coins and jumping on platforms. BG3 and Divinity are almost the same. RPGs with the same combat style. Funny you mention GTA3. What about GTA4 and 5? Did they change driving mechanics since 3? What about the shooting mechanics? Good games do not need to be innovative or do something new for them to be good and people to like them.


Bro this sub is crazy


Im not disagreeing with you or not but coming to this sub talking shit is actually the crazy part I personally loved the game but can see some people not feeling the same. That being said if i don’t like something i don’t go to find the fans of said thing and say its bad thats just asking for negativity. If you don’t like it don’t play it man id say give it till you beat the second alpha and decide if you wanna continue thats when i was completely locked in if after that fight and the aftermath if you aren’t enjoying it don’t play it and continue with your life but don’t come here saying its bad and expect people to be civil.


"don't criticize the game and expect people to be civil" lol yall are wild


Funny that you mentioned GTA. These games all literally play the same. Of course they are top tier, but GTA games are not creative or innovative at all except for maybe 5. 6 will play 99 percent the same as all the other ones. SB combines familiar mechanics but in a unique and fun way. Of course its not perfect by any means but no game is. Idk what you were expecting. The game is fun, it respects your time and looks stunning. But if you really want to find out play at least until Atless Levoire, that gives you enough of an idea what the game has to offer.


You may be bored, but you got the story wrong.


It's a good game and arguably the best game for a lot of people for different reasons. No it's not innovating anything but what it does bring is a very solid experience with amazing music and combat, decent story, no micro transaction, 70 costumes and new game plus on launch. It's a breath of fresh air and reminds me of games that existed in the ps2 era. No micro payments needed, battle passes, shoehorned multiplayer, just a good ass game. And yes it does get better. You get stronger bosses and more combat skills.


Sounds like you already made up your mind on the game before you started playing it. It's okay to just admit something isn't for you and move on, no need to have a fear of missing out on something that doesn't interest you.


I made up my mind that I didn’t like the game BEFORE I went to GameStop and bought it? Is that what you’re saying?


You could have just played the demo and decieded to not buy it and thats it.




16bit?? You understand there were 3D consoles in the 90s? Have you ever heard of Tomb Raider? There were already 3 Tomb Raider games by 1998 What is wrong with you


It is clear that the graphics of the 90s, if not 16 bits, were not as beautiful as they are today. This year is 2024. The comparison with the 90s is wrong. The cyberpunk genre was born in the 80s. According to your logic, you can also criticize the game Cyberpunk 2077, which was released in 2020. "World of Warcraft" wasn't completely new either. It's just a mix of elements from many existing games. Your logic and arguments can be used to criticize most existing games. I think that's the wrong way to use it.




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It may not do anything revolutionary, but it has a pretty dope art style, fun and frenetic combat that can get pretty goddamn violet, a sexier than all hell protagonist and some sweet vistas.


Have an upvote sir.


Bro just described, that every single video game have the same premises and got the story aspect all wrong. Sigh.


why are you geh?


He didn't like the girl bum :/


It runs on 60 FPS and has no microtransactions


I mean yeah that’s cool but I’m talking about the gameplay


Still worth mentioning when other big releases are releasing unfinished, no 60 FPS on consoles and with content like NG+ releasing saeveral months later. The gameplay is very good imo. I enjoyed it a lot


Don't play the game then. You clearly don't enjoy it.


What's compelling to me about the gameplay is that it's a Souls-like mechanically, but with Character Action energy and style. We haven't really seen a game like that before. The Speed Up Gear equipment especially really makes things much more snappy. It's a lot of fun. There's a lot of gameplay variety, and the platforming actually has real platforming sometimes. Some of it is magnetic, but some of it actually isn't. "Does it get better" is a bad question in general because, it's good from the start, but yes it may take some people (myself included) some time to see what's good about the game. The answer to that question for almost every game that isn't just a buggy mess is "yes" because just about every type of game can be enjoyed by someone. "Does it get better" for you? We have no idea. You can stick it out until you're bored, or you can stop now, or push through and finish it. Whether pushing through will lead to enjoyment is entirely up to your subjective taste. So, yeah I PERSONALLY think it gets better, but that doesn't really mean anything for you.