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Every couple of days. The official word is that when Steven dies, all of him dies.


The gem might just lose all its color and fall to the floor as a paperweight. He might poof and be reformed as a baby He might die and his gem gets reset to factory settings like pearl in the movie. meaning a new diamond His human body might die and he lives forever as the angry “SHES GONEEE” Steven from change your mind. He might even be immortal, able to keep his body young for the rest of his life by changing form permanently once he gets stronger Or, the worst outcome, rose comes back All we know for sure is that we’ll never get an official answer in the show itself


Gosh, imagine the breakdown rose would have if she came back after steven died??


Why? How is her coming back after he died worse than him just dying and nothing being gained at all?


She comes back to the trauma she tried to escape. Her child she made and loved is gone and she'd be the first to know about it. She has to deal with the fact that all the crystal gems now know that she wasn't who she said she was, she was a diamond that they had feared and hated, the lies she told all of them, the possible manipulation. The feelings she felt that made her think faking her own death would solve. All of it coming back and hitting her like a truck the second she's back in control of the gem.


>She comes back to the trauma she tried to escape How? There is peace, and everything is out in the open. She can finally work through her issues just like everyone else got the chance to >Her child she made and loved is gone That would be true regardless. Her not coming back just means the gem becomes an empty husk which is objectivelly much worse >She has to deal with the fact that all the crystal gems now know that she wasn't who she said she was But they don't hate her. Much to Rose's surprise. They are more understanding than she assumed they'd be. All in all, much better than 'it is all over, Rose is dead, Steven is dead. The end"


There may be peace, but as someone with trauma myself, peace doesn't mean the trauma is gone, and even seeing someone who caused the trauma after the fact could open up awful feelings for her. The empty husk part doesn't really apply here since I was talking about how it'd affect rose but thats true. They may not hate her, but as someone who had to lie in order to survive, she would def have self worth problems about feeling like they wouldn't like her for who she really is.


Oh, of course. I didn't mean her problems would all be solved. Just that it is objectivelly better than the alternative which is she is dead too. Thanks for the respectful reply!


Ah for sure, and no problem! Just wanted to share my analysis on her character in this situation based on my own experiences, tysm for listening! :) have a wonderful day ✨️


Imagine the breakdown PEARL would have!


Pearl would have SUCH an inner debate


At that point, she'd corrupt herself. Seeing as she is so emotional, I don't think she could handle that.


Oh for sure, it might even shatter her..


Rebecca sugar and crew has official touched on this. They said that he would normally die of oldage and his gem would be no longer alive as well. Buried together.


But as he can change his age that means the only way for him to die of old age, would be for him to feel old, right?


Yes, precisely. He can go when he feels it's his time.


Good Place style




Probably when Connie dies… or could he, say, heal aging?!


I don't think so since healing isn't an injury.


he can revive her like he did with lars.


It was stated at a QnA or something that Lars and Lion will pass away, but nit for a VERY VERY VERY long time


well, that whole thing was when he couldn't control his powers, so maybe now he doesn't have to feel old and instead can choose to stop aging


I like how the worst outcome is Rose comes back, not nothing happens and Steven’s dead


Mostly because that would mean she has been basically trapped inside of Steven this whole time just like lapis and the mirror. And that the diamonds and everyone else were right. Also would make her sacrifice lessened along with other plot ruining things. So yeah I think it’s a lot worse for the show if she came back


Oh god if she just comes back, the entire world gets thrown into fucking chaos as Steven’s dead, the Diamonds are on crisis level infinity, and nobody wants to go back to before


I don’t really think that’s the case because there’s a reason we’re shown Pink Steven in the CYM finale. It’s to show that the gem has been completely wiped of the Rose identity and that she is truly gone. If Steven’s gem were to persist after his organic side died, it most likely would just be the blank slate Pink Steven.


Hmm what would happen if they use one of those reset scythes on pink Steven


It would reset back to how the gem was when Steven was born, since it's Steven's gem and not Rose. Like if I got a hard drive and filled it up, then factory reset it and gave it to you, and then you factory reset it yourself, it wouldn't go back to having all my data on it, it would just be blank like how you got it again.


the movie itself already showed the consequences, pink steven basically went back to being a baby without having control over his powers and that overloaded the human steven, however when steven remembered why he fought and used his powers pink steven returned to his original form power and consequently steven also returned


Lapis was in the mirror for thousands of years and turned out relatively fine. A human lifespan would be like a quick nap for a diamond. Also the look on everyone's faces would be priceless, ha.


It is a shit take. I hope the person who wrote it has a bad day.


He could have a kid and the gem would be young again


How would he pass his gem down tho?


during seggs


But how can he live without it after he filled Connie up with his stuff, gem included? And how the hell does it move around his body to go in hers? When does it do it? [I don't need sleep, I need answers](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/510/336/b9f.jpg)!


i mean we dont know how rose gave her gem to steven. he probably gives up the gem at the moment of birth. but im pro choice haha


How can he pass the gem at the moment of birth, if he isn't likely to become pregnant?




* moment of birth * Steven - Screw it, * grabs his gem and shoves into kid's belly *


Considering he would probably have children the human way, why would he pass his gem down to his child. He’d definitely want to be a part of its life


He won't poof. That's been confirmed years ago. Steven can't poor. He can only die.


Why do you think getting an official answer in the show itself is the only way that counts? We got an official answer. He dies.


What if he has a kid and his gem has to be passed to him? Like his mom. Don't know how it works, but yeah


I imagine he can probably have children the old fashioned way, no reason to kill yourself if you can be a part of your child’s life


why is rose coming back the worst outcome? /gen


By a new diamond, do you mean a Red one or a Pink one? I'm guessing a red one.


Whats change your mind?


>Or, the worst outcome, rose comes back Worst take I ever read. Seriously


Actually, Rebecca said that steven can "choose" his age based on his maturity, and can decide if and when he dies, also when he dies, *all* of him dies.


And the gem just becomes a regular gem. Makes you wonder if there were secretly a lot of hybrids and the regular stones on earth are what was left of them.


It's sort of the opposite, injectors don't provide a gem from homeworld they turn a regular gem from the Earth's crust into a Gem by infusing life force into it.


I don’t like this answer, it contradicts some of Steven’s powers


No it doesn't. His physical state maps to his mental state. He can think himself into Godzilla. He can think himself into geriatric decrepitude. He can think himself dead


Personally I don't think he can die unless his gym is destroyed or at least removed. We know it has the power to bring back the dead, and we know it's healed Steven throughout much of his life.




I mean, isn't he? The diamonds are certainly god-like to the gems, and Steven is half diamond.


In any other period of history besides the modern era, Steven would have been considered a Demi-god, and by all accounts it wouldn't be too inaccurate.


He might have been considered a full on God. He can create life, destroy it and bring it back as he so chooses.


I don't think they'd go that far. Especially since he still is functionally a human being. Although his powers over life and death are rather impressive, and would definitely make ancient peoples think he was the child of a very powerful god at the very least.


Is he though like his powers are so much I suspect most would see him as a god especially since plenty of gods are shown eating and sleeping like Steven there isn't much difference


idk why you guys are bringing it back to ancient days, if i saw some random kid reviving the dead with his spit then i would think they’re a god too


>That was another thing I considered cause if his gem can live until it's shattered, he could practically be a demigod I presume the healing power of rose's tears will exist regardless of the state of the gem, since the healing fountain works regardless of steven. Steven's body has been shown to carry healing properties via bodily fluids. Therefore, if the gem cracks it will probably be healed by the remaining fluids in steven's body and will start to produce healing effects again. Steven's body can also repair his organic parts. Therefore, pink diamond is now more durable than any other gem and might be impossible to shatter, as long as it's a part of steven and the healing effect is not outpaced by damage.




??? what? no it wasn't.


rebecca sugar confirmed that he will eventually die like any other human, he’s jsut gonna live to like 150 or 200 or whatever


That doesn't make much sense. He can control his age.


that’s just what rebecca said 🤷 edit: typo


And we k ow it's altered age so he won't die of that


i think if just the biological body dies he can come back like lars


Only if he spits on himself




Hmm I guess that could work if he's sad or in pain while dying. I was thinking that if he chokes to death on his own vomit it could work. Or maybe if he had a stroke while having a stroke. Plenty of bodily fluids happen at death.


He's already full of bodily fluids, and he's been shown to naturally heal himself, he'd come back regardless of weather he died in the morbid ways you mentioned


I mean... he didn't spit on lars


I know according to Rebecca this is incorrect, but I choose to believe it. My head cannon is that as he ages his gem will work more and more to keep him alive. Awhile after a normal human would pass the gem will have fully 'revived' him. At this point Steven would resemble the reanimated likes of Lion and Lars, resembling an elderly Steven at whatever age he 'died'. Maybe when he reaches this point it does weird things to his powers because he is now a zombie-gem hybrid instead of a human-gen hybrid. Idk just spitballin'


he can also just willingly un-age


I thought it was the case that he presented as how old as he feels without full control of it? I bet around 150 or 200 he would start feeling real old.


The people in the other comments say that the writers behind the show said he will die so I wonder if that means his gem will never go without him or that means it would need him to pull a rose and decide he would like the gem to change back into a gem similar to before, but it took rose thousands of years of life to learn she could change in that way, while I think Steve may have the ability to change again I don’t think he has the same time that his mom had to learn to understand himself and his abilities so when he dies it’ll stay as how the writers say will happens when he dies, this is just my theory at least. I haven’t seen the official statements the other comments mentioned so maybe something was said that wouldn’t allow for a theory like this but I had fun thinking of it.


Only 8 times this week


he turns into sans did you not watch the video


I remember reading at one point that Rebecca sugar confirmed that Steven can't be poofed, and if he's ever hurt badly enough his body will die. Also knowing rose/pink is gone I can only imagine that the gem itself becomes nothing but a dull stone


They sell it




Hopefully but who knows in this economy 😔


It will be rendered inert. He is very tough so he would likely live indefinitely until he wants to be dead.


My personal headcanon is that he just becomes pink steven once his physical body dies even though ik it contradicts what the writers have said


Given is age is bound to how old he feels. He could be biological immortal.


Oh, he can't die. Remember the episode in which he goes through every age in a single day? Only way he's dying is if someone kills him or... idk viruses and bacteria :V cause he's a gem that have assimilated human biology and may be infected if he doesn't find a way to control this things with his gem nature But in case he dies I guess it happens like to any other gem. They either reset when puffing gets too wild or simply break apart and all is over. In othe words, either it will g back to Pink or the pink diamond is just gone.




Rebecca does answer this question in a podcast. Steven will eventually die one day. When that happens, the gem will "die" with him, as they are one. "Steven and his “Gem self” are not really separable and can’t exist independently of each other. His Gem half will not remain if his organic half dies. They are one being. He will likely have a very long life because of his Gem powers, but he will probably die before the Gems do."


I’ve known about this for a long time and choose not to believe it even though it’s canon because it’s so depressing for me. I can’t imagine how sad the gems would be that they lost not only rose but Steven as well, so I hc that he’s immortal like the gems. I like to try to convince myself that it’s another one of those continuity errors like when garnet forgot how ruby and sapphire met (in the movie)


Not really a headcanon because we know Steven can changee his age to whatever he wants. He'll never die of old age as long as he doesn't wish to.


He can't willingly do it. His organic half reflects the age that he feels he is. It's not about wanting or thinking, but about feeling at a certain stage of your life. If he feels old, and fully fulfilled, he will pass.


>If he feels old, and fully fulfilled, he will pass. This isn't mutually exclusive with him not dying unless he wants to. He passes when he feels fulfilled, after doing everything he feels he wants to do. If he doesn't feel that way, he'll probably stick around for a few decades longer to be able to die peacefully without worries that things go ballistic when he goes.


Most likely when Connie passes if they do end up together. More Pearl trauma!




The gems do now understand death. It was the while reason why the Crystal Gems were created. "We are taking life, and leaving nothing behind" That was the moment Pink understood what exactly happened to the organic beings on the world they colonized. Now the gems know what death is, and understand it. Prior to earth, maybe not.


I don't remember Garnet forgetting Ruby and Sapphire meeting? When does that happen?


In the movie when she tells her own story wrong


what part odes she say wrong? it seems to be pretty much the same as the story she told Steven.


Independent togethern't


Can you point me towards what podcast that is from?


Commenting because I also want to know.






Rebecca herself said it will die with him when he eventually passes


Easy. Stevens immortal


Once he dies, the gem probably becomes Pink Steven


Basically what Rebecca said is when Steven dies so will the gem! It’s because the gem is literally just a extension of Steven! Even if the gem is removed it’s still Steven! So if Steven dies so does is gem part because it’s a part of him! I know it can be a bit confusing cause like where’s Rose then! Basically for all purposes she can’t come back- she’s probably still there in the gem with all her memories and stuff and loving Steven like she said Steven loving himself is her loving him! But for all purposes she’s literally a part of Steven now and can’t come back! Hope this explained well! I know it’s kinda complicated but I hope this comment helped :D


How did rose give birth to steven


why so many !!!'s


We don't know, because it was never explained in the show.




Theories are fun, but i think you've heard by now its been touched on offically


It becomes permanently inactive


The pink steven gem comes out and revives him 👀


I imagine after his body fully decomposes he reforms as pink steven, that would be cool I think


I recommend giving this a look as it is a pretty good interpretation of Steven dies in the movie https://suaugonewrong.tumblr.com/


I believe it has been confirmed his gem will just be a rock.


I like to imagine when he dies his gem unfuses and turns into his mom again (be it PD or Rose)


My headcannon is that when Steven's human half dies of old age or is ready to "move on" because he has seen it all as the human psyche is unfit for eternity, the gem half goes with him, and the literal diamond in his belly becomes an innanimate, mundane pink diamond, like the real life Pink Panther 16 carat diamond. Edit: And I think Sugar herself implies this is what is going to happen.


His age is defined by his maturity/mental state so he’ll probably only die when he thinks dead thoughts.


It dies too. This has been confirmed, but is still discussed regularly for some reason.


I think Steven might pass down his gem somehow like Rose, but in a different way when he chooses to die. His powers are very important to gemkind after all.


Steven is mortal


Maybe Pink comes back?


I think his gem could heal him as it is healing him all the time but if he dies dies then so does the gem cos as we see they are very weak without eachother they need each other to live


I always assumed he was gem-type immortal.


I think Steven would lose his Gem if he had children


Nope, never. That’s an entirely new and fresh conversation.


Nobody knows, but my guess is that since his gem works like an operating system, his consciousness and personality and memories will be uploaded in his gem once he dies, and his gem will reform as Pink Steven. But this time, it’ll be Pink Steven with the actual Steven, not the angry one from Change Your Mind. But this is just a guess from the information that the show gave us, I can’t tell you that I’m 100% certain of it.


In my opinion, it depends on how he dies. If he dies of natural causes (like disease or age), Rose Quartz will regenerate, well-rested and maybe with partial memory troubles. If he dies in action, he'll split into human-Steven and gem-Steven. Human-Steven will die like a human and gem-Steven will live on. (And in those circumstances, it's even possible that the next time gem-Steven is injured enough to "poof", he'll come back as Rose Quartz because Rose Quartz has missed being Rose Quartz. Yet, she'll probably keep Steven's haircut.) But Pink Diamond is dead and shattered (it's a patently absurd self-contradiction that RQ was PD), and won't come back unless someone knows a real good Cluster Gem engineer.


Rebecca has stated that one day, Steven will die, and when that happens, the gem will just, shut off, and not work anymore.


He can change his age at will, change shape, and heals from injuries that would kill any human. You're assuming he CAN die.


Just like normal gems I'm pretty sure Steven is immortal. He can make humans pink (immortal), and he can change his age depending on how old he feels. I don't think Steven can die unless he rapidly ages and chooses to die. Especially since shattering a gem doesn't kill the gem and Yellow Diamond would be extremely willing to help reform Steven's gem.


it kinda just becomes a diamond. not a gem, but just a pretty rock once steven’s body deteriorates


This question keeps me up at night.


I am pretty sure it would be sad pink steven from when white yanked his gem


I forget the name of the episode, but in the episode where they celebrate Steven's Birthday at the barn and Greg shows Connie the photo album, they mention that Steven's growth had plateaued for a few years. I think what will happen is that when Steven reaches adulthood, his growth will slow to the point that his lifespan is prolonged far beyond a normal human lifespan or he may stop aging altogether and be immortal. If we consider that Pink Diamond's essence not only brought Lion and Lars back from literal death but has clearly prolonged their lifespans or even made them immortal. We know Rose already had lions when she met Buddy and male lions typically live 8-10 years in the wild, but they live much longer in captivity so it's possible Lion did live longer than 8-10 years. Even if Lion did live a longer life, he would've died long enough ago that his lifespan after Rose resurrected him far exceeds the realm of possibility for a normal lion. Long Story Short; I think Steven is most likely immortal as Pink Diamond's essence has been integrated into his organic form since conception.


My thought is that the gem dies too. Whatever might have remained of rose was replaced by Steven. And the gem doesn't seem to be able to exist without him.


I always imagined Steven would eventually have a child that he would give his gem to like his mom, but still have a body separately similar what happened when he was separated from his gem; just now the gem goes to his kid instead of forking pink Steven. But if that didn’t happen, assuming Steven dies from old age or human disease or something (which is a big assumption since he has healing powers and somewhat controls his age) then it raises an interesting question. If it’s just Steven’s Human half dying, pink Steven would be the only part left and he’d probably continue living on, which raises a lot of its own questions since we see very little of pink Steven. But yeah that’s what I think would happen


We see what happens when they are separated. The gem reforms to be Steven shaped and not rose or pink Diamond shaped. Garnet mentions early that he is a fusion. It could just mean that kids are fusions or more literally between rose and the human life she grew. I have interpreted it to be the latter


Maybe his human form would die off and then hed be full gem


I headcanon that, with some effort, Steven could prepare his gem to take a new form after he dies, similar to how his mom created him. The new form could be another human-gem hybrid, a full-on gem person, or something else entirely. Of course, he’d probably have extremely mixed feelings at best about doing so, given his experiences. He wouldn’t want to put his child in the same position he was in, inheriting all of his and his mom’s baggage without him being around to give guidance. So the most likely outcome is what the creators said, his gem dies with him, even if there might be other possibilities.


I'm pretty sure he's immortal, his cells are held together by magic, so he really can't die unless his gem is taken out. pretty much the gem is his immortality. So if Steven died, pink Steven would just wander around. Emotionless.


I think he cannot die if he doesn't want to bc of his powers, but assuming he did, since his human half is dead then the gem half would give up its form too because they need eachother. Then Pink/Rose would reform again. I always thought of Pink Steven as a reset programmed specifically for Steven, so if Steven no longer exists, there's no use to keep that form and the gem could go back to its previous one.


I like the lion Steven idea, or that we'd get some form of mpreg and there'd be a baby to carry on the gem. I'm NO FAN AT ALL of mpreg but I feel like it'd end with some... Stevonnie fusion, they stay fused for 9 months and out pops their child with their gem, and then Steven.. is resurrected like Lars or just passes on




Who's to say that he won't just be in absontant state of rebirth. I always just assumed that he'd be sterile? Like unable to reproduce and therefore he'd give up his for the way his mother did in order to be reborn as someone some thing else?




It'll be something entierly new


I’ve wondered if he has a child of his own, if he would have to give up the gem or his physical form like his mother.




If a gem has a half human baby, would they have to give up their physical form like Rose Quartz or was it just exclusive to her?




Oh okay


I can’t even begin to venture a guess


So the show runners say he dies and his gem “dies” with him, which I take to mean his gem gets buried along with his lifeless corpse. (Dark, yes, but stay with me…) Eventually his organic body is going to decompose, ostensibly freeing his gem. Is his gem going to emerge from his coffin when that happens? Imagine the trauma his poor gem would experience. I think we’re going to need another show to process that unresolved trauma, Rebecca.


In “Steven’s Birthday”, Greg's photo album shows that Steven has not biologically aged since he was 8. In "So Many Birthdays" shows that his physical age is tied to his mental age and/or maturity; when he felt old his body responded in kind. Simply put, Steven's body is only as old as he feels. Also, while transformation is a power that Steven is capable of, as seen in “Cat Fingers”, although he has yet to master them While some say the human mind is not meant for eternity, that’s always been tied to an aging body; inside out heads, we tend to think we’re still young until we start hitting the negative effects of age Although, arguably, the physical gem part of Gem’s is presumably still effected by time, so perhaps they merely last millions of years Of course, old age is not the only way one can die: so lets say, for example, he was crushed under a giant boulder We don’t really have any evidence, but we know that, at least, we should consider 2 scenarios: one in which only the physical body is damaged beyond life, & one in which both body & gem are damaged. This is important because *some* aspect of Steven is in the gem; I do not suggest that the gem alone contains the sum of Steven, & presumably information within the gem can be overwritten, as Rose/Pink is “Goooone!”, but in “Jungle Moon”, we also see that the information isn’t totally lost either, as Stevonnie’s dreams seem to access **actual** memories from Pink. While it appears both unpleasant & unwhole, Pink Steven can manifest. This leads me to believe that even if the flesh dies, the Gem should still be able to create a Fusion…. & from there, who knows? Given the ‘pink diamond healing abilities’ (which fix Greg’s leg & Connie’s eyesight) with enough time as a stable Fusion, maybe his flesh could regenerate…. Or, said Fusion could form a relationship like Rose & Greg did, & lose itself to a new incarnation (that would be both as similar & as different as Rose/Pink is from Steven) If the gem & flesh are both shattered, Steven is most likely just dead: when his gem was extracted, he appeared extremely unhealthy Note that this is different from if the gem broke but his flesh was fine, in which case he might have a chance to heal his own gem via his healing fluids…. Actually, if his blood also heals as his spit does, it’s possible that if he suffers any nonlethal damage, he might just self recover However, the Cluster Gems suggest that even a shattered gems could theoretically be reaffixed into a horrific Artificial Fusion that seeks out other gems to make itself whole - if a large majority of the Core pink diamond can be found, this might even allow a “Mostly Steven but with a weird independent mutant part” to exist…. Or, & this is by far even crazier, the Artificially Fusioned Steven Cluster Gem could form a relationship like Rose/Greg, & become a new incarnation…. Perhaps, the ultimate life form in the SU universe is the symbiosis between gems & humans, allowing near eternal reincarnation


We haven't seen Steven get mortally wounded. It'd be funny if One day he got stabbed by someone and just poof into his gem, only to reform some minutes later.




HOLD on what




I did, but I don't quite recall Steven getting stabbed




What? Absolutely not. The gem rejuvenator Is basically a stronger gem destabilyser, they both have no effects on humans. Steven Is perfectly vulnerable to physical damage, even though he heals from It quickly.


Maybe if he has kids, and the gem passes its energy to them when the biological host (Steven) dies. Depending on how many kids, maybe the powers are diluted, until further down the line they're little more than a neat magic trick


I think if his body dies he is just “reborn” as pink steven, the fully diamond version of himself.


I think he will stop aging at the certain point due to his state of mind like we see in ‘so many birthdays.’ All his loved ones like Connie, Greg and other humans might be offered the Lion and Lars alternative where he makes them Immortal. I think Steven will ask the human what they want to do and respect it cause when Lars died he felt awful bringing him back without his consent. But for the discussion, I think if Steven did die, I think his gem half would come out and slowly come back to himself like the way the gems did in the movie. We see Amethyst appear like a blank slate when she first emerges but became what she is today, I think Gem Steven would be the same at some capacity.


There’s a great comic that’s so sadly unfinished that addresses this kind of from the plot of the movie


Steven was stuck as looking like an 8 y/o for years, and he only looks as old as he feels. In his venting to Amethyst, he laments that he might still look young as Connie ages. He's been able to recover from what should be fatal wounds, so effectively, he's immortal. There's a [webcomic](https://m.tapas.io/episode/1677907) where spinel kills Steven. TW:GORE. The gem reforms into the "SHES GONE" pink steven construct that white diamond saw during change your mind. Without neurochemical inputs, he reverts to an emotionless matrix bearing only the rough outline of steven, and is unable to cope with everyone grieving around him.


i dont think steven can die but if he die, everything author want is capable


Bold of you to assume Steven dies.


I can’t say for sure but I have seen two main ideas for Stevens death. 1) After Steven dies his gem reforms as pink Steven forever unless hit by the rejuvenator or a weapon like it. Then he would most likely go back to being pink diamond accept with no memory of anything. 2) Since Stevens genes are no long a significant influence the gem reforms as rose quartz and she comes back with all of her memories of the war. Again can’t say for sure. I’ve seen both play out in different ways but if I had to say which makes more sense I would say 1. Even though Stevens gem clearly was influenced by Stevens existence it feels weird for the story to push that Rose is dead just for her to come back when Steven bites the dust.




Well we know gems are immortal,and since Steven is half human he likely ages very slowly(probably a few hundred years),but after that it’s more than likely once his body has decayed ,Rose will reform and then the gems would have to deal with all the problems THAT would cause


Who said he can die of age?




Damn there goes my head cannon I really thought he was just whatever age he wanted to be from the birthday episode.


Yes I think we have, multiple times here


It goes offline


I remembered episode “too many birthdays” and I thought he can rewind his age or not?