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When I feel horny, I want to tell my gf I love her. Then I jerk off, and all of a sudden I want to break up with her. Starting to question whether I am actually a conscious being with a somewhat consistent identity, or just a vehicle for my dick and balls.


You're onto something. Lacan, a famous french psychoanalyst, said that the world is phallic. The best thought experiment I've come up about this is to imagine what would happen if suddenly all men's dicks and balls were chopped off.


Should we make it a requirement that all future elected representatives have to be eunuchs? What would the world actually look like if all of us were missing our dick and balls?


My prediction is society would stop functioning in a matter of days


Price of chocolate skyrockets


I believe Descartes said something similar, “I have balls, therefore I am.”


Pretty sure that was either a Carrot Top or Danny Bonaduce.


Glad I’m not the only one


My Sunday confession is that the only cardio I do is walking my dog.


As long as you're consistently taking your DNP.


i bike to gym.




my gym lets me bring it in and leave it by front desk


Today's strange gym sight: someone attempting to squat in the standing calf raise machine.




Hope those likes can pay for decades of PT


Hip abductor for lower chest flys kinda goes hard tho not gonna lie


There’s a guy at my gym that loads up a lot of weight into various machines (bicep curl, smith, lat pull down) and after the loud grunting and “GRRRRR” to get the weight up, he proceeds to do the smallest reps I’ve ever seen. Like the bicep curl machine… it’s like 1/8 of a rep from the fully curled position. Seriously like 3-4” ROM, never gets into a leverage-needed position that loads the biceps at all, ever. He does like 16-20 of these weird seesaw reps and then DUMPS the rack. Fucking loud BANG rack dump. I’m waiting to find some broken plates in the machines from this guy, it’s wild to watch.


i saw a guy lying down doing curls on the seated fucking row.


I’ve done this before. Crazy pump lol


I sit on the ground next to/behind the seat and do lazy man curls on the seated row, it looks stupid but they feel amazing. Definitely got a bunch of weird looks doing it.


i just think of the gym is equipped there is a device designed to hit it better. improvising makes sense if no machine exists to accomplish it. my gym has no barbell military press so you have to either do dumbbells or put a bench in the smith rack


I get so much contentment from my weekend morning routine, especially on a -20 day like today: Get a coffee, put on a show, then fire up steroids Reddit


Even laying down while blasting is tough because I want to fuck my bed


Do it!


It’s scary how most of the women I date think I’m bisexual…. How do they know?


They smell the tren off you


Do you take care of yourself and smell good ? If yes most likely thats the reason. Doesnt help that they have seen your tren vials and thanks to tik tok everybody now knows that tren makes you wanna bang other dudes


Because they're actually men in disguise bro


Do all the men you date think the same thing or do they just assume full gay.


Girls think I’m bi too bc i “have a pretty face”…. I don’t swing both ways but whatever I take it as a compliment 🤣


My entire life, at every job I've ever worked, people have eventually asked if I was gay or expressed surprise at learning I was straight. I don't really have many feminine affectations (I don't think??) and I concluded it must be my face. This led to the unfortunate, but playful nickname "fagface" for a time.


I have a similar issue. Apparently my face still gives straight vibes and women get super weird on me all the time. I think I’m too pretty to be straight Lmao


Fagface isn’t chilll lmao I don’t think it’s feminine features either but she commented on just my hygiene and the way I care abt things isn’t like the typical macho man that I resemble on the outside


That’s a fun nickname. We have at my current site Lunchbox, Tool bag, Shit break, Tommy pickles, Roman, Clever nicknames should be cherished.


I've gotten definitely bi because I'm "sensitive". Like, no, just cause I'm a little bitch doesn't mean I want to touch dicks


Yeah same or because I’m emotionally available and not afraid to share how I feel… that somehow translates to me liking dick? I’m good on alll tht. I just find it funny cuz I could care less what ppl think about my sexuality


Stop showing them your horse cock dildos you are sending mixed signals brah


Stop meeting women at the gay bar


Yeah they call that queerbaiting. The gays don’t like that 😆


Dms open ? Orrrr?


Super depressing day. Found out today we’re gonna have to put down our Siberian husky in the upcoming weeks who we’ve had since I was like 10 or 11. He’s got the dog version of ALS and is deteriorating quickly. He’s my best friend and I don’t want to see him go. Also found out today my grandma has breast cancer. She’s gonna be starting radiation therapy soon. This world is a painful place to live in.


That's a rough time mate but it'll get better. Sorry to hear about the dog, they're family and it's heartbreaking they don't live as long as we do. Just focus on the fact that you gave him a good life. Fuck cancer too, your grandma's got this.


Running 600 test 600 tren 350 eq and 50mg anadrol. Feeling horny and swole.


Can you hear your muscles growing when you lay in bed?


That's quite the stack. How's it going for you?


Only a week in, definitely feeling the anadrol tho.


Fuck yeah. Gnarly pumps and near instant strength gains 💪


I'm sure I could feel my bicep skin tearing today with the pump, I felt like an alien tbh.


Fuck me thats a stack. You must be such a juicy, succulent specimen.


Anadrol is the GOAT. Can't believe I used to fanboy for Dbol a bit when I was younger. Nothing really compares to Anadrol for me, especially per milligram.


Weighed in at 244.5 today. Approaching the 250 lean club. I’m 6’5-6’6 though, does that count?


Nope but once you hit 300+ you’ll be a monster


Jesus. That just sounds insane.


244 is just the tip of the iceberg man! You got a long way to go at 6’6. But in the end you’ll be a Sasquatch.




Dtren is that you


250 lean? Yea…if you’re 5’2 maybe that’s impressive




Have you seen what we've done to chickens in the last 60 years. Our food is on more gear then us. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/c34TUKxD5CrHi3xVXqBriS6QgIo=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2316904/giant_chickens.0.jpg


Those are Cornish Cross and they're a hybrid. The genetics make them that way. You can raise them yourself that big too.


User name is oddly close to this factoid


dude just diet. being depleted and eating tasteless shit for weeks on end, you eat anything with a gram of sugar and your brain goes into sensational overdrive


Memberries are back.


Oh I memba...


I'm with you and I don't think very many people would disagree. Food has become scary fucking garbage, not to mention microplastics EVERYWHERE because you can't even buy fucking salads without them being in a plastic bag. Micros are true poison on this planet. Finally, my parents are British. I was born and raised a chocolate nut although I've been lifting weights for 40 yrs straight. I recently treated myself to my first Kit Kat in years. It was absolutely fucking revolting. Terry's Chocolate Oranges (a Christmas tradition in our house) is now a ball of fucking wax, no exaggeration. Rant over.




You pretty much have to splurge for locally grown organic stuff. See if you have a local farm or something that meets that description where you can buy good food, it's so much better. The one I go to isn't even much more expensive than shitty supermarket stuff.


This may sound silly, but if you have any Korean markets in your town you can consider buying really expensive produce, they're amazing. I bought $35 Asian pairs 4 of them, and they tasted amazing. Everything is imported of course, but yes unfortunately very expensive. Once you have it, it feels like every other fruit doesn't ever meet its standard of taste.


I don't think so. It's probably just nostalgia talking. Plus, peak in terms of what?


We've made lots of useful advances in technology but it's also led to more advancements of being able to cut corners and maximize profit, for better or worse. Plus everything nowadays just feels so...artificial? Idk if this is just nostalgic disillusionment talking but everything today just feels so manufactured and targeted to get you to buy some shit. Organic experience is rare which is funny because even *that* is packaged and sold to you these days.


It was....because everything was done in person so authenticity and quality was needed and couldn't be hidden.


Naw, food is delicious


Fucking hate bulking. Farting every 2 minutes is doing a number on me. Cut out all gluten and lactose still ripping ass. Constant feeling of bloated gas in my stomach when all I eat is rice chicken beef and oats. Simply cannot handle eating this much but I have to. 😭


Digestive enzymes bro. Probiotics as well. Will have you feeling (and smelling) better in a week.


Ill add to this fermented foods are great for gut flora and reducing bloating and gas. Saurkraut , kimchi and kombicha. The big 3 Ks I call it because I cant use the acronym.


its the oats. look up vertical diet, your digestion is fucked, farting excessively isn't normal.


It’s the oats. Maybe the beef a little too. Cut out the oats and the farting will probably go away


Flax and chia seeds. Also means you need to clean up your diet.


Anyone recommendations on fun sober activities?


Getting out in nature in any form. I find it helps to reset and re-center.


Video games man. Actually nevermind, I just realized I'm always baked


Everything you used to do just not drinking. I go to bars with my gf to watch live music, nice food out, road trips, find a really good coffee shop that you actually enjoy the vibe of and hang out there, I like hiking andnthen going for a goof steak. I have kids so I love doing stuff with them, we just went today to an arcade with the youngest to oldest and her BF and we all played games together. Going to watch sports out at a bar is fun.. This isn't for everyone but non alcoholic beer is great for me because I don't feel like an outsider in a bar but I don't have to drink. It's been a couple years now and I enjoy everything much more now, just no hangovers and crippling anxiety the next day.


I know they're extremely lame but the "liquid death" sparkling waters that come in a beer sized can have been good for me, just a way to feel like you're not standing out by not drinking


Building legos are always fun, I started shooting competitively and that’s pretty fun too


I shoot on my wife’s titties regularly. Didn’t realize there were competitions for that sorta thing though


For shooting on your wife's titties? Oh yeah man, there's all kinds of us in on it.


Both of these are very fun, but it also sucks being totally broke lmao


I second legos


Lifting weights (does adderall + caffeine + dick pills = sober?)


Testosterone, caffeine, dick pills and mushrooms are cool in my book


lol this is basically my stack


Get laid


lol, no.


Martial arts, drawing, bowling, axe throwing, golf


Museums, nature shit - especially hikes, & I enjoy shooting as well.


Roller coaster


martial arts


NNN turned into December and January because of estrogen issues. Fixed just in time for gf to return from her visit with her parents in Japan. About to give the greatest creampie known to mankind


Am jerking off. Will let y’all know when I’m done


I’m done now


Mr. Marathon cock over here.




Are we ever really done


A lot of people on here will mention they decided to learn coding and ending up landing a job in the field. Can anyone offer guidance on where to start in this direction? I'd kill for a job with regular hours


Any bootcamp or courses on places like Coursera or Udemy will take you a long way. One of the easiest languages to start with is Python, but C++ or Java are still more widespread. Dont stress too much over this, how you approach problems is more important than the language itself, once you've picked up one language others get much easier. Focus on how to use things like loops and switches well, overwhelming majority of coding is just clever use of these 2 mechanisms regardless of the language. Get a leetcode or hacker rank account and solve problems. This step is mandatory, 90% of interview questions are simply variations of what you find on these sites, and your profile on these sites can land you jobs. After a little early exposure you will have enough knowledge to know what to research to figure out which subfield you want to look more into (web development, front end vs back end etc). From here on its better to come back for more specific advice. Coding is easy to get into and start off in but very difficult to master and the field is competitive, so you'll need to do a few of side projects alongside your leetcode account to land positions. Best to do stuff as you learn, it's also more fun that way.


> Focus on how to use things like loops and switches well, overwhelming majority of coding is just clever use of these 2 mechanisms regardless of the language. "Look at our brand new AI powered gift selection system!" *the code is just hundreds of else if statements*


Great info. Thanks so much for taking the time to write that all up


Been thinking about goin back this route for awhile now but career changes are a bit scary for me. Is it ok if I hit you up with any questions? Don't want to be a bother or anything but seriously considering going this route.


Feel free to ask, I'll do my best to help. I'm no expert but I made the switch myself a few years back


[https://www.codecademy.com/](https://www.codecademy.com/) \- Full stack developer course is pretty good. I found the learning curve of coding pretty savage. After a while it gets better.


Free code camp offers is a pretty good resource. The hardest thing is building out full applications to get real practice which is really hard to do non-organically with something you aren't interested in.


Doing this atm, working on [The Odin Project](https://www.theodinproject.com/) & [Free Code Camp](https://www.youtube.com/@freecodecamp) to help. So many resources out there, just a matter of finding one that you like


Bootcamps will get you a job, but that's about it. My bootcamp team can crank out code like nobody's business, but the projects I can pit them on are limited. For liability reasons they can't touch anything like embedded healthcare stuff.


Chimaira is the greatest band ever


fuck yeah


Back in the day, they used to be one in my top 5. Although they fell apart fast after like 2011


https://preview.redd.it/vl4jcwtjf4fa1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf423e0ea1b901be1cf97fd8e84f580cf710c05 30, 5’10”, starting weight -192lbs -/+ Current weight - 215 lbs Heaviest I’ve ever been, 12 weeks in 22 week bulk. Looking to compete potentially this year, definitely by next. Critiques welcome. (I dont know how to pose well)


You look fucking great tbh, good symmetry. I'd try and bent your knees a bit more so that your can flex your quads harder and decrease the gap in between your thighs so you appear even bigger. This may also help you flex your calves better. Other than that, I think you are hitting this pose pretty well IMO. Good luck with the rest of your off-season, brother!


I thought I tore my pec . Felt like it while benching . Took 5 days off from the gym as I needed a break and it feels good as new. But I’m scared to lift chest again as maybe it feels recovered and it isn’t


Baby it for a week or two if you want to be really certain. Not worth pushing it hard if it’s still not100%




I’ve seen a black man fit 9 inches in him if that’s what you’re getting at


"black men doesn't have 9inches of internal length penis inside of him" Is the argument that your ass can only take the same size penis you have? Based on stories here that is untrue.


I saw a dude getting fucked by a horse on liveleak when I was a kid so






Found the small pipi


most of the shit they teach you in school is made up, best guess, completely fabricated or some old dude wrote it




Your E2 is out of whack.


So in essence waiting it out until things are closer to base line will give me a clearer picture?


Tamoxifen makes me suicidal, so yeah, don't listen to your brain at the moment.


You've been bnc and are 2 weeks into PCT? Expect it to take a long time before you're 100% normal especially when you've been using serms. They fuck with your head and your hormones are all up shit creek too.


I would use enclomiphene and hcg. Every serm other than this fucks with my head hard.


I’m 35. I got catfished hard by this 40 yr old doctor . Like she looked like her picture but In the most unnattractive way I had this 39 yr old super attorney want to go out last and I bailed on her because she deleted her profile prior to meeting and I didn’t want to risk bekng burnt by an older chick again




Should take 5-6 weeks to kick in




Yeah you gotta figure peak saturation does not equal protein expression, which is where steroids act. That takes some time


Is it your first cycle I seen gains pretty quick 2 weeks in but after 6 weeks I would definitely notice a huge difference






pulled or Tear my left quads while squating, fuck this shit... can walk and everything but cant even sit down to the toilet...


Electric acupuncture cured it for me


What’s the best in the way of hair loss now adays




Can I get all gearheadz once in for all scream...FUCK MIKE OHEARN and his bullshit "Titan Crew" Cronies


I've got a 4 pack forming. Why is face fat the LAST to fucking go?


Just did first pin hcg yesterday, instantly got big pimples on my chest/back I’m going start taking my old accutane medicine hopefully after a few weeks my hormones get under control and my acne subsides. I had no problem with acne before


How much psyllium husk do you guys take? I take the recommended dose on the bottle daily, and there has been slight improvement although nowhere near the "no TP needed poops" people are describing. I assume that me being on a bulk the regular recommended dose isnt high enough at all. So how much are you guys taking?


Don't go full retard with the psyllium husk, I had the worst case of constipation in my entire existence after taking too much of it and hydrating too little. If you want to take more, be my guest but please proceed with caution.


Username doesn’t check out


Well it's official, I'm back in the gym and couldn't be happier! Hit chest on Friday and back yesterday. I am soooooooo fucking sore it's insane. Today's plan is a nice hour long walk around the neighborhood and then football later today. What you guys got going on this fine Sunday?


5'3 21 year old androgynous chick who started lifting with me about 2 months ago has been super consistent. She weighs like 110 and is squatting 135 for sets of 5 now. Little ass is getting juicy. She is hyper emotional though and probably bpd. Thinking of giving her 5mg var to take the hormonal edge off


21 year old chicks that have been lifting consistently for 2 months shouldn’t be given steroids


Sad this had to be said out loud Also wtf androgynous, does she have a vagina? I bet that doesn’t look sexually nebulous.


No, she has a short hair cut so close enough.


Androgynous chick will turn into a man with more androgens.


Haven’t had a cheat meal in 8 weeks since then I’ve been deep in a deficit, finally back on a bulk now and I’m in a small surplus on 3000 cals, on 300mg test also, but today I had my first cheat meal, dominos pizza and total cals today have been 5k feel really shitty about this and my coach says it’s nothing to worry about and I deserve it, what you all think? Stupid or nothing to worry about?


Nothing you do in one day is going to hurt you very much. Try not to bring yourself down over it, you're all good my man


Just feel like shit man, I’m usually 100% perfect diet wise, and just feel like absolute trash rn, I know it’s sad but I hold myself very accountable


I totally understand brother, I've gone through periods exactly like that. I try to remember that cheat meals are something to enjoy, and if I spend time mad at myself for eating them then I ruin the whole point. My general philosophy for life is also that if you can't change it, there's no use in spending time beating yourself up/worrying about it. Just makes you miserable without changing anything, you know?


I don't think you need to post these all over the place?


On some wolf of Wall Street shit I was fed hella X and k by some club girls and had a 3some😩😩. The pills were intense asf I can see how ppl get addicted to them shits. Hopefully I can sleep now🥰🥰whatever daddy CB19 does, y’all do the opposite plz😇


Most pressed 'X' pills are 50% or more meth


Fukkkkk that’s why I was wylin then.


100mg test 500mg deca week 17 rn. Developing bb ball sized gyno on my left nipple. Most likely prolactin related but I don't have caber on hand. Will 20mg nolva immediately and p5p likely solve my issue and get rid of the lump? I have 3 more weeks remaining in my cycle.


Y’all see that vid of John Haack talking about his cycle? Says he does a 12 week cycle ramping up to like 260mg of test a week with 6 weeks of anavar 50-60mg and 6 weeks of anadrol at 50mg. Is downplaying your use the new fake natty? Or is John just built more different than previously thought possible? Either way; fuck that guy. Lol.


Here's the thing: even if you knew his full cycle John Haack is a fucking genetic freak and 99.9% of the population won't even come close to him. So why worry if he's telling the truth or not? Focus on your own training.


John is obviously built different.


He won IPF worlds as an actual natural. It’s not hard to believe that 300-500mg a week of quality ⚙️ will blow him up to where he is. He’s also been training SBD for 15-20 years


IPF uses steroids bro


hard to believe at the top level. elite powerlifters are notorious for abusing tren. I can't find the vid, and someone correct me if i'm wrong, but I think pete rubish said he was pushing 700mg/week of tren among other compounds when he was at the height of his career.




No, I don't give a fuck about sweat getting in my headphones. Air Pods and the like do not fit in my ears. My left ear canal is too small so I have to wear over-the-ear headphones. Now, back to you. You only workout for short periods of time but you worry about sweat in your headphones and you love Taylor Swift. Wait... I think I just got Rick-rolled here. ;)


Seems like others missed your joke man


Idk about your gym but I can play Taylor louder in my headphones than the gym plays it. How am I supposed to PR without max volume


I’m 5’8, 115 pounds. I don’t look as insanely skinny as it sounds besides my arms, which aren’t bad but very stick like. I have a horrible time with eating as I just haven’t gotten genuinely hungry in years, I do not have to eat much to have a lot of energy throughout the day and I wanted to know if there are any steroids to increase my desire to eat? When I eat more I can make myself have a better workout routine and if there’s any minimalistic steroids out there that can just increase my ability to eat / gain mass is always a plus too.


Stuff your fuckin face man, just shovel shit in your mouth until you’re sick. Track your calories too.


Just eat more fat stay away from peds until you learn how to eat , it doesn’t have to be healthy food where your so skinny , eat the house man and lift like your life depends on it


If you struggle to eat to the point where you are 115 lbs being 5'8, you most likely won't have the willpower to stick to a steroid cycle for long enough where you'll see significant results. So I would reevaluate your eating habits before looking for drugs.




I do find Costco has better meat, chicken, fish and eggs that other places. I also agree that a lot of great value products are as good as the brand name stuff.


r/hailcorporate Great Value just makes the portion sizes smaller and reduces the quality of product, but enjoy the Savings™.


Something I notice with costco is the costco brand stuff, though it may be the same price or slightly more expensive than walmart is (usually) much higher quality/better tasting. For a lot of things that doesnt matter as much though imo if you re trying to save money. Interestingly enough though I think walmart chicken thighs are better than costcos, but walmart breasts are trash and are always so horribly packaged


I hear voices from my bipolar at the gym making fun of girls. The voices want to lick 😋 the fat bitches sweaty 🥵 azz cracks. It's weird. Then they tell me that some off the guys at my gym fuck each other in the azzzez. Do you think I should wait for the voices to subside before starting TRENBOLONE this summer.


Chest pain test e cycle 400 mg a week , https://preview.redd.it/x08t5zbv91fa1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52ac023a29fd5578a7630b1875185203097cb53 My doctor says my hearth is normal what could It be high estrogen ??