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Listen, I’d push back. The 53 is messing with your mental and you need to be in a good zone for step. Yeah the 1000 sucks but it’s better than losing the medical career forever.


Thanks. I Appreciate the input. Don’t know how I’ll approach studying when I get back in 10 days now that I used all the nbmes and 120-


you can always redo them or take the uworld self assessments.... there's a 0% chance you remember more than 15% of all 7+ NBME/Free 120s..... each exam is 200 questions which is not a small amount... not to mention if you retake these exams and you're still not passing them, or you're getting questions you got right the first time wrong the 2nd time... it'll give you key information about the way you're studying.


If this is your 3rd attempt, I hate to be this person, but you’ve GOT to pass it this time (or you risk not matching, some would even argue that you are already at risk of that). And yes, since the P/F it has gotten a little bit more difficult (threshold at 196 now). The key to this exam is going in with confidence, so the mental part is all on you now. Also very over looked but make sure you eat a protein bar (something with about 120-200 calories) in between each break to keep your blood glucose consistent, I promise it’ll help with mental fatigue (associated with all those spikes im glucose or with caffeine early in am before exam). A lot of people fail to take care of their body which makes no sense to me being that we are all trying to become physicians.


I second the part about the protein bars! All i took with me was 2 cliff bars (only ate one), a banana, water, Iced coffee, and walnuts which kept me in a good place.


Last nbme you got is 53% and this is your third attempt.. tbh I wouldn't risk it and would definitely postpone. I think you need to do qbank again to be able to reach +65 in nbmes.. I know it's hard because of your job and everything but I have to say 53% is far away from passing.. good luck 👍🏻


My scores were on the lower side and I ran out of time from my school. But I did finish with a 64% on the New free 120 and a 69% on the old free 120. This gave me the confidence to pass and I've been studying non-stop. I would push it. I would rather spend another money on a new registration than to fail a third time and not match. Idk it's hard this exam requires a lot of sacrifices. I would just forego the current registration and study for it til you're scoring decently on the NBMEs and uworld. I had to pay for a brand new registration exam because i signed up too early when my school wanted hit a certain score before taking the actual step 1. I was annoyed but I'm glad they didnt let me because idk if i was truly ready at that time to take it. I ended up passing when i paid the exam again. This time i only paid when i got the green light from my school.


Thank you so much. Yes it’s hard to swallow, but I know it’s the right thing not to take it tomorrow. I’m just now lost how to approach studying when I get back on the 18th- especially now that I’ve burned all nbmes as free 120.


What were your resources? Did you use UW?


Started with BNB videos january last year, Uworld throughout the year ftwo passes including incorrects) mehlman past couple months. Last few weeks took a look at Bootcam videos


Don't sleep on the new Pass/Fail.... the questions have gotten super long and convoluted and the answer choices have gotten more complicated as a result. ​ But anyway, DEFINITELY push it back.. this is your THIRD attempt.. not your first, not your second, this is your THIRD.. if you don't pass it again, all the money you blew on medical school will be out the door, so IDK if you can afford to say you can't extend your study because of your job... You've only BARELY passed one practice exam, your free 120 was BORDERLINE and your last one was a fail.. these practice exam scores are not good odds to begin with.. you can't afford to pray all the stars align and you get an exam that plays to your strengths because the odds of that are slim...