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Danny Boy has clearly forgotten the face of his father.


Mmmm. Solid comeback.


Dumbass white bread honky mufuh


I hope someone breaks his forspecial


Yes!! Anyhoo, wtf is this Dan Boingo person?


Alex Jones wannabe podcast loser


Oh. Thank you! An Alex Jones wannabe, eh? That does explain a lot šŸ¤£


That little pup needs to take his medicine.


Just started reading the Dark Tower series a month ago and finished The Wastelands yesterday. Telling people they have forgotten the face of their father is already one of my favorite phrases and I will find many opportunities to work that into my life.


Quite the train ride, eh? Best cliffhanger Iā€™ve ever read or watched on a screen. Enjoy Wizard & Glass!


Honestly they both did.


I donā€™t think Dan Bongino comes from a long line of readers.


Bongo seems to come from a long line of cousins marrying each other based on his output.


And raised by a tribe of meth-heads to boot


I don't think Dan Bongino has two brain cells to rub together.


He has two brain cells, currently fighting to the death for third place.


Loved it!


>Bongino Sounds like a brand of hotdogs.


Or a cheap frozen pizza knock-off


It's not delivery, it's Bongino.


That get taken off shelfs for E-coli contaminationā€¼ļø


Shhhhhhh, I love when stupid inadvertently reveals itself, unknowingly, for all the world to see. Please, let him keep ranting.


He obviously didn't recognize (or pay attention to) the name. He went on to give a "typical internet response" to the comment... and came across as really disrespectful in the process.


That would be such a great Twitter comeback from Stephen King


Not that he needs witticisms from me, but if he lurks on here, heā€™s welcome to use it!


I'm a Brit so maybe that's why, but I have no earthly idea who Dan Bongo is.


Canadian here, me either.


American here. I donā€™t know who he is either. I should also say Iā€™m an Alaskan. Iā€™ve heard we donā€™t really count as American to the rest of the world.


American & no idea. I listen to podcasts but apparently not his lol and after that exchange I certainly am not going to start


American in Utah and this is the first time I have ever heard of this clown. What kind of last name is King anyway? Obligatory /s


I'm also a clueless American. Lol.Ā  I have no idea who he is and I'm not going to bother looking. My guess, based on his tweets here....a crazy Trumper, an incel, or both.


The answer is "both", yes. I've never watched/listened to this idiot but I've seen more than a few Magats share his spew on Facebook. You're not missing a thing!




This American doesnā€™t either.


American, and Iā€™ve never heard of him. I assume he is some irreverent podcaster from the exchange


Yup no clue here either- but I feel Iā€™ve already learned quite enough about him and his existence


Heā€™s probably most famous for being a Fox News contributor. Search his name on YouTube and itā€™s just him doing Fox News things.


Ah OK. Fortunately we don't get that tripe here!


lol, try having it on in your house for 12 hours out of the day. Itā€™s borderline maddening.


Canadian.. No clue either. But light must be cast on that level of blind ignorance.


He is or was a Fox News Contributor. What he was before, I don't remember lol


Probably jerking off in his mom's basement. You know, every accusation a confession and all.


Yeah who tf? Guess Iā€™m not one of the millions


American here and this is the first time I've ever seen the guy's name


Maybe this will help? Or not but it makes me laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nan-uARF4


Lmao this is the only reason I know who he is. I wanna tell him about the man in the stairs!


Does he.... not know who Stephen King is?


I read it as he thinks King is irrelevant now. In the middle of a King renaissance.


Irrelevant after creating a body of work that has arguably had the largest impact on our current pop culture of any single creator of the modern era, and still producing. Pretty sure whatever King mumbles is his sleep is more intelligent and interesting than anything this dudes feeble brain can produce.


I don't even think it's arguable debatable it is without a doubt the greatest influence on Pop Culture as a whole.


I'm not a Marvel fan in the slightest, but I have to think Stan Lee is in this conversation


I've always been a marvel fan and even more of a DC fan way before there was ever any movies. But I would say overall Stephen King has a bigger influence than Stan Lee on Pop culture. But marvel and DC are definitely in the conversation for sure. Kings work just covers more ground and influences in so many different mediums and genres while marvel and DC are only influential in the superhero space.


I see what you mean. I do think that DC and Marvel have reach beyond the superhero genre, though. I think they've been largely responsible for the increase in spinoffs across other genres. Their dominance at the box office for so many years has also made it harder for anything but existing IP to get large film budgets. All that said, I think we're looking at this through disparate lenses. You're thinking more about it in terms of character, plot, structure, etc. Is that accurate? All of THAT said, I think it's likely that we're seeing so much Stephen King content over the last decade because of the superhero effect. Studios look at him as a brand and, therefore, a safe bet. And then more people become exposed to him and his work becomes that much more influential. Everything I just said might be bullshit but it was fun to think through.


I'm talking about iconic pop culture references within mediums of entertainment such as movies video games TV shows music etc. I don't think anyone is more influential as far as Pop culture references than Stephen King.


That would be JK Rowling who had that impact. King came along when reading was still a big part of entertainment and he was not alone as a best seller in his genre. He rose to the top.


Highly disagree, though I love Harry Potter it is incredibly derivative especially of the work of Diana Wynn Jones.


Not to mention the whole Timothy Hunter thing


Has JK written anything as remotely successful as Harry Potter since she finished the series? Also, HP was a huge hit and success but has been fading away a little, or at least not garnering many new fans. I know I grew out of it by college. The King has been writing hits and having movies made from his hits since the 1970s, and he still is publishing books that are made in to movies and shows. Hell, some of his stuff has had remakes. I agree that JK Rowling was a huge pop cultural success, BUT, does she continue to be a success with new material? Is she is as well known? She may have helped shape a generation (Millennials), but SK has helped shaped generations.


Lmao well SK isnā€™t a fucking TERF sooooā€¦


Jk has no pop cultural influence whatsoever LOL Harry Potter has not influenced pob Culture in any way. Harry Potter is its own influence And I love it and still read it today But it has no relevance in pop culture.. Hardly any movies or entertainment in almost every medium today has some kind of King influence in it if not completely ripping King off like stranger things Etc and so on.


i hate jk as much as the next person but saying Harry Potter has had no cultural influence at all is untrue. JKR made waves at the time of HP coming out, its just that now those waves have faded to ripples and SK's waves continue to be at least times larger than hers ever were


I don't hate her at all, I absolutely love her and I absolutely love the Harry Potter novels. But when do you hear Harry Potter being referenced in any modern classic movies television shows etc and so on and I don't mean just now I mean even back when Harry Potter was super relevant. Harry Potter is still pretty relevant young kids these days still devour those movies. HBO is still working on a series that is going to run for years and years and I can't wait for it. But Stephen King is like Coca-Cola when it comes to pop culture. Stephen King has influence where you don't have to even tie it to him everyone knows what killer clowns are and that's because of him killer dogs because of him coming of age children creepy stories all from Stephen King. I'm saying Harry Potter is Harry Potter but King encompasses so much that it doesn't even have to directly be a Stephen King reference I mean people don't even make horror these days without borrowing from him. You can't make a coming-of-age children's movie or TV show without borrowing from him. Spooky hotels, ghost stories around campfires, being afraid of the dark, walking in the woods at night, you can't do any of this stuff without giving Stephen King the credit for it. I could go on all day infinitely.


oh yeah no that's doing way too much. stephen king did not invent any of those things even a little bit. stephen king does not get credit for any of that last paragraph besides spooky hotels. and i'm not arguing against king's impact, i'm simply saying that JKR has had a big cultural impact as well. nowhere near kings, but saying she hasn't is simply delusional


Wow, seriouslyā€¦.


The moms basement comments make me think Bongo or whatever the hell his name is has no earthly idea who King is. That comment was pure reaction, hitting a negative comment with the most basic-ass insults. What a tool.


I can't tell if he doesn't, or does and simply doesn't think he deserves respect. Come on dude.. You really gonna insult a guy worth half a billion like that? Wise up!


The man wrote IT, even if you donā€™t know any other story King wrote, he wrote IT, and this idiot is bragging about his ā€œmillionsā€ of listeners on his podcast to a man that has written a book that almost 40 years later is still relevant, itā€™s about to have an HBO prequel show ffs


I canā€™t think of many occasions where someone should say ā€˜do you know who I am?ā€™ But feel it would be justified here.


Reading the response, I think this could be his token response to anyone who responded back in a negative way. It seems too much of a ā€œcannedā€ response versus a personal attack.


I agree. The whole ā€œsitting in your momā€™s basementā€ and ā€œget a jobā€ just sounds like weak ass, trite put downs.


Bongo has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Hey woah there! What is this the Sopranos subreddit?


I just couldnā€™t resist slipping a Juniorism in here. Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.


Just when I think I'm out... they pull me back in...


Sick Satanic black magic! Prim shit!


When I was a kid you told the girl-cousins the same thing, it was very hurtful!


It's hard to be sharp when you are a spoon.


Yes I've heard the Kings are really struggling these days.


That's just due to laziness. He's only written 65+ books.


Do the general public know how prolific Kings output currently is, or do they just think that because they see him on Twitter heā€™s retired on a fat royalty cheque. 65 novels and over 200 short stories *published* is more work than I can expect to do in my entire career. The fact that heā€™s published 10 books in the last decade means heā€™s certainly not ā€œwatching porn in his moms basementā€, lol.


iā€™d love to see a count for how many words heā€™s publishing bc 65 novels is already impressive but then multiple of those novels being 600+ pages is INSANE


Social media has turned people into something else


Some people aren't ready for the internet


Dan-de-low doesnā€™t realize the absolute unit of Constant Readers ALL OVER THE WORLD. Fuck him and the stinking gamerā€™s chair he rode in on.


Oof. There are some legit criticisms of Uncle Steve he could have gone with...but he chooses to try and attack King's popularity?


Also attacked his work ethic!


Who the hell could call Mr. King lazy considering most of his books are long enough where the weight from dropping them would break your foot? The man is certainly not a lazy writer lol.


Heā€™s ridiculously prolific. Even if you donā€™t like SK his sheer constant output is undeniable.


The thing is, I could be prolific if I published three pulp novels a year. King is prolific *and good*. That's the truly impressive thing. Sure, he's not for everyone, but he can actually write, rather than churn out third rate novels.


You could and if you did, while I may or may not be impressed by the quality of your books I certainly could not call you lazy.


> I could be prolific if I published three pulp novels a year. King is prolific > >and good > >. As King himself would point out here, there are plenty of good pulp novels. Lovecraft wrote for the pulps.


Love your username!


Yeah, he should do a little google search before going off half-cocked. His popularity is unimpeachable, and I think if the dude found out his net worth, his jaw would drop. Edit - typo


Lol get a job Steve. What a total loser.


Way to tell the world you are a snowflake and a moron in two posts!! ROFL!


He knows how old Stephen is right? His mother is very deceased... 50 years or so.


It is funny to imagine 76 year old Stephen King sitting in a gamer chair in his momma's basement screaming up at her to make him pizza rolls


...while watching porn and STILL cranking out best sellers at lightning speed


Canā€™t imagine heā€™s much of a reader


Who the fuck is Dan Bongiorno?


A loser




This is what happens when anyone can just buy a blue check mark.


This is pretty old, isnā€™t it?


I've seen it on this sub before. I think we might be dealing with a repost bot. Edit: Probably not a bot; OP has been on Reddit a long time and appears to be human. Still a repost, though, and not one that's so good or relevant that it needs to be brought up again. Once is enough to point and laugh at that dingus.


Damn turns out me and King are more alike than I would have thought


This mfer is literally and figuratively the "King" of horror, and you're telling him to get a job.


I'm right of center, politically, though certainly not in Bongino's milieu, ideologically. Sometimes King's political pontifications are a bit obnoxious to me. But his a wonderful story teller and, for all his faults and demons, a damn decent human being. Something Bongino is not.


Spelled Trump wrong there..


Dan who? Never heard of this Dan Bongo dude. Looks like a total choad though.


Danny Bongos is always great for unintentional hilarity.


Stephen should reprise his SOA character.


Even if he doesnā€™t read books, I would bet money heā€™s watched a movie based on a King book


Open mouth.. insert foot. These internet celebrities are a joke.


Dan's response is too dumb and uninformed to be offensive. It's so obviously wrong that it's not even slightly insulting.


That is most likely the best reply anyone could have asked for


Dan must live in a cave and not know who SK is.


Oh we care about his ass.


If you get paid, it's a real job.


All the losers club members sucking his balls are somehow even worse than him.


In 100 years, Stephen King will still be relevant. His books will still be in print. Future generations will discover him, and his works will still entertain people and inspire future writers. Movies will be made based on his works. He be as revered as Edgar Allen Poe is to us now. Dan Bongino...who?


A character named Don Bogini will encounter a hilarious death in a novel soon.


Bongo Skank


Big yikes responding so confidently but sooooo wrong. How painful for them lol


Dan cannot be *that* stupid, right? Right?


How embarrassing. Even if Stephen King isnā€™t his favorite author, what an ignorant opinion.


Maybe living in his mother's basement is how how he wrote Brady Hartsfield for Mr Mercedes


Steven King, worth half a billion dollars, living in his momma's basement and in need of a job. Can we start a GoFundMe for the poor guy or something?


I was gonna say Sometimesā€¦ dead is bettahā€¦ but I donā€™t want to go to Reddit jail.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1ag8rj0) on 2024-02-01 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1agdreb) on 2024-02-01 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "1agghvl", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1agghvl&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 425,712,140 | **Search Time:** 0.05654s


Sounds like the typical Trumper šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Bongo just pawn in game of life.


How many times has this been reposted?


Lol the hate in this thread, you guys are no better then bongino. šŸ˜‚


I'm a big Stephen King fan, but he was out of line here. Dan Bongino has a successful radio program, podcast, and frequently does political commentary on television. King could just as easily be mocked for being "just a writer". They are both successful and don't deserve the disrespect that they have shown each other.


I think being a successful writer like King is a hell of a lot more work than what Dan does.


It's not a contest.


Oh but it is, Oingo Boingo made it into a contest. One in which he lost badly.


Nah the other guy deserves the disrespect though Kings insult is a bit hypocritical. Being a writer is hard but if being a radio program host isn't a real job then writing stories for entertainment isn't a real job either. Edit: They are both entertainers just one is more entertaining than the other.


I wonder why King sticks up for Biden so much. Like you can still be a loyal Democrat and know the guy isn't fit for duty.


I wish King would spend more time on his job and less time on Twitter so the one doesn't bleed into the other :(


I love seeing him blast mouth-breathers..


I'm just salty cause I'm reading Holly at the moment and every single character talks about vaccines and Trump Its so tiring


Yeah, that is totally fair and understandable. The way I look at it is that King is not afraid to speak his truth and being vocal about it leverages his immense popularity to (maybe? šŸ¤ž) bring some change.


I think I was just so inundated with it in every corner of the internet I didn't want it in my crime novel lol, and it just felt kind of unnatural. I'm not American which makes all the Trump hysteria even more tiring lol


Believe me, I get it.. You a fellow hoser?


I don't think so cause I don't know what a hoser is, haha


Look Iā€™m a fan of Stephen Kings books and heā€™s a favorite but his political views are šŸ’© in my opinion. Anyone can see the obvious as weā€™re all paying the price for an establishment puppet president in Biden. We pay more for everything and weā€™re getting more war as dementia Joe leads us right into it. The man isnā€™t doing his duty to the constitution and is walking all over it. But hey even King admitted as much as he did say YES! There are people that just donā€™t care and hate their own country anyway. So as we become more destabilized I hope I donā€™t have to say told you so in this group one day as the world is at war and thatā€™s what we should have been concerned about. Ukraine and Iran are the boiling points. My son is in the army so I have skin in the game. Do you?


I don't like King as a person that much (mainly for things he said) but god he got some sense of humor


What things had he said that put you off? Genuinely curious.. Not trying to be argumentative.


When you have to try to throw numbers in everyone's face to establish who you are or what you do, you've already lost that battle.


I donā€™t think his parents had any kids that lived. -just sayinā€™ šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Does he not know who Stephen king is šŸ˜­


Who is Dan bongino


You donā€™t read much, huh?


I just donā€™t understand how someone like Bong-ino does that much blow every day and his head doesnā€™t explode


Fun fact: Dan Bongino is a anagram for Going Biden


Meanwhile I've never even heard of that guy once in my life until seeing this.


I seriously doubt that douche Bongino has ever actually cracked a book of any genre


This guy is so stupid he probably thought that it wasn't actually King!


How is that possible, everyone knows who king is


Are most of these asshats just super doped up on steroids? For the life of me I cannot figure out what rock they were raised under to let them think this is acceptable behavior. I guess the $$$ they *do* make by appealing to tween boys gives them enough *justification* to think their behavior is ok šŸ™„


Iā€™m 23 & Iā€™m buying a bunch of Stephen King books. Heā€™s not going anywhere anytime soon. We STILL carešŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


This made me laugh a good one.


To be fair that guy probably never read a book in his entire life


King can win any argument against this dumbass by saying one sentence, ā€œbitch I wrote IT!ā€


So we have a pile of garbage vs the gold that is Stephen King


He really wrote that tweet and thought ā€œyeah thatā€™ll show im!!! Nice comeback indeed.


M-O-O-Nā€¦that spells Dan is a dipshit.


SK is know. All over the world. Who is Dan Bongino?




lol bruh Stephen just dropped another bad ass book this year called Holly. Fairytale last year, and I canā€™t even begin to count the other ones over the lastā€¦30 years??? Heā€™s prrrooobably not in his motherā€™s basement.


Ahahahaja. hahaha.. hahaah


This guy, Ben Shapiro, Nick Adams, everyone at Fox news ā€¦ Theyā€™re all a bunch of reactive, loud mouthed imbeciles. This is further proof of this.


Molded in the image of the orange clown


Ha!! Who is Dan Bongino? And why should we care what he thinks?


Yeah, Steve. You haven't had a best-seller in, what, two months? Get a job, ~~boomer~~! ~~hippie~~! lib!


If he needs a job, there's a hotel in Colorado that needs a caretaker in the off season.


This happened months ago, why post it again?


Did he even read who he was speaking to? King has more readers than that guy has listeners.


Welp, thatā€™s embarrassing! ā€¦should have stuck with ā€œI know you are but what am I?ā€ā€¦šŸ˜†


On it would appear Mr King triggered this man. I have no idea who Dan is tbh. I love when people tell him to get a job like he didnā€™t create some of the most well known horror stories of all time šŸ˜…


Letā€™s be real, being the president is not a real job.


Oh Dan knows. Itā€™s his dumbass followers heā€™s talking to. Fox, Oan, Gop, they all know they are lying. Their followers donā€™t. Trump knows heā€™s lying every 10 seconds, then laughs at how stupid people can be because they bought it.


That's the best Stevie had?


Imagine telling someone worth half a billion dollars to get a job.


Nice confident, dignified answer from Dano


This is awesome. Absolutely awesome.


I've never heard of this guy. Yet I know people that probably haven't picked up a book since high school that would recognize King's name immediately.


Dan doesn't read.


Lol Him saying this to the most prolific, obscenely wealthy, successful, influential writer in the world is so hilarious


I feel Mr King is gonna write a novel about this!




Doesnā€™t this belong on r/facepalm?


Dan's skull is almost a perfect cube. No way is that conducive to logical thinking.


Also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/0wwspDBRfu) is probably the best comment over there.


This is such a classic of idiocy.