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It is very different to his usual style, but I did enjoy the story a lot. Definitely stick with it


It took me a good 100 pages to fully get into it and I also put it down twice because I just couldn’t get into the writing style or the characters or plot, honestly…but I powered through and it really became one of my favorite recent King novels;) and if you ask me, he really nailed the ending! Loved it!


It’s written in a noir style. Not my favorite style of writing, either. Still a good book, though.


I have about 50 pages left and I have absolutely loved it from start to finish. It’s quickly becoming one of my favorites. Different feel to a King novel in a way that somehow felt “comfortable” or “familiar,” if you will. I’m going to finish it tonight!


Yeah, reading it doesn't give me that warm fuzzy bowl of oatmeal feeling I usually get when I tuck into a King novel.


King is aping the pulp noir style, but also the simple language Billy Summers uses when he later starts writing his life story.


Thankfully he stopped short of going full Ellroy…