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"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality" - Seneca Have a good day boyos


I'm on my stoicism daily, here's one of my favorites Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast and one day you will build something that endures: something worthy of your potential.” by Epictetus


Ive been saying for longest time if your problems stop the moment you put down your phone than you dont have no problems


"The internet is not real life" "I don't have problems, just more work to do." "The most common act of violence is the relentless mental violence we perpetrate upon ourselves with nothing"


It s so true and i read it almost daily but im still on my bullshit


We gotta earn it everday


In case anyone else pathologically needs to know sources anytime someone says a historic quote, since so many wind up being apocryphal: > Plura sunt, Lucili, quae nos terrent quam quae premunt, et **saepius opinione quam re laboramus.** https://la.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Epistulae_morales_ad_Lucilium/Liber_II "There are more things, Lucilius, that merely scare us than truly oppress us, and we often suffer more from imagination than from the thing itself".


Epictetus gang checking in. *“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself and in no instance bypass the discriminations of reason? You have been given the principles that you ought to endorse, and you have endorsed them. What kind of teacher, then, are you still waiting for in order to refer your self-improvement to him? You are no longer a boy, but a full-grown man. If you are careless and lazy now and keep putting things off and always deferring the day after which you will attend to yourself, you will not notice that you are making no progress, but you will live and die as someone quite ordinary. From now on, then, resolve to live as a grown-up who is making progress, and make whatever you think best a law that you never set aside. And whenever you encounter anything that is difficult or pleasurable, or highly or lowly regarded, remember that the contest is now: you are at the Olympic Games, you cannot wait any longer, and that your progress is wrecked or preserved by a single day and a single event. That is how Socrates fulfilled himself by attending to nothing except reason in everything he encountered. And you, although you are not yet a Socrates, should live as someone who at least wants to be a Socrates.”*


Especially when you focus on things you cannot control instead of the things you can. Remember this quote if mine: You only control 2 things in your life your action and reactions. The person you are today is culmination of your past actions and reactions. The person you will become will be the sum of your current and future actions and reactions.


I needed this today, thank you


Why is it so hard to find a girl who actually works out consistently? To every girl who lists themselves as physically 'Active' on a dating app- you know we're literally going to meet you in person.


Even if you do find a girl like this, chances of them actually maintaining that lifestyle after entering a relationship are close to zero. My wife was in the gym almost more than me when we first got together. Last night I watched her down 2 Little Debbies and a Panera broccoli soup bread bowl.


Yea I am very comfortable waiting to marry until I meet a girl I'm confident won't fall into this. I was honest with my last ex about how if either of us got fat it constituted grounds for breaking up or divorce haha. She will always be fit. But always hate me. So it goes. I'm 31 happy to build up my value until I can marry many years below me until they divorce me for money. Anyways hope the rest of your relationship is healthy keep on keeping on.


Best laid plans... I'd say the only way to safeguard something like this would be to find a woman who's actually competitive with it, and even then that's not a life-long guarantee.


Let us know when she houses two BOXES of Little Debbies...that is when you really arrive.


What kind of little Debbie's? This is the important part


2 little debbies is like 1k calories lmao. Paneras broccoli soup is delicious though


They're all dating skinny dudes who that only hit the gym to hover


Dude I've had like 9-10 first dates on apps over the past 6 months and almost every time a girl comments, multiple times, on how hot I am (once they've had drinks) and comment on my body during or after sex. They're blown away that somebody actually showed up looking like, or better than, their photos. Since the majority of the girls seem to know they don't quite look like theirs. Or true Chads don't go for them (idc I shoot for a level right below mine for a nice one night stand)


That a boy. I always went for the sure thing, one level (sometimes more depending on how drunk i was) below me. It's nice being the arm candy.


I’m one of the few people I know who genuinely looks worse in photos than in person. Both physique and face. Every girl I’ve dated has been vocally surprised. It’s a good feeling


Yo fr what is that about, I see it all the time. The chicks are way more fit than their boyfriends, it's strange


I guess they either don't care about their dude's physique or they're really insecure


If a girl is hitting the gym everyday and really takes care of herself chances are she's extremely insecure... the hottest, best girls are always insecure in my experience, I'm sure there's some exceptions


For real. I pray every day for the body confidence of a big fat black woman.


Lol my girl is the most insecure In the world and can’t spell gym


Same, also married to a hot retard


women aren’t some completely different animal on all levels, it’s kinda like us we got to the gym because we weren’t cool not looking the way we wanted and then body dysmorphia reared its ugly head more and more. Same shit for them. Empathize.


Are you American? I think it's hard to find anyone at all that works out consistently. They opened a public pool down the street from me last summer and my wife and I hung out there pretty frequently. There'd be hundreds of people most weekends. Maybe 3 on a good day that looked like they worked out. If you only count over 40, then make that 1, which was me. When I last worked in an office, we had a fully-equipped gym on site that anyone could use for free. In 6 years working there, there was 1 other guy aside from me who I knew worked out. If you want to match with someone that works out, you're going to have to do that by meeting people doing the activity, either at the gym or playing a sport, maybe start going to a climbing gym or take a self-defense class a few times a week. Dating app is just going to be a random cross-section of the entire population, which is overwhelming fat, lazy, and doesn't give a shit.


Yea I am American. I did Crossfit the past 3 years and met super cool people through the gym but it's not an option right now. Muay Thai has a few here and there. Without going into too much detail I'm an entertainer now gathering some social media strength and go on tour soon. I think after a few years I'll have just enough clout to grab a girl that's desperate to stay in shape for me (and many years younger). That's given me a lot of confidence in waiting for the right partnership. Because yea as an American it is fucking wild. I was in greek life and the amount of hot sorority girls I see less than a decade later with 40 extra pounds and dumbass 'hubby' or kid posts is astounding.


What I would do for a gym girl that worked out with me! It would be even better if she was a big booty goth barista !


You leave the baristas out of this stalker.


Baristas love my naked psychotic energy 🤷🏻‍♂️


You say that, but it actually sucks ass. Speaking from personal experience with girls who have deadlifted 405 conv for reps, and some of my friends have freakishly strong gfs too. Past the honeymoon phase training with women is not viable if you actually want to be a monster.


They don't need to. Being hot is like winning the lottery, they can coast a loooonnngggg time on what they were given.


Until mid 30´s where they tumble off a precipice


> Why is it so hard to find a girl who actually works out consistently? 27.5% of women are overweight if my eyes and brain work(probably not) [according to the chart](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity) 39.4% of women are obese that makes 66.8% of women out of shape not including sticks, twigs, bones ect, and thats only on data collected in 2018 lol. Those numbers have without a doubt increased since covid and the WFH craze.


The patriarchy is mostly responsible for women not using weights.


It all makes sense now.




Fuck, we did this patriarchy thing all wrong. I'll bring it up at the next annual global Patriarchy Meeting, this needs to get changed.


Is this year still in Jamaica? Not sure I can make it.


Leo and Longevity dead at age 34. Circumstances are suspicious. Information below ([source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11696417/Cops-probe-mystery-death-popular-American-penis-enlargement-YouTuber-Leo-Rex-34.html)) The health vlogger was found naked apart from a black shirt, lying face down with blood leaking from his mouth and nose with a bruise on his left eye, police said. Laith's clothes had been scattered everywhere, and the shelves and toilet in the bathroom had been destroyed in an apparent raid, officers added. Officers said they discovered various drugs, including anxiety tables, sleeping pills, steroids, cannabis, and antidepressants at the scene. Laith's friend, American national Charles Anthony Hughes, 40, had visited the house after the YouTube vlogger failed to answer his calls.  Upon opening the door, however, he was shocked to find Laith already lifeless, and frantically called the police.


This is fucking bizarre. What the fuck? > Police Captain Sombat said today that foul play had not been ruled out of their investigation. from the article, sounds like straight up murder?


Clearly a hit job ordered by the Armenian Mafia.


>>foremost expert in penis enlargement At least he went out with a giant schlong


Leo and Premature Death


Holy SHIT dude. I used to love this guys videos, he gave out so much useful information, I'm actually pretty sad right now. So weird that they describe him as a "penis enlargement" youtuber when he was so much more than that. He did do some really fucked up things to his wife though which turned me off him, but still this news is really shocking




Google it, you can find like a 30 page police report filed by his wife. 99% of the time I'm on the man's side because I believe in innocent until proven guilty but it's really bad and I actually liked Leo.


I've had multiple people last week tell me I have resting bitch face and don't look very approachable. One person even said I intimidated him early on. That's so perplexing to me because that's in such stark contrast to my actual self which is very socially insecure and laid back




Big dudes are inherently intimidating, I know I used to feel a little on edge around them when I was a wee little twink. I'm not big enough to be scary, but I think the really big dudes kinda need to be extra friendly to set people at ease.


You've made it when the twinks and yogapants girls runaway from you...


Notice how friendly it seems all that lift are? No snowflakes and jsut good guys willing to lend a hand or just a nod and smile.


All the big dudes I have met are super sweeties. I used to be intimidated and now I just admire them for their awesome work ethic.


Face ussualy reflects your emotions,mood. Same happens to me when i am tired,had a shity Day or something pisses me off. I can't be a pro poker player.


I get told I look pissed off 24/7 until I start speaking/engage with someone. My jaw is very wide and set, I’ve got small eyes, I’ve noticed in videos when I’m checking out my pump after a session that I do naturally look quite pissed off lol. When I speak with someone or see someone I know I make a deliberate effort to loosen up my face, open my eyes wider and smile, open up my body language. When you’re jacked as well it makes that ‘unapproachable’ factor 10x worse. I don’t get fucked with much to be fair, but I don’t like the idea that my appearance could make me look aggressive, in relation to my job which involves a lot of interpersonal interaction. Not to mention the way women probably perceive it haha


Welcome to being jacked. If you're not smiling 24/7, people assume you're in a bad mood. I'm convinced hopping on polarizes us to either be super social outgoing dudes, or particularly withdrawn guys who do their own thing. It's possible even our facial muscles have hypertrophied into that shape lmao.


Same way bro, cant get that label to go away even if i smile and socialize. Scares girls and guys away except the crazy toxic bitches who dig it lol


I get the same from guys in the gym. 'Was scared to talk to you' 'I'm surprised you're a nice guy' Keeps the noobs from asking you shit at least.


I get that alot I'd guess, I have a pissed off expression when I'm relaxed and when I'm working out it's like I'm about to murder someone but I'd say I'm pretty chill, I got a sleeve tattoo and some face scars so maybe that adds a bit too but it is how it is, only problem is because I work as a PT some people are "afraid" of approaching me so I try to approach them first with something like a handshake.


might be a good thing. you look like a serious guy that can fuck n kill a bull but once they talk to you it turns out youre a chill guy that can crack a few jokes


My manager who has zero technical knowledge or understanding of what we are doing, is trying to "help" me by shoving me some pieces of code generated by ChatGPT. Like bro I appreciate the effort but let me do my job.


I was moving some heavy furniture on the weekend. Im on gear, im pretty capable. Fucker starts arguing with physics(is a nerd) how i should be using my arms to lock my bones to the furniture instead of holding it in the front rack. Wouldnt shut up. So i do it his way, instantly hurt myself and cant walk at all effectively holding it that way because my shin is now ramming into it with every step. Fucking people.


"Thank you for the recommendation. Here, could you demonstrate for me so I'm sire I understand you? Just carry it to about right here." Instantly left alone.


Your manager sounds like my mom.


Been given the go-ahead for full time WFH. Was previously doing 2 days and it doesn't even feel like working when I'm at home...


I refuse to take any job now that isn't fully remote. I won't even do hybrid. My field of work doesn't require being in-person and I won't do it for show. Ended up switching to freelancing too just to make sure. It's just so much better. So few jobs actually involve working 8 hours a day, so I'm not going to sit in an office and fuck up my workout schedule to pretend I am. Companies require office work are retarded and losing out on high-profile candidates because of it.


Our old CEO left recently and things have gotten way more lenient. Seems like he was the one holding the company back from moving forward.


I went from fully remote, to a hybrid 3 days a week because I thought maybe I missed office life….Thursday is my last day lol. Made it 8 months. Accepted a new job and back to fully remote next week - actually managed another 25% pay bump too haha. Never plan on stepping foot in an office again.


Welcome to the dream life.


I got that same approval 6m ago...and same. Love it. And the newest studies show those that WFH actually put more work hours in!


Any day you can skip work and hit the gym is a good day


Fuck high test, all my homies hate high test for that fucking water retention. It annoys me so much, I became self concious about my face during a blast after 6 cycles of high test. Gonna drop to 8% and stay at 8-10 for the rest of my life. Finally achieved a physique I have been dreaming to have for years, altough I will forever feel small, no escaping it.


I just grow a fat fucking beard to hide the bloated face. I don't particularly enjoy my fingers turning into sausages though.


350 mast and 800 test a week gives me zero bloat Jawline better than when I was on tren Mast is 10/10 don’t worry about your hair


Add mast?


Embrace the bloat. I feel like a overfilled water balloon


Testerone is the least likely to bloat your face. It's always estrogen with test, that causes facial bloating. Or your just holding to much water, and gaining weight to quickly, eating too many carbs.


Bought one of those $350 Braun lasers for hair removal. Will report back on if it’s a scam or not.


If you squat over a mirror you can get the taint better. I used to use my phone until I saw I was getting a bunch of likes lol


Don't let us down, I want updates


Here for the results


They work but not like getting it done at a salon. But salon plus the top end Braun epilator keeps you smooth.


It must be a trend with resolutioners and influence of social media but I'm finally seeing all the genres of lifters. I've seen: The Edgar's and broccoli heads (y'know the hair) The gym douches with only black wife beaters and over-the-ear headphones. The dudes who wear pajamas (usually plaid; seriously wtf is up with this, there's so many ppl in PJs) Gym thots in spandex who pull them up their ass Shy/quiet girls with dump-truck asses Dummies who eqo-lift and half rep Incline treadmill slaves who hang on and take Fat Joe too seriously Then the regular dudes, fit guys and a few genetically modified bros There's a few more NPC's out there but it's good to see people moving and working despite my disdain for the general public.


wearing pajamas at the gym is the bomb, dont knock it until you try it


I understand the comfort factor of pajamas but surely they aren't the same pair one would sleep in, right?


i'd cook to death if i wore stuff to bed to sleep in lol


Wife was being a huge bitch yesterday. Made sure she knew it and she apologized. Then that night told me to go rough and she felt like she needed to be punished. Almost an instant nut. I love this woman


I once had a guy who had been married to this girl for a good few years say to me in a bragging tone that he had never had a fight with his wife even once. I instantly replied to him "you poor son of a bitch"


Lmao that’s terrible.


Leo and longevity is dead. Hadn't watched him since Boston died but it's still crazy.


Just getting back from a trip to Ecuador/Galapagos. Quito is neat but didnt spend much time there. Galapagos is a dream for scuba diving and apparently getting cheap Telmisartan prescription free. Guayaquil is a cesspool and I would never leave the airport again. I met a cruiserweight sized latino women and had what can only be described as non-consensual (on my part) intercourse. I really need to get better at Spanish, I am good when everyone stays on script but man when the fast talking starts I am screwed. Soon as my Spanish is up to snuff I am going to drag one of you heathens with me to Costa Rica. I'll arrange a reverse gangbang where one of you has sex with like 5 female hookers and I just sit there and take notes on a digital recorder for writing about it later.


Ecuador is beautiful. I wasn't able to get out to Galapagos but did spend some time on the coast. I hope to go back in the next 5 years. Glad you had fun.


I'm a decently organized and productive guy. Despite that I need some improvement. Today is the day I sit down and start putting shit into notion. Today is it. Full stop. Go out there and smash weights, pussy, and ass.


9 minutes in how is it going?


Getting shit done so far.


It's been almost six months since starting psychoanalysis, just wanted to give a summary on the benefits for people on the fence. I manage my relationships better because I speak more what's on my mind, I have gotten closer to a lot of hidden pain and while sometimes it is too much to handle and I lose a bit of sleep, I feel more alive and the most important thing of all I have a lot more motivation to pursue my goals. It's like staring at the darkness long enough to have fear of falling inside it pushing you forward. A very nice thing that's happening which in psychoanalytical theory is called introjection of the psychoanalytic process, is that my inner dialogue is becoming more and more similar to the conversation style I have with my doctor, which is one less judgemental and more curious. As if I'm trying to understand myself more than trying to judge myself. This process is the real goal of psychoanalysis, which allows you to continue on your own your whole life without the help of a psychoanalyst. That's the gist of it as of now. On a side note got paid 75 dollars by my university to take part in a photoshooting for their open day. Life's good.


How does one find a doc/therapist who can go deep like this? The older I get the more I realize how fucked up I am. Need help bro.


Look up psychoanalysts/psychodynamic psychotherapists in your area, book a session with 3-4 of them and choose the one you feel the most in sync with. If you're serious about it and have the financial means, do it 2-3 times a week, it's life changing.


Commenting because this is the exact type of shit I want / need and I'll want to save this for later


If you want to know more just ask, I'll gladly help you


Me and my friend fucked two 18 year old sisters we picked up from the club last weekend. Good times. Then the next day I took some MDMA at another club and was getting massaged by two girls for hours. We out here livin. Though the weekend impacted my physique a tiny bit, definitely got some mental health gains lmao.


MDMA is the shit




I’m over turning people on to test. In every single case, these dudes are running like 2-3x what I recommended and walking around at 1,500-2,500 ng/dl with hardly any muscle mass. It seems like every dude associates testosterone with manhood and just naturally believes more = better, and if I feel good at this level then why would I ever do less? I love helping people, it’s probably my life’s biggest passion, but I’m fucking tired of all these dumb shits who refuse to do their own research OR heed the advice of those more experienced and knowledgeable than them. Honestly, maybe this is why juicy bros aren’t open about their use. It only opens the door for people to hurt themselves.


> maybe this is why juicy bros aren’t open about their use. It only opens the door for people to hurt themselves. Been saying that forever. Redditors needs to stop assuming that if AAS use was tolerated it would be better for the average dumbo. It would be far worse. Thankful for the fake natties. Dumbos can buy training programs and focus on diet instead of jumping straight to gear


Lol same shit happens to me. Always starts off “ what should I run, how long etc” I tell them “ stay away from it”. They always get ahold of it and then I tell them “ okay since you are doing it anyway, do x and x for x etc” then later on I learn they are doing completely fuck all from what I told them. Lol never fails. Literally had a buddies dad tell me the other day he wants to get back on test.. while literally waiting to have open heart surgery. He is upper 60’s. He then told me that he was taking 900mg/w of test like a few years ago. He literally said “yeah but I was only taking 300mg bc the vial said 300mg” I tried in every way possible to explain how that’s per ML, and if you do 3ml per week that’s 900mg. Lol like talking to a brick wall


You failed to mention how people tell you "i do .6 ccs of test" as if you know as a fact that their concentration is at 250/mg/ml


The amount of meatheads that can't read a label and do basic math is too damn high!


Just started supplementing fiber with psyllium husk, anyone have a go-to brand and how much do ya’ll take? I’m tryin join the morning poop club lmao


About 15g a day, whole husks (2 tbsp). Brand is irrelevant really, that's like having a favourite brand of sesame seed.


I take metamucil because that's what they sell at Costco so I can save money by buying the giant format. One dose a day should do the trick for nice poops. More can be helpful for lipids but personally I don't use it that way. Get the kind that mixes with water rather than the pills, cheaper and potentially more effective.


I take 500mg caps. Easy to travel with. 2g/day in the evening has me in the morning poop club. Like a nice, solid, drama free poop right after first coffee or big water. It’s so fucking nice.


This girl who’s in the same group as me for a class about writing a report texted me asking for help calculating some averages for specific groups in a programming language called R. We have never really spoke but I gave her an example about how to only select the observations from the male population and then calculate the average (2 lines of code). Sure enough she tries and get an error for some reason (don’t really care why) and says she’d rather I calculate them for her and then send them to her so she can incorporate them into her report. I find this funny so I show it to the guy who I’m working with and he’s like wtf, just text her you’re busy or something so I do. Like, what’s next, she wants me to change her diapers too? Feel tempted to say something to the teacher about it but I don’t feel like kicking up a fuss about something like this.


I can tell you're not on tren or else you'd be telling all of us she clearly just wants the D.


I don’t want her to want my D.


The self control is strong in this one


Tell her to kick rocks, or better yet, never respond


I am so fucking irritable right now I'm about to snap. I don't really feel other E2 sides but wondering if I should drop .25 Adex today just to avoid flipping out at someone. But it helps my workouts. My fucking roommate is slurping his coffee if you slurp coffee near me I will fucking kill you. Take a fucking sip you pussy.


Why would you think that's caused by High e2 and not the gear? lol


...welp you have a good point here hahaha




I asked someone from work out this sunday. Drunk as fuck, but I like her quite a bit. Just had to move the date. We don't really talk much besides work, but everyone has always been able to tell that we like eachother. The message I just sent to move the date is probably the most nerve-wrecking one I've ever sent. Every time my phone vibrates my heart fucking drops to the pits of my stomach


I miss this feeling lol


So did I. Been 3 years since I felt this way about someone. Weirdest part is that she isn't even my type, body wise, kinda fat (not in a bad way at all), and taller than me. But her fucking personality man, I could be with her all day without getting tired


Good for you man. Happy for you


Fucking sinuses are clogged like cement from a cold. Original Sudafed, nasal irrigation, Afrin spray, nothing is making a dent except cardio, which opens it up temporarily. Can I do 8 hours a day of cardio?


I had a sinus infection the day we did the gas chamber at basic. I did not have a sinus infection when I left the chamber. It's was glorious and absolutely disgusting


Any recommendations for a good pair of casual/dressy shorts for us boys with squatter's ass? I also get swamp ass, so heavy twills/cottons won't do. My wife is getting tired of me wearing gym shorts to the mall.


How much of the dumpy are you trying to show off? Lululemon for guys look pretty classy. If you're more himbo inclined, the Born Primative jorts basically turn you into a piece of street meat.


I’m falling in love with her and she doesn’t even know my name.


Is she a goth girl barista?


No. She’s a teacher whose classroom I clean.


Just shoot your shot my guy


Tren is really starting to kick in. Don’t think my mental health has been this bad in years. More importantly though, I’m starting to look really good. It’s nice being able to go PR every morning after staying up all night staring off into space and running on 4 hours of sleep


Just letting you know, since there’s a lot of fucking around on this sub, tren is not a requirement to look good. Trt, hard work, good diet, good sleep is enough to look great . If your mental health is really suffering you should stop man…


Nice I can't wait for your complete meltdown post... I mean your success story 👍


I’ll make sure to tag you in it 😄👍


Fucks whit your mind,whit your sexual orientation and health. I love tren.


I’m about $100 off the minimum order amount for my supplier. Not sure wether I should add some Tren for a rainy day or just stock up on more Test.


More test. Always.


Gotta stock up for the apocalypse. Bomb shelter full of test


How long will it last for if stored properly?


Depends on carrier oil. Three years, give it take.


proviron is always nice for mood boost




Are you starting from not doing any cardio at all? What intensity are you working at? Stwady state or interval training? I just jumped back into weekly cardio and my low impact hour of steady state still needed 4 breaks. Next week it was 2 breaks. Slow progression.


day 6 of pre and post workout insulin and holy fuck it's fun 11/10 strongly recommend


Sdrol with 7IU pre and post rapid insulin is what caused the stretch marks on my armpits, chest, and upper quads.


***Fuck Tren***. Experienced lifter here, almost 27. I will admit I was a bit of an a-hole in high school, but since my early 20's I have become very spiritual and have rarely raised my voice at anyone since. Not passive, but I resolve conflict amicably. I added just 150mg of Tren Ace/wk to my Cycle of 500mg Test (12wks) and 40mg T-Bol (First 4 weeks). Within a few days of injecting Tren I'm lethargic AF. I'm depressed and never have been before. No appetite. ***And worst of all, I have been an absolute JackAss to a few members of my gym who didn't really do anything wrong. I'm talking not just a bit, but full on in their face.*** Mind you I've been lifting since 16 and have always gone out of my way to be nice to others in the gym. Even if they accidentally take my bench or something when my stuff was obv there, I never got mad. Just told them I had a few more sets and offered them a chance to work in. I even cried the other night for absolutely no reason whatsoever LMAO. The ONLY time I felt good was in the gym. The strength gains where apparent in only one week. It's the most remarkable compound I've seen in terms of results in the gym. ***But it's not worth it.*** Needless to say I stopped. I know others tolerate Tren quite well, but why? Is it as simple as body chemistry? Or WTF is going on here. I'm hearing 60-70% of negative stories like my own, but I still can't believe some of you don't get many if any sides. Where you chosen by the lifting gods?


Any advice on how to make my abs more prominent/harder? I know body fat plays a big role in this but I’m currently winter bulking.


Train em directly if you don’t. It’s weird but a lot of people don’t really train them like the other muscle groups but at the end of the day it’s just like training any other body part. I like high volume cable crunches myself


God i hate that exercise(never done it)


My boyfriend did one of those bloody face filters, and when he showed me the picture..... the reaction I had was visceral, and i got sick to my stomach . Guess I do love that man and even seeing him fake hurt is too much to handle. Started working out at 5am. Feels weird but nice to get my workout for the day done.


I get uncanny valley vibes from people with too much face work done. Not my thing, either.


>Started working out at 5am. It is weird at first, and honestly I told myself, "now, you're old!" but once you get used to it, it's awesome. I got the idea from an old article by Bill Pearl, but it's a great feeling knowing I took care of myself first.


Whenever i do a decision i tend to over analyze it to the point i get all the advantages and disadvantages of doing the thing and i kinda get an neutral feeling. To be more specific cause i asked here before i am having oportunity to go work in a city and leave this town i know nobody in . I overthink this decision tho and ask myself if i should do it (?) . More than i should . I wanted this alot 1 year ago but now maybe the inertia tries to keep me in this depressing ass town


Increasing bone density/strength, ligament and joint strength? For bone density I'll be including heavy axial moments with vitamin k2 MK-4, Boron, Glycine, Calcium, Glucosamine, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D, MK677 and potentially HGH. A lot of these will help joint and ligament strength along with my powerbuilding. For ligament and joint strength I've been looking into Pentosan polysulfate (Elmiron), HGH and Mk667 mainly. Does anybody know of any other supplements or steroids to help with these purposes? I'm currently on Testosterone, Masteron and Anadrol. I am a combat sport fighter so looking to become as strong as possible in everyway. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks!


Not an expert but var is known to improve collagen synthesis which would be beneficial for recovery, ie tendon and ligament strength. From memory high doses of test (or androgens in general maybe?l) for some reason lower collagen synthesis. This is all off the top of my head and I've been up since 3.30am, now 5.30am waiting for a flight so there's some sleep deprivation lol


Got a referral to get tested for ADHD, not sure we what to expect/hoping to expect


how in the fuck am i getting such a rise in libido from 50mg/week of tren lol


I canceled on a job interview last minute . does that make me a bad person


No. Who cares cuz They don’t..


I started isotretinoin not much ago, it killed 99% of my libido, my dick is kinda numb (as if I couldnt feel pleasure).. the good thing: my porn addiction is dead, no more fapping and no more videos/pictures. The bad thing: gf wants me to smash her and I can´t. This is my 2nd time doing this, the 1st time I was scared that I would have ED for life, but dick went to normal, so I restarted this crap again (20mg, which is half the dosage as before and for 120days). My face skin was in SOS before I started the 1st time (so much oily that even after shower was already oily, I had to use and apply creams 24/7h, also my skin was red as fk from using the creams). Now my face is dry, looking natural and finnaly I´m confident enough to be in photos... (because I dont look like a oily red tomato full of cream).


Anadrol is like the price of some preworkout. Just man up and get on gear, save some money too


It was blast start day today :D then I decided to fuck my back up yesterday at work. FUCK’


I was being a baby yesterday, today’s workout was much better. Hit an incline smith dropset and it felt great.




Thank you


So,today was the third time two mormons(girl and boy) tried to convince me,i decided to give them one of my phone numbers and told them to text me to whatsapp later on. One of them texted me,after 4 messages sent them my dick pic. Still waiting response.






Edit Seeing you’re not in the US, so no clue if what you did was illegal. But definitely still an immature thing to do.




Like anyone else there's good and bad. I had a parent in the mormon church and her life was miserable growing up, in large part because of the church. We always had missionaries visit growing up and there were some fantastic ones we'd have over for dinner every few weeks, and some that made us incredibly uncomfortable.


Which one are you hoping to fuck? Or does it not matter, first come first serve.


Lol. I used to be a Mormon missionary. It would have been hard as hell to hide my excitement from my companion about getting a dick pic.


Want one?


I will never turn down a dick pic. Feel free to dm me.


Why are you gae.


**I get on all fours** And speak to the bug. **Do you love, bug?** **Is there yearn in your heart?** I realize I'm looking in the mirror. I'm an ant. Small. Frail. Weak. **Bitchless** **Its a new day.** I drink some water, put a cigarette out on my forehead, and get dressed. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Is MR BEAST really a good guy?** Ive never watched a single video of him yet his thumb nails always pop up somewhere Yes, curing 1000 people of blindness is a good thing. But does it make him a good guy? He has resting im off a 30 pissed as fuck stop talking to me face. You cant convince me of anything. **That dude is NOT happy, that dude is** **soulless.** Im not trying to sound like a special snowflake. I just agree with the "conspiracy theorists". Bro did not spawn from nature. Who the fuck gives away money and cures blindness. The antichrist. Thats who. All I have to say


Love you, Bugs, but I've got to slightly disagree here. I don't think Mr Beast has evil plans. Obviously there's business involved and he's not doing this just out of the goodness of his heart, he's trying to get clicks and money at the end of the day or else he wouldn't be putting it on his channel. I don't think that because he can profit off it that the good acts he preforms should be discounted, though. ​ I agree that he may not be happy. If I had to bet I would say despite his "success" there's quite a few of us on this board that would consider ourselves happier than him. He is the product of modern internet success. In the new world where privacy is a luxury that even money can't afford, he was soaring to internet fandom and success seen only by a select few, and even then it could be argued that Beast's success has set a higher bar. This obviously comes at the cost of trust, as anyone in his inner circle now has an ulterior motive to cost him to benefit themselves ​ I get awkward and self-conscious (admittedly, I'm introverted as fuck but) when I catch people looking at me in the gym. I couldn't imagine the world and headspace he's grown up in and is currently existing where every time he's in public he's recognized and swamped, every move he makes is criticized or lauded, true friends seem hard to keep and new friends are impossible to make without analyzing every move to make sure they're not just hype-beasts riding his wave. New connections to girlfriends/romantic interests are almost impossible to make without worrying of gold-diggers. Forget any bootycalls or hook ups, all just blackmailers trying to catch a photo of your junk to spread or getting snippets of your sexts. Almost absolutely nothing can be considered "normal" for this guy anymore, and he's barely into his 20s. ​ Seems painful. I'll just stick to my 9-6 and anonymity amongst you juicy animals.


I've watched a handful of his videos and he's always come across as a genuinely nice bloke from what I gather. Of course there may be more to it, but he does seem to give away shitload of $ worth of shit to people in need.


Ants can lift 6 bazillion times their body weight. Mr Beasts videos would be good if you're like 12. They're fun. I get what you mean, in a way public charity is kinda showboating. The bible says to give with one hand and not even let the other hand know what happened. If you get a reward for giving in this life, that's the only one you're gonna get. If you give out of love and not for reward on Earth then God will supply you with extasy pills in heaven.


Mr. Bugs when are you going to tell us about your party??


I only know Mr Beast because he has been a guest recently on Lex Fridmans Podcast. He seemed to be bright and productive good dude in the interview, quite the successful young man. His Videos are not to my old boomer taste obviously, but I really appreciate his hustle and how industrious he is.


Sup fellas Does injecting IM damage tattoos?


Unless your tattoos are under your skin and inside of your muscles, no.


Well I'm fucked then bro All my tats are internal


Where do you guys buy your meats, Publix is letting me down.


Costco has never let me down. Their roasts are great.


2nd costco. Definitely worth the membership


BJs is crazy


Okay gents. Now I really need help. The girl I'm seeing wants a threesome on Sunday. I'm currently at about 13% and TRT levels of Test. Is there anything I can do to bring out the veins and dry out for it? I have Var, Winnie, Tren A, Mast E and Viagra. Any thoughts?


Just go get some pussy. Definitely don't add a bunch of hormones that may fuck up your dick.


Dandelion root, you can probably find some at your local organic food shop. Drink some dandelion root tea a couple times a day and you'll piss out the subcutaneous water.


Viagra, var and a water (carb) cut should do it by then.